Awakening With Nathanael Wolf

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 30:31:55
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Do you feel you would benefit from a spiritual awakening in your life? Do you love Jesus, but feel burned out on religion? Or perhaps, your faith is vibrant, but you still feel unengaged, like youre sitting on the sidelines of Christianity? Awakening with Nathanael Wolf is a weekly podcast dedicated to helping you create and sustain the adventure of spiritual awakening in your life. Join us on an exciting journey of discovery into the "wonder-full" realities of the kingdom of God.


  • Awakening Episode 016: Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit? Pt. 2

    06/02/2017 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to Episode 016 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on the person, work, and ministry of the Holy Spirit.   In this episode, you’ll discover: Common misconceptions that arise from both the terms ghost and spirit. The origins of the English words spirit and ghost. That the Holy Spirit is an immaterial and divine Person and a member of the Godhead. Seven realities about who Jesus said the Holy Spirit is to you.   Notable episode quotes: That the self-same Spirit that had been given to the Son would be given to us. (Jn 14.16, 17B) That the Holy Spirit would be to us all that He had been to Jesus. (Jn 14.16, 18) That the Holy Spirit would be to us all that the Son had been to the disciples and more. (Jn 14.26) That the Holy Spirit would be in us as the Son had been with the disciples. (Jn 14.17) That we would gain in the Holy Spirit more than we lost in the departure of Christ. (Jn 14. 19, 20, 21, 23, 26; 15.26; 16.7, 8

  • Awakening Episode 015: Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit? Pt. 1

    29/01/2017 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 015 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael begins a new series on the person, work, and ministry of the Holy Spirit.   In this episode, you’ll discover: The difference between the names Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit. Common misconceptions that arise from both the terms ghost and spirit. Why the term ghost is sometimes preferable to spirit in describing the third Person of the Godhead.   Notable episode quotes: Evangelist Billy Graham was asked, “When I was a child, I used to hear our pastor talk about the "Holy Ghost," but now our church never uses that term. Does "Holy Ghost" mean the same thing as the Holy Spirit?  Rev. Graham answered, “The terms “Holy Ghost” and “Holy Spirit” are identical; the “Holy Ghost” is simply an older way of speaking of the Holy Spirit.  The reason the term “Holy Ghost” isn’t as common as it once was is because our English language has changed over the years. The word “ghost” is a good example of this. T

  • Awakening Episode 014: Christification Pt. 8

    22/01/2017 Duración: 13min

    Welcome to Episode 014 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: The definition of "kenosis”; the self-emptying which was modeled by Jesus and why it is an important part of Christification. The "self" that you are to be emptied from. The definition of the "false-self" life.   Notable episode quotes: "Wasn’t He forever in the form of God, coequal with the Father in every way? Yes, He was; yet He didn’t hold that as His supreme prize. ⁷ Instead He laid aside His outward glory by reducing Himself to the form of a lowly Servant. He became human—God with us! ⁸ He humbled Himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man. He listened to the Father and was obedient to everything He heard. He was a perfect example, even in His death—a criminal’s death by crucifixion! ⁹ Because of that obedience, God exalted Him and m

  • Awakening Episode 013: Christification Pt. 7

    15/01/2017 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 013 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: Four working definitions of Christification. That we have been invited into communion and mutual indwelling with the Godhead. An introduction to “kenosis”; the self-emptying which was modeled by Jesus and why it is an important part of Christification.   Notable episode quotes: Kenosis literally means “empty.” It's a rich word that carries other shades of meaning, including “futility” and “foolishness.” Kenosis appears only a couple of times in the Greek New Testament, but one of the most profound uses of the is in the second chapter of Philippians, where St. Paul says of Christ: “Who, though he was in the form of God ... emptied himself... being born in human likeness.” (Philippians 2: 5-7)   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app

  • Awakening Episode 012: Christification Pt. 6

    09/01/2017 Duración: 13min

    Welcome to Episode 012 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: The basis for union in our relationship with God goes back to the character and nature of God. We are designed by a God who has never done anything "alone", meaning He has never done anything without the other members of the Godhead. Because we are made in His image, we are designed for a communing life, a family life, the very life of the family of the Godhead.   Notable episode quotes: Alister McGrath writes in Christian Theology: An Introduction that perichorises "allows the individuality of the persons to be maintained, while insisting that each person shares in the life of the other two. An image often used to express this idea is that of a 'community of being,' in which each person, while maintaining its distinctive identity, penetrates the others and is

