Stephen J. Kosmyna



Inspiration Meditations and Messages


  • Spiritual Power Tools for Personal and Professional Development III

    13/04/2023 Duración: 23min

    Within the last few episodes I began discussing your powerful, intangible assets or Super Powers and the simple process to help you become aware of them, develop them, and integrate them into your own character. In this episode we continue looking at each one individually and then how they work together with other assets. We'll continue throughout the next few episodes so that we can explore them all. The first step is the realization that all of these assets I’m speaking about are inherent within all of us including you. Intentionally exercising these innate faculties or ‘super powers’ will help you to brush away all the habitual thoughts, words and actions that are not supportive of the ideal you seek to move into your field of experience.This is part of doing things in a certain way so that you successfully align with the frequency of your ideal life. Once you establish an always on awareness of your indwelling super powers, you will realize how powerful you are to deliberatel

  • Spiritual Power Tools for Personal and Professional Development II

    06/04/2023 Duración: 25min

    In the last episode I began talking about your intangible assets and the simple process to help you become aware of them, develop them, and integrate them into your own character.The first step is the realization that all of these assets I'm speaking about are inherent within all of us including you. Intentionally exercising these innate faculties or 'powers' will help you to brush away all the habitual thoughts, words and actions that are not supportive of the ideal you seek to move into your field of experience.There is part of doing things in a certain way so that you successfully align with the frequency of your ideal life. Once you establish an always on awareness of your indwelling super powers, you will realize how powerful you are to deliberately create the YOU that begins living the life you would love to live.Remember, you want to focus on what you are being in order to do and have all that you desire. These intangible faculties of mind and spirit are really your own personal power tools that becom

  • Spiritual Power Tools for Personal and Professional Development

    30/03/2023 Duración: 24min

    In the last episode I discussed the process to help you remain in an always on conscious awareness of the ideal you seek to create through the design and use of affirmative statements. There is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in aligning with the frequency of your ideal life. Move in these goal supportive elements and they will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live. We began our look at some of the intangible aspects of character and personality that should be included in this process of molding and shaping what you are becoming. Remember, you want to focus on what you are being in order to do and have all that you desire. These intangible faculties of mind and spirit are really power tools that become stronger as we develop them. And we develop these super powers with use and a conscious awareness that they are always available to us.We'll be looking at all of them over the next few episodes so listen in now to

  • Becoming the Ideal You

    23/03/2023 Duración: 24min

    I've been discussing that unwanted 'stuff' that is perhaps taking up valuable ‘mental space’ or ‘bandwidth’ in your own consciousness. I talked about observing what is ‘on your consciousness plate’ so to speak, specifically the non productive stuff that is not supportive of the objectives you hope to realize as soon as possible.We reviewed areas where you may need to do some ‘letting go’ then I shared several tools to use as you work on the replacement process to help you remain in an always on conscious awareness of the ideal you seek to create, .There is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in letting go and aligning with the frequency of your ideal life. Move in these goal supportive elements and they will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live. You could liken all of this to pulling weeds and planting flowers.In this episode I invite you to look at some of the intangible aspects of

  • Shifting Consciousness – Supporting Tools

    16/03/2023 Duración: 22min

    In last two episodes, I invited you to determine what is taking up valuable ‘mental space’ or 'bandwidth' in your own consciousness. This is about observing what is ‘on your consciousness plate’ so to speak, specifically the non productive stuff that is not supportive of the objectives you hope to realize as soon as possible.We reviewed areas where you may need to do some 'letting go' then I shared the first tool you can use to assist you. In today's episode I offer a few more tools so that you can get the full benefit from the releasing process while remaining in an always on conscious awareness of the ideal you seek to create, .There is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in letting go and aligning with the frequency of your ideal life. Move in these goal supportive elements and they will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live.Listen in now to apprehend these supportive tools.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. S

  • Free Up Mental Bandwidth - The Process

    09/03/2023 Duración: 24min

    In last week's episode, I invited you to do a little exercise with me to determine what is taking up valuable 'mental space' in your own consciousness. I refer to this space as bandwidth. This is about determining how much is 'on your plate' so to speak that is not supportive of the objectives you hope to realize as soon as possible. I talked about how you need to let go by noticing an inner tension as I read through a list of some common things that use up a lot of bandwidth and mental capacity. In today's episode I run through this list again AND I share the process for letting go.It's one thing to identify what you need to let go of but there is a certain process you must learn to put in place in order to be successful in letting go. In this episode I cover that process so that you can move in goal supportive elements that will assist you in making quantum leaps in the direction of the life you would love to live.Listen in now.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast

  • Let it Go – Free Up Bandwidth

    02/03/2023 Duración: 23min

    This is the time of year I take deep dive personally to examine what's taking up space in my consciousness and perhaps preventing me in some way from moving from where I am to where I want to be. I call this freeing up bandwidth - which is our capacity to focus on more than one thing at a time.Over the last several episodes, you should have decided what it is you want to create this year and why. Then, I guided you to the next steps; making your objective your mission, purpose and intention through the power of making a commitment to making it happen. We then moved through identifying some paradigms as stumbling points.In today's episode I offer some different areas for you to explore to determine if there is more for you to release and let go that is perhaps taking up valuable bandwidth in your life.Listen in and just notice how you feel as I run through this list. Consider how much attention (bandwidth) you may be unconsciously dedicating to these areas that do not serve your greater good.It may be time to

