John Hayward / Doctor Zero Podcasts

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Our freedom is not for sale, and we reserve the right to defend it from theft -- Audio Podcasts by Joe Koday


  • The Frozen Future


    The Tea Party movement is a rising tide of resistance to the all-consuming State. It has captured the attention of independent voters made nervous by the fabulously expensive failure of Obama-style socialism. But what can it say to those who already depend on the State for their provenance, including a growing payroll of government employees, […]

  • Impertinent Questions: Why Trust The Government?


    When the subprime mortgage crisis exploded in 2008, and the TARP bailouts were on the verge of passage, I wrote a letter to Jim DeMint. It was the second time I’ve written to a politician, the first being a letter of support to President Bush shortly after 9/11. (I described that letter in “Avenger of […]

  • Democrats Or The Devil


    Considering how hard Rolling Stone worked to make Barack Obama look good in their recent interview, it’s a pity they couldn’t bring themselves to cut the embarrassing “final thoughts” he insisted on appending: Click here to download / listen to the podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Impertinent Questions: Does the Constitution Matter?


    The rise of the Tea Party movement has encouraged a renewed interest in the Constitution, and the original intent of the Founders. The Left has taken to sneering that Constitution-worship is an infantile obsession, a pointless romance with the larval stage of a living document, which has evolved into a four trillion dollar monarch butterfly. […]

  • We Are Paying Attention


    The Left was unable to paint the Tea Party as anarchists, violent lunatics, or racists. The feeble attempt to suggest they should really be focusing their ire at George W. Bush or the Republican Party fizzled into embarrassed silence. Like a clumsy kid going deep into the dinnerware department to catch a Nerf football pass […]

  • The Ouroboros Revisited


    If you see yourself as a moderate, independent centrist, there is an image I would ask you to ponder: a great serpent consuming its own tail. It is called the Ouroboros, a symbol of eternity. I’ve written about it before. You can once again see its outline in recent events. Click here to download / […]

  • Doubling Down on O’Donnell


    The Delaware Senate race is like a game of Texas Hold-em that started slow, with boring cards on the table, and an obvious winner smirking over his hole cards. A few rounds later, everyone is frantically throwing chips onto a huge pile and waiting for the last card to be dealt. The early favorite folded […]

  • Impertinent Questions: Who Owns Our Money?


    Talk of tax cuts fills the air, which means the Left is getting fidgety. They’ve been forced to change from delirious big spenders who see a billion dollars as a rounding error, into flinty-eyed deficit hawks who insist raising taxes to reduce our massive budget deficit is the only responsible course of action. The speed […]

  • Hopelessness and Stasis


    President Obama kicked off his town hall meeting in Washington D.C. on Monday with the usual dreary whining that has made him such a bore to listen to. “I think we have to go back to what was happening when I was first sworn in… something that took 10 years to create is going to […]

  • The Job Creation and Small Business Relief Act of 2010


    Soaring unemployment rates are one of our greatest concerns. The government is having a lot of trouble coming up with legislation to create more jobs. I’d like to propose a bill that would create or save over half a million jobs over the next ten years, and reduce the tax burden on labor cost to […]

  • The Palin Card


    Marc Ambinder of The Atlantic thinks it’s time for the Obama Administration to play the “Palin Card,” setting the former governor of Alaska up as the target for some Alinsky-style frozen personal polarizing. He dismisses fears that such Presidential attention will elevate Palin to greater national prominence: Click here to download / listen to the […]

  • No More Control


    Even as the Tea Party grows in strength from another round of anti-establishment primaries, the Administration is serving weak tea in Washington. What to do about the moribund economy? Perhaps some more “stimulus” spending? Some more subsidies for politically agreeable businesses? Maybe the Democrats could leave the Bush tax cuts in place for the lower […]

  • To Battle the Unimaginable


    An odd little church in Florida touched off a global controversy by threatening to burn a Koran on September 11. They announced the burning had been postponed, but there have already been riots in Indonesia, and injuries in Afghanistan. Naturally, these riots have been accompanied by the burning of American flags. When rage and hatred […]

  • The Remora Economy


    Thomas Sowell begins his latest column with an idea that has long fascinated me: When people learn that you are an economist, they often want you to predict which way the economy is going. There seem to be more than the usual number of calls for such predictions lately. But an economist should be more […]

  • Hold The Stimulus And Pass The Tea


    President Obama “unveiled” his new “stimulus” plan in Wisconsin today. It was a lot like watching an alcoholic unveil his new plan to get sober by switching to lite beer . . . Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • Praise With Faint Damning


    In a Friday night post, Allahpundit followed up a dose of pure rotgut Alan Grayson insanity with a little milk of magnesia from the Atlantic Wire. It seems “many liberals” are “rejecting” the new book from Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the […]

  • After The Fall


    The November elections may well be the most historic reversal of political power in modern history. Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics thinks over 60 seats in the House could go Republican. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • History Written By The Losers


    Winston Churchill once observed that history is written by the victors. President Obama’s Tuesday night speech on the end of the combat mission in Iraq was an example of history being written by the losers. Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the entire essay

  • The Church of the State


    Glenn Beck’s enormous weekend rally in Washington has drawn some criticism for its religious character. Howling into the vacuum where CNN’s audience used to be, Bill Press declared the rally to be “a slap at both President Lincoln and Dr. King, not to mention the American people.” Dr. King, you see, gave his timeless “I […]

  • The Honor of a Great People


    Three hundred thousand people gathered in the Washington Mall on August 28, at the invitation of radio and TV host Glenn Beck, to discuss restoring the honor of the American people. How did a great people come to lose their honor? Click here to download / listen to the Podcast Click here to read the […]

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