Santa Maria Foursquare Church



Sunday messages from the Santa Maria Foursquare Church, on the beautiful central coast of California!


  • If Jesus... is Lord

    09/02/2024 Duración: 41min

    In this series we've been talking about three main attributes of Jesus: He is here, He is good, and today, He is Lord. But is one of these more important than the others? Yes! Everything else about Jesus flows from his Lordship. He has all authority over all things, and nothing is impossible for Him. So this begs the question: If he's all these things, why don't more people surrender to Jesus as their Lord? Because if there is any Lord other than ourselves, that Master will require things of us. And we tend to run from requirements as they can restrict how we want to live our lives. And what's the problem anyway? Can't we just love Jesus as our Savior without fully surrendering to him as Lord? Today we're diving into these issues. What does Jesus require of us, and what are the problems with rejecting his Lordship while still trying to connect with Jesus as the center of our faith? NOTE: For those who were with us on Sunday, February 4, you'll notice that this message contains an "alternate ending" to what yo

  • If Jesus... is Good

    02/02/2024 Duración: 52min

    When you hear that "Jesus is good," you're actually hearing a code phrase that means much more. It's a statement declaring that EVERYTHING about Jesus is good – his nature, his mission, and his message are completely good all the time. And in today's message we're looking at one story, just a few minutes from Jesus' life, that demonstrates the reality of his goodness in so many ways. We're going to discover: He sees us and knows us. He's compassionate toward us. He acts on our behalf – not based on religious protocols, but based on His love. | He works miracles to fix what's broken. He is working to bring restoration – restoring any parts of our story that have been damaged by hell. Jesus is good. He is for you, not against you. And because he's the same Jesus now that he was when he was on earth, he is completely reliable and worthy of our trust.

  • If Jesus... is Here

    22/01/2024 Duración: 51min

    God’s mission has always been to be present with us in continual, life-giving relationship. We see that throughout Scripture — from the start to the end. And Jesus' promise is that he would be with us ALWAYS. But though Jesus is here with us, we're not always aware of his presence. Today we look at ways we can develop our awareness, practices that help us experience his presence in powerful ways.

  • Thinking About Jesus

    08/01/2024 Duración: 46min

    We all have two columns in our minds: one for WINS and another for LOSSES. When you think about this past year you’d be able to put lots of things into one of those two categories: relationships, your health, your finances, emotional and mental health, etc. This kind of list is what we use to determine whether we’re ADVANCING or LOSING GROUND in different areas in our life.

  • Securing My Future

    02/01/2024 Duración: 49min

    We've reached the end of our journey through the 260 chapters of the New Testament, and are in the final chapters of Revelation. Today we learn about heaven in an incredible description of its size and beauty — plus we discover what's in and what's out; who's in and who's out. And there's an amazing invitation to ANYONE who wants to secure their future and join God in this eternal home!

  • A Christmas of Rest

    28/12/2023 Duración: 43min

    Rest is always seen as God's blessing. From Genesis through Revelation, including the Christmas story, rest is a deep, complete and lasting peace that brings calm not only to the storms around us, but the storms within us. Today we're looking at God's vision of rest, including how we can receive it this Christmas season!

  • The Mystery of Christmas

    18/12/2023 Duración: 38min

    Sometimes when reading a mystery you need to check the end of the story to make sure it ends well — then you can jump back into the intrigue. That's what we're doing today! In Revelation we find the "mystery of God" being fulfilled — the we flip back to the Christmas story and discover it's a central part to mystery of the gospel.

  • Great Joy to ALL People

    11/12/2023 Duración: 46min

    Can Revelation have anything to do with the Christmas story? Absolutely! It's in Revelation 5 we find that Jesus died to ransom ALL PEOPLE! That's the very same message the angel proclaimed on the night of Jesus' birth: that his coming was good news that will bring great joy to ALL PEOPLE! Hell's plan is always to divide people. God's plan is always to unite them. And our church — in a small but important way — is working God's plan in our community. That's why we are ONE church with TWO congregations, and why today we all together for a beautiful bilingual message of God's love.

  • The Next Advent

    05/12/2023 Duración: 51min

    As we enter this Christmas Advent season, celebrating the first arrival of Jesus into the world, we are mindful of his promise that there will be a second advent, when he'll return again. Today's message is the first of our Christmas series through the book of Revelation, and we're reintroduced to Jesus — not as the meek and mild baby in a manger, but as the righteous and all powerful king!

