Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 218:11:02
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Igor Kheifets shows you how to make big money with small email list and live the list building lifestyle from anywhere in the world!


  • IKS093: The $10,000 Per Month Pattern With Tellman Knudson

    09/01/2017 Duración: 37min

    Question: Do you consider $10,000 per month a good goal to strive for? Most people do. But Tellman Knudson, master hypnotist and the "Stan Lee" of e-mail marketing, wants to strangle those people. Why? Because they put a "governor" on their earnings. Tellman is a firm believer in "shoot for the stars" when it comes to goal setting. So in today's podcast, you'll hear him rap about how to destroy your mental barriers, make bushels of money and the one team of people you should stay close to if you want to be successful (hint: it's not your coworkers, your friends or even your family) Let's start.

  • IKS092: Tastes Like Chicken

    04/01/2017 Duración: 19min

    Here's one sales secret nobody talks about. Before the prospect can buy what you got, she needs to get what you sell. In other words... If she feels stupid about your product... if she doesn't understand it... she won't pull out her credit card. Solution? Use the technique I first learned from Dan Kennedy (huge DK fanboy here) called "Tastes Like Chicken". Do this and your conversions will skyrocket guaranteed. I break down the technique (and even share real world examples) in today's episode of the List Building Lifestyle

  • IKS091: How To Become A Better Writer With Craig Ballantyne

    02/01/2017 Duración: 22min

    Have you ever seen guys and gals that write every single day, without fail? They not only become better writers. They create more content, get more exposure and eventually earn more than us who write less. I always admired people who can write that much, so today I hop on the call with a guy I consider a writing machine, Craig Ballantyne. He's the editor of the Early to Rise Newsletter, a best-selling author of books on productivity and fitness and even writes for Men's health. Yes - he writes a lot. And today, you'll learn all of his tricks. Tricks like how not to be boring when writing, what's a time journal and why you should use it, and even the weird connection between your own personal hobbies and your writing that will give your writing this boost it's missing. For the above and much more, check today's List Building show.

  • IKS090: How To Bring Your List Back From The Dead With A Pole-Dancer Sequence

    28/12/2016 Duración: 18min

    Do you have a dead list? Do you feel it hasn't been monetized as it should? Is it collecting dust, as you're too confused at to what to do with it? If you answered yes to the above questions, the simplest way to remedy that is to start e-mailing your list. Listen now. There's a right and a wrong way to do this. Do it wrong, and you'll get spam complaints, unsubscribes and hate mail when you try. Do it right, and you'll bring your list back from the dead, as it generates fresh cash for you. How can you do it right? By following my newly rebranded Pole Dancer Sequence of e-mails, the best method in the industry for making your list alive again. Served to you on a silver platter in today's podcast.

  • IKS089: Persuasion Secrets Of The World's Most Charismatic & Influential Email Villain With Ben Settle

    26/12/2016 Duración: 37min

    What can villains teach you about persuasion? According to Ben Settle, world leader in e-mail copywriting education, quite a lot. Now, I don't want you going around killing people. But I want you to start thinking of villains as people who against the established order of things. If you want to make a difference in your market and even in the world, you should stop being a nice guy and start behaving like a villain. Today's podcast is all about how to behave like one. Discover how to become more powerful, respected, have people perceive you as a leader and follow you. Finally, you'll realize what makes the Joker the most dangerous and influential villain of all times, even if he has zero superpowers. Now, throw away your nice guy's syndome and listen to the podcast.

  • IKS088: Shut Up and Listen

    21/12/2016 Duración: 17min

    Do you know what you miss every time you try to sign up people for your opportunity? It's the one thing necessary that will make them feel understood and accepted. If you do this one little thing you will send subconscious signals to their brain that you can be trusted. And when they trust you, what do they do? They join you with zero hesitation. You don't even have to be an expert in your field for it to work. As a bonus, it removes any need for sleaziness and pressure. And in today's episode, I reveal to you this often neglected element for success in your business. Let's get started.

  • IKS087: Email Marketing Secrets Of Agora Insider With Nate Rifkin

    19/12/2016 Duración: 54min

    Today Nate Rifkin hops on the call with me. He's generated $5 million for Agora Publishing, the biggest internet marketing company in the world. All thanks to his sales letters and e-mails. Listen as Nate reveals trick after trick such as why your e-mails should make your prospect's life worse... Why super benefits on your subject headline won't get you read anymore. What's the number one selling power today? How to promote an opportunity when you're not yet successful with it. A website you can go this instant and swipe tons of e-mail fodder. And much more. Discover the new world of e-mail marketing in today's podcast.

