Just Between Us Dr. Jackie Black



If youd like to stop the chaos and seriously build the happy relationships youve always wanted then you are in the right place. Join Dr. Jackie Black, an internationally recognized relationship expert, for real conversations about dating, mating and relating. You will hear the simple truths about your most personal and important relationships and while you are here listen up for tips and tools to build and maintain those relationships every day.


  • Just Between Us – If You Want To Find a Partner Who’s a Great Match, Show Up and Be Who You Really Are


    Where ever I go the #1 topic of conversation among single men and women is how much they hate dating; how hard it is to find nice men or nice women; how all the good ones are taken. My guest expert for this episode is KEN PAGE, LCSW, a psychotherapist, author and lecturer specializing in […] The post Just Between Us – If You Want To Find a Partner Who’s a Great Match, Show Up and Be Who You Really Are appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Feelings and Were Afraid to Ask


    I decided that today I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic without any guests– just you and me today. The beginning of the breakdown of the family in the US began around the time of the Industrial Revolution- roughly from the 1780 to the mid 1800’s. And it continues unchecked to […] The post Just Between Us – Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Feelings and Were Afraid to Ask appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – The Holidays Are Anything But Happy When You’re Grieving the Loss of a Loved One


    I decided that today I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic without any guests– just you and me today.   I want to talk to you about Grief and the Holidays.    When you are or someone you care about is grieving the death of a loved one, or you are […] The post Just Between Us – The Holidays Are Anything But Happy When You’re Grieving the Loss of a Loved One appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Cool Your Anger Hot Button & Heat Up Your Love Connection


    Have you ever been in a conversation with your Partner –or with anyone for that matter – and all of a sudden a minor disagreement has gotten completely out of hand or a simple conversation has suddenly turned into a shouting match? Do you know WHY this happens? Because your fear of being abandoned, or […] The post Just Between Us – Cool Your Anger Hot Button & Heat Up Your Love Connection appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – The BIG Difference Between Talking and Communicating


    Communication is one of the essential parts of creating rich, meaningful relationships. Communicating verbally and non-verbally in a kind, responsible and respectful way furthers understanding, feeling valued, respected and cared for and increases intimacy and trust. In today’s episode, we’re going to explore the world of communication. My guest today is Scott Simpson – a husband, father, […] The post Just Between Us – The BIG Difference Between Talking and Communicating appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Send Your Emotional Baggage Packing And Put the Loving Feelings Back in Love Relationships


    When you are married or are in a long-term, committed relationship, one of the things that happens is that the longer you are married and the closer you get; the more you love each other; the more attached you get to each other; and the scarier it gets – because the risks are greater and […] The post Just Between Us – Send Your Emotional Baggage Packing And Put the Loving Feelings Back in Love Relationships appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us -What You Don’t Know and Need to Know About Your Totally Amazing Brain and Recovering From Mild Traumatic Brain Injury


    Your body is totally amazing and, believe it or not, so is your brain! You have tremendous healing abilities inside your body and your brain, and you can heal from and recover from some of the most horrendous injuries and illnesses – including Mild Traumatic Bain Injuries! More people than you might imagine have suffered […] The post Just Between Us -What You Don’t Know and Need to Know About Your Totally Amazing Brain and Recovering From Mild Traumatic Brain Injury appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Who Am I Now That There Is No Longer WE?


    Marriages are in trouble and they are in trouble in staggering numbers. Depending on the statistics you read the divorce rate is right at or just over 50% for first marriages in North America. And the divorce rate for second marriages is 60% and for third marriages is a staggering 73%. In this episode, I […] The post Just Between Us – Who Am I Now That There Is No Longer WE? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Being GUTSY is the New Normal


    Do you know that certain family patterns are limiting you in your interpersonal relationships, your most important love relationship and even limiting your career success. By breaking old patterns of thinking and behaving, and getting clear about what you believe, you can break those old patterns that are keeping you stuck or limiting you in […] The post Just Between Us – Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: Being GUTSY is the New Normal appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Best Kept Secrets of a Fulfilling Marriage Revealed


    There are many myths about sex and romance in long-term relationships. There are also some universal truths. For many men and women the beginning of a relationship is exciting! It’s a time of high sexual attraction and abounding sexual energy. You are just getting to know each other. He doesn’t know anything about your dark […] The post Just Between Us – Best Kept Secrets of a Fulfilling Marriage Revealed appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – When It Feels Like the Schoolyard Bully Has Shown Up in Your Life, Grab the Bull by the Horns


