Rockstar Birth Radio



Welcome to Rockstar Birth Radio! I'm your host Shalome and this podcast is for pregnant mamas who are seeking a fabulous birth experience. So let's step away from the scary and fearful view of birth and dive into the rich birthing wisdom and powerful birth stories, to inspire you to rock your birth, your way.


  • Ep 17 - Shalome Stone - Born At Home

    01/09/2016 Duración: 16min

    Is homebirth just for Hippies? If you've ever wondered whats involved in a homebirth, then listen in as experienced homebirth mama Shalome Stone talks you through the finer points of birthing at home. And it's not all incense burning and chanting at the moon :) Learn about how birthing at home with an experienced midwifery team can be an incredibly powerful and sacred option for many women. Maybe even you.  

  • EP16 - Melissa Spilsted - Hypnobirthing for Caesarean Birth

    18/07/2016 Duración: 31min

    Melissa Spilsted is a Clinical Hypnotherapist (CHt), Childbirth Educator (BEd, HPCE) and world leader in hypnobirthing education. She is recognised as a pioneer in ‘The Positive Caesarean Birth’, having written the world’s first program in 2011. As the founder and director of the Hypnobirthing AustraliaTM and HypnobubsTMprograms, she is kept busy teaching parents and practitioners worldwide. Melissa is married to Stephen and they have three beautiful boys (aged 6, 8 & 10), who were all birthed using gentle hypnosis techniques. You can find further information on The Positive Caesarean Course at the Hypnobirthing Australia and Hypnobubs websites. Individual albums are also sold through iTunes. Melissa shared her insights on achieving a Positive Caesarean Birth in the Positive Caesarean Birth issue of the Rockstar Birth Magazine:

  • EP15 - Kylie Szabo - Maternal-Assisted Caesarean Birth

    18/07/2016 Duración: 33min

    Kylie Szabo is the Rockstar Mama of 3 babes. After her first 2 babes were born via unscheduled caesarean birth she knew she wanted a different experience for her third child. Whilst extensively exploring her VBAC options, Kylie also deep-dived into the world of natural and maternal-assisted caesareans, ultimately birthing her daughter via the very first maternal-assisted caesarean birth at her local hospital. You will love Kylie's rockstar support team and incredible determination. If you would like to read Kylie's birth journey in full, pick up a copy of Issue #1 - the Believe In You issue - of the Rockstar Birth Magazine and immerse yourself in her  amazing photographs: And to get inspired and informed about what is involved in the natural or maternal-assisted caesarean birth, grab a copy of the Positive Caesarean Birth issue of the Rockstar Birth Magazine:

  • EP14 - Carlee Wilson - Positive Perspective on Caesarean

    18/07/2016 Duración: 28min

    As a mama who was studying natural medicine and wanted a drug free natural birth, a caesarean birth was not part of Carlee Wilson's birth plan. But as her birth journey evolved, Carlee and her husband worked their way through their options and were able to feel positive and supported as their beautiful boy was born. And it was this outlook that absolutely shone through in her birth story. You can read all about Carlee’s birth experience and her decision to choose a positive perspective on her journey in the Positive Caesarean Birth issue of the Rockstar Birth Magazine:

  • EP13 - Lisa Corduff - Caesarean Birth is Beautiful

    18/07/2016 Duración: 37min

    I have always been intrigued about what it means to have a planned or scheduled caesarean birth. I am beyond stoked to be sharing the birth stories of Wholefoods blogger, Lisa Corduff, as she talks us through her birthing journey.   If you dig Lisa's wholesome vibe (which you will, the girls a total rockstar), be sure to check out her wholefoods wisdom and stories of Keeping Food (and Life) Real at And for inspiration and motivation to have an incredibly positive caesarean birth experience, be sure to check out the Positive Caesarean Birth issue of the Rockstar Birth Magazine at  

  • EP12 - Shalome Stone - Positive Caesarean Birth

    18/07/2016 Duración: 06min

    With 30-40 percent of babies experiencing a caesarean birth, we need to talk about caesareans. Because caesarean mamas deserve to feel proud and empowered about their birth experience, regardless of how their baby exits the womb. The Positive Caesarean Birth series of Rockstar Birth Radio is a must if you want an amazing caesarean birth experience, mama, or if you’re healing from your caesarean birth experience. Bursting with positive caesarean birth stories & empowering insights, this series will gift you with the strength to have the required conversations with your care providers; will inspire you with the love and connection from the raw and beautiful caesarean birth stories shared by mothers just like you; and will empower you with the knowledge that caesarean mamas give birth too.

