Clumsy Girls Guide To Greatness With ~ Carol Glover



Inspired Choices Network Do you ever feel like youre stumbling through life? Does it seem like sometimes youre the most brilliant creature on the planet, and sometimes youre a hot mess? Carol Glover


  • The Healing Collective with Guest Angela Donnelly


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Angela Donnelly, is a dedicated explorer of the power that the Angels, God and the Ascended Masters can have in our lives. She has become close to them, and learned to talk and ask them for guidance as a Healing Collective. They have never let her down! She now uses this channeling ability, and the Tarot to help guide her clients on what to do to become happier and more fulfilled. "It takes work, but for every step we take our Guides, Angels, and God will take 10 more for us" says Angela. On today’s show Angela will discuss the various techniques the Healing Collective has revealed to her and some ways  we can heal ourselves energetically. As with any of my shows, you just never know what else might come up! We may even have a bit of a channeling from Angela and her Team! You won’t want to miss this show!

  • Coffee with Carol & Alun: Talking About Big Buts


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  I'm doing it again! Today I have fellow A2Zen host Alun Jones joining me for a casual conversation about BUTS and anything else that comes up! I'd like to do ____ but ... I'd like to travel to ____ but ... I'd like to try _____ but .... How big is your but? Do you really believe that's what's holding you back? ... really? What would be possible if we all lost our big buts and got on with our lives? Join me this week as I bare my buts and move beyond them. Alun Jones knows that more is possible for everyone, if they’re willing to choose it. Two key themes for Alun for everything he chooses in life are whether it will be a kindness to himself and the world and whether it will create more for the entire world. More what? More expansion, more deliciousness, more sexualness, more fun, more joy, more excitement, more money, and allowance. More of everything, for everyone. During a session with Alun, you get to choose what you talk about, become more awa

  • Commanding Abundance with Guest Liz Lermitte


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Embrace Your Brilliance through a Fast & Powerful Six-Step process. Learn to access your theta brain state to create abundance in all areas of your life. Discover your true, authentic self & create what you desire – make your command once and watch what shows up! JOY, FUN, CASH, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, SPIRITUAL CONNECTION Join Carol with her Guest Liz Lermitte as they discuss Commanding Abundance Circles, how to identify your desires and how you can leverage the power of the Theta brain level to accelerate your dreams becoming reality. Connect with Liz at

  • What Happened to Choice?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  Do you ever feel like you have no choice? Or do the choices you think you have all seem rotten ones? OR ... are you refusing to make a choice even if you really really desire something different? What's up with that?! Join me as we explore what happened to our choices and what could be possible now?

  • What’s Up With Your Business?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  The more I work with the energies of business, the more I'm noticing a few trends in heart-based businesses these days. Join me this week as I share some of these common themes in business energetics. You may also choose to call in to ask me questions about what's up for you and your business.

  • Are You a Twinkle or a Super Nova?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover  When you hear the words "stepping up" or "stepping out" or even "change the world" what images come to you? The world stage? Thousands of people attending your programs? A super nova that blasts people's limitations out of existence? Is it any wonder you're not doing it? What if it was just as okay for you to not go on a world tour, or to have a team of support staff to manage your schedule? What if being a brilliant Barista in a tiny coffee shop is what it takes to change the world? Imagine if you could be the quiet, gentle, gifted healer you be, and still change the world! What if twinkling little stars are required too? And what if changing the world didn't really mean changing the world but creating your world the way you know a reality can exist? What if by each of us doing that, will change the world? Now would you be willing to step up and shine? Join Carol this week as we explore the many faces "stepping out" can wear and how not one of th

  • Creating a Joy-Based Business with Guest Petrina Fava


    Join me and my guest Petrina Fava as we explore the creation of business from a place of joy. As usual we have no idea where this conversation will lead us but we may speak of such things as: Is it really possible to build a successful joy-based business? Busting the work hard, persistence and planning paradigms Being okay with doing business different Essential tools for the joyful entrepreneur’s toolbox And so much more!! Find out more about Carol at Find Petrina at

  • When Fear and Doubt Don’t Matter


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover What would you do if you didn’t have fear? Who would you be if you didn’t doubt who you are? Can you imagine a place where fear and doubt hold no power over you? Join me this week as we discuss what is possible beyond fear and doubt and how to know when you’re there.

  • Coffee with Carol and Keisha


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover Today we get to play! Join me and my brilliant guest co-host Keisha Clark as we sip our morning coffee and talk about anything. Seriously … NOTHING is out of bounds! Keisha is a fellow host here on the channel & is famous (in my mind) for ever-so-gently shining a light on the lies that have kept us from knowing who we truly be and coaxing us to choose beyond them. Not to mention those giggles!!! You've got to hear her giggles! They'll leave you with no doubt that there is love, light and joy in the universe. Listen to Keisha's archives and follow her shows at

  • Are You the Lock or the Key to Your Life?


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness with Carol Glover Radio Show Oh aren't we cute with all the ways we hold ourselves back - even with the best of intentions and grandest of goals! And what of those times we look to someone else to rescue us? How has that worked so far? Is it time for you to become the key to your life, your living and your joy? Join Carol and let's unlock our lives - with a little curiosity, and a lot of fun.

