Lunch And Learn With Dr. Berry

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 219:43:23
  • Mas informaciones



The Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast is designed to simplify health care so the common person can learn how to take back control. Through weekly educational lessons Dr. Berry will be taking the most complex medical issues and teaching it in a way that you will wonder why your own personal physician never explained it to you in such a fashion before. If you have ever went to your doctors appointment and left there more confused and frustrated then when you came in then this podcast is the one for you. Dr. Berry prides himself on being able to educate his patients and make them feel comfortable in their most trying times.


  • LLP019: Lets talk about Heart Disease and how to prevent it

    12/07/2017 Duración: 22min

    Heart disease is the number one killer in the WORLD. Cardiovascular disease as it is most commonly described as takes up 2 of the top 10 reasons world wide. As a primary care physician I have seen my faire share of patients who has suffered the ill effects of this disease. According to the CDC heart disease is accountable for 1 in 4 deaths here in the United States with about 600,000 deaths per year as the leading cause. In the episode today we are going to talk about just what it all entails, who suffers the most from it, and what you can do to help prevent it.    Links/Resources  What do you know about cardiovascular disease 15 reasons why you should care now   In this episode you will learn: What is heart disease? What are some risk factors? Who is affected? How can you prevent it?   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #L

  • LLP018: Are you really suffering from migraines

    11/07/2017 Duración: 26min

    How many people you know suffer from migraines? It is probably one of the most incorrect complaints that I hear in the office. Like there are many people who suffer from headaches but not as many suffer from migraine symptoms. My goal of today's episode is to educate on what migraines really are because if you knew how debilitating they were you may feel a little bad saying your headache is a migraine. For my migraine sufferers take this episode as my  On today's episode we are going to talk about exactly what a migraine is and discuss other types of headaches.     Links/Resources  What type of headache do you have?   In this episode you will learn: What is a migraine? Common signs & symptoms Why knowing the difference could be life or death How to get rid of your migraine?   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLe

  • LLP017: How many ways to spot sleep apnea

    11/07/2017 Duración: 15min

    Talking about a very important sleep disorder today, the dreaded sleep apnea. Find out why having a good night's rest can be live saving in patients with sleep apnea.When trying to explain to my patients exactly what sleep apnea is I give them the analogy of holding your breath while you are sleeping but being too tired to realize it. There are 3 types of sleep apnea Obstructive, Central and Mixed type but the most common one and the one that we will discuss in the episode is Obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA) is due to the physical blockage of the airway when we sleep which can last 20-30 seconds at a time. I have had the opportunity to see patient both inside and outside the hospital who suffer from OSA and the risk factors and side effects can be deadly.    Links/Resources  Do you have sleep apnea? NIH Research on OSA   In this episode you will learn: What is sleep apnea? 5 signs and symptoms for Sleep Apnea Who is affected by it? What happens if you don't treat it   Social Links Jo

  • LLP016: How bad is colon cancer in the african american community?

    10/07/2017 Duración: 21min

    Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and African Americans are hit even harder than the average. On this episode listen to some of the staggering numbers & effects of  colon cancer that can almost be prevented with routine screening. I can tell you that I have always been a strong advocate for my patients but in particular my African American patients to get all their routine screenings. As a practicing Internist, the colonoscopy is one of the most difficult test to get your patients to warm up to but if are firm in your stance of it's importance many (not all) will come around to your point of view.   Links/Resources  Background Information on Colon Ca in the AA community CDC colorectal rates by ethnicity   In this episode you will learn: Why the focus on African Americans How have they fared since 1999 One of the biggest reasons for the disparity What can physicians do to help Why this is a public health crisis   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community -

  • LLP015: Why Public Health matters to me and you

    10/07/2017 Duración: 22min

    When I got my osteopathic medical degree I pursued a master's in public health and it's been one of the best decisions I have ever made. See why I feel that the Public Health degree has made me a better physician and why all doctors should have one. Links/Resources  NSU PH program What can I do with the degree? In this episode you will learn: Who was influential in getting pursuing a MPH Why I feel that the degree should be a requirement for all doctors The issue with medical mission trips How doctors could apply the public health degree to practice The latest Measle epidemic Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcasts    To share your thoughts: Leave a comment  Use the hashtag on social m

  • LLP014: Dont forget these questions the next time you are having surgery

    07/07/2017 Duración: 10min

    Doing a pre-op workups is pretty routine for most primary care doctors but lately I noticed that I had been spending more time answering questions that frankly the surgeon should be answering so thats what promoted the podcast episode today. needs to be the one to answer so in this episode I discuss questions that you should ask.   In this episode you will learn: Importance of knowing what to expect with surgery Some Do’ & Dont’s from your favorite PCP What maybe harmful for surgery that you don’t know about How to avoid more pain than expected Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcasts  To share your thoughts: Leave a comment  Share this show on Twitter, Facebook  If you are looking t