  • Awakening Episode 011: Christification Pt. 5

    02/01/2017 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 011 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: Christification is not prize to be obtained, but a gift to be received. Because we are made in God's image we are only fulfilled by becoming like Him. When we see Him as He is, in the fullness of His glory at the last day, the process of Christification will be supremely magnified.   Notable episode quotes: “Salvation is a gateway into God and God is all that we would have and can desire... Christianity is a gateway into God, and then, when you get into God, with Christ in God, then you are on a journey into infinity and infinitude. There is no limit and no place to stop. There isn’t just one work of grace, or a second work, or a third work, and then that’s it. There are numberless experiences and spiritual epics and crises that can take place in your life whi

  • Awakening Episode 010: Christification Pt. 4

    27/12/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 010 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: How Jesus became the divine Son of God so that we might be sons of God divine. How that everything the Word who became flesh was, we are now made by grace. How that Christ is what He is by nature, but we are what He is by association.  Christ is what He is fully, we are what we are by participation and union with His fullness.   Notable episode quotes: “God is, by His very nature, all the good it is possible to conceive; or rather He surpasses in goodness all that it is possible for our minds to understand or grasp. And His reason for creating human life is simply this—because He is good. Such being the nature of God, and such the one reason why He undertook the creation of man, there were to be no half measures when He set about to show forth the power of His

  • Awakening Episode 009: Christification Pt. 3

    19/12/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 009 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: What "Christification" is. How God positions our hearts to receive the gift of union with God. Four ways that we come to share in the likeness of the Son of God.   Notable episode quotes: Christification is something that God in His grace causes us to share in, we are conformed to His image, He creates it in us, whereas, He is unconformed, He is uncreated.  This is who He is by nature, by essence.  It is who we are by our union with the Son of God through the grace of God. We do not become Him, as to His essence, but we have become one with Him, and in that oneness we may experience union with Him.   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is the best way to listen to the podcast.  Please download the Sent Ones Unlimited app at the

  • Awakening Episode 008: Christification Pt. 2

    11/12/2016 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to Episode 008 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: What "Christification" is. That Christification does not occur in isolation, but in relationship. The proper role of disciplines in the Christian life.   Notable episode quotes: “If a person really would think that the spiritual life consists in disciplines like praying, Bible reading, fasting, doing good deeds they are actually in the hands of the devil because they are replacing God with the means of communing with God and in that sense they actually become idolaters… we take something that is supposed to be a means and make it an end and God is displaced… and the poor people who do this usually become very, mean, angry, and cruel.  They judge and condemn everyone in sight because they look at other people and see that they are performing these disciplines r

  • Awakening Episode 007: Christification Pt. 1

    04/12/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 007 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael begins a new series on "Christification" as the ultimate joy and purpose of our salvation.   In this episode, you’ll discover: What "Christification" is. Why the doctrine of the Trinity matters. The importance of relationships in Christianity.   Notable episode quotes: "Christification" is our complete, experiential union with God through the Eternal and Incarnate Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit. Union with God is an eternal communion with God, a joyful dance of ever-increasing love and blissful relationship with God, and then, through our union with God, communion with others who are also in union with Him, and then, through all those who are in union with God, this communion returns back to God in love and bliss. Relationship forms the heart of Christianity, whether we are relating to God or to one another.   Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is t

  • Awakening Episode 006: Desiring God Pt. 6

    28/11/2016 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to Episode 006   of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues the series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: That your desire of God is born of His desire for you. One definition of holiness is being "wholly His". That certain fragrances in scripture have special meaning. Notable episode quotes: Song of Songs 4:11B-14 TPT "The fragrance of your worshipping love surrounds you with scented robes of white.  My darling bride, my private paradise, fastened to my heart. A secret spring are you that no one else can have—My bubbling fountain hidden from public view. What a perfect partner to me, now that I have you.  Your inward life is now sprouting, bringing forth fruit. What a beautiful paradise unfolds within you. When I’m near you I smell aromas of the finest spice, for many clusters of My exquisite fruit now grow within your inner garden. Here are nine: Po

  • Awakening Episode 005: Desiring God Pt. 5

    20/11/2016 Duración: 15min

    Welcome to Episode 005 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues the series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: God's virtues emit fragrances that draw us to Himself. These fragrances are not merely metaphors.  They are tangible spiritual aromas emitted by God’s virtues. Just like fresh baked bread emits an aroma, in the spirit realm, mercy emits an aroma, suffering love emits an aroma, joy emits an aroma, etc. People have even physically smelled and savored these aromas in worship or in the lives of the saints throughout church history. Notable episode quotes: Song of Songs 2:1 TPT “I am truly his rose, The very theme of his song.  I am overshadowed by his love, growing in the valley.” The translator's notes of that passage say, “The Hebrew text says, “a rose of Sharon.” The word Sharon can be translated “His song.” She (the bride) now sees herself as the o

