"through The Darkness" W Christine Corda And Rev Frank Martino



"Kiss Me I'm Psychic Radio" began in 2010 as a small BTR show. We have come a long way since then branching out to other internet radio shows finding our home of the last 2 years on Revolution Radio.as well as right here on BTR.I Christine have changed in many ways a work in progress and have left the 'psychic readings' to encourage people to grow, discern and empower themselves through God. I will still use my gifts that god has given me to help others who find themselves in situations of darkness...paranormal activity and demonic infestation or God forbid oppression or obsession. I read and sense energies and if there are intrusions.I have begun "through The Darkness Ministries" A labor of love many years in the making.Rev Frank Martino began West Indies Missions in the 1970s and has traveled extensively to Haiti over the years both to help the poor and to work within the communities of people who are suffering spiritually. His understanding of demonology and hauntings his years of deliverance and clearings makes him one of the most powerful Demonologists and clergy who has helped many people who are suffering from any form of dark energy. His wisdom is vast and his heart is huge for love of God and his people.OUR mission~We want to bring about the truth...the truth in understanding the energies around us..the strength from understanding what other people and situations are about. There is so much confusion hurt and darkness around us when we learn we ALL can grasp the light from within connecting with God in ways we never imagined.This becomes our empowerment.Being able to 'discern' means much more then telling others what their future holds, being gifted is about self empowerment learning to connect with God and to recognize the gifts we have been given. We investigate.We seek to sense what is happening to those people who's lives are in upheaval.and people are haunted, what th


  • Melissa Watts expert on reincarnation on KMIP **LIVE**

    26/06/2011 Duración: 01h00s

    Melissa Watts is a noted hypnotherapist and an expert in past-life regression, having served hundreds of clients across the country. She is the author of the new book,c and founder of The Enlightened Pathways Healing Center in Scarsdale, New York and Greenville, South Carolina. Watts is highly trained: she learned techniques at the respected Holistic Healing Center in New York City under the direction of internationally acclaimed hypnotherapist who studied directly with Dr. Michael Newton.   She also had extensive training at The New York Hypnosis Center.  Her training included practical, clinical and observational experience.   She not only gained practical experiencing in providing hypnotherapy, but also spent countless hours undergoing hypnosis. This gave her a unique understanding of the potential that can be unleashed by hypnosis. Watts is a member of IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) and IMDHA (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association). She has earned her N

  • Psychic Devlopment "Releasing Negativity"

    23/06/2011 Duración: 01h01min

    When we use our Psychic abilities we connect on all different energetic levels..human..inhuman ..environmental .etc .if we absorb too much of the negative energy it can wreak havoc on our lives,, our relationships,,our health. So what do we do as Psychics, no matter what level we are at when negative energy comes our way?  If someone is nasty to us? Someone cuts us off when we are driving? What is the way we respond to the negative?!!!   If we do not learn to push it away and some times just let things go we can end up having many issues. If we don't have a way to clear our fields we can end up becoming confrontational,,angry or just plain mean,,lets talk tonight about some of the ways we can keep our responses to negativity less personal and keep our spiritual fields  clear, clean and healthy and as a result allowing continual (Clean) communication with spirit  which is NEEDED when we do our work with others. Come in and chat or please feel free to call with your questions or comments. 347-637-1441

  • Kiss Me I'm Psychic The Psychic View "Conspiracy Theories"

    18/06/2011 Duración: 59min

    Tonight we are back after a short absence and we will be talking about Conspiracy theories. From the lone Gunman,,,to 9/11.to a two party  Monopoly. How much do our votes really count.?  To our own concerns with privacy,,,are we sacrificing our privacy for 'the easy way out?"   Our guest Jessie Ventura was scheduled to be here today to talk to us about his book "The 63 Documents The Government Doesn't Want You To Read",,we are hoping he will join us to talk about his book,,and his opinions of Conspiracies.  