  • LLP013: Learn the deadly signs and symptoms of a stroke

    07/07/2017 Duración: 11min

    Going to talk about an important cardiovascular disease, stroke on the podcast. I will be talking about the signs and symptoms of a stroke, how to diagnose it early and discuss some of the biggest factors associated with the disease. It can be one of the most debilitating things to happen to a loved one. One second everything can be fine and the next second life changing. Listen to some of the most common risk factors that you can change today. Also will be talking about how to recognize stroke symptoms early because it could mean the difference between life and death.  Links/Resources  10 common symptoms   In this episode you will learn: Why the word FAST is important in stroke recognition 10 signs and symptoms of an acute stroke Who is affected & how to help prevent it from happening to a loved one.   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPo

  • LLP012: Getting to the bottom of your depression

    06/07/2017 Duración: 28min

    Depression is one of the many disorders that I see manifest itself in a variety of different ways so its important to recognize the signs early. Today I talk about some signs and symptoms and how I have helped deal with the problems when they arise in my patients.  Links/Resources  Watch your family member A more detailed focus on depressive symptoms Screening Tools   In this episode you will learn: Just how bad doctors are at asking about depression Signs and symptoms of depression Common stigmas of the disorder   Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcasts  To share your thoughts: Leave a comment  Share this show on Twitter, Facebook  If you are looking to help the show out Leave a re

  • LLP011: Get your mental health in control before life happens

    06/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    Making sure my patient's mental health has always been a big part of my teaching and way of practicing medicine so on today's episode follow along where I discuss why your mental health is just as important than the physical one. Today's episode is an important one as we touch on various aspects of it, well talk about why its important for primary care providers to take a more proactive role in assessing it as early as possible and why it is more common than you think to suffer from mental health issues.  Links/Resources  Can't pray it away Medical Spotlight on Depression MHA In this episode you will learn: Troubling facts about Mental Health Barriers to access to Mental Health Care Who is affected the most How many people commit suicide yearly? Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, co

  • LLP010: Dr. Berry discusses vaccines and Autism

    05/07/2017 Duración: 20min

    As a physician and father of an autistic child I hate that we still have to have a debate on this topic but here we are. Yet again we have health professionals who despite all the evidence against the fact still continue to make the general public believe that there is somehow a connection to autism & vaccinations.  Today we are going to discuss exactly how the controversy started and lay out facts to dismiss claims of a relationship. Links/Resources  Vaccinating my child with Autism CDC's Statement on Vaccines In this episode you will learn: Learn about where the controversy started Public Health Risks of not vaccinating What do the rise in numbers really mean When to seek help? Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episodes of the Lun

  • LLP009: Dr. Berry changes his mind on Medical Marijuana

    05/07/2017 Duración: 18min

    In Florida we just approved it late 2016 for medical use and almost immediately I started getting calls on whether I would be subscribing it. Before you start I will let you know that it wasn't from people who were drug seeking but from people with complex medical conditions that reached a point where the only they had to turn to was the medical Marijuana. It has been one of hottest topics of medical debate over the past years. I can admit that I had strong opinions on the matter but after reading & doing my research I have changed my mind on everything. Listen to today's episode to see what happened.   Links/Resources  Medical Marijuana in Florida In this episode you will learn:  Which side on stand on The Pros/Cons of Medical Marijuana Who benefits the most from it Why it isn't legal everywhere Why isn't there much research Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on t

  • LLP008: Why Colon Cancer should be a very big deal

    04/07/2017 Duración: 22min

    Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in the United States.  Which is unfortunate because it is also one that could easily be prevented by one test. Over 60,000 people in the United States will die from colon cancer and we can prevent almost 90% of that if we just got treatment before it was too late. Today we are going to talk about colon cancer, who gets colon cancer, and what you can do to stop it.  I will also address a recent article that talks about which age group is on the rise for colon cancer  Links/Resources  Cancer on the rise What is a colonoscopy? In this episode you will learn: What is colon cancer? Who is affected by it. How can it be prevented? Startling facts and figures Why this is no longer an old person’s disease Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any quest

  • LLP007: Reasons why you have high blood pressure

    04/07/2017 Duración: 20min

    With a disorder that affects 1 out of every 3 adults it was only right to have a discussion on high blood pressure. Not a day goes by where I don't have to take care of a patient who is affected by hypertension in who way shape or form. Sometimes we are able to catch it early enough where it doesn't cause any problems and you are able to control it with diet alone but quite often but the time patients come to see me they sometimes require not only one medication but several. Today we are going to talk about the common causes of hypertension, how to treat it and its effects on the African American community.   Links/Resources  The Silent Killer Foods that help lower your BP   In this episode you will learn: 5 common causes of high blood pressure Why its known as the silent killer Who should be treated How much is it costing us to take care of patients with high blood pressure Fact regarding african americans and blood pressure Social Links Join the lunch and learn community -

  • LLP006: Why you are having sleep issues and what you can do about it

    03/07/2017 Duración: 17min

    One of the common questions I ask my patients right before the encounter is over is how their sleep is. For a few of them they respond that their sleep is amazing & probably sleep a bit too much but for most of them sleep problems have become such a common thing that they they just deal with it. Whether it be that they have trouble falling asleep or trouble staying asleep the results are still the same. The dream of getting 8 hours of sleep are something that they have never experierenced. If I had a penny for everytime one of my patients asked how they could get a good night sleep I'd be rich. I think one of my worst cases of sleep disorders was a patient who begin to have heart rhythm abnormalities that only occurred when they were trying to go to sleep. On today's episode we talk about some of the common reasons why you can't sleep & just how detrimental it can be for your health over the long run. You also be surprised to hear some of the tips that may help you starting getting a better night's re

