Kingsways Carrum Downs

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 295:54:07
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Podcast by Pastor. John Shipman


  • Laodicea, The Lukewarm Church - Rev 14-22 - John Shipman - 19 March 2017

    19/03/2017 Duración: 54min

    Laodicea - the lukewarm church. This church describe our day today. Look around you at churches and see. They proclaim to be rich and wealthy and is in need of nothing, yet are poor and miserable. The name of this church mean - people rule and again is evident of our times. It is no longer a Theocracy but has been replaced by popular opinion manifested in democracy. Jesus has a stern word for them. He stand at the door and knock. This is so true today that we have churches where Jesus is no longer welcome. Listen to the sermons and songs. Pop groups are jumping up and down on the stage and is trying to make a name for themselves. We have charismatic pastors who engage crowds in narcissistic talks all about themselves and how good they are. One of the most frustrated things to have is too much of Jesus to enjoy the world and too much of the world to enjoy Jesus - think about it. Where is the fellowship?

  • Philadelphia, The Faithful Church - Rev 3:7-13 - Past John Shipman - 12 March 2017

    12/03/2017 Duración: 59min

    We are looking at the faithful church in Philadelphia. This is the Church with the open door. Their is a little strength in this church and the key to this strength is the Word of God. This is so evident of our day. There is no complaints about this Church. This is also the only Church where Jesus did not pick a description of Him in Chapter one as His title. Why? What is this open door that is set before them? We look at that and many more.

  • Sardis, The Dead Church - Rev 3:1-6 - Past John Shipman - 5 March 2017

    05/03/2017 Duración: 57min

    We are looking at Sardis, the dead church. This is so true to a lot of churches today. A form of Godliness but lost the power thereof. What happened that this church found itself in this stage?

  • Thyatira, The Corrupt Church - Rev 2:18-22 - Past John Shipman - 26 Feb 17

    26/02/2017 Duración: 52min

    We are looking at the fourth church in Revelation chapter 2 - Thyatira. This is the corrupt church and gives a warning to the church in large today. The danger of Gnosticism is on display here. Corruption is dangerous and is deeply hidden, same as the parable in Mat 13.

  • Pergamos, The Compromising Church - Rev 2:12-17 - Past John Shipman - 19 Feb 2017

    19/02/2017 Duración: 01h01s

    This Church - like many churches today - were flirting with corruption and immorality. One can say that we have in front of us in the scripture a graphic example of the spirit of the world entering the church. This has led to a watered down message preached without any conviction of sin. The enemy - Satan has two weapons he use against the church - intimidation and enticement. The one drive people away from Christ through fear and the other trough lust. This is how you get corrupt practices and corrupt preaching. This is explained in the text referring to Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel. Still happening today. We explore this and compare this passage with the parable of the mustard seed in Mat 13.

  • Smyrna - The Persecuted Church - Rev 2:8-11 - Past. John Shipman - 12 Feb 2017

    13/02/2017 Duración: 51min

    The name Smyrna means myrrh and is a fragrance spice taken from the bark of myrrh trees. This bark is crushed an produce the fragrant used at burials. This is so fitting for the church that was based there. This church - like the bark were crushed through severe persecution for their faith. In fact once a year the people had to go to the Emperor temple and say "Caesar is lord" or if not "Jesus is Lord". This caused incredible persecution against the church. Not only that. The Jews also persecuted the Christians. They infiltrated the church as believers just to expose and give them over to the authorities to be killed. Compare this to the second parable in Mat 13 talking about the wheat and tares and you get the idea. Now in the midst of this Jesus pick a fitting title to address them. This says He who is the first and the last. Who was dead and is alive....Oh! there is so much here to encourage us.

  • Dispensation Of Grace - Rev 2:1-11 - Past. John Shipman - 5 Feb 2017

    05/02/2017 Duración: 01h01min

    We're approaching one of the most exciting and systematic passages in the book of Revelation. The dispensation of Grace or as we know it the Church age. We will discover where this age starts and where it will end. Starting with the church in Ephesus compared with the first parable in Matthew 13, will lead us on an amazing discovery of how active our Lord is in His church.

