This Week In America With Ric Bratton



This Week in America is about issues that matter to you. This Week in America is informative, educational and entertaining. Hosted by veteran broadcaster Ric Bratton.


  • Episode 2864: THEN I CAME HOME by Sam Gaylord

    22/02/2024 Duración: 27min

    Then I Came Home by Sam GaylordAt some time in our lives, some of us face hardships and heartaches and are forced to face devastating tragedies that completely change who we become. The decisions we make at that time have a profound effect on the rest of our lives. Sam Gaylord will take us from the foothills of Southern Indiana to the steamy jungles of Vietnam—from the rice paddies near the South China Sea to the jungle near the DMZ.However, do not mistake this as just another book about Vietnam. Sam Gaylord grew up in the heartland of America. He believed in the American flag, apple pie, and “God Bless the USA.” As a young man, he believed and trusted in the government, joined the United States Marines, and served in Vietnam. He wanted to fight for his country like his dad and uncles. Soon after arriving in Vietnam, he realized that his country had betrayed him. This is his story.  

  • Episode 2863: WHISPERS OF THE WAVES by A.K. Girisam

    22/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Whispers Of The Waves by A. K. GirisamDid you bunk classes to go to movies, or hang out with friends... or just because you could not push yourself from bed? Did you stay awake at night, desperately reading piled up portions for the next day’s exams, which you neglected for several months? Did you lecture your kids about the value of time, hard work... and felt guilty about it since you did not follow what you preached?Did you goof up on your first day at work, commit embarrassing mistakes, which you would rather brush under the carpet? Did you have exciting, adventurous, life-threatening experiences and wished to share?A.K. Girisam, a chief engineer in merchant navy, narrates his sailing experiences on high seas, some life-threatening incidents, from junior engineer to chief engineer, in a lighter vein. Fun filled college days, frolic with family and friends, and musings on several topics which will take the reader on a roller-coaster ride. He is the great grandson of Mr. Gurajada AppaRao, a literary giant a

  • Episode 2862: WHISPER OF HOPE, CRY OF DESPAIR by Vicky Bedi

    22/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    Whisper of Hope, Cry of Despair by Vicky BediThis book is the autobiography of the author. It began, however, as a biography of the author's mother who allowed Vicky to write about American society in the mid-to-late twentieth century; experiences of Slavic, French, and East Indian immigrants at the United States around the turn of the twentieth century; child and spouse abuse perpetrated by women as well as men and the effects of intergenerational abuse; and murder and suicide.Vicky (Victoria) Bedi, was raised in a blue-collar town, Springfield, Vermont.  She gifted in music and took piano lessons starting at age 4, accordion lessons at age 9, organ lessons at age 15 and voice lessons at age 18.  She has been a church organist since age 15.  She majored in music education and later earner a master's degree in music theory.  Vicky also has a master's degree in information science.  She loves wildlife and nature and has four pet cats and a dog.  Currently she lives in the panhandle of Florida.The author hopes

  • Episode 2861: THE DUKE LEGACY by D.W. Duke

    15/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    The Duke Legacy by D.W. DukeWashington Duke is very young when he first realizes there is racial discrimination in the South. Living outside of Hillsboro, North Carolina, in the mid-1820s, he is one of ten children in a family that shares the wilderness with bears, rattlesnakes, and mountain lions. Washington learns about the world around him from his scholarly father, nurtures a compassion for others, and eventually grows into a man deeply troubled by the institution of slavery. Unaware of what awaits him, Washington is conscripted into the Confederate Army and reluctantly leaves his three-hundred-acre farm in 1864 to fight in the war. When the Civil War is over, Washington is left widowed, with nothing but his farm, two blind mules, a wagon load of tobacco, and his four children. Determined to rise from the rubble, Washington soon begins building the foundation for the Duke financial empire-although not without challenges. As Washington ages, his sons eventually capture his dream to establish Duke Universit

  • Episode 2860: TEARS OF AN ASSASSIN by D.J. Power

    15/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Tears of an Assassin by DJ PowerJim Coleman has no idea what to do with his life. He joins the Marine Corps in 1962 on a whim. He makes history by making the perfect shot at Parris Island. Jim has become the only marine ever to accomplish this feat. This will unknowingly change his life in the marines forever. He meets a naval officer, Commander Forrest Damon, who is the military liaison with the CIA in Washington. A new life begins as he goes on temporary duty with the CIA.Jim joins the most elite section of the CIA. It is so secretive that it's only known by the most powerful and influential men in the government. What does the CIA have in mind for him? Where will they send him?‌From Southeast Asia to the Caribbean, surrounded by the underworld in the Deep South, Jim fights his demons every day. Only he knows what is constantly in his dreams. Jim tries to come to grips with his beliefs and teachings, but it is so difficult. With every assignment, he goes deeper and deeper into the other life.He is an Americ

