The Ted Broer Show - Mp3 Edition



The Ted Broer Show features a wide variety of important topics including health, news and more


  • 11-02-21

    02/11/2021 Duración: 58min

    Pilots and air crews quitting military over forced shots. Will this cripple the military? What is scientific method? Why must it be followed? Who are the pharma henchmen pushing shots on children? Why are Pfizer contracts almost fully redacted ? Is driving an electric car a form of virtue signaling? Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing! Plus much more! High energy show!

  • 11-01-21

    01/11/2021 Duración: 58min

    Wow what a show! Ted does an epic anointed first segment on how Jesus is our only answer! This is a super high energy must listen green show! Australias citizens are having bank accounts seized. Australia is disarmed. 4% of vaccine batches causing almost all deaths. Why did Germany burn the books it burned? Will the housing boom crash? China Disney locks down the park for forced testing. Plus much much more!

  • 10-29-21

    29/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Why you shouldn’t participate in Halloween! Should Christians practice this pagan holiday? How is it linked to the occult? What is the wicker man? This is an Ancient Druidic holiday. Where does the use of costumes originate. This show is a mind boggling revealing truth!

  • 10-28-21

    28/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    How has American greatness been destroyed. Who did it? What is the deep state? Why are emergency rooms filled with organ failures? Another Judge again denies a stay against mandatory shots! Revelation 18 and the fall of Babylon discussed. Will Biden be declared incompetent? Plus much much more!

  • 10-27-21

    27/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Disney to provide drag queen story hour for employees. FDA approves 5 year old injections? Do you support Starbucks? Why were antidepressants designed to target women? Aztec prayer still used in California schools. This is a high intensity politically incorrect must listen green show. What is the real history that’s being hidden? Plus much more!

  • 10-26-21

    26/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Man drives into crowd to kill non Vaccine protesters. What’s wrong with Fed Ex? Is DeSantis for real? Is he skull and bones? Is The real Alex Baldwin story being told? Are Cartels shooting across border? UN gun treaty is back forcing no guns for civilians? Does a UK study show more Covid among vaccinated? Vitamin D is critical. Caviezel is on point! Plus much much more! High energy must listen show!

  • 10-25-21

    25/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    The early uses of the radio and TV as a propaganda device. Border patrol reveals fiscal 2021 had the highest amount of Illegal immigrant arrest of all time! Why are the Amish always healthy? An October 2019 with Anthony fauci speaking on how a new "RNA universal flu vaccine" needs to be rolled out. Detailed discussion on the vehicle markets, the real reason behind supply chain shortages and much more. High energy info packed show!

  • 10-22-21

    22/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Another super intense green show today. Have billions been spent bribing alt media ? The name it claim it church has rotted christianity from the inside out. The coming Delta variant nationwide shutdown. Emergency medical Act by Trump has done this to the USA. This is a politically incorrect band aid ripping off truth barrage. Caution not for the faint of heart!

  • 10-21-21

    21/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    The destruction of Libya was a disgrace for the USA. Are fully injected adults at risk for AIDS? What is antibody dependent enhancement? Take high quality immune builders. Due to shot mandates in the military many soldiers are furious. Resistance is NOT futile! Plus much more. Sobering show today.

  • 10-20-21

    20/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Today is a barn burner show. It is a must listen green show. Ted does a 30 minute rant on how Covid is a Kabbalist global military/CIA psy operation. We are at war! Did the CIA control Jonestown? Was it a mind control experiment? The school system is in full meltdown. Trump did not make America Great Again. Who really are the Masons? Plus much much more. This is that show!

  • 10-19-21

    19/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Harvard study questions kill shot narrative. The USS Liberty attack discussed in detail. Title Seven of The Civil rights Act discussed. The kill shot Nazis and their Jezebel counterparts are in full force. Ted and Austin discuss their own Disney horror stories. WSU head coach fired after refusal to take shot. Plus much much more! High energy must listen show.

  • 10-18-21

    18/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Ted does a 20 minute impassioned plea/sermon for the Pastors to wake up. This is a must listen segment. Was Jesus an Alpha Male? Ted reads Revelation 19:11 to end all doubts of who Jesus is! Should politics be discussed in church? Will a woke church destroy itself? The battle lines have been drawn. Let your yes be yes and your no be no! Plus much much more! High intensity non politically correct broadcast. Not for Betas.

  • 10-15-21

    15/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Only Christ can stop the mind control agenda. Kill shot has nothing to do with Covid. Pastors must be held accountable. Why do so many sci fi movies have the Theme of injected mind control parasites? Is there a spell put on vaccines? This is a wild show today. Many news stories covered. Plus much much more. High energy must listen show!

  • 10-14-21

    14/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Why are pilots so mad? Trump is still pushing vaccines. The supply chain is in an orchestrated collapse. Former Mossad head says Iran has no nukes. The media can create anything from nothing. More children succumb to shot induced myocarditis. Canadian doc says hospital filled with shot cases. Plus much more. High energy must listen intense green show broadcast.

  • 10-13-21

    13/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Is the South West CEO just doing damage control? Trans male rapes 15 year old girl in school bath room. Her father is arrested for protesting? Biden uses fighting words against USA citizens. Texas Seven murderer to receive new trial because of antisemitism, what? Women sued for information request from her school. Plus much more!

  • 10-12-21

    12/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Wow what a show! One of the best shows in months! Are you a victim or a victor? What is the reticular activator? How does your brain process info? The non Vaxxed are being used as the slave issue was used in the first civil war to precipitate the second civil war! Who is doing this? Why are so many Christians submitting to the shot! Why are pastors promoting the kill shot? Plus much much more! This was an intense truth barrage green show. It is a must listen repeatedly!

  • 10-11-21

    11/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    The economic world engine is grinding to a halt. Who shut down the world engine? Who shut down Germany’s economic engine in 1933? Why are there so many meat shortages? Why do the countries with the highest vaccination rate have highest mortality? John 17:13 discussed. Why were there thousands of cancelled flights in the last few days? When were the Protestant and Catholic Churches compromised? Was Trump and the Q movement used to pacify the Christians and the patriots. Are we near to a tipping point of truth being told everywhere? Plus much more. High intensity must listen show!

  • 10-08-21

    08/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Will the FBI really attend local school board meetings? Who is AG Merrill Garland? Is he a communist? 400,000 illegals invade the USA this month. What’s up with the new black light streetlights? Has the Canadian go gone full Kabbalist? 30 pandemic issues made simple. Plus much more. High energy must listen show!

  • 10-07-21

    07/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Today was an X File broadcast. This show is not for sheeple!. Topics covered include. Bio robots Bio photons, Chemtrails, Demonic possession The Holy Blood of Christ Morgellons Hollywood Kabbalists Piezoelectric circuits Mad cow disease Plus much much more! This is one of our top green shows ever broadcast !

  • 10-06-21

    06/10/2021 Duración: 58min

    Must listen! Ok this show is probably the clearest most succinct show that I have done concerning the following topics. It is a must listen high energy show! It ties these topics together! The Multidimensional fractal universe. What is the purpose of black magic? Why is there an atavistic hatred of Christ? Who are the four horseman of banking? Who owns the world? What is Babylonian money magic? What is the threshold at CERN? What is the Veil? How does The Blood of Christ save us? How is Jesus the Passover Lamb of God? What does it really do when you accept Christ? How should Christians live? Why have contemporary churches many times removed the Blood of Christ songs? Are they preaching the real Jesus? What is an inter dimensional interface? Why is the third temple being rebuilt? Yes this is that show! A lot of new information. This is a high energy must listen broadcast!

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