Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Clinton Years (1997-2000)



Alistair Cooke on Bill Clintons second term including Monica Lewinsky scandal, the attempt to impeach him, the al-Qaeda attack on US embassies in east Africa and war in Kosovo.


  • The sovereignty of Hong Kong.

    04/07/1997 Duración: 13min

    The US take on the handover of Hong Kong to the Chinese in July 1997, the ceremony accompanying the transfer of power, and the Chinese hopes for a peaceful return of Taiwan.

  • Roswell UFO incident

    27/06/1997 Duración: 14min

    The reported sightings of a UFO in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, a review of the military explanations after the incident, and the refusal of some to believe the official accounts.

  • Watergate - 25 years on

    20/06/1997 Duración: 14min

    A look back at the break-in at the Watergate office complex in 1972, the details of the FBI investigation in to the incident and the eventual resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.

  • Health scares

    13/06/1997 Duración: 13min

    The healthy nature of the economy during the Clinton presidency, the need for a scare story in the news media, and the threat of salmonella, cholesterol and alcoholism.

  • William Clayton (1880-1966)

    06/06/1997 Duración: 13min

    A look at the life and work of William Clayton, the official who assessed the state of post-war Europe, and returned to the US to play a major role in drafting the Marshall Plan.

  • The Kelly Flinn case

    30/05/1997 Duración: 14min

    The cases of Kelly Flinn and Paula Jones, two women at the heart of sex scandals that could change US military law, or even the Constitution.

  • Spending the nation's money

    23/05/1997 Duración: 14min

    Alistair Cooke reflects on the differences between the American and British methods of presenting and debating a budget.

  • Sir Lionel Sackville-West (1827 - 1908)

    16/05/1997 Duración: 14min

    The 1997 UK general election, viewed from across the Atlantic, and the story of Sir Lionel Sackville-West, the man whose fatuity lost the Democrats the 1888 presidency.

  • Franklin D Roosevelt monument

    09/05/1997 Duración: 14min

    The unveiling of a Franklin D Roosevelt monument in Washington DC reminds Alistair Cooke of the problems that arise when erecting statues of notable figures.

  • Tiger Woods' ethnicity

    02/05/1997 Duración: 14min

    Tiger Woods, the golfing wonder whose ethnicity proves hard to pigeonhole – and, as fellow golf champion Fuzzy Zoeller discovers, can't be joked about.

  • Nicotine addiction

    25/04/1997 Duración: 14min

    How television has become a valuable historical archive, and how film can be replayed to haunt those taped, not least the tobacco industry bosses who lied about nicotine addiction.

  • Jackie Robinson (1919 – 1972)

    18/04/1997 Duración: 14min

    A tribute to Jackie Robinson (1919 – 1972) the first black Major League baseball player who ended racial segregation when he debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.

  • The Augusta National Golf Club

    11/04/1997 Duración: 14min

    How the Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia became the home of golf in America. Alistair Cooke explores the history of his beloved golf course.

  • Al Gore's Chinese aeroplane deal

    04/04/1997 Duración: 14min

    Vice President Al Gore oversees the Boeing 777 jetliners deal with China. Plus, should presidential candidates get free television publicity?

  • Alan Greenspan

    28/03/1997 Duración: 13min

    A profile of Alan Greenspan, economist and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. The most powerful man in the world who no one is ever likely to recognise in public.

  • Internet pornography

    21/03/1997 Duración: 13min

    How does the US restrict children accessing pornography on the internet – without tripping over the Constitution? Does the 1st amendment cover the internet?

  • Clinton's campaign money scandal

    14/03/1997 Duración: 14min

    President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have been caught soliciting money from inside the White House for use in the presidential campaign. How will the scandal unfold?

  • Protecting the freedom of speech

    07/03/1997 Duración: 14min

    The House of Representatives vote in favour of the Ten Commandments. The legal contest between the American Civil Liberties Union's and Judge Moore over the freedom of speech.

  • Astronaut John Glenn

    28/02/1997 Duración: 14min

    John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit Earth, retires after a lifetime in the public eye.

  • American Airlines pilots' strike

    21/02/1997 Duración: 14min

    President Clinton forgets about upsetting organised labour and chooses instead to keep American business flying by forcing a stop to the airline pilots strike.

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