Skip Hunt's Phlog (phone Blog)

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This podcast will vary from being general musings, to ambient sound captures, to travel reports from the road, to virtual sidekick field photography sessions. Skip Hunt is a wandering, wondering artist who travels, photographs, films and writes about adventure online. Here's a short bio from his fine art print site: 'I make images... so that all my moments will not be lost in time like tears in rain.' ~ Skip Hunt Skip Hunt, born on the wind-swept plains of Oklahoma, is a professional photographer in Austin, Texas. He picked up a 35mm camera in the mid-1970's and has never stopped sharing his unique vision via photographic images. Many moons ago, he was bitten hard by the wanderlust beast and has been canvassing the globe ever since. Visionary artists such as Pete Turner, David Lynch, Cindy Sherman, and Andre Kertesz set Skip's sight on a fine-art horizon early on. His insatiable thirst for rich color and even richer cultural exploration keeps him on the road most of the time. When he's recharging his batteries, he calls Austin, Texas home. Please Enjoy!


  • Veracruz Parroquia


    February 3rd. I am still in there cruise Mexico and I'm sitting in a cafe called El gran Parokia(?). I think it's the Grand Parakeith(?) and it's pretty expensive. I'm not sure why. I, I think it's traditional. I think it's been here a long time. Most of the people in here look fairly well healed(?). All the waiters are or I mean the smart like smocks(?) and I'm just having a black cup of coffee and it's more than a large Starbucks. So, I think that you have any idea. You might hear people tinkling(?) their, their glasses cos I think the tradition here is just to have a black like a like an Espresso type of coffee with an then you tap on your glass to have the waiter bring this kettle of warm milk.

  • Veracruz Noche


    It's February 2nd and I still on Vera Cruise(?). It looks like I was wrong about the being able to just tack on recording with the resume button. I think we hang to close out if you have to just do it on well just as well. After I finish I try on standing on a a plaza that sort of the main plaza down town so clow(?). There's a tons of Mariachi's and not too many people around but saw Mariachi's(?) looking for somebody to play for. Kinda milling about it's about 11:30 at night and I just came from, I was just walking and walking and walking and windows up in a pretty city part of town I think. There wasn't too many people around but a lot of people living in Backsi(?) in

  • Veracruz Heat


    February 1st 2011. I'm now in Veracruise(?) Mexico. I left Kuatipek(?) yesterday around noon I think and I'm just walking along the Mallicon(?) here enjoying the the waves and the breeze pretty hot it's I think why I'm here man is the ___ I think it's only like maybe 85 degrees Fahrenheit but I think humidity(?) I think it's still like around 95 and I'm trying to figure out why I keep coming back here. There's just something about this place that keeps this is my 3rd time here. It's kinda CD(?).

  • Coatepec Java Jitters


    January 29th. It's a Saturday night. About 9:00. I'm in Correct(?) Cowatipec(?) Mexico and I'm walking around in the plaza. There's a bunch of families and children and balloons. Everybody seems to be having a good time. Apparently this is so pretty much every Saturday. It's just that I'm guessing Sunday as well. There's a like a gazebo coffee shop in the middle and people are just kinda strolling around laughing having a good time. Cowatipec(?) is probably about 1200 I believe 1200 meters above sea level and it's known for coffee production. I really like this place. I stop by this place.

  • Magia De Mexico City


    January 25th, I am now in Mexico City and I'm walking on Mercado(?). Getting a little bit tense. I'm not sure why. I was taking some photos and some gang looking fellows told me to stop and then a larger one asked me if I was a tourist and I said yeah yeah I'm a tourist. He said ok. You can take pictures. And I was like, alright, thanks and he said I can take you up into some of these buildings. I have key. No, it's ok. I'm good. So anyway I think I wandered into a neighborhood that maybe I shouldn't have been in and I'm walking away from it now. So looking for tacos and I was thinking on the bus

  • Huiricuta Desert


    January 21st 2011. This is Gib Hunt and I'm back from the desert. Turned out to be about a 2 hour bus ride out into the desert and didn't wanna make a 4 hour round trip to check email or not. So I'm finished and out of the desert for now. I may stop back on my way back up to Texas towards end of the trip and Shala(?) and I am back in Mawala(?) and we're just coming out here and the Peace sign I went out that's I started I'm going to try to catch an early bus towards Mexico City tomorrow and I'm gonna try to keep this short and I'll write more later. The peace sign. I went out that I started 2 years ago. We're still on good shape. There's was a little bit of growth underneath some of the this towns and I can cleaned it up now it's more

  • Slinking To The Mexican Border


    Well I have officially left on my trip to Mexico. It's about 10:30 or so at night and ___ on bus ___ boarder. It should be in the ___ about an hour and a half I think but I think I'm gonna shut my phone down and try to get a hold of Sheed(?) I'm really really tired. So far I've noticed that or I remembered that it's been much longer since I've been on the bus heading to Mexico than I than I remembered I think it's I think I've figured it should be right around 2002. So at that point that wasn't nearly as many people have cell phones and checking their email and etc etc and.