  • We are back! Upcoming shows preview for summer 2011

    31/05/2011 Duración: 15min

    On this show I will be letting you all know what is up and coming on our shows for June and July! Having had to take a leave of absence for personal reasons we are now back and we will have some of our best shows ever this summer!   Kiss Me I'm Psychic is still,no matter what anyone else claims one of the most popular shows on BTR with close to 14,000 listens since Ocbotber 2010!   I believe it is because I CARE and am genuine and you my wonderful listeners know this,,as well as I learn from you as much as you learn from me!! This is your show as much as mine so make sure you keep sending those emails,,show suggestions, questions comments keep them coming! See you June 4rth for the start of  my summer shows! Listen to this one and see just how great these shows will be! I got some awesome guests! Love ya!  Christine http://peacefulreadings.com

  • William Lester top selling author of "JFK and The New Frontier"

    09/04/2011 Duración: 58min

    Author, researcher William Lester has written extensively on a variety of subjects ranging from American History to the UFO phenomena. Tonight we will be talking with him about his new book "JFK The New Frontier" The book explores these and more theories~*Why some implicate LBJ in the assassination of JFK.... *How close the world actually came to a full-scale, nuclear war.... *Why is JFK remembered so fondly? *What might history have been like if JFK had lived? *What impact did JFK actually have on Civil Rights? *What is this stuff about JFK and UFOs? Join us in chat or by calling 347-637-1441. Check out his other books~ He has authored the following books: Star Messiah, 1999 Children of the Night, 2002 Dimension X, 2004 Victory or Death: The Alamo and the Texas Revolution, 2006 Dr. Lester is the founder and president of the American Institute of Metaphysics, a research and educational organization. (www.instituteofmetaphysics.com) Dr. Lester is currently the host of THE SHADOWLAND RADIO SHOW and YESTER-GROOV

  • Dr Rita Louise Live on "Kiss Me I'm Psychic The Psychic View"

    02/04/2011 Duración: 01h30min

    SoulHealer, Dr. Rita Louise, PhD, ND is the founder of the Institute of Applied Energetics and the host of Just Energy Radio. A Naturopathic Physician and a 20-year veteran in the Human Potential Field, it is her unique gift as a medical intuitive and clairvoyant that illuminates and enlivens her work. Author of the books Dark Angels: An Insiders Guide to Ghosts, Spirits and Attached Entities, Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4 and The Power Within, Dr. Louise credits early childhood influences for the direction her life would take. By the age of 12, she had already begun searching for spiritual self-discovery pursuing topics including health and wellness, philosophy and the esoteric arts and sciences. At the age of 30, Dr. Louise enrolled at the Berkeley Psychic Institute where she studied meditation, energy medicine, and learned how to perform clairvoyant readings. Continuing her educational pursuits, Dr. Louise earned the distinction of Reiki Master and Certified Hypnotherapist. At 37, Dr. Louise returned to school

  • Fr Bob Bailey From Paranormal State live on KMIP

    27/03/2011 Duración: 01h28min

    This afternoon will welcome Fr Bob Bailey who has appeared on A&Es Paranormal State as well as other Paranormal TV shows. His knowledge is invaluable for Paranormal Investigators and today he shares some of that with us. Call in or join us in chat for this enlightening interview.

  • Terri Jay Medium AND Pet Psychic on"Kiss Me I'm Psychic The Psychic View

    26/03/2011 Duración: 01h17min

    Join us tonight as we welcome Terri Jay, The Messenger www.terrijay.com Terri Jay enjoys a solid reputation as an intuitive, medium and animal communicator. She is also renowned as a medical and veterinary intuitive. She regularly talks to spirits in the course of her work, particularly when helping people deal with the loss of a loved one. Along with her paranormal work on the “other side,” Terri also works with people who have communication disorders such as autism, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injuries, people who are comatose, and babies who have just not yet learned to talk. She also does a lot of "debunking" of purported hauntings showing people that it can be simple 'stuck' energy, and Teri shows people how clearing an area is more then just smudging. Call ins are welcome to ask Terri a question,,please join us in chat and ask your questions there or make comments. You do not want to miss this show Teri is an extraordinary woman with extraordinary gifts.