  • Awakening Episode 004: Desiring God Pt. 4

    13/11/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 004 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues the series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: The fragrances of God's chambers are not metaphors.  They are tangible spiritual aromas emitted by God’s virtues. They are indicative of the presence of certain virtues because they are the aroma of the virtue itself. Just like fresh baked bread emits an aroma, in the spirit realm, mercy emits an aroma, suffering love emits an aroma, joy emits an aroma, etc. People have even physically smelled and savored these aromas in worship or in the lives of the saints throughout church history. Notable episode quotes: "St. Catherine Dei Ricci (d. 1589) was well-known for the perfume that issued from her body. One of her biographers wrote that: she sent forth a most sweet odor which surpassed every known perfume in the world. This did not happen always nor con

  • Awakening Episode 003: Desiring God Pt. 3

    06/11/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 003 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast and radio broadcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues the series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: The fragrances of God's chambers are not metaphors.  They are tangible spiritual aromas emitted by God’s virtues. They are indicative of the presence of certain virtues because they are the aroma of the virtue itself. Just like fresh baked bread emits an aroma, in the spirit realm, mercy emits an aroma, suffering love emits an aroma, joy emits an aroma, etc. People have even physically smelled and savored these aromas in worship or in the lives of the saints throughout church history. Notable episode quotes: “It is not surprising that the sweet aroma of perfumes should be associated with virtues, goodness and holiness of God’s Saints, and it is not surprising that one of the phenomena most frequently mentioned in the lives of the Saints is that of a

  • Awakening Episode 002: Desiring God Pt. 2

    30/10/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 002 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast.    In this episode, Nathanael continues the series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: More about the fragrances that emit from God’s virtues. How God’s virtues cultivated in our hearts become a form of prayer. More about the chambers of the King. Notable Episode Quotes: “The King has brought me into His rooms.  This is where the fragrance comes from, (t)his is the goal of our running.  She (the bride) had said that we must run, drawn by that fragrance, but did not specify our destination.  So it is to these rooms that we run, drawn by the fragrance that issues out of them.” -Bernard of Clairvaux Download the Sent Ones Unlimited app: The Sent Ones Unlimited app is the best way to listen to the podcast.  Please download the Sent Ones Unlimited app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play (search using the words Sent Ones Unlimited) for the latest episod

  • Awakening Episode 001: Desiring God Pt. 1

    23/10/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 001 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast.    In this episode, Nathanael begins a new series of broadcasts on the importance of desiring God in the journey of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: The importance of the Song of Songs in spiritual awakening. How our desire for God originates in God. How God’s virtues draws us to Himself. Notable Episode Quotes: “The King has brought me into His rooms.  This is where the fragrance comes from, (t)his is the goal of our running.  She (the bride) had said that we must run, drawn by that fragrance, but did not specify our destination.  So it is to these rooms that we run, drawn by the fragrance that issues out of them.” -Bernard of Clairvaux Download the App: If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please download the “Sent Ones” app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play for the latest podcast episodes, blog posts, ministry schedule, and other resources. Subscribe to the Podcast: You may subscribe to this podcast at: RSS Fe

  • Awakening Episode 000: The Adventure Begins

    16/10/2016 Duración: 14min

    Welcome to Episode 000 of the “Awakening with Nathanael Wolf” podcast.    In this episode, Nathanael introduces himself and welcomes you on the adventure of spiritual awakening. In this episode, you’ll discover: Nathanael’s background in ministry. The importance of letting God be in charge of your spiritual life. An example of spiritual awakening in Nathanael’s life that happened during a ministry trip to Argentina. Notable Episode Quotes: “Joy comes when we refuse to frustrate the grace of God by deciding that we know best how to manage our spiritual lives. We must remember that our spiritual lives were God's spiritual life first.” Download the App: If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please download the “Sent Ones” app at the Apple App Store or on Google Play for the latest podcast episodes, blog posts, ministry schedule, and other resources. Subscribe to the Podcast: You may subscribe to this podcast at: RSS Feed: iTunes Share the Love: If you enjoyed the sh

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