Craig Peterson's Tech Talk



ClearChannel Radio's Number One Weekend Tech Show in the Boston Market -- More Than 20,000,000 Podcast Downloads! Craig interviews top industry insiders and explains the technology secrets everyone needs to


  • AS HEARD ON - The Jim Polito Show - WTAG 580 AM: Science driven by politics and the Imperial College Scam by Neil Ferguson

    22/05/2020 Duración: 11min

    Welcome! Good morning, everybody. I was on with Jim Polito. We discussed the scam epidemiologist, Neil Ferguson, and Science is driven by Politics. So, here we go with Steve Fornier For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: And the bottom line is this guy is anything but a scientist. And I don't know if you are not, Hey guys, everything has reset. Everything has changed. In fact, I've heard what we're in right now called the great reset. So there are some major advantages coming your way. And I talked about those with Jim Polito this morning on WTAG and WHYN. [00:00:27]Jim Polito: this is the guy everybody loves when they hear him coming on the show. Everybody loves now that they get to hear him throughout the day and during programs on the WTAG and WHYN with his tech tips. I'm talking about our good friend Craig Peterson, the tech talk guru. How are you, sir? [00:00:49]Good morning. I'm doing well this morning. [00:00:52] Look

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: We were scammed by UK Researcher

    22/05/2020 Duración: 04min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. About the information that came from Niel Ferguson at the Imperial College in the UK. Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hey, good morning everybody. Craig Peterson here. The man that started this whole Coronavirus thing over there in the UK. Turns out he's more of a, frankly kind of a scammer than anything else. I talked about that this morning with Mr. Jack Heath. In fact, he's such a scammer. He didn't even obey his own rules. We also got into a little bit about what should businesses be doing now that we have been in that lockdown mode for a while now. [00:00:31] Jack Heath: All right, Craig Peterson, our tech talk guy checks in. Craig, how are you this morning? [00:00:36] Craig Peterson: Hey, good morning. I don't know if you've seen what's going on right now over the UK, but this Neil Fer

  • Welcome! The Truth Behind The Covid-19 Numbers and Neil Ferguson and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    22/05/2020 Duración: 12min

    Welcome!   We are still locked down due to this Pandemic and quite a bit is now being revealed about the "Model Scam" that got this whole thing started and why we are in the position we are in. So sit back on your patio with a cool drink and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hey everybody. Welcome back. Craig Peterson here on WGAN. I am going to talk about something that's going to upset a few people. I'm sure I can hear it now. There was a great article this week, from City Journal and city is where you'll find it online. CJ is what they call themselves. [00:00:28] They've got a lot of interesting stuff about really about London, about the UK, but here also in the US, they've got an eye on the news, the politics of fear, talking about economists and what's happening here. it just goes on and on. They've got a lot of very, very, very cool stuff. A bunch of things, Manhattan Institute as well. [00:

  • Welcome! Business surveillance, WordPress vulnerability, and Big Tech and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    15/05/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    Welcome!   For being locked down do to this Pandemic there is certainly a lot of technology in the news this week.  So let's get into it.  We are finding that managers are surveilling their employees, probably a little more than necessary and an uptick in VPN usage. Big Tech is strangling us and WordPress has a vulnerability plus much more   So sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hey everybody. Craig Peterson here on WGAN. Spring is in the air. I am so excited about this, you know, I love pretty much every season. I was just thinking the other day how I missed not having, you know, like crunchy snow that you can walk on. I know you might think I'm crazy, right? I know other family members of mine who absolutely think I'm crazy, but it's, maybe it's just a thing from my childhood, you know, being 40 degrees below zero and being outside and just walking in the snow and just having a crunch, crunch, c

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: Management Using Surveillance, Critical Infrastructure Hacks, Aftermath of Covid-19 on Businesses

    11/05/2020 Duración: 05min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We talked about Management using technology to surveil their employees. How meetings over collaboration software may be interfering with employee work, the FBI warns about hacks on critical infrastructure. Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Managers are now turning to surveillance software. These always-on webcams, in some cases, webcams and screen captures, capture that kind of capture things often on it. I think this is going to be a little bit of an issue for people. Hi, everybody. Greg Peterson here, of course, that's me with Jack Heath this morning. We're talking about the unintended consequences of monitoring employees while they're working from home. Jack Welcome back. Craig Peterson. Tech Talk guy and Craig. Justin asked a question in the last break. Are you ready for this? Craig? All right. He a