  • "Kiss Me I'm Psychic"~Free Tarot Readings

    20/03/2011 Duración: 01h01min

    Tonight Christine will be doing Tarot readings for callers,,not an avid or practiced tarot reader certainly not "By the book".Christine will be doing this as an intuitive Tarot reader. This will be with the Rider Waite Deck Call in 347-637-1441

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "Animal Spirit guides whats yours? FREE readings

    13/03/2011 Duración: 01h29min

    Tonight we will be exploring animal guides. At times I pick up on animal spirit guides around people,,this happening in spite of my having no knowledge of animal guides..so tonight call in and I will see what I sense around you as far as animal spirits and we will explore them together!! call in 347-637-1441

  • "KIss Me I'm Psychic, Psychic Integrity"

    04/03/2011 Duración: 58min

    Join us for KMIP's new sub-show called "Psychic Integrity". On Psychic Integrity we will talk about what to look for in Psychics you may want a reading from,what you can expect to charge,how much is too much? Is Free always good? How do you know if the Psychic is legitimate. These and many more subjects will be explored. For readers, we will explore the motivation behind doing Psychic readings,,what is the reason we go public with our gifts? Do we have what it takes to assist others through their grief or stressful situations? Is having a 'gift' enough? The spirituality of a person can be fragile and should be treated with the utmost respect, yet we have all heard of unscrupulous persons who have taken advantage of many hurting grieving people. Let's all get together and talk about how we can spot a phony,,how we can keep ourselves safe and how we can bring back and keep integrity in the Psychic community. NO NAMES of any Psychics will be said nor will there be any indication of anyone specific this is a

  • SRA/Cult Crime with Very Special Guest Dr Michael Nuccitelli

    27/02/2011 Duración: 01h29min

    Is SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse real? Are there really cult drimes? Are there really cults? Join us for this very special show as Christine welcomes Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, Dr Nuccitelli is a New York State licensed psychologist and certified forensic consultant. He completed his doctoral degree in clinical psychology in 1994 from the Adler School in Chicago, Illinois. In 2006, he received a Diplomat by the American Board of Psychological Specialties and Certified Forensic Consultant, C.F.C., designation from the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute. Dr. Nuccitelli is a New York state resident residing in the Hudson Valley 65 miles North of Manhattan. Over the last 25 years, Dr. Nuccitelli has worked in the mental health field in a variety of capacities with various clinical populations. Concurrent with his employment in mental health, Dr. Nuccitelli was a practicing psychologist for 10 years and worked in the area of forensic psychology conducting forensic evaluations and providing consulting servi

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~Soulmates and Past lives

    13/02/2011 Duración: 01h18min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct and co-host Dale Roos every Saturday as she offers a "Psychic Perspective" on current events,celebrities and all sorts of metaphysical subject. Tonight in honor of Valentines Day Christine will be discussing soul mates,,how do you know if you have one? how do you find yours? Did you have a connection with someone in the past life is this affecting y9ur relationship now? Christine will see if she can sense what if any connections to a past life you may have. You DON"T want to miss this show! An incredibly accurate Psychic, Christine is also a Paranormal Psychic Investigator,who has investigated numerous locations and survived her own extreme haunting. Experienced in human and inhuman hauntings gives Christine a unique perspective on the paranormal. Appearing on Radio as well as her own show Christine has also been interviewed by the Discovery channel for an upcoming show on Extreme hauntings. She is a speaker and teacher on hauntings, demonic activity as

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~

    30/01/2011 Duración: 01h01min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct and co-host Dale Roos every Saturday as she offers a "Psychic Perspective" on current events,celebrities and all sorts of metaphysical subject. An incredibly accurate Psychic, Christine is also a Paranormal Psychic Investigator,who has investigated numerous locations and survived her own extreme haunting. Experienced in human and inhuman hauntings gives Christine a unique perspective on the paranormal. Appearing on Radio as well as her own show Christine has also been interviewed by the Discovery channel for an upcoming show on Extreme hauntings. She is a speaker and teacher on hauntings, demonic activity as well as gallery events connecting with spirit. Compassionate and caring Christine is a Psychic Medium who is know as "The Peoples' Psychic". To reach Christine please go to peacefulreadings.com or call 203-971-9510 We have awesome guest every now and again,and Christine will do one question readings for all who call in as time permits.

