Craig Peterson's Tech Talk



ClearChannel Radio's Number One Weekend Tech Show in the Boston Market -- More Than 20,000,000 Podcast Downloads! Craig interviews top industry insiders and explains the technology secrets everyone needs to


  • Take Control of Your Privacy: Windows Switches Unveiled

    27/10/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    In an era where online threats lurk around every corner, controlling your privacy becomes paramount, whether you're a tech-savvy business magnate or an everyday Internet user. Three words can make all the difference: Control Your Privacy. And where better to start than by exploring the little-known but incredibly potent switches concealed within your Windows system? Join the ranks of the online safety-first-squad and say a resounding YES to harnessing the hidden switches that will turn your digital life from a potential vulnerability into an impregnable fortress. Your online journey is about to transform, and your peace of mind is set to skyrocket. Exploring Key Topics within the Article: First Three Flavors of Mobile Malware Dive deep into the initial three flavors of mobile malware that can put your digital security at risk. Learn how Windows switches can help protect your mobile devices from these insidious threats. Side Loaded Apps Understand the risks associated with side-loaded apps and how you can util

  • Unlocking the Power of AI: How Your Beliefs Shape Responses

    20/10/2023 Duración: 01h22min

    In an age dominated by technological advancements, the influence of AI has become increasingly pervasive. But have you ever considered that your beliefs about AI might be influencing the way it responds to you? Recent research conducted by Pat Pataranutaporn at the M.I.T. Media Lab sheds light on the intriguing connection between user bias and AI responses, revealing what has been coined the "AI placebo effect." This groundbreaking study emphasizes the profound impact of user belief on AI interactions, and it's not just limited to ChatGPT and Claude 2; it extends to various aspects of our digital lives. To illustrate this phenomenon, let's delve into a few pertinent topics. Passkeys Instead of Passwords: Are your preferences for passkeys or traditional passwords shaped by your AI beliefs? AI Chatbots and Terrorism: Surprisingly, your perspective on AI may impact how you perceive AI's role in counterterrorism efforts. Google AI-Powered Search Results: Ever wondered if your AI beliefs influence the information

  • Stealth Mode On: Empower Your Cyber Game with Hidden Windows Switches

    13/10/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    With today's digital landscape, safeguarding your online privacy is a non-negotiable priority, regardless of whether you're a tech-savvy business magnate or an everyday Joe. To ensure your digital life remains your own, let's delve into the intriguing world of hidden Windows switches that can revolutionize your online security. Are you ready to master your cyber cloak-and-dagger game? Keep reading as we take a closer look at the hidden features that Windows has to offer. Is Self-Driving Faster: The race for autonomous vehicles has captured our imagination, promising faster commutes and increased efficiency. But speed isn't the only factor at play in this high-stakes game. Self-Driving is Not Safer: Contrary to popular belief, the road to self-driving cars may not be paved with safety. We'll uncover the surprising truth about the risks involved. No Longer About Learn to Code: In this era of rapid technological advancement, learning to code isn't the only path to success. Discover how hidden Windows switches ca

  • SMBs, Cyber Threats, and Survival Tactics: A Must-Read Guide

    06/10/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Step into the world of small businesses, the true underdogs, and the relentless cyber threats they face daily. In the digital age, protecting these economic powerhouses is anything but straightforward! Behind the scenes, malicious attacks and stealthy data breaches lurk, poised to strike. But fret not, champions of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)! To safeguard your empire, you must fortify your network infrastructure, secure point-of-sale systems, and shield your CRM systems. Your most trusted allies in this battle are rock-solid passwords and timely updates. Don't overlook the defense of your financial systems, remote access tools, websites, e-commerce platforms, and cloud-based services; they should be as impenetrable as Fort Knox. And don't underestimate the importance of protecting those omnipresent mobile devices! Prepare to be enlightened about the crucial strategies that will keep your SMB safe in the digital wilderness. Dive in here:  Protecting the Underdogs: Safeguarding Your Small Business

  • The Shocking Reality of iPhone Radiation: Separating Fact from Fiction

    29/09/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    In an era where technology permeates every facet of our lives, concerns about radiation emissions from our beloved gadgets often creep into our thoughts. But before you start picturing yourself mutating into an alien, let's clarify that the radiation we're talking about here is of the "non-ionizing" variety, akin to soaking up the sun's rays on a pleasant day. No need for nuclear energy-level panic. Recently, the iPhone 12 Pro received a resounding vote of confidence from French regulators, assuring us that it's well within safety limits. So, put your iPhone-related worries on hold. And as for Bluetooth's blue waves, they're not causing any ripples in the danger pond either. But hold on to your digital seats because this article isn't just about iPhones and radiation; it's a journey through the tech-scape that explores vital topics such as browser security, quishing, underwater mega volcanoes, phishing tips, the first-ever phishing victims, Barracuda breaches, and even the electrifying world of Tesla's electr