  • In the Middle of the Fire

    27/11/2023 Duración: 45min

    In the five chapters of 1 Peter, one thing is talked about 17 times. What is this one defining theme of this short book? Suffering. While human suffering was never God's original intent, when people chose a path of sin, suffering followed, and it now marks all of our lives. But because God will use anything and everything in our stories to work toward his good purpose, Peter tells us how suffering plays a role in our lives. It's the fiery test that proves our faith is genuine. Today we're looking at four things Peter says should mark a genuine faith that's in the middle of the fire.

  • A Beautiful Thing

    27/11/2023 Duración: 39min

    There's a showdown in Bethany: Mary VS Judas. Mary has anointed Jesus in an extravagantly generous act of worship, and Judas is having none of it. That's when Jesus steps in declares that what Mary has done is a beautiful thing. What we see is that Mary and Judas had very different beliefs; which led to different choices; which led to entirely different outcomes — which is always the same pattern in our own lives. How can we live our lives in such a way that Jesus declares them beautiful? It all starts with what we believe.

  • Give Me What I Want

    13/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    Often times, we think we know what is best for our life and we want Jesus to give us what we want when we want it. However, Pastor Gary shares with us how the disciples had a similar experience; they had a question that caused great conflict between them and we learn that Jesus had a lesson to teach the disciples and you and me.

  • The Fight is in the Middle

    08/11/2023 Duración: 48min

    As believers when we are walking through our journey of life, we will constantly find ourselves in the middle of something. It can be something as simple as the middle of a work week or it can be something as difficult as being in the middle of a storm. Today, Pastor Lisa shares how we should battle in the middle of what we are in when it takes longer than we would like.

  • The Harvest

    30/10/2023 Duración: 46min

    In Matthew 9, Jesus told his followers that the "harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." Why aren't there enough workers — those engaged with Jesus on his mission of redemption? What's stopping his followers from partnering with him in his work? Those are the topics we explore in today's message.

  • Two Roads

    28/10/2023 Duración: 43min

    Based on the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, we learn that everyone has to choose to walk down one of two roads – the wide, broad road that leads to hell or the narrow, difficult road that leads to heaven. We all have the choice to make, but our decision will have consequences.

  • Election Year Discipleship

    16/10/2023 Duración: 47min

    We're about to enter a year-long election cycle — sure to be filled with angry rhetoric, accusations, and divisions. Unfortunately, many good people get drawn into this "death spiral" of hostility. Could there be another way? Today we're looking at Scripture that speaks directly into our cultural moment. It answers: how can our political engagement reflect the transforming work of Jesus in our lives?

  • Growing in God’s Word

    10/10/2023 Duración: 41min

    There is something inseparable about God and his word — because the Bible is the primary place where we discover who God is, what he's promised, and how he invites us in to his story. Reflecting on this, Pastor Tim states: "I am not convinced we can grow in relationship Jesus if we’re not growing in his word." But how can we grow in our understanding of God's word? Paul talks with Timothy about this and says two things we're reflecting on today: the power of REMINDERS and REFLECTION. We not only need consistent reminders of what God has said, but we need to also consider these things deeply. These two practices are at the heart of our 260 Bible reading plan which you can learn more about here:

  • The Power of Perception

    03/10/2023 Duración: 43min

    The world pressures us to create the "perfect" image of ourselves. But the stress we feel often comes from focusing on the wrong things — trying to perfect things that matter very little. In this message we discover what the Bible says actually matters when it comes to how others perceive us. The Apostle Paul gives us five things to focus on as followers of Jesus — areas of life that help share the story of what God is doing in our lives.

  • Women in Ministry

    28/09/2023 Duración: 50min

    What do we do when a Scripture seems to be in conflict with other truth in the Bible? Do we just ignore it? Pick what works best for us personally? Or do the harder work of deep study? Taking this more challenging path is what Jennifer Thigpenn encourages us to do in this message as she unpacks the Apostle Paul's words to Timothy about women staying quiet and not teaching men. Was this a blanket statement providing direction to the church for all time — or was something else going on in Timothy's ministry that Paul was addressing? Let's see what we can discover in this important conversation.

  • What Does it Mean to Please God

    19/09/2023 Duración: 41min

    Have you ever wondered the true meaning of pleasing God? Pastor Mike shares with us today, how important it is to have an ambition to accomplish the desire of God’s heart in order to please Him.

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