  • Living From the Infinite – YOU Are Unlimited

    23/02/2023 Duración: 23min

    Consider that all the stars, all the planets and every galaxy that can be seen today make up just four percent of the entire universe. The other ninety-six percent is made of substance scientists and astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend.Yes, our visible world is only 4% of the total electromagnetic spectrum—96% is invisible. It exists in waves of energy. Think about that—what you see is only 4% of all that actually exists!You don’t have to play small, look what you’ve done with only the 4% that is visible, measurable and quantifiable! And most of us are probably only aware of a fraction of that 4%! And that’s just from our limited human perspective.I invite you to set an intention to become aware of, engage with, connect with, and access the higher realms of the Infinite available to you, within you, and that ACTUALLY…. you are made of! YOU are unlimited!Infinite Potential - Infinite Wisdom - Infinite Abundance - Infinite Intelligence - Infinite Power - Infinite and Eternal Life - Infinite Support

  • Keepin' It Real Won't Work

    16/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    What is that supposed to mean; keepin' it real won't work? I thought we've been told to keep it real? That's the problem. Conditioning from the outside world and sensory input programs into you a false belief of what is real. In my last episode I started to explore with you your limiting beliefs and I invited you to consider releasing realism and to begin welcoming idealism.In today's episode I take you deeper into all of this in an effort to help you move more quickly from where you are now to where you want to be. This is all about designing what you experience as real by living now from the ideal. Don't let the world around you define what is real for you. It's time to live from the inside out rather than from the outside in which will allow you to live a life without limits.Whether you working on improving you, your small business or your involved in corporate goal achievement, it all starts here. Listen in now for details. Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast /

  • Limiting Beliefs: Releasing Realism - Welcoming Idealism

    09/02/2023 Duración: 24min

    It is my hope that you have been applying the valuable information I have been sharing since I started this podcast years ago. Often when we receive something for free we place little or no value on it. I assure you that if you apply what I have been putting out week in and week out, even if just from the beginning of this year, you will 'move the needle' in your life. You simply have to be willing and able to take action and make changes in the way you think about things. Often when I work with someone for several weeks their perception shifts. They'll often want to go back to the beginning and re-examine what it is they want. I see this all the time and it's because once they examine their old beliefs, they realize they have an unconscious bias and limiting beliefs regarding what is possible for themself and what is not. This holds true in the corporate space as well, not just with individuals and small businesses.Today I take a look at releasing realism and welcoming idealism. We label far too much of what

  • The Powerful Space Between Stimulus and Response

    02/02/2023 Duración: 25min

    In the previous episodes I put out some valuable information to assist you in making this year your best year ever. My intention is always to help you get out of the rut of living the same year over and over again and never satisfying your inner longing and discontent for something more.In fact, all my episodes since the beginning almost five years ago, focus on your success and prosperity along with your personal and professional development through the integration of spiritual principles in your life while developing a comprehensive understanding of universal laws.It's very easy to not notice some of the things that take place within your consciousness that have the potential to become phenomenal points of power when you do begin to notice them and become more aware of them. The space I speak about in this episode is one of those points of potential power capable of moving you from bondage to freedom. As you intentionally work to become more aware of this space, day in and day out, you'll soon begin to expe

  • Visualization + Assumption = Manifestation

    26/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    In this episode I continue with the initial steps necessary for you to 'build out' the life you would love to live in 2023. I encourage you to listen again to the previous three episodes as this is turning into another mini-series that will guide you to all you want to be, do, and have in your life.Together we have moved through specific instructions to help you discover the certain way to experience quantum leaps when it comes to personal and professional goal achievement and radical transformation.Don't let time slip away and allow this new year to become another year just like the last one. It's time to take charge of what's going on within you so you experience the results that are showing up, the results you really want, in the world about you.Listen in now and get started right now if you haven't already.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast - Success Ocean International

  • Examination and Elimination

    19/01/2023 Duración: 22min

    In the last episode I talked about identification and implementation. Identification was about making the final decision about what it is you want to experience in your life this year. The implementation discussion was about taking the first step in the direction of that goal through the power of commitment. In today's episode I share two more elements that are important considerations when it comes to quantum leap goal achievement and radical personal and professional transformation. Those elements are examination and elimination.Listen in now to discover the power those elements bring to this process of living the life you would love to live personally and professionally.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean InternationalListen in now to discover the power those elements bring to this process of living the life you would love to live personally and professionally.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Succe

  • Desire: Identification to Implementation

    12/01/2023 Duración: 23min

    Today's episode is all about 'IN'. Let me explain. We kicked off this new season in the last episode asking the question "What will it be?" or "What are you having?" "Are you ready to place your order?" Which are all questions we hear often as we go about life and living as a patron at stores, restaurants, bars and coffee shops.If we want to receive what it is we want, we have to identify what we want and communicate what we want to our server in order to receive and experience our selection.It works the same way when we're dealing with the infinite and the desires of our heart. In the last episode we talked about identification. This episode is about implementing our intention and moving forward. It's so important to do this work within. Listening to the inner voice of inspiration, listening to intuition, listening from that center of individuality and infinite intelligence. Look over this write up and notice how many words contain 'in'. That's where it all starts and that's where we place our order. It's ti

  • What Will It Be?

