Dash Of Drash



Welcome to A Dash of Drash, a weekly podcast reflection on our world through the lens of Torah with Rabbi Marc Soloway and special guests. Produced by Sari Levy. Open and closing music from "Nishmat" by Joey WeisenbergMarc Soloway has been the Rabbi of Bonai Shalom Synagogue in Boulder, Colorado since 2004. Marc is a native of London, England where he was an actor and practitioner of complimentary medicine before training as a rabbi in London, Jerusalem and Los Angeles. He loves skiing, mountain biking, sacred music and milking goats.


  • Episode 36: Ready or not...

    13/09/2017 Duración: 15min

    Are you ready? can we ever be? This week's double parsha Nitzavim-Vayalech begins with the power of everyone standing there, present and somehow ready to cross over, to return, to commit.

  • Episode 35: Joy?

    06/09/2017 Duración: 17min

    How do we have moments of celebration and joy even when the world feels so dark and scary? The Book of Deuteronomy mentions joy and joyful service 12 times and Rabbi Jonathan Sacks makes an important distinction between happiness and joy. Ki tavo, entering the Land of Milk and Honey, begins with the instruction to celebrate, with joy, the first fruits. What is that land for us and how can we serve in joy?

  • Episode 34: One Thing

    29/08/2017 Duración: 15min

    Where do we focus our attention when there are so many demands pulling us in different directions? The month of Elul that leads us into the High Holidays is a time of teshuvah, return, but what are we returning to? Working on our own qualities, our relationships, the suffering in the world outside calling us? It can be overwhelming. Perhaps we need permission to pick one thing...

  • Episode 33: Truah - A Call to Justice with special guests Rabbis Jill Jacobs and Aryeh Cohen

    22/08/2017 Duración: 21min

    Recorded at No Time for Neutrality: a T'ruah Rabbinic Convening in Berkeley, California with special guests Rabbis Jill Jacobs and Aryeh Cohen. Jill Jacobs is the Executive Director of T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human RIghts and Aryeh Cohen is professor of rabbinic literature at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, rabbi in residence at Bend the Arc and a former board member of T'ruah. In the week when the Torah demands us to pursue justice and we begin the month of Elul, join the conversation on Judaism and justice

  • Episode 32: View from Quandary Peak

    16/08/2017 Duración: 13min

    The perspective and feeling at over 14,000 ft above sea level is exhilarating and gave some perspective on the world and on the Torah, which this week invites us to see the blessing and the curse and perhaps the delicate relationship between them.

  • Episode 31: Listening

    11/08/2017 Duración: 14min

    "How good it will be when you really listen!" This is how my teacher Reb Zalman translated the first words of the Torah verses that became the second paragraph of the Shema. Listening is so much more than hearing words.

  • Episode 30: Letting Go

    02/08/2017 Duración: 17min

    Moses has to climb a mountain to look out on the Promised Land and let go of any possibility of entering it, which has been his life's mission. Unfulfilled dreams can seem like a punishment, but letting go and embracing what is can be a great gift.

  • Episode 29: How can it be?

    26/07/2017 Duración: 12min

    This week we start the 5th book of the Torah, Devarim, Deuteronomy, and we are in the days that lead us to Tisha b'Av, when we commemorate the destruction of both temples in Jerusalem. The Book of Lamentations, read on that day, is called Eicha in Hebrew, which means "how can it be?" So, how can it be?

  • Episode 28: Love And Hate

    19/07/2017 Duración: 16min

    The force of hatred and intolerance between us is so powerful that it is the force that led to the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem according to the rabbis. This negative energy is known as sinat chinam, baseless hate. So, what is the antidote? Baseless love is the answer given by Rav Kook.

  • Episode 27: Zealotry with special guest Rabbi Gavriel Goldfeder

    09/07/2017 Duración: 23min

    Can a violent act lead to peace? Is zealotry ever a good thing or is it just another name for religious fanaticism? The character of Pinchas in our continuing narratives in the Book of Numbers invite all these questions. Rabbi Marc is joined by his old friend Rabbi Gavriel Goldfeder, Senior Jewish Educator at MIT Hillel to discuss these questions and more.