  • IKS086: Mobile Traffic Bugaboo

    14/12/2016 Duración: 20min

    Is mobile traffic necessary for your business? Should you ignore it like everyone says you should? Do you believe that people will never buy from their phones? If you are unsure about the answers, today's episode will be a treat for you. You'll discover the truth about mobile traffic, decide once and for all if you need it in your marketing and even real-life examples to drive home the point. Let's go.

  • IKS085: How To Build Authority And Trust With Your Market Without Hype Or Sleazy Sales Talk With Michael Mansell

    12/12/2016 Duración: 25min

    How can you create an aura of authority that will make your market trust and follow you, without looking desperate? A hot-button question. So I hop on the call with the best guy out there to show us the nitty-gritty - Michael Mansell. Michael grew one of the largest teams across two biz opps at the same time. That's while most marketers struggle to build a team in one biz opp in their lifetime. I challenge him to reveal what he did to get where he's today, and he doesn't hold back. He digs deep and unmasks the psychological reasons that make people trust and accept you as their leader. He also explains how to do it while you sound genuine, avoid sleazy sales talk, and stand fearless in the face of competition.

  • IKS084: How To Build a Larger Than Life Marketing Persona

    07/12/2016 Duración: 18min

    "You're an asshole". That's what my wife's friend told her after she got drunk on their girl's night out. She said I am a condescending smart ass who needs to get off his pedestal. And you know what? She's half right. I AM an asshole... most of the time... when I'm in public. And I blame marketing. My aggressive persona took over the real Igor. Yet, I wouldn't change it even if I could. You see, becoming a polarizing personality is a must if you want to stand out in a crowded space. Why? Because the marketplace is full of people just like you, who offer the same service, for the same price... and each and every single one of them is so darn boring. They're so normal it's disgusting. People aren't attracted to the usual middle ground anymore, they're attracted to the extremities where the magic happens. Make no mistake. Creating an online marketing persona is critical to succeed. And today's episode is all about how to become larger than life marketer.

  • IKS083: How To Talk To People On The Phone About Your Biz Opp With Devon Brown

    05/12/2016 Duración: 37min

    Ever wondered how some people always sell high ticket opportunities while you struggle with a $7 product? I mean are they magicians of some kind? No. They are humans like you and me. But they have a technique up their sleeve that's a game-changer. And today one of those real life magicians, my man Devon Brown, explains this mesmerizing technique. When he used it on a client, he exclaimed "Wait! Aren't you going to sell me anything?". All Devon had to do then, was tell him about the $3,000 opportunity he was selling and the client replied "OK. Let me get my credit card". It's THAT powerful. And that's not all. Because I am a prince of a guy, I take it a step further. Me and Devon put on our acting hats and roleplay a real life scenario, using his technique. You see from A to Z what it takes to warm up prospects, make them feel comfortable, and even how to make the dreaded close of high ticket opportunities feel like second nature to you.

  • IKS082: The Psycho-Quirk Which Finally Explains The Shiny Object Syndrome

    30/11/2016 Duración: 21min

    Do you jump from opportunity to opportunity? Do you get a "high" after purchasing a product or a service? Do you think "I must keep spending money until something works out"? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I got good news and bad news. The bad news: you suffer from "shiny object syndrome". It's not recognized (yet) by the medical establishment as a disease. But it's real. And it afflicts people who want more from life, bust their a$$ off yet have minimal results. The good news: in today's List Building Lifestyle episode I give you the prescription to help you fight off the disease and never hunt shiny objects ever again . When healed, you'll focus on the things that matter in your business, make more sales and enjoy a stress free life, never again hopping from opportunity to opportunity. Get your cure today.

  • IKS081: How To Make Money In Your Sleep With Richard Legg

    28/11/2016 Duración: 34min

    Ever heard of making money while you sleep? If you've been on the internet for more than one second, you have heard it. Tons and tons of "gurus" boast about doing it. Here is the truth. Most of those losers are living on their friend's couches and don't make a dime. Yes, they are fake. But, the "make money while sleeping" lifestyle is true. There are people out there who do it. And today I chat with one of them, my man Richard Legg. Richard works two hours every day, five days a week. And guess what? Like the English gentleman he is, he explains the complete process, from A to Zebra. If you love the idea of making money while you sleep, today's episode will be a treat.