    05/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    What'll it be?How often do you hear that as you go about life and living? In the restaurant, at the bar, out shopping and so it goes; what will it be? You take those situations for granted when you're out to breakfast, lunch or dinner, or even at the drive thru for coffee don't you? You even expect the question. What'll it be? So let's take a lesson here and apply this to your personal and professional development and the goal achievement you would love to experience. What will it be? Have you made a choice, a decision? Do you know what you want? The Universe, as the energy we're made of and immersed in, asks you this question every day. So what's your answer? In this episode I ask YOU that question about the life you would love to live!Hit that play button as I return today from the holiday break and kick off season five in this episode exploring this question from a different perspective. We'll add a little twist to the question, 'What'll it be?" Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis

  • Season Four Wrap Up – Having it All

    01/12/2022 Duración: 12min

    Don't miss this episode as I wrap up Season Four of The Genesis Frequency podcast. I'll be taking a holiday break over the next few weeks getting ready for the New Year and Season Five. However, you have some homework to do! So, grab your journal and listen in now so we can get started building your dream, personally and professionally, for the year ahead.I also want to offer my profound thanksgiving for each and every listener that has downloaded my show helping to make it successful all over the world! Also, a big thanks and shout out to all the distribution channels that help to spread my word and my host, Podcast Websites and Captivate FM.Wishing each and everyone of you a joy filled holiday season!Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency - Success Ocean International

  • Identifying Your Paradigms and Internal Programming

    24/11/2022 Duración: 22min

    “To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at significant risk when exploring the future. To be able to shape your future you have to be ready and able to change your paradigm.” - Joel BarkerYour paradigms are responsible for your habitual behavior and almost all of your behavior is habitual. It is this habitual behavior that yields the life you are currently living. If you want to move into a greater experience of life and living, along with the realization of your most outrageous dreams and desires, you must first understand what paradigms are then get to work on identifying yours.In the corporate environment we call these paradigms culture and corporate attitude. If you want to experience any significant change and quantum leap movement in the direction of your goals, personally and professionally, you must absolutely be about the business of identifying your conscious and subconscious paradigms; often referred to as internal programming.This is by far the biggest stum

  • The Gap Between Knowing and Doing

    17/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    Have you ever considered the difference between what you do on a day to day basis and what you actually know? The majority of us rarely do all that we know how to do. In our society, a very strong emphasis has always been placed on knowledge. You were encouraged to go to school, study the material, then if you could remember enough of what you studied; you might pass a test then eventually receive a certificate or a degree that states you now have knowledge within your field of study.But do you do what you know or do you often ask yourself, 'Why the heck did I do that? I know better!" This is a behavioral  trap we all get entangled in because no matter how much knowledge we may have, our paradigms are always in control and may not be supportive of the life we would love to live.We must understand these paradigms which are really our subconscious programming. Once we understand what they are and how they are always at work, we must go about the business of identifying our own controlling paradigms, even t

  • Decision – Make Up Your Mind

    10/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    "There is a single mental move you can make which, in a millisecond, will solve enormous problems for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter and it could literally propel you down the path to incredible success. We have a name for this magical mental activity, it is called DECISION." - Bob ProctorIn my last episode I invited you to begin thinking about what you want to create in your life, personally and professionally, in the year ahead. I even gave you some powerful exercises to help you get this done.So....What did you decide? This seems to be the most difficult thing to do for most people. They get stuck in an ambivalent state unable to make a choice as to what direction they would like to take their personal and professional life. To make matters worse, most people look to their own circumstances or the circumstances in the world around them, to help with their decision or non-decision making process.Decisions should be based on what you wan

  • Wake Up - Design Your Life - Live Your Dream!

    03/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    It's that time of year again when you should take a look at where you are in terms of personal and professional development, transformation and goal achievement. As I write the notes for this show, there are less than two months left in this current year. It would serve you well to contrast where you were at this time last year compared to where you are now. Take a look at your personal and professional life. Look at what you really, really want to experience in your life. Are you there yet? Are you closer? Do you keep getting stuck in the same place? Do you advance a little and then slip back into the same old place? Are you no further ahead then you were last year or the year before or the year before that? It's time now to decide exactly what you want for yourself, your small business or on your corporate team. Consider every area of your life; finances, time and money freedom, relationships, health and physical fitness and what you really want for you. Maybe it's even time to make your annual income your

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