  • Unveiling the Dark Secrets of BEC Scammers

    22/09/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    In the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime, the Business Email Compromise (BEC) has emerged as a potent weapon for hackers and scammers to dismantle businesses and siphon off enormous sums of money. A recent incident involving a US hoser operating from Brazil highlights the gravity of this threat. This individual's audacious $3 million BEC scheme played out like a thriller, involving doppelganger tactics, international wire transfers, and a successful hoodwinking of an oil company that parted with a staggering $651,000, thinking it was headed to Portugal. However, this story isn't just a remote incident that you can brush aside. BEC, as the name suggests, compromises the very essence of business communication through emails. In this article, we will delve into the world of BEC attacks, exploring how they work and how hackers like the hoser in Brazil use your email to deceive and steal. But that's not all; we'll also touch upon some surprising connections, including the intersection of BEC with the world of

  • Don't Be a Victim: Smartphone Cybersecurity Unveiled

    15/09/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Hello, tech-savvy fans! Today, we're diving into a critical topic that demands your attention - safeguarding your smartphone from stealthy cyber attacks, particularly a notorious one called whaling. But hold your harpoons, we're not just talking about any aquatic adventure here! Whaling is a sophisticated form of phishing attack that sets its sights on individuals with substantial savings and senior executives within organizations. So, what's the catch? Cybercriminals orchestrating whaling attacks are on a mission to obtain valuable credentials and access sensitive bank information. They deploy cunning tactics, often disguising their intentions in emails that resemble legal subpoenas, customer complaints, or other executive-level correspondence. This comprehensive guide equips you with the essential knowledge and tools to safeguard your smartphone against potential cyber threats. From tips on recognizing phishing attempts (Barracuda's insights included) to understanding the reasons behind automatic updates an

  • Outsmarting the Unseen: Defend Your Smartphone from Covert Cyber Attacks

    08/09/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    In today's digitally driven world, our smartphones are indispensable extensions of ourselves. They hold our deepest secrets, sensitive information, and personal memories. However, this convenience comes at a price, as these prized possessions have also become prime targets for covert cyber attacks. In this article, we embark on a journey to unveil the hidden dangers lurking in the digital shadows and arm you with the knowledge to safeguard your smartphone effectively. The First Three Flavors of Mobile Malware: Unmasking the Threat Our exploration begins with the first three flavors of mobile malware – a sinister world where malicious software can infiltrate your smartphone without you even knowing. Learn how these stealthy invaders operate and how to detect and eliminate them before they wreak havoc on your device. Beware of Side Loaded Apps: The Trojan Horses of the Digital Age Side-loaded apps, though alluring, can be the Trojan horses that cyber attackers use to breach your smartphone's defenses. We'll del

  • Digital Responsibility: How Hackers Get Your Data and What You Can Do About It

    01/09/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    In an ever-evolving digital landscape, where hackers and spies lurk in the shadows, safeguarding your smartphone has never been more critical.  Cybercriminals are becoming as crafty as cat burglars, slipping through the cracks of our digital defenses, and targeting your most sensitive information. Today, we embark on a journey through the labyrinth of cyber threats, armed with knowledge and a determination to keep your smartphone secure. 1. The Payment Delivery Scam Unmasked Our first destination is the treacherous realm of payment delivery scams, a cunning ploy orchestrated by cybercriminals to compromise your financial security. Imagine a scenario where you've barely made any recent purchases, yet a seemingly trusted supplier insists on updating your credit card information. Sounds suspicious, right? We'll expose the insidious tactics behind this scam and reveal how you can protect yourself. 2. Doxxing: Tracing the Origins and Defending Your Data Next, we delve deep into the unsettling world of doxxing. Whe

  • Warriors Wanted: Secure Your Smartphone Before It's Too Late!

    25/08/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    The digital landscape is a battleground. As the Tactical Octopus Gang orchestrates intricate schemes and the debate over Global Warming Hoax Princeton and MIT rages on, a new threat looms large: hackers and spies targeting your smartphone. In a world where even Direct Air Capture Systems can't purify your device from virtual invaders, it's time to fortify your defenses. In-person vs. Zoom Meetings are a dilemma, but amid this, hackers seize opportunities. Your smartphone, brimming with personal and sensitive data, becomes their prized possession. The urgency to arm yourself against this modern-day onslaught cannot be overstated. But where to begin? Start by shattering their tactics. Navigate the maze of catchy email attachments, cleverly named to trick you. "" or "" might seem innocent, but they house sinister intent. Hesitate, and you're already ensnared. Yet, hope gleams on the horizon. Online Privacy Browsers stand as stalwart guardians, but hackers adapt. This batt

  • Hacker-Proof Your Smartphone: Stay Ahead of Digital Spies with These Expert Tips!