  • Welcome! Business Post Covid, Corona Virus Scams, Phishing, Microsoft Teams Hacks and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    08/05/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    Welcome!   For being locked down do to this Pandemic there is certainly a lot of technology in the news this week.  So let's get into it.  President Trump issued an Executive Order to protect our Electric Grid from using equipment not manufactured in the US, Microsoft Teams is under attack, Phishing and Ransomware are in the News and What will Post-COVID Business look like? So sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hey everybody, welcome Craig Peterson here on WGAN. It is quite a week. I just can't believe how fast time is going. So many people are at home with nothing much to do, they're watching Netflix, et cetera, and I am busier than ever just trying to help people out and I'm going to be doing more free training and stuff over the next couple of weeks. Now I've just been so, so busy. I don't know if you've heard any of my features here on the radio station. They're supposed to have started airing

  • AS HEARD ON - The Jim Polito Show - WTAG 580 AM: Post-Covid Business and Dyson has Free Engineering Kits for Kids

    05/05/2020 Duración: 14min

    Welcome! Good morning, everybody. I was on with Steve Fornier this morning who was sitting in for Jim Polito. We discussed what the James Dyson Foundation is providing to families to interest their kids in Engineering and what the Business world will look like post-COVID. So, here we go with Steve Fornier For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig So what we did is we took the opportunity with her to say, Okay, well, let's do it. Let's make here's a recipe with feeds four people. So now we need to feed six people. So at the age of about five or six, she was doing fractions in her head. Hey, we went through a few more tips this morning. And Mr. Jim Polito is out. So Steve Fornier is sitting in for him. And I managed to work murder Hornets into this morning's interview, so here we go. Steve Welcome back to the Jim Polito show. It is Steve Fornier here in Springfield in for Jim this morning. And again, I a guy that I think is just such a val

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: Asian Murder Hornets and Google Poisoning

    05/05/2020 Duración: 06min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We talked about the new infestation from Asia to our continent, the Asian Murder Hornet.  We also discussed the importance of being careful when you search online for information because in many cases, Google results have been poisoned.  Which means you will not get the results you are looking for. Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Jack and I, we're just talking about those $500 checks for dependents. Don't only search online. Poisoning of results on Google and as well as on a number of the other search engines is occurring. Now, if I send you to places, they'll send it to sites you don't want to visit. Craig Hey, everybody, Craig Peterson here. I hope you're having a decent day. I had fun with Jack Heath on his morning drive show, carried on I heart stations and others. He's on several stations and net

  • Welcome! Microsoft Collaboration Machine Learning, Apple Ditches Intel for Proprietary Chip, Amazon and Third_Parties and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    02/05/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    Welcome!   For being locked down do to this Pandemic there is certainly a lot of technology in the news this week.  So lets get into it.  I will give you my take on a recent federal court ruling about the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and website terms of use policies. We will discuss the many risks that medical device manufacturers are introducing into hospitals, clinics, and patients. We have a couple of stories about Apple, first off they are ditching INTEL and designing their processors and why the fake news media is so eager to announce problems with their architecture even when it does not exist and much more. So sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson: Hi everybody. Craig Peterson here another week with the Corona virus, I guess. Well, the latest coronavirus, right? This one is it called?  Corona, SARS two. Cause it's another version of the SARS virus. Hey Craig Peterson,  here on WGAN heard every

  • AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings News with Matt Gagnon: Security Issues Introduced by Internet-Connected Medical Devices know as IoMT and more

    01/05/2020 Duración: 07min

    Good morning everybody! I was on with Matt this morning and we had a good discussion about the security problems introduced by internet-connected medical devices know as IoMT. Let's get into my conversation with Matt on WGAN. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig We still today have some of that same equipment that hospitals had 20 years ago. And most of it never gets updated. And the big reason is they say, Well listen, if we change the software in it if we do an update or an upgrade then recertification is necessary. Hey, happy hump day, everybody. Greg Peters here on this morning on mains radio stations with Matt, and we talked about a couple of my top issues this week. Matt always picks the best ones out of the hat. Matt 736 on the WGAN Morning News. It is Wednesday morning. On a Wednesday at that time means that it's time to talk to Craig Peterson, our tech guru joins us on Wednesdays to talk about all things technology. Cr

