15 Minutes With Lincoln



Tim Dunn traveled down to Springfield, IL to tour Lincoln's birth home and get some perspective on the current election, and Abraham Lincoln happened to be there. Then he agreed to do a weekly podcast with Tim covering the events of the week, but only for 15 minutes at a time. Tim, a Chicago-based comedian, is probably not the best guy to have exclusive access to our 16th President, but hes going to do his best.Sometimes Honest Abe gets a bit distracted with modernity (you should have seen his face the first time he tried Chipotle) but he does his best to give his perspective on todays events, often using his real opinions from 1865. He is not played by Bryan Duff.


  • 2016 Election/Chipotle

    08/07/2016 Duración: 21min

    Hi everyone! My name is Timothy Dunn, and during a recent trip to Springfield, IL, Abraham Lincoln appeared before me and said he's returned to earth to guide the American people through this election. I've convinced him to do a podcast with me for 15 minutes every week to discuss current events. This is our first episode. I apologize that we talk about Chipotle a lot.

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