    I bet you’d be shocked if you found out that many seemingly successful people have built their entire lives on a faulty foundation; on false beliefs that they are nothing special; that they don’t deserve love or regard or to be cared for. Have you ever said, “I am not good enough. I don’t measure […] The post Just Between Us – When It Feels Like the Schoolyard Bully Has Shown Up in Your Life, Grab the Bull by the Horns appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – All About Divorce: When It’s Time To Hit the Reset Button So You Can Advocate and Choose for YOU


    For many men and women divorce is a legitimate and appropriate choice. In my view getting divorced is a process and consists of 3 main elements: 1. Emotional 2. Financial 3. Legal If you are an emotional mess you won’t be able to advocate for yourself, and make the legal and financial choices and decisions […] The post Just Between Us – All About Divorce: When It’s Time To Hit the Reset Button So You Can Advocate and Choose for YOU appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Less Work and More Play for Better, Closer, Happier Marriages


    Have you ever considered that having more fun and working on your relationship less might actually be the best way to create closer, happier marriages? My guests for this episode are Bob Tomes and Jane Warren, co-founders of VibrantCouples.com, 24 Shades of Red All Year Long Video Summit and 3 Myths of Relationship and the […] The post Just Between Us – Less Work and More Play for Better, Closer, Happier Marriages appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Great Sex: Don’t Think For a Minute That Happens Only In Your Body


    There’s an old saying: “If you want to make love to your wife tonight you’d better start in the morning.” While that old adage comes right straight out of that old, outdated model of marriage, there is still a shade of truth for contemporary couples. More than ever before in recorded history, contemporary couples are […] The post Just Between Us – Great Sex: Don’t Think For a Minute That Happens Only In Your Body appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Masculine and Feminine Energies: Could They Be More Misunderstood?


    Would you be surprised to hear that a lot of women around the world still believe feminine traits are inferior to masculine traits? Many mistakenly think that feminine traits demonstrate weakness. The fact of the matter is that all human beings have masculine and feminine energies within us and we can develop them and use […] The post Just Between Us – Masculine and Feminine Energies: Could They Be More Misunderstood? appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Successful Dating Is an Inside Job and Has Noting to Do With Where to Go to Meet Ms. or Mr. You-Are-Perfect-For-Me


    If you’re single or have single friends or family members who are single, how many times do you say or hear –“There are no good men out there”; or “All the great women are married.” This is your internal mindset or belief system that is reflecting what is going on inside you and not really […] The post Just Between Us – Successful Dating Is an Inside Job and Has Noting to Do With Where to Go to Meet Ms. or Mr. You-Are-Perfect-For-Me appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – If You Think You Can’t Change the Energy (or Lack of It) in Your Marriage – Think Again!


    We are in a very exciting time in history –especially when it comes to our most precious love relationships. We are in the middle of a paradigm shift. For the first time on over 60-years we are taking a close look at the nature and structure of our love relationships from a new and different […] The post Just Between Us – If You Think You Can’t Change the Energy (or Lack of It) in Your Marriage – Think Again! appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Making Yourself a Priority is Not Selfish; Its Self-ness


    You might already be aware of the concept that everything that we do outside of us in our lives and in our relationships is actually imprinted by who we are and how we are being on the inside. Another way to say that is: What is happening in our lives outside of us is actually […] The post Just Between Us – Making Yourself a Priority is Not Selfish; Its Self-ness appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Feelings of grief and loss are legitimate if someone dies. Most people get that.


    But if you get divorced -well that is a horse of another color. And even worse, if YOU initiate the divorce and then you are sad or mad or and undone for a time afterward, most people won’t have any compassion or understanding for what you are going through. Todays episode is going to focus […] The post Just Between Us – Feelings of grief and loss are legitimate if someone dies. Most people get that. appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

  • Just Between Us – Who Am I Now That There Is No Longer WE


    Marriages are in trouble and they are in trouble in staggering numbers. Depending on the statistics you read the divorce rate is right at or just over 50% for first marriages in North America. And the divorce rate for second marriages is 60% and for third marriages is a staggering 73%. In this episode, I […] The post Just Between Us – Who Am I Now That There Is No Longer WE appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.

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