  • EP11 - Tanya Strusberg - Lamaze

    01/07/2016 Duración: 37min

    Tanya Strusberg is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and founder of birthwell birthright, an independent childbirth education practice based in Melbourne. In 2015, Tanya was inducted as an FACCE (Fellow of the Academy of Certified Childbirth Educators) in recognition of her significant contribution to childbirth education. Through her internationally accredited Lamaze Educator Training program, she is very excited to be training a new generation of Australian Lamaze educators. Last, but absolutely not least, she is also the mum of two beautiful children, her son Liev and daughter Amalia. Tanya is a passionate advocate for maternal health reforms and women having a voice in birth. You can hear more from Tanya at

  • EP10 - Suzy Ashworth - Social Media & Birth

    01/07/2016 Duración: 32min

    Suzy Ashworth is an Author, TEDx Speaker, Pregnancy Coach, Business Mentor, and Founder of The Calm Birth School the world’s first video based hypnobirthing school. Her mission is to inspire women to say yes to dreams in birth, life and business. To find out more about Suzy, please visit The Calmbirth School website at and  sign up for her free hypnobirthing classes from anywhere in the world.  And check out her contribution to the Rockstar Birth Magazine issue #6, the Bloom and Breathe issue where she shares her article ‘The Truth About Hypnobirthing’. Today Suzy is talking about the increasing use of social media for childbirth education  as pregnant women seek insights and answers through Facebook forums, birth photography shared via Instagram and Pinterest, birth videos shared via Snapchat and YouTube, and birth education shared via websites and apps. There is an online village forming and women are gathering to empower themselves and support others.  

  • EP09 - Emma-Jane Cunningham - The Wise Hippo

    01/07/2016 Duración: 28min

    Emma-Jane Cunningham is the founder of Beautiful Beginning birth preparation classes aimed at nurturing positive emotions and physical wellbeing for pregnancy, birth and beyond. Emma is a trained hypnobirthing instructor, and teacher of the Wise Hippo birthing programme. She is a mother of three and can personally attest to the difference that birth preparation classes made to her birth experiences, describing her first 2 births as 'painful' and 'hard work' and her third birth as 'amazing'.  You can find more of Emma-Jane's insights at  

  • EP08 - Peter Jackson & Karen McClay - Calmbirth

    01/07/2016 Duración: 34min

    As a male midwife working in a country hospital for over 20 years, Peter Jackson witnessed mothers whose experience of childbirth was one of fear, anxiety and trauma. Peter knew that nature did not get it wrong, that a labouring mother's experience could be filled with empowerment and joy. He believed the answer lay in the preparation of the couple during pregnancy. Thus he developed the Calmbirth® Childbirth Preparation program. Along with his daughter Karen, a fellow midwife and registered nurse, Peter delivers Calmbirth to pregnant Australian couples to assist them to truly understand birth, help them to release fears and anxiety about birth, and teach them the skills they require to create positive birth experiences.  You can read more about Calmbirth in Issue #6 of the RSB magazine, the Bloom and Breathe issue, and at their website

  • EP07 - Tracy Donegan - GentleBirth

    01/07/2016 Duración: 39min

    Tracy is an author, Midwife and positive birth expert.  Tracy is also the Founder of GentleBirth, an evidence based birth and brain preparation program experienced through the GentleBirth App and in live workshops around the world. Originally from Ireland Tracy now lives in California with her husband Philip and two sons Cooper and Jack.   More information for both expectant parents and interested birth workers is available at:  And the GentleBirth App is available to download from the App store and GooglePlay.

