First Reformed Church Edgerton



Sermons from First Reformed Church in Edgerton, MN.


  • December 24 Sermon: Now Disclosed

    24/12/2023 Duración: 27min

    This week, we explore three key themes: Disclosure (Jesus revealing God's story), Depth (the universal reach of the gospel), and Doxology (praising God for His saving work). We see how Paul emphasizes the importance of understanding and living in accordance with God's message. Consider these questions as you listen to this week’s message from Romans 16:25-27: 1. How does the author's experience with puzzles relate to the concept of the disclosure of the Gospel message? 2. What significance does the author attribute to the depth of the Gospel message, particularly in its outreach to different people groups? 3. How does the author emphasize the role of praise and worship in response to the message of salvation in the Gospel? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ YouTube:

  • December 17 Evening Meditation: On Them Has Light Shone

    18/12/2023 Duración: 11min

    As the winter's chill sets in, it can often bring feelings of despair and darkness. Yet, the beacon of the divine light of Christ dispels our gloom. In our evening Candlelight Service meditation, we see this move from darkness to divine light and consider how the light of Christmas calls us to action Consider these questions as you listen to this meditation: 1. How does the imagery of darkness and light in this passage from Isaiah resonate with our human experiences of darkness, both in the physical world and in our spiritual lives? How does the coming of Jesus as the "light of the world" bring hope and comfort to those living in spiritual darkness? 2. The passage mentions the idea of passing on the light of Christ, symbolized by the candlelight service. How can believers effectively share the light of Christ with others in a world that often feels overwhelmed by darkness and despair? What practical steps can be taken to spread the message of hope found in Jesus? 3. The text highlights the promi

  • December 17 Sermon: Hold Fast

    17/12/2023 Duración: 27min

    As we look at the Apostle Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, we see the emphasis on living a holy life while awaiting the return of Jesus. Paul encourages rejoicing, prayer, and thanksgiving in all circumstances. He also stresses the Holy Spirit's role in sanctifying believers, leading them to live blameless lives. Paul's assurance of God's faithfulness in completing his good work in believers provides comfort and hope. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: How can we overcome the tension between rejoicing in the coming of Jesus and feeling unprepared for personal judgment? How can we cultivate a mindset rooted in the gospel that enables us to rejoice, pray, and give thanks in all circumstances? What practical steps can we take to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, avoiding quenching His fire and embracing His sanctifying work? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Wor

  • December 10 Sermon: What Sort of People Ought You to Be?

    10/12/2023 Duración: 26min

    On the second Sunday of Advent, we reflect on impatience in a fast-paced world and contemplate our waiting for the return of Jesus. We dig into 2 Peter 3:8–9, which addresses the delay of Jesus' return, emphasizes God's patience, and calls us to live in purity and readiness for the promised new heaven and new earth. As we delve into Peter's message, we are reminded to consider God's patience as an opportunity for repentance and faithful living each day. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. How does the concept of God's patience, as described by Peter in 2 Peter 3:8-9, challenge our human understanding of time and urgency regarding the return of Jesus? 2. In light of the impending judgment and the call for a pure and holy life, how does Peter's message in 2 Peter 3:10-12 encourage believers to prioritize eternal values over worldly pursuits? 3. According to Peter's teaching about the promise of a new heaven and a new earth in 2 Peter 3:13-14, how doe

  • December 3 Sermon: Keep Awake

    03/12/2023 Duración: 25min

    Advent serves as a time of anticipation, alertness, and assurance as we look forward to the second coming of Jesus. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we are called to keep awake and focus on our call to a holy life and prioritize eternal matters over worldly distractions. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. Have you ever experienced a moment where you were caught unaware, perhaps like a last-minute request or obligation? How did that make you feel? 2. How does the concept of staying alert and being prepared, as discussed in the context of Jesus' return, differ from simply being ready so that you're not caught doing something wrong? 3. How do you reconcile the anxiety or apprehension often associated with anticipating Jesus' second coming with the assurance of God's sovereignty? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podcast Feed: ⁠http:/

  • November 26 Sermon: Woes

    26/11/2023 Duración: 27min

    Join us as we explore Jesus' confrontations with the Pharisees in Luke 11:37-54, illuminating their hypocrisy and the transformative power of authentic faith.  Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. Reflecting on Pastor Mark’s story of the weeping willow tree, how does the metaphor of outward appearance versus inner authenticity resonate with the broader themes of hypocrisy and genuine faith explored in the text? 2. Jesus confronted the Pharisees for prioritizing ritualistic rules over the true essence of faith and righteousness. How does this confrontation parallel contemporary societal norms or personal practices that may emphasize appearances over genuine values or beliefs? 3. The passage draws attention to the concept of repentance and transformation. How can individuals today discern between superficial adherence to norms or traditions versus a genuine internal transformation that aligns with their beliefs and convictions?  Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠http://edgertonfrc.o