  • Clumsy Girl Goes Mythbusting!


    Clumsy Girl's Guide to Greatness Radio Show with Carol Glover Have you ever taken on a point of view that you know doesn't quite fit you? You think that since the rest of the world buys it ... well you must be wrong. Right? Success only comes with hard work & perseverance. No pain, no gain. "Super Foods" You need to manage your time. and so much more Join Carol on a Mythbusting safari through the dangerous jungles of ... society, business & maybe religion (if we dare!).

  • Clumsy Girl’s Commandments


    Clumsy Girl’s Guide to Greatness Radio Show After all my stumbles and bumbles toward greatness there are a few things I’ve come to know as my guideposts to Greatness – call them my Clumsy Commandments. In this show I’ll share a few of my favorite Clumsy Commandments. Find out more about Carol at

  • Building Your Holistic Practice with guest Simone Usselman-Tod


    Clumsy Girl’s Guide to Greatness Radio Show Are you a holistic health practitioner? Do you feel the tug-of-war between being of service and making money? I can think of several energy/light workers who often say that it doesn’t seem right to take money for facilitating healing in others. I also hear that they feel the need to prove the miracles they facilitate to justify taking money from people. Does this sound familiar to you? What if something else was possible? What if you could build a busy, thriving practice without feeling guilty for receiving money from your clients? Join Carol and her special guest Simone Usselman-Todd as they explore what else is possible with your holistic practice. Find out more about Carol at Find Simmone at,, or on Facebook at,usselmantod . You may also choose to email her at

  • Beyond the Bars


    Clumsy Girl’s Guide to Greatness Radio Show Do you ever feel a little blocked somehow in some areas of your life? Do you sometimes feel imprisoned by all the expectations, limitations and other crap in your life? Did you know that there’s a simple body process, that could likely change all of that for you? I’m living proof! On the outside I know my life looks pretty much the same as it did a year (or maybe 2) ago but to me it feels completely different. I function differently in my life, there’s a freedom, an ease, and a profound gratitude for all the forces (including me) that contribute to me. I no longer feel like I don’t fit anywhere or that I’m mistaken about everything I see differently in the world. One of the things that’s contributed to me, to reach this peace with me, has been a body process called Access Consciousness the Bars, and it could subtly but profoundly change everything for you as well. It’s been such a contribution to my life, and the lives of so many people I know of, that it’s hard to

  • Coffee with Carol & Christine


    Clumsy Girls Guide to Greatness with Carol Glover Radio Show Well, as things happen in life, what was planned for today’s show has to be postponed. SO … we get to play! Join me and my guest co-host Christine McIver as we sip our morning coffee and talk about anything. Seriously … NOTHING is out of bounds! Maybe this is a continuation of last week’s show “Creating on the Fly” hmmmm.

  • Creating on the Fly


    Most discussions about creativity seem to be about setting an intention or making a plan to create something. They talk about setting aside time to be creative and gathering all the required resources so you can DO creativity. But what of those times when you don’t have what you think you need, or you find yourself in a situation that calls for creativity on the fly? Can you do it? Is it fun for you? Join Carol as she explores the magic we are capable of when we are least prepared.

  • What’s It Going to Take For You to Do …


    We’ve all heard countless stories of people who experience major life events (usually medical) and THEN they choose to do the things they’ve always wanted to do. Start a business Quit a high stress job Learn how to scuba dive, ride a horse, paint, write – whatever Marry the person they love Leave the person they don’t love So…what’s it going to take for you to choose for you right now? BEFORE your heart stops, cancer sets in or that car accident. What are you waiting for to have the life you dream of?  And what if YOU could be a contribution to someone making that choice? What would that add to your life?

  • Where DOES The Time Go?


    It’s a common cry: “I need more time!” Do you? Really? We all know we can’t manufacture time and yet we still cry for more. We try to manage it – only to find it has no respect for authority and absolutely no consideration for our to-do list! Join Carol this week for some interesting ideas on finding time, using time, giving time … well you get the idea. If you have one hour to share this Wednesday at 11am ET, you may receive dozens in return (or at least discover where it hides)!

  • Do You Live From a Set of Standard Operating Procedures


    Recently when doing a few Business Energy readings for some clients, I noticed that they were coming to me thinking something was wrong when in fact it turned out that things were ready to shift for good. This got me wondering how many times we think old patterns are repeating or situations keep coming up so we react in the same old way. hmmm If “A” happens, then do “B, C, and D”. Join Carol this week as we discuss the habits of living; living from Standard Operating Procedures and what if you could change it all, forever, in an instant?

  • A Year of Living Dangerously with host Carol Glover


    Well…I think 2014 was my personal year of living dangerously and do you know what? It was GRAND! I think I’ll do more of that next year. What would you say if I told you that speaking up for you, choosing for you, discovering & playing with things you’d never considered before, and being willing to lose it all could actually bring more joy, more ease and more life to your life? Would you believe me? Are you thinking “fine for you but that won’t fly for me”? Join me for some stories, some laughs (mainly at myself), and some tools for you to play with through the holidays and into a magical 2015. Could 2015 be YOUR year of living dangerously? Contact Carol at and follow Clumsy Girl’s Guide Facebook!

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