  • EP06 - Shalome Stone - Educate Yourself

    01/07/2016 Duración: 10min

    Shalome Stone wants to live in a world where women approach their birth with excitement and awe.  A highly medicalised hospital birth and 2 sensational homebirths taught her that a little preparation can make ALL the difference, and that you can feel like a Rockstar when you birth, regardless of how you birth. As the Founder and Editor of the Rockstar Birth Magazine and Rockstar Birth Radio, Shalome is dedicated to empowering pregnant mamas to replace their fear of pain with the insights and self-belief to roar their baby out - by creating their own informed, empowered and amazing birth experience.  Listen in as Shalome explains how the use of private childbirth education made an incredible difference to her birth experiences, for both herself and her lover.  And stay tuned as she interviews leaders in the world of childbirth education about all the available options for you to rock your birth, your way. Enjoy series 2 of Rockstar Birth Radio - Educate Yourself.   

  • EP05 - Angela Gallo - A Passion for Birth

    15/06/2016 Duración: 39min

    Angela Gallo had NO interest in birth and marriage when she was partying with her new boyfriend. Zero. And then she got pregnant. And in the 4 years since then she has embarked on a journey of passion and discovery that has seen her become a doula, birth photographer, placenta encapsulator, and birth business mentor. This woman is PASSIONATE about birth.  Angela’s ultimate goal is to see women honored, celebrated, and respected - in ANY birth setting. Tune in to here Angela's journey from party girl to birth passionista. Her words of wisdom and self-belief will dramatically impact your own birth journey.   

  • EP04 - Milli Hill - The Positive Birth Movement

    15/06/2016 Duración: 44min

    Milli Hill founded the Positive Birth Movement in 2012 to create positive connections for pregnant women around birth. Designed to shake up our society's negative and fearful views of birth, the Positive Birth Movement is changing the face of birth through in-person sharing of positive birth experiences - whether that be a caesarean birth, a home birth, a water birth, a birth with an epidural. The Positive Birth Movement is a non-judgemental space to embrace an empowered + positive birth experience, and discuss all things positive birth. Listen in while Milli describes her own birth experiences and how they led her to creating a global birthing movement, so that women feel connected, capable, and positive about birth. With over 400 Positive Birth Movement groups around the world, a strong ripple effect is underway.    

  • EP03 - Brian the Birth Guy - Rockin' Dads

    15/06/2016 Duración: 30min

    Ever wondered how your man is going to cope at your birth? Worried he might faint at the sight of blood, or freak out if he hears you roar like a lion? Don't worry, Mama, Brian the Birth Guy is here to get your man fully prepared and totally ready to rock your birth.  With the right amount of insight, information, and cheeky humour, Brian will teach your man/ birth partner how to be an absolute rock at your birth. So that he feels prepared, excited, and able to be the best possible birth support you could wish for.  If you're pregnant and your man is sitting on the sidelines wondering how to get involved, sit him down, and tune him in. This is the episode for Dads at birth!   

  • EP02: Dr Sarah Buckley - Undisturbed Birth

    14/06/2016 Duración: 28min

    Dr Sarah Buckley provides an understanding of Mother Nature's superb design when it comes to birth, and how our mammalian bodies birth best when we are in conditions that are safe, private and unobserved. We essentially birth best when left undisturbed.  A must-listen episode for pregnant women that are seeking a natural drug-free hospital birth, with low/no intervention. This episode of Rockstar Birth Radio will reinforce your belief that your body is built beautifully for birth. And the importance of making your birthing environment as ideal as possible to let your natural birthing hormones and instincts work as effectively as possible to bring your baby earthside.  

  • EP01 - Shalome Stone - Rock Your Birth

    13/06/2016 Duración: 13min

      Shalome Stone wants to live in a world where women approach their birth with excitement and awe. A highly-medicalised hospital birth and 2 sensational home births taught her that a little preparation can make ALL the difference, and that you can feel like a total Rockstar when you birth, regardless of how you birth. As the Founder and Editor of the Rockstar Birth Magazine and Rockstar Birth Radio, Shalome is dedicated to empowering pregnant mamas to replace their fear of pain with the insights and self-belief to roar their baby out – by creating their own informed, empowered and amazing birth experience. Enjoy this very first episode of Rockstar Birth Radio!

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