  • Episode 2859: MY SPIRITUALTY OF NATURE: SELF DISCOVERY by Morreece Elaine Cook

    15/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    My Spirituality of Nature: Self Discovery; The Relatedness of Spirituality & Nature In Your Life by Morreece Elaine CookMy life has grown in wholeness with the writing of this book. God shows me more every day about how to connect with my "spirituality of nature." This concept reveals how my spirit (my "core") connects with all of nature--earth (animals, vegetation, microorganisms), water, wind, and fire.My literary contribution looks at, Who is nature? Who am I? and How are we connected? For a very long time, I believed that there were few connections, if any. Through a lifetime of living with God, my spirit has been inspired to look more closely at his creations and what makes them connected. What is my responsibility (if any) in all of this?Over the course of my lifetime, my explorations led to what I name my spirituality of nature. It is my spirit, my core, my believing which leads me to see God as I never have. Not only is one human being related to another, each of us is related to and responsible f

  • Episode 2858: RADIOACTIVE ERA OF CHANGE: WE THE KINDRED by Isaiah Lopez

    15/02/2024 Duración: 20min

    Radioactive Era of Change: We The Kindred by Isaiah LopezA meteor has left the world forever changed. People within the blast zone have amassed incredible powers. The land is left quarantined from America. One such man awakens with a new power and a missing arm. As he copes with this changed world, he bonds with new allies and reunites with old friends as a grim plot threatens to engulf his new way of life.Born in a military family and raised across the U.S. This aspiring author has found himself a jack of all trade in an attempt at searching for the lifelong dream. To build worlds, craft fantastical environments and page turning plots, He has found his calling in the workings of Radioactive: Era of Change and hopes to bring more representation in the world of Literature with more fun and compelling stories to come.

  • Episode 2857: MY CEMETERY FRIENDS by Vincent J. Tomeo

    15/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    My Cemetery Friends: A Garden of Encounters at Mount Saint Mary in Queens, New York by Vincent J. TomeoMy Cemetery Friends honors our families, friends, our military, the forgotten, and the unnamed. We sing their praise while celebrating life, nature, humanity, and compassion, all in search of peace. Stroll with the author through a living museum over cemetery trails, and learn much about things overlooked before. You will not be disappointedVincent J. Tomeo is a poet, archivist, historian, and community activist.For 36 years, he taught American history at a New York City public high school. He has formerly volunteered at the 9/11 Tribute Center Museum at Ground Zero.Vincent is published in the New York Times, Comstock Review, Mid-America Poetry Review, Edgz, Spires, Tiger’s Eye, ByLine, Mudfish, The Blind Man’s Rainbow, The Neo-Victorian/Cochlea, The Latin Staff Review, The Evening Street Review, and Grand- mother Earth (VII thru XI).Vincent has recited his poetry everywhere across the United States, through


    14/02/2024 Duración: 38min

    Claim Victory Over Brain Fog & Support Brain Health… at Any Age with Susan Smith Jones, PhDWhile we might not be able to be in control of all aspects concerning our personal brain health since genetics are involved, we can certainly choose which foods to eat and which to eschew to help maximize our brains’ abilities well into old age, as well as the essential lifestyle practices that support optimum brain health well into our golden years. As Holistic Health Expert Susan Snith Jones,  Ph D. writes in one of her latest books, Wired for High-Level Wellness, it has been well-established in recent decades that the brain and gut are related, the gut often being referred to as a “second brain” or a “second nervous system.” Although it’s not the same as the brain in that it doesn’t “think,” it does have over 100 billion neurons, and, therefore, like the brain, determines our mood. So, it’s not just our physical health that foods and lifestyle affect, but our mental and emotional health as well. On today’s show,

  • Episode 2855: A NEW BEGINNING, MAYBE? by Xiomara Rodriquez

    08/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    A New Beginning, Maybe? by Xiomara Rodriquez  A New Beginning, Maybe? is a fast-moving crime drama and is the 3rd installment of the adventures of the crime-solving team of twin sisters, Captain Jane Sparks of the SFPD and Special Agent Fran Morris of the FBI. This book takes the sisters into the world of stolen art and antiquities, that takes them into different roads in their lives.Xiomara Rodriguez is a 72-year-young woman with a dream. She was born in San Juan Puerto Rico and lived there until the age of 27 when she came to Mainland USA. She retired from the U.S. Coast Guard after serving 20 years, ten of which she served as a Special Agent with the Coast Guard Investigative Service. She was the first Hispanic female to become a Special Agent with the CGIS. After her retirement from the Coast Guard, she did many things, but one of her proudest achievements was that on April 1, 2014, she co-founded Tu Casa Latina, a non-profit organization geared toward helping immigrant women, men and children who are vic