    18/08/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Your smartphone, that tiny marvel of technology, holds the key to your world - your personal information, contacts, photos, and more. But lurking in the digital shadows are hackers and spies, waiting to exploit every chink in your smartphone's armor. In this age of connectivity, safeguarding your micro-computer is no longer just an option – it's a necessity. Join us as we unveil a treasure trove of knowledge to empower you on the digital battlefield. Phishing Tips: Avoiding the Siren's Call Ever been lured by a cleverly disguised email or text? You're not alone. Phishing has become a potent weapon in the hacker's arsenal. Learn the art of deciphering suspicious messages and thwarting their attempts to reel you in. Phishing Victims First Ever: Tales of Triumph and Tragedy Delve into the gripping narratives of those who fell victim to phishing attacks, revealing the devastating consequences of digital deception. Discover their stories of recovery, resilience, and the lessons they've learned. Barracuda Breach: N

  • Navigating the Web's Danger Zones: A Deep Dive into Browser Security

    11/08/2023 Duración: 01h26min

    Embark on a riveting cyber adventure like no other, intrepid digital explorers! Brace yourselves for an eye-opening journey into the realm of "Browser Security: Safeguarding Your Online Odyssey." Bid farewell to mundane tech advice – we're about to unveil the secrets of the digital savannah where cyber predators lurk behind unsuspecting links. Imagine your browser as the valiant Indiana Jones of this sprawling web jungle. But even our trusty explorer needs reinforcements. Learn the art of deciphering its warning signals – a modern-day SOS to steer clear of lurking dangers. And just like precious gold, guard your passwords with unwavering vigilance. Because who wants an embarrassing search history mishap during a crucial meeting? (We've all been there, haven't we?

  • Invisible Invaders: The Devastating Impact of Android Malware on Your Digital Life

    04/08/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    Malware, the silent enemy lurking in the digital shadows, has become a formidable threat to our ever-connected lives. With Android users facing an alarming 50 times more attack than their Apple counterparts, it's evident that cyber adversaries have their sights set on the famous 'little green bot.' As we navigate the digital landscape, safeguarding ourselves and our loved ones becomes an urgent necessity. In this eye-opening article, we delve deep into the world of Android malware and its devastating consequences on your digital life. From the vulnerable digital playgrounds our kids inhabit to the emerging concerns of rapid onset gender dysphoria and the chilling suicide risks stemming from cyber threats, we leave no stone unturned. Moreover, we explore the role of parental control software in protecting the innocence of our children and the importance of patching firewalls and WiFi to ensure our devices remain fortified against potential invasions. As we unravel the reasons why people neglect essential updat

  • Safeguarding Your Privacy: Unveiling the Truth Behind Windows Data Collection

    28/07/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Greetings, fellow guardians of digital security! Today, we embark on an exhilarating journey to unravel the enigmatic world of Microsoft Windows and the clandestine data-gathering practices it conceals. Windows 11 and Windows 10, cherished by millions worldwide, harbor a well-kept secret—they quietly amass your personal information. Fret not, my dear readers, for I have armed myself with invaluable insights to reinforce your privacy defenses. Let us embark on this adventure, empowering ourselves against the lurking risks! In this captivating exposé, we'll delve into the lesser-known VPN risks that emerge when using Windows OS. I'll share essential tips on fortifying your online privacy against prying eyes. But that's not all; we'll also uncover the art of using fake emails to keep your identity safe from snoopers. The intrigue heightens as we venture into the depths of the dark web with the Onion Network TOR Browser and Windows. And for those of you intrigued by the intersection of technology and transportati

  • Stay One Step Ahead: Mastering Patching with these 10 Strategies

    21/07/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    In a world where the digital landscape is riddled with potential threats, it's essential to armor up and protect yourself from hidden dangers. The recent controversy surrounding ChatGPT OpenAI's investigation by the FTC serves as a stark reminder of the perils lurking in the shadows. As you navigate the vast sea of information, it's easy to overlook the critical aspects of online security, such as patching and patchware. Fear not, for there's a beacon of hope amidst this digital labyrinth—patches. Whether you're worried about losing jobs by the 2030s or concerned about your smart devices spying on you, these small but powerful updates hold the key to maintaining your online fortress. Picture this: your devices, be it your phone, computer, or TV, are all shielded with layers of impenetrable security, thanks to timely patches. But it's not just about waiting for updates to appear magically; it's about arming yourself with knowledge and implementing proven strategies that ensure you never miss a patch. Are you s