  • IKS080: Critical Persuasion Element Influencer Use But Never Talk About

    23/11/2016 Duración: 19min

    Did you know that pick up artists are better in business than you? It's true. Influencing girls and people is second nature to them. You see them rolling and think "how do people fall for that?". Yet they take home the girl. And they can join the same opportunities as you, grab your clients like Trump grabs women and leave you empty handed. Sucks, right? Relax. You don't have to finish second. At least not in business. And in today's episode, you discover how to influence prospects in a righteous way, bring home the sale and have your competition eat your dust. Let's get busy.

  • IKS079: 7 Biblical Mindset Hacks Marketing Millionaires Swear By With Diane Hochman

    21/11/2016 Duración: 39min

    How saturated is your niche? Chances are, if there's any money in it, it's drenched with competitors. How do you stand out? How do you make people not only pay attention to you, but be dying to work with you? Both questions have been troubling me for a long time. I decided to ask Diane Hochman, millionaire entrepreneur mom who's the #1 all time earner in My Lead System Pro. Over the next half an hour she shares the 7 biblical hacks marketing superstars use to go from nobody's to the who's-who! Of course, yours unruly is no different. When I mastered hack number 4, my earnings skyrocketed as did my self-confidence, in bidniz and life.

  • IKS078: The Two Brains

    16/11/2016 Duración: 19min

    I hate my dad. I hate him because he is stupid. Well, he's smart. He's actually an engineer, but he doesn't act like one. He's totally irrational and often irresponsible with his money. Which is why I spent the first three and a half years of my internet career bootstrapping my business. In other words, he's a great example of how to NOT act with your money. Today I'm sharing the full never-before-spoken-of story of the relationship between me and my dad and how it shaped and forced me to get SMART about money, marketing and success. And how I used what I learned observing his destructive behaviour in my business. Then, Producer Jonathan makes me spill the motivations, fears, and insecurities of the average business opportunity prospect and how to ethically use this intel to 10x your conversions.

  • IKS077: How To Think Like A Multi-Millionaire With Ben Glinksy

    14/11/2016 Duración: 29min

    What stops you from being successful in your business? How come you can't generate sign ups, people often ignore your emails and your phone calls and you feel like crap most of the time, questioning whether or not starting an online business was a good idea in the first place? I mean, what gives, right? What do you need to do to finally be successful? I decided to ask Ben Glinsky. He's the founder and CEO of SkinnyBodyCare - one of the fastest growing network marketing companies on the planet. And he went through so much trial and error, your head would spin if you heard the story. Ben shares what separates losers from winner in his companies. He also talks about how to turn your weaknesses into strengths and even unfair advantages. In short, it's a sick episode. And you got to check it!

  • IKS076: How To Attract Clients Through Confidence

    09/11/2016 Duración: 17min

    What is the one element that will separate you from everyone in your market? Confidence. In today's episode, I reveal what customers look for in order to feel confident you can lead them. You also learn why procrastination can and will kill confidence (and a simple way to protect yourself) What to do if you are second-guessing the path you have taken. How to trick your brain into tackling difficult projects without becoming paralyzed. And the one phrase I learned from Robin Sharma to overcome my fear of flying airplanes.

  • IKS075: How To Motivate, Inspire and Recruit When You're Just Starting Out With John Lavenia

    07/11/2016 Duración: 30min

    Are people interested in doing business with you but they never seem to take the next big step? This can be a problem that takes away potential clients and costs lots of money. Thankfully, for today's episode, I invited John Lavenia, who already made an appearance on the List Building Lifestyle on episode 13 to help you tackle this pesky little problem that stands between you and enormous profits. Soak up John's wisdom when he reveals exactly what motivates prospects to say "YES" to your proposals. He also spills the beans how to quickly become a respected leader others happily follow and desperately seek respect and admiration from by buying more through the application of one simple marketing principle.

  • IKS074: 6 Books That'll Make You Millions

    02/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    Reading is the cheapest and fastest way I know to solve any problem I've got. From weight loss to back pain to making my first million dollars online. Which is why in the all new List Building Lifestyle I'm sharing the top 7 books you ought to read to grow your income. ("Think and Grow Rich" is not one of them!)

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