  • Episode 2854: POETRY AT ITS BEST by David Vanderburg

    08/02/2024 Duración: 24min

    Poetry at its Best by David Vanderburg1. The United States Flag to represent that the U.S. of America is a great country.2. The Okla. State to represent that Okla. Is a great state and to remind us that U.S.A. and Okla. Bonded together as one for OKLAHOMA during the crisis of the Alfred P. Murrah Building.3. The HEART to represent that this is the HEARTLAND4. The STAR to represent the LOVE that shines in our heart for all of those who were killed and their loved ones who lost loved ones and those who were but survived.David Vanderburg has been writing for over forty years and has been published for over thirty-five. He has poetry posted in the White House, at NASA, at the governor’s mansion in Oklahoma City, as well as a vertical file in the Oklahoma State Library.David has received four presidential citations. The National Library of Poetry/International Library of Poetry has published his work many times. He is The American Author of Poetry. Writing poems comes natural to him.David has been blessed to have

  • Episode 2853: MY COVID-19 DIARY by Theresa Y. Wee M.D.

    08/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    My Covid-19 Diary: Practical Tips and Scriptures for Improbable Times from an American Doctor by Theresa Y. Wee M.D.In 2020, COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic. With forced shutdowns, Dr. Theresa Wee began to connect through social media with daily blogs. These blogs included practical advice on getting through this unprecedented time from her many years as a pediatrician, wife, and mother. She also shared the many ways God sustained her throughout her life, even after the unexpected death of her husband, Dr. Stephen L. Wee. In her book, My COVID-19 Diary: Practical Tips and Scriptures for Improbable Times from an American Doctor, readers can rediscover those blogs and find inspiration from her faith journey. They include various tips on health and fitness, dealing with loss, and learning ways to carry on.Dr. Theresa Wee is a practicing pediatrician, wellness expert, and mother of four. She has a strong commitment to improving the health of Hawaii and began her non-profit organization “Walk with a Doc - Oah

  • Episode 2852: SHERWOOD by Bette Hurst

    08/02/2024 Duración: 27min

    Sherwood by Bette HurstWhen 15-year-old Colleen Reilly becomes a patient in Sherwood TB Sanitarium in December, 1945, she leaves behind a life of orderly transition from student to adulthood. At Sherwood, she finds that there are two kinds of people- those who play by the rules and those who rebel against them. She finds herself falling into the group who take chances in order to live rather than merely survive. Some choose to break taboos and racial barriers and take risks in the name of love. Another will literally do anything to enforce his view of the world when he has no right to do so. One with much talent will risk throwing it all away for a higher purpose. And others live as if there is no tomorrow because for all they know, that may be true. Each chooses a path to happiness or power he or she feels must be followed. Colleen and her new friends find tragedy and love, violence and criminality, as these competing needs gradually build and then meet head on during a fateful Halloween night. Its aftermath


    08/02/2024 Duración: 25min

    Women Telling Our Story: Baring Our Soul From Behind the Wall by Mae Dixon"Women Telling Our Story - Baring our Soul from Behind the Wall " is a compilation of stories told by incarcerated women as they begin the process of healing. These women could be any one of us except they lost their way mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. The telling of their experiences is helping them to reclaim their life, their self esteem. Between 1980 and 2020, the number of incarcerated women increased by more than 475%, rising from a total of 26,326 in 1980 to 152,854 in 2020. Many women in prison have experienced physical or sexual trauma at the hands of men. The past 20 years the war on drugs has caused significant rise in the number of women incarcerated and their access to adequate drug treatment.Mae Dixon is the Amazon best-selling author of The Secret Code of Girls - The Ins And Outs of Being a Female; The Secret Code of Girls - Empowering Girls to Become Confident Women; Restored by Grace - A Journey Like

  • Episode 2850: MATRIARCH AND WORLD WAR III and 9-11 AND THE HOLY WAR by Daisy Snow

    25/01/2024 Duración: 24min

    Matriarch And World War III: A 9/11 Incursion - Internal State Terrorism in Australia by Daisy SnowIn addition to what the author, Daisy Snow, revealed in her interview last year about her 1st encounter with the UFO Alien, Itt, her findings have become more important than ever because, as said, the American government has advised the world that flying saucers, UFO’s—now called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP’s—are not a hoax.What is known is that they (the UFO Aliens) are watching us. The assumption is that the world should destroy all nuclear weapons. But that is only because of the 21st Century wars in the Middle East. The military intelligence in the United States admits that the UFO’s / UAP’s are watching their military and nuclear sites. What is not always revealed is that UFO’s are also watching nuclear power plants.The author is a 77 year old Australian woman who has undergone injuries to her body that cripple or kill other people. The poor woman has been targeted by the government in Australia for