  • One Like The Son Of Man - Rev 1:9-20 - Past. John Shipman - 29 Jan 16

    29/01/2017 Duración: 55min

    John turned and saw One like the Son of Man. We look at how he describe Jesus. Remember John saw Him incarnated, resurrected, crucified and now ascended. This is how you and I will see Him. We unpack verses 9 - 20

  • Behold, He's coming with clouds - Rev 1:4-8 - Past. John Shipman - 22 Jan 17

    22/01/2017 Duración: 01h31s

    Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen. Revelation 1:7 This scripture point toward a specific time in the future. We discover this and much more from these 9 verses. I will discuss what the seven Spirits before the throne means in verse 4. We will discover the instruction given to John to write this prophesy. God Bless

  • Revelation of Jesus Christ - Rev 1:1-3 - Past John Shipman 15 Jan 2017

    15/01/2017 Duración: 50min

    We are starting the new year with a study of the book Revelation. So timely with everything happening in the world. Let me remind you that this is the only book promising a blessing for the one who read it. Verse 3 "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and those who keep those things which are written in it" It amazes me then that there are many who reject this book. I will start with an introduction and discuss the first 3 verses. Then Sunday after Sunday go through verse by verse. You are welcome to join or listen online - God Bless.

  • Unto Us a Child is Born - Is 9:6 - Past. John Shipman - 25 Dec 16

    25/12/2016 Duración: 27min

    I find no scripture anywhere in the Bible that we need to remember or celebrate Christ's birth - no where. So why are we doing it? I don't see any of us bringing our baby photos when we celebrate our birthdays - yet have the nativity scene everywhere this time of the year. (Inaccurate may I say) Santa Clause and St Nicolas has been promoted to have equal value than Jesus this time of the year. Parents keep on telling their children lies about the gifts they buy for them saying "Santa is bringing them if they are good". Same as the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. I know, I know it is all part of the fun. (But is still a lie and make Santa this mystical figure which you don't see yet have the same power as Jesus) I celebrate Christ's birth but not on Christmas! I celebrate it everyday. I remember the one thing Rabbi Jesus told me to remember - The Communion table. Our sins were set free at that Cross. I will do an exposition on Isaiah 9:6.

  • What is man? - Psalm 8:4 - Past John Shipman - July 2014

    21/12/2016 Duración: 38min

    Practical description of Psalm 8 showing interesting things about man.

  • Lazarus - Jesus Wept - Part 2 - John 11 - Past John Shipman - 11 Dec 2016

    11/12/2016 Duración: 46min

    Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life, he who die will live" What does this mean today? See how He answer Martha and Mary and get faith from that.

  • Only a few who are Saved - Luke 13:22 - Past John Shipman - 2 Nov 2008 - 0068

    04/12/2016 Duración: 35min

    Sermon I preached in 2008. There is only one way to the Father - Jesus Christ

  • Lazarus - For The Glory of God Part 1 - John 11 - Past John Shipman - 4 Dec 2016

    04/12/2016 Duración: 49min

    John record seven miracles of Jesus. He start at a wedding and end at a funeral. The central message in both miracles is that God be glorified. Underlining that is the central theme of John to build faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. At Cana His disciples believed in Him and at Bethany that faith is strengthened. There is still much more to take in from this passage, so come join us as we take a walk with Jesus through this miracle.

  • I Am The Shepherd - John 10 - Past. John Shipman - 27 Nov 2016

    27/11/2016 Duración: 54min

    A man has been excommunicated from the synagogue. Listen to Jesus as He take on the religious leaders in this epic discussion about True and False shepherds. We look at the Shepherd through the eyes of the sheep then hear what He has to say about Himself. What does all of this mean to you? You are welcome to come and visit us and/or follow us on

  • Once I Was Blind but now I see - John 9 - Past. John Shipman - 20 Nov 2016

    20/11/2016 Duración: 53min

    The disciples ask an interesting question. Who sinned caused this mans blindness? There are still people believing in generational punishment and curses. Let's discover what the Bible says. We will also see that there are many blind people in the world today.

  • Importance of being people of the Word - Br. Chris Sandford - 6 Nov 2016

    13/11/2016 Duración: 01h09min

    Importance of being people of the Word - Br. Chris Sandford - 6 Nov 2016 by Pastor. John Shipman

  • What Is Life? - Luke 15/16 - Past. John Shipman - 13 Nov 2016

    13/11/2016 Duración: 36min

    What is life? Very good question and I belief everyone will have their own answer. What about his one? An opportunity for investment. We find three very interesting stories clustered together in Luke chapter 15 and 16. This demonstrate three types of life we can live. 1. The wasted life 2. the spent life and 3 the invested life. There are very interesting lessons we can learn from. We learn that the one thing you will sin for is your master and Jesus say you can not follow two masters. You are welcome to come and visit in person or follow us on facebook. God Bless

  • Paul's lesson in prayer - Col 1:9 - Past John Shipman - 17 Oct 2010

    30/10/2016 Duración: 48min

    We look at the prayer Paul prayed for the church in Colosse. This teach a lot about prayer.

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