  • Southbound & Down


    Hello, this is Skip Hunt. I'm coming to you from Austin Texas at least momentarily. It's January the 10th I believe and I'm planning on going to Mexico next and no plan. Just gonna hop on a bus and head down to the desert to check out the Witticoota(?) region that I've been to before. Sacred area for the Witchali(?) Indians and I had started a big peace sign out of stone and I noticed that a couple of times that I return there some other people had found it and added to it and it's been a couple of years. So I wanna see if it's still there or if anybody's added to it or if the goats have dispersed the stones back in to the desert but if you wanna know where it is it's kind of in a desert valley below the mountain town

  • Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog) - talking about drip, last phone call, last time, clock


    Hello again, it's just Kept(?) coming to you know. From Camp would text us not quite home yet but just will likely be my last phone call clock for this just get home for guys West drip I'm gonna keep this thing going. When I come up for something. I'm not aware and using to say it used to me but the last time I did one of this phones blog I believe I was in that Morgan Partners the Monument which was interesting. All kinds of info(?) it's Ben very bizarre things. I didn't I have got like maybe 2 more

  • Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog) - 7th phonecast


    Hello this is Skip(?) Hines(?). I decided to do another one of these phone blogs to commemorate the fact that I'm as far West as I can go. Honestly didn't have a plan but I didn't really think that I was gonna go this far west back. I kinda figured I'd start turning around and around Las Vegas but I just figured that it wasn't that much further and I'm so glad I did. It's a little bit dark now so I can't really get any images. I got one but I'll attach to this message but so far I like it. It feels strange to say you're going West and then stay(?) on the West Coast. I know that sounds silly but it's a lot cooler here than I thought it's gonna be

  • Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog) - talking about zion national park, go west, weebly, laptop


    Hello, this is Skip Hunt. I haven't done one of these phone cast like a while. Haven't been able to update my Skip Hunt Go West got Weebly(?) W E E B L Y dot com and a couple of weeks because I need to get my laptop out to do that. So I've been doing regular updates on Whrrl(?) W H R R L dot com and I'm at Zion National Park now, I just checked the temperature, it's 108 freaking degrees which is really hot and I'm wondering why a same person would actually come here by choice.

  • Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog) - talking about lincoln national forest, lincoln national, yoho, new photos, matter of fact, roswell, santa fe, albuquerque, showers, electricity, lincoln, money


    Hello, this is Skip ___ coming to you from the road. I'm in the Lincoln National Forest. I haven't had much cell service. As a matter of fact I don't even know if this is going through it doesn't say no service but it also doesn't have a bar but I'm camping with no electricity or showers or anything and I may stay stay one more to save money and then move on up towards Albuquerque Santa Fe and that general direction and last I spoke I ended up camping at the bottom of lakes which was interesting I have some things I wanna write down about that and some ___ new photos of course and went to the Roswell Space Yoho Research Center and Museum which was kind of amusing and no I haven't.

  • Skip Hunt's Phlog (Phone Blog) - 5th phonecast


    Hello, this is Skip, this my first flog or phone cast on the trip. Just wanted to check in, and try to keep it short because, I do have some things I wanna write, and I've got some pretty sweet images that I've shot in I don't remember where that was, I have noted somewhere. But it was rough getting out of town, out of Boston. I had some problems at the bank and had to get a new card and yada yada yada. Pretty soon it's 1:00 before I'm actually on the road, but all of the anxiety just started melting away like within the 1st hour, that could have been the heat I suppose. But I forgot

  • Skip's phlog - talking about roswell new mexico, noisy environment, forts, nan, comcast


    Hello, it's Nan(?) at Comcast. I had everything set up round before I think it's I think it's working now. Steve(?) should be in meetings here with my I don't know where she's meeting where in a bar and I'm gonna leave Monday as planned and I'm gonna see how this recording sounds when I'm in sort of that noisy environment and I'm thinking about heading up towards the Roswell New Mexico. Or maybe if that's not the way to seeing I'll keep on going so we had dealt there ever like or some forts(?) and what not and from there I don't know so still planning on meeting Monday and the bar

  • Skip's phlog - talking about edge network, connectivity, blog, gonna feed


    Hello this is ___ Hunt setting up a phone login through this app called ___ for the I Phone and if it's working correctly I should be live phone casting and hopefully it's gonna go to a blog that I set up on posterous(?) posterous(?) I'm not sure how you say it there and hopefully that is gonna feed into the blog I created called and I thought it'd be kinda cool that if I don't have any connectivity if I just have like a regular phone connection like on the edge network that I can make a an update through my

  • Skip Hunt Live Phonecast From South Llano River State Park


    Skip Hunt Phlogging live from South Llano River State Park

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