  • Beyond Updates: Uncovering Other Potential Problems to Stay Safe

    14/07/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Avast, savvy cyber-citizens! Are you tired of feeling like Captain Ahab, forever chasing the elusive white whale of data security in the vast sea of our hybrid workspaces? Fear not, for we bring you a trove of invaluable tools to help you battle cyber threats like a seasoned digital pirate! Here are the topics we'll uncover today: Phishing Tips Barracuda Breach Automatic Updates Why First Reasons for Problems Phishing Victims First Ever Electric Vehicle Charging Tesla Other Potential Update Problems Confabulation Real Dangers of AI Our trusted scribe, Craig Peterson, has charted a course to a secure treasure trove of solutions. X marks the spot where you'll discover the power of Password Manager (1Password), the prowess of Malwarebytes in fending off virtual Krakens, and the reliability of Windows System Utilities in keeping your ship sailing smoothly. But heed this warning, me hearties! The depths below are treacherous, with human error lurking beneath the waves, waiting to ensnare unsuspecting sailors. Le

  • Secure, but Not Invincible: Dispelling Myths about Strong Passwords and Website Vulnerabilities

    01/07/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    Welcome to another episode of Tech Talk with Craig Peterson podcast that separates fact from fiction when it comes to keeping your information safe and secure in the digital world. In this episode, we dive deep into the misconceptions surrounding online safety and provide you with the knowledge to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion! Main Points: 1. VPN Risks: Unraveling the truth about the risks associated with VPNs and their impact on online privacy. Understanding when and how to use VPNs effectively for enhanced security. 2. Online Privacy: Exploring the complexities of online privacy and debunking common myths. Practical tips to safeguard your personal information and maintain online privacy. 3. Using Fake Emails: Exposing the dangers of fake emails and the potential risks they pose. Educating listeners on how to identify and avoid falling victim to email scams. 4. Onion Network TOR Browser: Demystifying the Onion Network and TOR Browser, p

  • Bulletproof Your Transactions: Insider Tips for Outwitting Scammers

    24/06/2023 Duración: 01h18min

    In this eye-opening episode, we delve into the world of buying and selling scams and equip you with the essential knowledge to safeguard your online transactions. Join us as we explore the best antivirus software and online privacy browsers to fortify your digital defenses. Discover the importance of checking if your personal information has been compromised with "Have I Been Pawned," and learn how two-factor authentication (FA MFA) can add an extra layer of security to your accounts. We also delve into why it's crucial to exercise caution with specific tools and platforms, uncovering potential pitfalls and red flags. Unravel the mystery of ransomware and learn proactive measures to take if you become a victim. Stay one step ahead of phishing scams by understanding their tactics and how to identify and avoid them. Plus, gain valuable insights into advanced persistent threats (APTs) and their impact on your personal and financial security. To ensure you're well-informed about the latest scams, we provide an im

  • Secure & Informed: Essential Tips to Shield Yourself from Phishing Attacks

    17/06/2023 Duración: 01h27min

    In this week's podcast, let's dive deep into the world of cybersecurity, focusing on essential tips to shield yourself from phishing attacks. Discover how to fortify your defenses against these deceptive tactics, safeguard your personal information, and navigate the digital landscape with confidence.   Join us as we explore crucial topics such as automatic updates, the real dangers of confabulation, and the recent Barracuda breach.   With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, it's crucial to stay one step ahead. Our expert guests share valuable insights and actionable advice to help you strengthen your online security practices. Learn how to identify and avoid phishing scams, understand the importance of automatic updates, and grasp the real risks associated with confabulation. Don't miss out on this opportunity to protect yourself, your data, and your digital life.   To further deepen your knowledge, read the related article on phishing protection below: Essential Tips to Shield Yourself from Ph

  • Beyond Likes and Comments: Empowering Parents with Craig's Cutting-Edge Strategies for Managing Children's Social Media Use

    10/06/2023 Duración: 01h15min

    In this episode, we delve into the world of digital parenting and equip you with the necessary knowledge to navigate your children's social media activities. Join us as we explore Craig's comprehensive guide, which provides cutting-edge strategies for managing and regulating your kids' online presence. Episode Highlights: Learn how to set up parental controls on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Discover reliable third-party apps and tools that can simplify monitoring your children's social media use. Understand the significance of open communication with your kids about their online activities. Gain insights into effective talking points to address with your children regarding responsible social media behavior. Explore additional resources and recommendations to enhance your digital parenting journey further. Other topics discussed in this podcast: The Threat to Our Kids Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria Why People Don't Patch Patching Firewalls and WiFi Futility of Insurance

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