  • AS HEARD ON - The Jim Polito Show - WTAG 580 AM: Understanding the SBA System Crash and more

    28/04/2020 Duración: 14min

    Welcome! Good morning, everybody. I was on with Jim Polito this morning. We discussed some of the problems that the Small Business Administration is having with their computer architecture and why it crashed while trying to process requests for these small business saving loans from the Federal Government.  So, here we go with Jim Polito For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig What ended up happening is that the SBA PPP portal site crashed. Now, you can make these websites so that they run even with the Intel hardware. You tend to have clusters you have the models scale, but they didn't do it. Good morning, everybody. I was on with Mr. Jim Polito on WTAG also in Springfield, Mass on why and how. Let's get into it with Jim and me in his kitchen. Jim Here is the man with the plan and all the answers. I'm talking about our good friend and tech talk guru, Craig Peterson. Good morning, Craig. Craig Hey, good morning, Jim. I'm doing well tod

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: Cybersecurity Demands In a Post Corona Business Climate

    27/04/2020 Duración: 03min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We talked about the demand for Cybersecurity professionals and Information Technology specialists and the future of business in our post Corona environment.  Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: All right,  right now, Craig Peterson, our tech talk guy, it is a lot of technology going on, Craig, and it's not going to stop and colleges are trying to figure out are they going to be open this fall and have people on campus or not. [00:00:10] Good morning, Craig. Hey, good morning, Jack. Yeah, we've got an interesting trend happening in the I.T. world right now when it comes to jobs. There's a study that came up from Glass Door that said that all 50 States, of course, have seen drops in tech jobs, but the largest metropolitan areas are the ones that have seen the biggest hit as far as these technology jobs. [00:00:34

  • Welcome! Monitoring, Supply Chain, Conspiracy Theories, Hacks, China and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    24/04/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    Welcome!   We have a lot of technology in the news this week.  I will give you my take on the monitoring that the government is doing and why.  We will discuss contact tracing and how Big Tech is trying to come up with a solution.  What is this 5G conspiracy that is being bantered about and why is Amazon having delivery issues.  Linksys and Zoom are having problems and I will tell you what you need to do. And we will wrap up with China and US and what can be done about intellectual property theft and spying.  So sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Hello, everybody Craig Peterson here on WGAN and, of course, also heard every Wednesday morning at about 730 with Matt, as we discuss the latest issues of the day. And in fact, that's what we do here every weekend as well. So I do want to welcome you guys who some of you might be new. Some of you have been listening for a while now. I'm trying to remember when was my fir

  • AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings News with Matt Gagnon: Surveillance, Big Tech and the Covid-19 Pandemic and more

    23/04/2020 Duración: 08min

    Good morning everybody! I was on with Matt this morning and we had a good discussion about how big tech is trying to provide a technology standard for tracking pandemics using our smartphones and what this will mean to our privacy.  Let's get into my conversation with Matt on WGAN. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig There's a lot of people who are concerned about this so-called Patriot Act response to the COVID-19. We have Apple and Google working together to come up with a standard to use on our smartphone. Are you worried about whether or not the government's going to not only track you as part of this whole COVID-19 response but also do kind of a patriot act thing? Or they might try and force not us, our smartphone carriers to track us? Hi, this is Craig Peterson. Let's get into my conversation with Matt on WGAN. Matt It is 738, which means that it is time to talk to our tech guru Craig Peterson. He joins us every Wednesda

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: The Future of Work From Home in a Post-COVID-19 World

    20/04/2020 Duración: 07min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We discussed what we may expect in the future in regards to working from home in a post-COVID-19 world and why people may consider a new career during this time.  Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Peterson So you know, the bosses are looking over their shoulders, and they're getting a little bit messier job. You can think of this jack a little bit like what's happened over the years with some of the businesses that decided they weren't going to restrict the number of sick days people can have or vacation days, and some people are abusing it on both sides. Hi, everybody, Greg Peterson here on with Mr. Heath this morning, jack Keith and with New Hampshire today. And we were talking about the opportunities that are presenting themselves with this COVID-19 thing, as well as what businesses are doing to help