  • "Kiss Me I'm Psychic The Psychic View" *Grounding*

    21/01/2011 Duración: 54min

    *This is a Pre-recorded show* Join Christine Corda as she discusse grounding and our need to ground properly and often in order to stay protected and 'clear'. We all possess Psychic abilities,,here we will discuss ways to improve our connections to our own gifts and become more able to use these abilities in our own lives and in the lives of others. Grounding is an imperative part of Psychic work". Listen in tonight as Christine discusses basic grounding techniques,energy,discarnate spirits,meditation and clearings.

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~

    09/01/2011 Duración: 01h30min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct and co-host Dale Roos every Saturday as she offers a "Psychic Perspective" on current events,celebrities and all sorts of metaphysical subject. An incredibly accurate Psychic, Christine is also a Paranormal Psychic Investigator,who has investigated numerous locations and survived her own extreme haunting. Experienced in human and inhuman hauntings gives Christine a unique perspective on the paranormal. Appearing on Radio as well as her own show Christine has also been interviewed by the Discovery channel for an upcoming show on Extreme hauntings. She is a speaker and teacher on hauntings, demonic activity as well as gallery events connecting with spirit. Compassionate and caring Christine is a Psychic Medium who is know as "The Peoples' Psychic". To reach Christine please go to peacefulreadings.com or call 203-971-9510 We have awesome guest every now and again,and Christine will do one question readings for all who call in as time permits.

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~Predictions for 2011

    31/12/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct and co-host Dale Roos this Saturday as she offers her "Predictions" for 2011. An incredibly accurate Psychic, Christine is also a Paranormal Psychic Investigator,who has investigated numerous locations and survived her own extreme haunting. Experienced in human and inhuman hauntings gives Christine a unique perspective on the paranormal. Appearing on Radio as well as her own show Christine has also been interviewed by the Discovery channel for an upcoming show on Extreme hauntings. She is a speaker and teacher on hauntings, demonic activity as well as gallery events connecting with spirit. Compassionate and caring Christine is a Psychic Medium who is know as "The Peoples' Psychic". To reach Christine please go to peacefulreadings.com or call 203-971-9510 We have awesome guest every now and again,and Christine will do one question readings for all who call in as time permits.

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~

    12/12/2010 Duración: 01h31min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct. http://peacefulreadings.com On The "Psychic View" Christine talks about current events,celebrities,and takes your calls for one question readings. Join us in the chat or call in at 347-637-1441

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ "The Psychic View"~

    05/12/2010 Duración: 01h30min

    Join Christine Corda Psychic Medium from Waterbury Ct. http://peacefulreadings.com On The "Psychic View" Christine talks about current events,celebrities,and takes your calls for one question readings. Join us in the chat or call in at 347-637-1441

  • "Kiss Me I'm psychic"~ BIGFOOT anyone?~With Kris Allen

    28/11/2010 Duración: 01h30min

    Join Christine Corda and Dale Roos as they welcome Kris Allen Country Music Singer and Bigfoot extraordinaire. If you are at all interested in the existence in Bigfoot you HAVE to tune in.Kris will be talking about his search for Bigfoot as well as his new TV show in the works called Monsters, Myths & Mysteries. His show is a mix of Americas Funniest Videos, Punk'd and Monsterquest all rolled into one Great show! Kris, a Country Musician,"Hereos Never Die",TV personality as well as leading Bigfoot expeditions in the West Virginia mountains,finds time to stop by and talk with us about his findings and take your calls. www.krisallen.com

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