  • Episode 26: Sacred Tents - Part 2 with special guest Reverend Marie-Elsa Bragg

    04/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    Reverend Marie-Elsa Roche Bragg and Rabbi Marc studied Jewish Mysticism together many years ago and Marie-Elsa is now an ordained Anglican priest and author. In this second part of their conversation, Marie-Elsa and Marc reflect on the spaces of holiness and how to prepare to enter and exit sacred environments.

  • Episode 25: Ritual Redux - With Reverend Marie-Elsa Bragg

    26/06/2017 Duración: 22min

    Reverend Marie-Elsa Roche Bragg and Rabbi Marc studied Jewish Mysticism together many years ago and Marie-Elsa is now an ordained Anglican priest and author. Hukkat in the Book of Numbers begins with a very mysterious ritual, which is the text that opens a lively conversation about the power and meaning of religious rituals across our faith traditions.

  • Episode 24: Truth To Power? With special guest Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg

    20/06/2017 Duración: 24min

    I am joined in this episode by my rabbi, friend and mentor Jonathan Wittenberg, senior rabbi of Masorti Judaism in the UK and an inspirational leader in many areas. Korach and his followers attempt a political coup in challenging the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Is there a time and place for rebelliousness? When must we speak truth to power? Two rabbis discuss these questions and more.

  • Episode 23: Vision

    12/06/2017 Duración: 10min

    How do we see the world around us? How do we see ourselves? The eyes process information, but do not always give us the full picture and vision, insight and perception are often beyond physical sight. In this episode of Torah, Shlech L'cha, 12 spies are sent into the land to come back with a report. What they see and how they process the information is very revealing.

  • Episode 22: Cravings

    09/06/2017 Duración: 11min

    In this week's episode of Torah, after experiencing miracle after miracle, the people complain and kvetch and demand meat. They crave it! What is the source of this craving?

  • Episode 21: Channeling Blessings

    29/05/2017 Duración: 11min

    What does it mean for one human being to bless another? There is a lot that we can learn about this from the Torah's quintessential blessing, the birkat Cohanim, the Priestly Blessing from this week's Torah portion, Nasso from the Book of Numbers.

  • Episode 20: B'Midbar - In the Wilderness

    25/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    The Fourth Book of the Torah is called Numbers in English and B'Midbar in Hebrew, which means "in the wilderness." What is the relationship between counting on the one hand and wandering in the desert for 40 years on the other? That desert is full of mystery and possibility...

  • Episode 19 - Trust And Doubt

    19/05/2017 Duración: 20min

    The concept of shmitta, a Shabbat for the earth every seven years, has so many lessons for us today; one of which is around trusting the flow of the universe, that we will somehow get what we need. Our culture trains us to be anxious about whether we will have enough and where our next meal is coming from. There is a delicate balance between doubt or uncertainty and trust.

  • Episode 18 - Holiness

    11/05/2017 Duración: 19min

    Kedusha in Hebrew is usually translated as holiness. What does that mean? How do we strive for holiness in our lives? Holy time, holy space, holy people.

  • Episode 17 - Israel Conversations

    02/05/2017 Duración: 34min

    As Israel and the Jewish world commemorates Yom HaZikkaron (Memorial Day) and celebrates Yom Ha'Atzmut (Independence Day), three UK born Israelis reflect on what it means to celebrate Israel in 2017. Charlotte Halle was editor of the English language Haaretz newspaper and is now International director for the paper. She is also my cousin. Rabbi Joel Levy got smicha (private rabbinic ordination) from the great Rabbi David Hartman. He is now one of the Roshei Yeshiva (heads) of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Jeremy Leigh runs the Israel program at Hebrew Union College and is a professor of history. Join us for some honest conversation about the State of Israel - past, present and future.

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