  • LLP005: Why testosterone is so important to the morning quickie

    03/07/2017 Duración: 17min

    Quite often when a man walks in my office his reasoning usually falls under 2 categories, his partner/wife/mother(yes mother)/close family member brought him here or he wouldn't be here and some sexual function issues. We are going to talk about the second reason today. Unless you haven't been connected to any form of technology in the past 5 years than you have probably seen/heard a commercial promoting boosting a man's testosterone levels.  Testosterone is the key word today. On this episode I am talking about the infamous low "T", you will hear my thoughts on getting testosterone supplements, when you should actually be concerned about low testosterone & what foods can improve it.   Links/Resources  Erectile Dysfunction discussion   In this episode you will learn: The benefits  Signs and symptoms of low testosterone Who should be treated What foods can boost testosterone Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy Social Links Join the lunch and learn community -

  • LLP004: Lets talk about Mens Health Month

    30/06/2017 Duración: 39min

    June is the month that we put the focus on men regarding their health care. Honestly we men probably need a couple of months to really grasp how important their care is but I we are just going to have to make it work with one. In my practice the men tend to show up in my office for 3-4 common reasons which I discuss in today's podcast. I talk about the importance of Men's Health month, why men don't like going to the doctor and just how important loved ones are in getting a man to finally see one.    Links/Resources  Health Organization Common lies men tell their doctors   In this episode you will learn: The Importance of Mens Health Month Four Main pillars of Mens Health Month The most common reason why men show up to the doctor’s office How important loved ones are in men’s health care Why all the problems in men’s health keep pointing back to one central issue Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook -

  • LLP003: Why do men die younger than women

    30/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    With June being Men's Health month it was only right that we get to one of the fundamental issues that we see amongst the genders. For anyone who has ever worked at a nursing home or retirement village you know that women outnumber the men in bunches. There is no secret that women outnumber men as we get older. I am going to talk about some of the most common reasons why men die younger than women. You may be surprised by what I think the central issue of it all is.    Links/Resources  Free PDF - 10 reasons why men die younger   In this episode you will learn: Common causes for men dying young What key word is associated with men dying faster  Why many of these issues began when men are young kids Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast on twitter - @LunchLearnPod - use the hashtag #LunchLearnPod if you have any questions, comments or requests for the podcast For More Episo

  • LLP002: Why my past failures didn’t stop my future successes

    29/06/2017 Duración: 23min

    Failure is just one of those things that I have come to accept is apart of life. For many of us failure at some point of our life has had life changing effects whether it be for better or worse. As a kid growing up I knew I wanted to be a doctor even tough I didn't know how or even knew someone who was one. This is a personal episode today for encouragement. I talk about some of the about some of my past failures on my path to become a physician. I also give some words of encouragement for premedical & medical students on their journey.   Links/Resources  Dr. Berry's Facebook Page Personal Blog story on failures   In this episode you will learn: How Dr. Berry overcame the dreaded organic chemistry in undergrad  What happened during the first month of clinicals  The biggest misconceptions that premedical & medical students have Social Links Join the lunch and learn community - Follow the podcast on Facebook - Follow the podcast

  • LLP001: Affirmation 2016 and what started it all

    29/06/2017 Duración: 11min

    Any person who embarks on a new journey always has a point in their path where there is no looking in any direction but forward. That is what Affirmation 2016 has meant for me. What started out as a blog post turned into the blueprint for achievement goals for me in 2017. Like many, every year we secretly make our new years resolutions for better things in the following year but I went as far as putting it out there publicly not only as motivation but to serve as the public announcement that I would be a better clinician, person and excel in all my outside endeavors. It is during this time that I initially laid out my plans to better brand myself not only has a physician but as a thought leader & entrepreneur. The work of my affirmations also helped me create my first eBook, titled Affirmation 2016. Links/Resources  2016 ebook Dr. Berry's FacebookPage In this episode you will learn: Why putting my goals out in public was a huge motivator Why just being a regular clinician wasn't enough His frustrations

  • LLP 000: The Introduction to the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast

    18/06/2017 Duración: 08min

    Here is my introduction to the podcast that after many of you requested, I finally took the leap and now bring you the Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast. I am not sure if it was nerves, or fear that prolonged me from getting into the podcast market but I have to say that I am finally relieved to be bringing you the lunch and learn to a podcast app near you. Take a listen to podcast to learn a little more about myself, my motivation to even start the Lunch and Learn series and what my ultimate goal for the series is. When you are done listening don't forget to leave me a comment, rate me on apple podcast / google play / soundcloud /stitcher or wherever you listen to the podcast.      Links Mentioned Live Lunch and Learn Videos - MelvinsHue Photography by Stephen Francis  (my photographer) -   In this episode you will learn: Why this podcast was necessary Who finally pushed me over the top to create the podcast The value for the listeners The value for m

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