Calvary Temple



Sunday morning and evening sermon podcasts from Calvary Temple, a Pentecostal church in Campbell California. Pastor Dennis Conner.


  • Lead Me To The Rock That Is Higher Than I


    The book of II Samuel chronicles some of the despair and devastation that King David suffered in his lifetime; some of which was his own making. But even when almost everyone he loved and trusted had betrayed him and even tried to murder him and steal the throne, led by his own beloved son Absalom, David kept his heart humble and cried unto God for deliverance. The twists and turns in this book are numerous, but through it all, even when his heart was overwhelmed, as he wrote in Psalms 61:1-6, he called upon the Rock of his Salvation to save him.

  • A Perfect Heart


    There are not very many things in this fallen world that we would consider to be perfect.  Maybe a short list of God’s beautiful creation, and a newborn baby.  But, in Deuteronomy 18:10 God instructed the Israelites to walk perfectly before Him.  He meant that they should keep their hearts pure by worshipping Him only.  In doing so, He would see to it that they had everything they needed to live.  The Lord still expects us to live perfectly before Him.  That's why in Psalm 138:8 the Psalmist, David wrote: The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands. Speaking of his hands working perfection in himself. Psalm 57:2  I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth (completes, perfects) all things for me.  He can make a perfect heart.

  • Jesus and Healing


    In Mark 5:25 we find an amazing story where Jesus heals a woman who’d been sick for 12 long years. She’d done everything in her natural power, suffered many things at the hands of many doctors, yet, the scripture says she was no better, but grew worse. Until she heard about Jesus, and took some steps necessary to get to him and to her healing. Maybe you, too, need a healing. Jesus is fully able to perform what He’s promised and what He paid for at Calvary.

  • The Spirit of Truth & Antichrists


    In the book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to create anointing oil to anoint the priests, the tabernacle, and later, kings. In the New Testament, in the book of I John 2:20, John addressed the church and said that we have an unction from the Holy One. That UNCTION of the Holy Spirit of God is just like the smearing on of the anointing oil used in the Old Testament and this unction gives Christians the ability to know the difference between truth and lies. This is so important today because in Verse 22, the writer defines who the antichrists are. It's anyone who denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; that man is antichrist and the truth is not in him and neither does he know the Father. We must pay attention and know who is who.

  • Jesus, Our High Priest


    God set up two covenants to deal with the sins of mankind; the first covenant in the Old Testament, which relied upon priests from the tribe of Levi, to be the mediator between unholy men and the Most Holy God. They first had to offer sacrifices for themselves, to ensure that they didn’t die due to their own uncleanness before carrying out the sacrifices that could only symbolically and temporarily address the sins of others. But, in Hebrews Chapter 7, we read of a better covenant. One in which the Lord Jesus is our High Priest, and He does not need to cleanse himself before touching the lives of others, nor is He subject to sin, disease and death, ever.

  • What Did Jonah Miss?


    As familiar as we are with the story of Jonah, which we probably learned in our childhood Sunday School classes, we might miss the most important thread in the story…like Jonah did.Despite Jonah’s own disobedient childish behavior, including his argumentative and self-pitying attitude, God showed great love and compassion to him. He did the same for the sinful city of Ninevah, who were also disobedient and anti-God. When Jonah finally obeyed God and spoke the Word of the Lord to them, it caused them to turn from their evil ways and repent unto God. As God said in the very last verse of chapter 4: …”why shouldn’t I spare Ninevah”…after all, He’d spared Jonah!

  • Is Your Prayer Wheel Turning?


    Cleavant Derricks wrote a very popular song called "Just a Little Talk With Jesus" that has a line that says “I feel a little prayer wheel turning.” It makes me wonder, how well is my own prayer wheel turning? Sometimes we need a little help keeping an effective and consistent prayer life. Dick Eastman wrote a great book called The Hour that Changes the World, and we will look at his prayer wheel in this study.

  • Strive to Enter


    In Luke 13:24 Jesus told his disciples to STRIVE to ENTER through the narrow door; (King James says Straight GATE); for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Jesus felt this was so important that He included a similar admonition in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:13-14, Enter ye in at the STRAIT gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction. And many there be which go in there at. v.14 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Friend, I surely want to be one of those who are willing to strive to enter, don’t you?

  • Lord of the Sabbath


    God established the Sabbath day at the end of each week as a day of rest and communion with Him.  In AD365, Constantine decreed that the Catholic church would officially worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, to break the ties to the Saturday Sabbath practiced by the Jews.But Jesus said to the Pharisees, when they accused Him of breaking the laws of the Sabbath, I am the Lord of the Sabbath.  Jesus proved that the day upon which we worship, nor the systems of the laws of the Sabbath, are important. But what’s important is that He alone has the power to forgive the evil within the heart of man, heal a disease or give eternal life.

