Andrew Farley



Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.


  • All or Nothing - Episode 3

    03/05/2024 Duración: 14min

    Here’s Episode 3 of “All or Nothing.” In this three-part series, Dr. Andrew Farley and Pastor Tim Chalas engage in entertaining conversation filled with surprising and powerful truths. This is a fun and freeing series you don’t want to miss!

  • The Obedience of Faith

    02/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Are Christians permitted to divorce and remarry? Does the New Testament really say we are forgiven - past, present and future? Why does Hebrews 5 say that only those who obey Jesus are eternally secure? Who are the “lukewarm” people that are rebuked in Revelation 3?

  • “Witnessing” by the Spirit

    01/05/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do you have information on Jesus‘s life between age 12 and 30? What does “help meet” mean in Genesis 2:18? How can I know God is actually listening to my prayers? What does the Bible say about gold-diggers? I’m remarried now, and my husband’s children will not accept me. What can I do? I’ve struggled with witnessing and finding a happy medium. What is the healthy way forward?

  • What is the sin that leads to death?

    30/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    What is the sin leading to death? Could the “if” in 1 John 1:9 really be a “since”? Will I always believe? What if I lose my memory? Does Revelation really say not to worship Jesus but only God?

  • “How do so many miss the truth?”

    28/04/2024 Duración: 54min

    Why were the books of Enoch and Mary not included in the canon? Are there any contradictions in the King James Version? How can so many churches and ministries miss the truth of God’s grace? What does “outer darkness” refer to in Matthew 25?  How should we view heavenly rewards? What does the Parable of the Ten Virgins really mean? My ex-wife won’t let me see my son, and I feel like I hate her. I don’t want to feel this!

  • Complete in Christ - Part 4

    28/04/2024 Duración: 38min

    In this illuminating journey through the first half of Colossians 3, we’ll uncover the inspiration Paul offers for renewing our minds and thinking differently. We’ll also delve into the beautiful concept that our lives are hidden with Christ in God and celebrate the truth about our closeness to Him. And we’ll unpack what it means to “put on” the outside what’s already on the inside, reflecting what we’ve received from God to others. I look forward to exploring these transformative truths with you as we deepen our knowledge of our new identity in Christ! Discussion Questions for Colossians 3: Read verses 1-2. What inspiration does Paul offer for thinking differently? Read verses 3-4 and react to this statement: Your life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is your life! Read verses 5-8 and react to this statement: Don’t walk like them because you are not them. How do verses 9-10 demonstrate (via past tense) that we believers can now “be ourselves”? What is being “renewed”? Does “chosen of God” in verse 12 su

  • “How do you know you’re right about God’s grace?”

    27/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    How do you know that a grace-centered perspective is the most accurate interpretation of the Gospel? Why does Jesus tell some people “depart from Me”? How does God view your spirit, your soul, and your body? Is your body evil? Or is it holy?

  • Die to self? Or count yourself alive?

    26/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Why did Jesus sometimes ask people to keep His miracles a secret? Do we need to take up our cross every day? Die daily? If not, does this mean there’s no struggle? Is this just semantics? How is this an important and powerful truth in the moment of temptation?

  • “No sacrifice left?”

    25/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Why did Jesus say “go and sin no more” if He knew we’d still sin? What does Hebrews 10 really mean when it says there’s no sacrifice left for those who sin willfully? Why does God allow autism? Which of the Old Testament laws still apply today?

  • “Are the desires of my heart good?”

    24/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    How do we deal with disappointment with God? How can we say God is good when so many bad things happen? Why did Jesus say the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath? Is it okay to express the desires of our heart to God and ask Him for them?

  • Did Jesus heal everyone? Actually, no.

    21/04/2024 Duración: 54min

    Andrew, how was your father saved? Was everyone around Jesus healed? What perspective on healing is healthy today? Is the discipline in Matthew 18 really for Jews under the Law? Why did David mention eating the flesh of bulls and goats? Isn’t there “high sin” that is unforgivable? What about 1 John 1:9? Don’t we need to confess our sins to be forgiven and cleansed?

  • Complete in Christ - Part 3

    21/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    Discussion questions for today: Read verse 8. What “traditions of men” can get in the way of truth today? Read verses 9-10. What does it mean to you to be complete in Christ? Read verse 11 and react to this statement: The flesh has been stripped away from me. I’m always in the Spirit. When I choose fleshly thinking, it’s a dead way to me! Read verse 12 and consider: Are you still trying to improve (or eliminate) the “you” whom God has raised up? Read verses 13-14. How do these two verses encapsulate the whole Gospel message? Read verse 15. Who was disarmed by Jesus? How? Read verses 16-17. How is a Sabbath day a shadow? What is the substance? Read verses 18-19. What exactly is the prize? How do some try to defraud us of enjoying the prize? Read verses 20-23 and react to this statement: It’s not about rules. It’s about letting Christ rule by faith.

  • Was God angry with Jesus on the cross?

    19/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    What does “a dog returns to its own vomit” mean? Did Did Peter, Paul and James have a law-based perspective in their writings at times? How should we view Matthew 18 in terms of church discipline? Was God’s wrath poured out on Jesus?

  • Is suicide an unforgivable sin?

    19/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    Do we go immediately to Heaven after we die? My brother committed suicide, and I wonder if he could have a second chance with God? Is suicide an unforgivable sin? How did Catholicism perpetuate this idea? What do you think of the Freemasons movement?

  • Forgiven but judged? Makes no sense!

    18/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    If God remembers our sins no more, are we judged for them? Why does James say to confess our sins to one another? For what reason if we’re already forgiven? Why doesn’t God just forgive and save everyone?

  • What does “repent” really mean?

    17/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    What does repent actually mean in Acts 2:38? I go to three churches, so do I need to tithe to all of them? What does Jesus mean when He says in Matthew 17 that they don’t have mustard-seed-sized faith? My wife wants to divorce me. What should I do?

  • “I struggle with sexual fantasy…”

    16/04/2024 Duración: 25min

    What is the gift of tongues? I struggle with pornography and sexual fantasy. What can I do? I’ve been a worship leader for many years, but I’m frustrated with my church. How can we keep our worship organic and meaningful?

  • Turn children or visitors away from communion?

    15/04/2024 Duración: 54min

    Why do a variety of churches practice communion differently? Is church membership biblical? What does it mean to be not of this world? I argue with my friend about the Catholic view of transubstantiation. What are your thoughts? Why does God reference Able’s blood crying out? Are people who are murdered given another chance in the afterlife to repent and believe?

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