  • Welcome! HP Computer Vulnerabilities, Zoom Bombing, and mule recruiting for money laundering and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    18/04/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    Welcome!   We have a lot of technology in the news this week.  From Zoom bombing to Sextortion scams, it is going to be a busy and informative show -- so sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- What we covered today! We did a wrap up of our webinar activities offered by Craig this week. Then we covered Tencent has a new online game called Valorant that installs what amounts to a rootkit with all power on your computer Have you heard of Zoom-bombing?  Well, Zoom has a vulnerability that is currently being exploited.  It allows nonparticipants to jump into a zoom call and interrupt the meeting/conference. Did you purchase an HP computer for your business?  Turns out that since 2012 their poorly designed support assistant has vulnerabilities that are exploitable including local privilege flaws, remote code execution, and file deletion vulnerabilities. Numerous companies are marketing an alternative to password access, they have jumped on biometric fingerprint

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: Zoom and Zoom Bombing and More

    06/04/2020 Duración: 06min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We discussed video conferencing and the problems with the Zoom platform.  We also talked about Zoom bombing and how you can prevent it if you insist on using the Zoom platform. I do recommend the WebEx teams platform because it is currently the only one that meets the security required by these regulatory standards for businesses.  Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig But if you want to stop these Zoom bombs, there's a couple of things to do. First of all, every Zoom meeting has this nine-digit meeting ID. So number one, don't post that up online. Don't share that everywhere. Craig Hey, good morning, Craig Peterson here with Jack Heath this morning. I went through the productivity and collaboration tools that you should and those you should not use. You know, my opinions about Zoom, I'll even tell you some

  • Welcome! Remote Work and Work from Home Tools, Techniques and Tactics plus job opportunities and more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

    04/04/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    Welcome!   Since most of us are working at home or stuck at home without work I decided that we should go over the tools, techniques, and tactics we can use to make working from home easier.  Then for those who don't have work and want to do something, I go over companies that are hiring with remote work or work at home opportunities.  It is going to be a busy and informative show -- so sit back and listen in.  For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Hello everybody, Craig Peterson back here on WGAN. You know, by the way, I went ahead and checked out that new show on Netflix. It must be relatively new because it seems to have some footage from late last year in it. But this Tiger King show I don't know if you've seen it. People said you know you just can't stop watching it. I found it interesting and intriguing. I'm particularly interested in the fact that some of the people in this show our nuts, and this one particularly nutty woman has now

  • AS HEARD ON - The Jim Polito Show - WTAG 580 AM: VPNs and there usage and more

    31/03/2020 Duración: 09min

    Welcome!  Hey everyone.  I hope you are all doing well during this period of social distancing we are experiencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. If you are new to doing remote work or working from home then you are going to want to attend the series of webinars on tools, techniques, and tactics you can use to make this easier for you.  These are all offered at no charge. Later next week, I will be offering a live training course on securing your computers, networks, and browsers. This will be deeply discounted. No pressure, but if you are interested, I would appreciate your business. I was on with Jim Polito who was sitting in his kitchen under self-quarantine because the State of Massachusetts has advised their residents to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel and other unnecessary activities during this two-week time period. We discussed VPNs. What they are and when and why to use them and how to use them correctly. So, here we go with Jim Polito. For more tech tips, news, and updates visit - CraigPeterso

  • AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: How the COVID-19 Will Change Business Forever and More

    30/03/2020 Duración: 07min

    Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We discussed the Coronavirus, Covid-19, and how it is going to change business and education forever. Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Whereas before, it would be so unprofessional to hear a cat meow or child crying in the background that is now acceptable. You know you don't want to be in the middle of a ruckus while you're trying to do work, but overall, it is changing all of our attitudes. We're realizing, you know, people have lives outside of this. And we see this massive shift. Craig A good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. Hopefully, you're doing okay with this whole SARS2 Covid-19 thing that's been going around it, hey, it's a drag at the very least, right? Very, very stressful for so many of us for frankly, some good reasons. Anyhow, and that was me this morning with Mr. Jack Heath, and

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