  • Episode 2849: THE DAY MY LIFE CHANGED: AN ACCIDENT SURVIVOR by Linda Crosby featuring Roy Crobsy

    25/01/2024 Duración: 22min

    The Day My Life Changed: An Accident Survivor by Linda Crosby featuring Roy Crosby      The moving true story of Linda Crosby, an accident survivor who was left permanently and totally disabled, and Roy Crosby, her devoted husband and caregiver, The Day My Life Changed: (An Accident Survivor) offers a glimpse into the lives of an everyday couple whose love endured and thrived, even in the most impossible odds.     Crosby’s memoir offers more than just an in-depth look into the life and the daily struggles encountered by someone with disabilities; speaking the truth on every page, she details the transition period from being who she was to becoming who she is, and the heartbreak that can come with acceptance of such momentous adjustments.     But to those navigating life’s changing challenges, Crosby also offers a message of hope: that life goes on and is still beautiful, and God is on your side.    Linda Crosby is God fearing; a wife, stepmother, sister, an aunt, a friend, and a U.S. Army Veteran; and lover o

  • Episode 2848: LIVE LIFE ON PURPOSE by Peninnah M. Kako, PhD

    25/01/2024 Duración: 21min

    LIVE ON PURPOSE: How to Find Your Inner Peace to Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose by Peninnah M. Kako, Ph.DGod's desire is that you live your life on purpose, to do what God purposed you to do. Believe and know that God is with you right now, and that He has the best plans for your life. You will discover the secret of attaining peace with God, even in the worst of times. My heart is moved with love and compassion for you. The Word is working in your life. Since God declares the end at the beginning, and since He made us in His image, we can also keep moving ahead in our paths toward what we were made to do, by focusing out thoughts on what He has promised in His Word. I pray that you will rise above all circumstances in your everyday life, take dominionover that which is already yours, and acknowledge the presence of Him who loves you forever-------Jesus ChristPeninnah M. Kako, PhD, is a senior copastor of Kingdom Vision Outreach Center and cofounder of Kingdom Vision Outreach Ministries together with her husband


    25/01/2024 Duración: 25min

    Art with a Story: Original Paintings. Original Fiction by John NiemanThis is a book of original art and original flash fiction (3 pages or less) The stories can be amusing, enticing, romantic, or shocking. Fun to read…especially for American’s busy culture. You can read some stories on the train, in bed, and airplane or anywhere. After college, I started in the advertising field, creating work for Coca-Cola, Hallmark, Anheuser-Busch, Lincoln-Mercury, among others. I won lots of awards and graduated to global creative director traveling all over the world. After much success, I decided to recreate my life around fifty, went to culinary school, and then started creating art and writing books. I have exhibited art all over the world, and enjoyed about a dozen solo shows. I have also written 32 books—novels, art books, essays, poetry, kids books, etc.

  • Episode 2846: WORDS TO ENHANCE THE SOUL by Yvonne E. Brown

    25/01/2024 Duración: 24min

    Words to Enhance the Soul” by Yvonne E. BrownIn a society where certain thinking or expressions can be viewed as a taboo, this book dares to show us how we can reflect on our experiences, whether in dreams or reality. Yvonne hopes that her writing will have an indelible impact on our lives from the wonderment of the words that are written. Yvonne Brown’s book “WORDS TO ENHANCE THE SOUL” (2ND EDITION)” is an intimate exploration of love, spirituality and emotion throughout the course of my life. This book dares to show readers how they can reflect on their experiences. Embark on a captivating journey through the eloquent verses of Yvonne E. Brown's masterful creation, "Words to Enhance the Soul." A collection of quotes, poems, and affirmations that are designed to help readers develop a more positive mindset and overcome challenges. A beautifully written book that offers a wealth of wisdom and inspiration for anyone looking to improve their mindset and live a more fulfilling life.Yvonne Brown is a writer, a pr

  • Episode 2845: CORA: AN ALL ALONE GIRL by Elaine Vanderberg

    25/01/2024 Duración: 27min

    Cora: An All Alone Girl by Elaine VanderbergCora, a very intelligent young lady feels trap because of her family life being poor. She has no father and she has a poor mother. Searching for ways to escape she found her self and her hopes through books. Will Cora finds her greatest escape and have a good future?Elaine has always enjoyed reading books but never imagined writing one. Her first book, Chloe: The Left-Behind Angel, came from a story she made when her granddaughter, age 6, asked her to tell her a story. Years later, Elaine wrote it down, but more stories came into her mind. She has published four children's books with the following themes: belief in yourself, have good friends, and don't give up. These books are Timmy, the Timid Cloud, Sammie, the Sad Salamander," and Cora: An All Alone Girl. She then realized each story was based on a common problem children face, and her hope now is that children read these books and understand you can succeed if you just believe. Elaine believes that we live in a

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