  • Thanksgiving 2023: In Your Hearts

    23/11/2023 Duración: 26min

    Our thanks to God are more than a forced expression but a heartfelt response rooted in understanding his grace. Praise rooted in gratitude has a unifying power for believers. The call on us as the people of God is to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, prompting a collective life of thanksgiving and worship. The aim is a symphony of thanks from God's covenant people in response to Christ's mercy. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. How does genuine gratitude, rooted in understanding God's grace, differ from obligatory thankfulness?  2. In what ways does the collective embrace of Christ's word foster a unified symphony of thanks among believers?  3. How does the concept of gratitude, as described in Colossians, influence individual lives and the communal identity of God's covenant people? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podc

  • November 12 Sermon: That They May See the Light

    12/11/2023 Duración: 24min

    Exploring Luke 11:33-36 we consider three key aspects of Christ’s teaching using the imagery of light: the power, preservation, and plentiful nature of light. The Lord Jesus calls his people to reflect his light as they serve him in a dark world. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. How does the imagery of light convey the power and significance of the message of Jesus in the passage? 2. In what ways does Pastor Mark emphasize the idea that the light received from Jesus is not meant to be kept to oneself but should be shared with others? 3. How does the concept of light play a role in preserving and guiding individuals in their faith, and what practical implications does it have for believers in their daily lives?  Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠

  • November 5 Sermon: The Sign of Jonah

    05/11/2023 Duración: 27min

    Dive into the teachings of Jesus in Luke 11:29-32. Discover the gravity of Jesus' message and his call for repentance. We consider the Pharisees' rejection of Jesus' plea, explore our own shortcomings, and gain deeper insights into faith, repentance, and Jesus' teachings. Will we heed Jesus' call and to embrace humility and repentance? Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. What does Pastor Mark convey about the importance of understanding and heeding Jesus' warnings in Luke's Gospel? 2. How is the concept of repentance as taught by Jesus in Luke's Gospel discussed and applied to modern-day life? 3. How does Pastor Mark explore the reactions of different groups, such as the Pharisees and the people of Nineveh, to Jesus' teachings and calls for repentance in Luke's Gospel?  Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podcast F

  • October 29 Sermon: The Righteousness of God

    29/10/2023 Duración: 36min

    As we observe Reformation Sunday we reflect on the Romans 3:19-28.  This passage emphasizes the righteousness of God in contrast to human works. The law shows our inability to attain righteousness. Faith in Jesus grants righteousness as a gift. Our response is gratitude, recognizing God's grace. Consider these questions as you listen to this week's message: 1. What are the three "Rs" used by Pastor Mark to summarize this passage? 2. What role does the concept of the "rigor of the law" play in the passage, and how does it relate to the idea of obtaining righteousness through faith in Jesus? 3. How does the passage encourage a response of humility and gratitude in light of the understanding that righteousness is a gift from God, not something earned through human works? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Sermon Podcast Feed: ⁠⁠ Instagram: ⁠http

  • October 15 Sermon: Blessed Are Those Who Hear and Keep

    15/10/2023 Duración: 27min

    Join us as we continue our exploration of the Gospel of Luke, focusing on the recurring theme of Jesus's authority. This week’s narrative takes us to a man whose infirmity is spiritual rather than physical, drawing a clear link to our previous discussions on prayer, and God's answers. Listen in as we explore the significance of Jesus's miracles, aiming to deepen our understanding of what Jesus does for his people. Consider these questions as you think about the message this week: 1. How does Jesus address the accusation that he is casting out demons by invoking the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons? 2. What is the significance of Jesus' analogy of a divided kingdom in relation to Satan's power and authority? 3. What does Jesus teach about the importance of not leaving a void in one's life after removing sin, and how can this be applied practically in our pursuit of holiness? Edgerton First Reformed: ⁠⁠ Pastor Mark Groen: ⁠⁠ Dwell in th

  • October 8 Sermon: Held by God

    08/10/2023 Duración: 32min

    The final week in our series “Understanding Grace” has us looking at the doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints. We understand that salvation is entirely a work of God, starting with the understanding of Total Depravity and continuing through Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and finally, Perseverance of the Saints. We take a look at how God's hold on believers is unwavering, providing refuge and protection.  Consider these questions as you think about the message this week: 1. How does the concept of Total Depravity shape our understanding of salvation? How does it highlight the need for God's preserving work in our lives? 2. In what ways does the imagery of God as a refuge and fortress provide comfort and assurance for believers? How does this contrast with other forms of refuge we may seek in the world? 3. What is the significance of the statement from the Westminster Confession of Faith, "This faith has different degrees of strength and weakness. It may be att