  • Prophetic Worship


    In I Chronicles, Chapters 23-27 is the story of King David, who in his last years assigned worshippers and musicians to carry on the work of leading worship in the Temple.   These men were of the Levite tribe and had a legacy of singing and playing instruments in the Temple.  In Chapter 25:1, these men were instructed to PROPHESY with their voices and all the instruments that were played in the worship service.  They were to use them to prophesy to the glory, and praise, and greatness of God! Even today, we are to use our God-given talents of singing and playing instruments in God’s house to prophesy to the world, by speaking out and playing music to proclaim the greatness of the Almighty God. 

  • What To Do While Waiting


    Waiting is so hard.  Abraham and Sarah had to wait into their old age for their son of promise to be born.  Moses waited 40 years to lead the Children of Israel to the Promised Land. But, they had direct promises from God to hold onto while they waited. But, sometimes, there is no direct promise from God and we must continue on, still waiting.  What can we do during these times of waiting?  The Lord will use these times of waiting to teach us submissiveness; to grow our faith in Him, and to make us more like Him in every way.  

  • Jesus, Son of God


    In Luke 1:30 The angel, Gabriel, announced the birth of Jesus to Mary and said, He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest (or, the Most High God). This is not the only mention that the Christ Child would be the Son of God. And yet, Jesus was put to death because he claimed to be the Son of God. In Psalm 2:7 The Lord himself confirmed it. He said,…Thou art My SON; this day have I begotten thee. And again, this same scripture was quoted in Acts 13:33, God hath fulfilled the same unto us…; as it is also written in the second Psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. Aren’t you so thankful that we have been assured that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, and when we pray to the Father in Jesus’ name, we are indeed accessing the very Son of God.

  • Unto Us A Child Is Born


    Before King Ahaz assumed the throne of Israel, Baal worship had been eliminated in all 10 tribes in Judah. But Ahaz was so wicked that he sacrificed his own son to the false god and imposed every ungodly act of sin upon the people. So, it was in the midst of all this shaking, and the utter contempt for anything holy, that was coming down from the wicked King that the Lord sent hope through the Prophet, Isaiah! Isaiah 9:6-7: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Price of Peace. We have the promise of the Father and the gift of the Son, even in the midst of our own shaking. Thank God for sending his Unspeakable Gift!

  • Jesus Will Meet You Where You Are


    Do you wonder where God is in your pain?  Do you wonder if he forgot about you?  Maybe you even wonder if he’s real?  You’re not the only one. Some people in the Bible wondered, also.  But the thing is, Jesus will meet you where you are. In your pain, your doubt, your messy life.  Thomas doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead, until Jesus met him at the point of his doubt and showed him his scars.  Nicodemus didn’t want to be seen with Jesus, until Jesus met him at his point of fear and changed his life. In this message I tell a story of a woman who met Jesus…in a near-death experience and showed her the purpose in her pain.  He truly will meet us where we are.

  • His Banner


    Roses, lilies, banners and standards. These are a few of the things the Lord, Jesus Christ, is to the church. He's the sweetness of the Rose of Sharon, the peace of the Lily of the Valleys, the love and protection of the banner over us, as referenced in Song of Solomon 2:1-4, and the righteousness and judgment of the standard of God in Isaiah 59:19. He’s provided all of this and so much more, for his beloved church.

  • A Heavenly Exchange


    I Corinthians 15 tells us that we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God with perishable, earthly bodies. But, Verse 57 says, Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have victory over death through Him. Some of the events that will happen at the rapture are described in this chapter. Those who’ve already died as Christians, and those who are still alive in Christ when the trumpet sounds signaling the rapture, will receive new, heavenly bodies to replace the old, perishable, earthly bodies.This divine exchange enables us to inherit the Kingdom of God, eternally. Indeed, thanks be to God for this victory in Christ!

  • Pride & Thanksgiving


    Pride and thanksgiving cannot co-exist. The Bible tells us in I John that the pride of life is not of God. Pride has absolutely nothing to do with the Father. But sometimes, we focus only on ourselves, looking inward and just around us and cannot see the things for which we should be truly thankful. These things are not tangibles, but they are about Him: Who he is; What He’s done; What He’s promised us. These are the things for which we should be truly thankful. Are you?

  • The Role of Baptism for Believers


    This Sunday morning our guest speaker Tracy Falcocchia shares a revelation about water baptism and the role that it plays in the life of a Christian.

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