  • October 1 Sermon: Transformed by the Spirit

    01/10/2023 Duración: 25min

    In week four of our series “Understanding Grace” we look at the doctrine of Irresistible Grace.  For those appointed to salvation, the Holy Spirit will work in their life to bring them to faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are all dead in sin and unable to come to God on our own. However, when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin and draws us to Christ, we understand the irresistible nature of God’s grace.  The doctrine of irresistible grace is a source of great comfort and assurance for believers. It reminds us that our salvation is not dependent on our own efforts, but on the grace of God. It also gives us confidence that God will continue His transforming work in our lives to conform us to the image of His Son. Consider these questions as you think about the message this week: 1. How does the concept of "irresistible grace" challenge or align with the idea that individuals have the free will to accept or reject faith? What is the transformative role of the Holy Spirit in this

  • September 24 Sermon: Intentional Atonement

    24/09/2023 Duración: 32min

    Join us on this journey as we continue to explore the doctrines of grace in the context of the Reformation and their relevance in our lives today. Listen in as we ponder upon Jesus' purpose, his atonement, and the assurance of salvation it provides. This is week three in our five week series "Understanding Grace" and we look at the doctrine of Limited (or Definite) Atonement. Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin: First Reformed is a congregation in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

  • September 17 Sermon: Adopted by God

    17/09/2023 Duración: 32min

    Listen in as we unravel the concept of election and its depiction throughout scripture. Understand how God chose the people of Israel, not based on their merit but His unwavering love and faithfulness. Uncover the revelation that election isn't about us or our deeds, but rather about God and His steadfast love. This is week two in our series “Understanding Grace” looking at the teachings of the early 17th-century Synod of Dort in the Netherlands, examining the doctrines of grace which also include total depravity, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

  • September 10 Sermon: Fallen Humanity

    10/09/2023 Duración: 27min

    As we begin our series “Understanding Grace” we look at the first point of the doctrines of grace and consider Total Depravity.  This doctrine emphasizes humanity's inherent sinfulness and our need for divine intervention. This is not a doctrine found in a verse or two here or there but we find it throughout holy scripture and in all of the different genres of literature found in the Bible.  Instead of driving us to despair this doctrine causes us to rejoice for the gift of salvation that has been given to us in Christ. Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

  • September 3 Sermon: The Officers of the Church

    03/09/2023 Duración: 27min

    This week we take a look at the first deacons in Acts 6 and then consider the qualifications for officers in the Church. Elders and deacons are servants of Jesus who represent him in the church and the world that he might be glorified for his saving work for his people. Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

  • August 27 Sermon: Well Ordered

    27/08/2023 Duración: 31min

    Believers recognize Jesus as the head of the church, uniting diverse people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. Church government, often misunderstood, is an essential part of Christ ruling over his church. In the system of government used in our church a plurality of elders protects and cares for God’s people.  This week we look at the delegation of Elders given to Moses in Numbers 11, the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, and Paul’s charge to the Elders of Ephesus seen in Moses' delegation and the Jerusalem council. The presbyterian system of church government guards the church, guided by Scripture, and echoing God's protective grace and mercy. Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

  • August 20 Sermon: I Was Glad

    20/08/2023 Duración: 27min

    Psalm 122 reflects on the significance of Jerusalem as a place of worship. Just as we have places that are dear to us, the Israelites held Jerusalem in high regard for its temple, a symbol of God's presence and salvation. The Psalmist's joy in approaching Jerusalem for festivals underscores the anticipation and reflection embedded in the journey. This Psalm encourages prayers for Jerusalem's peace and emphasizes the spiritual unity of believers gathered under God's protection. In the new covenant, our understanding of Jerusalem's significance extends to the church and Christ's work, fostering a worshipful community.  Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

  • August 13 Sermon: Not to Us

    13/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    In this week's message we consider the distinction between the Creator and His creation as we dig into Psalm 115. Here we see the psalmist emphasizes the worship of Yahweh, the sovereign and distinct God, in contrast to idols made by human hands. The psalm urges trust in the Lord, declaring His blessings for those who fear Him. The choice lies between earthly pursuits and eternal devotion to the powerful, steadfast God who alone deserves praise.  Edgerton First Reformed: Pastor Mark Groen: Dwell in the Word Podcast Feed: Sermon Podcast Feed: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Weekly Virtual Bulletin:

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