Sharkey, Howes & Javer



Podcast by Sharkey, Howes & Javer


  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: Where is the Wealth?

    14/01/2020 Duración: 12min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss the U.S. consumer’s wealth and balance sheet. Did you know 72% of household assets are financial assets? We step back in time and study the S&P 500 index over the last seven decades. It may not be a surprise, but we are in the longest, post-war, expansion ever! As globalization becomes ever more prevalent, we end our discussion with our thoughts on global growth for 2020. Tune in to hear more. Enjoy!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: What will 2020 Bring?

    17/12/2019 Duración: 16min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss where Americans are leveraging debt and creating wealth. We know a college education is more expensive than ever, so how has this impacted student loan debt? Where is a majority of U.S. wealth held; stocks, real estate or bonds? The S&P 500 has been in the longest running bull market for the last 10 years without seeing a bear market. Will this trend continue into 2020? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: A Focus on the U.S. Economy

    03/12/2019 Duración: 10min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss many facets of the U.S. economy, including the consumer, manufacturing, and debt situation. The average U.S. household holds less debt versus the historical average. What are consumers doing with the extra cash? As the global economy continues to slow, what effect does this have on U.S. exports? What does the decline in global car sales tell us about the broader world economy? We also take a look at the breakdown of U.S. government debt and its sustainability. Tune in to hear about all of this and more!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: Consumer Spending & Global Debt

    19/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss the recent patterns of the U.S. consumer. More than 70% percent of the U.S. economy is driven by consumer spending. How have lower interest rates this year impacted our spending habits, especially when it comes to housing? Debt seems to be a common four-letter word in the media, but if we break down global debt, is the situation as bad as it seems? Previously we mentioned the transition to alternative energy, but hydrocarbons are not a thing of the past, quite yet! Tune in to hear more!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: Interest Rates

    06/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss the latest decision from the Federal Reserve to cut rates in October. Is the latest cut a mid-cycle adjustment or has a new trend emerged? How do 30 year mortgages and HELOC’s compare and contrast over time to the fed funds rate and what does it all mean? The yield on the 10-year U.S. treasury is trending towards all-time lows, but it remains much higher than other country’s debt. How can bonds have a negative yield and what are central banks trying to encourage businesses and consumers to do? Lastly, will there be a recession in 2020? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: The Future of GDP & Fossil Fuels

    23/10/2019 Duración: 12min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss the continuation of the economic slowdown. The U.S. economy is still growing, but at a slowing rate according to GDP numbers. What can we expect from the Federal Reserve over the next few years and how may that affect GDP? The wavering global economy continues on a path of uncertainty; what part does the U.S. dollar play in the global market volatility? Many of us have seen firsthand the growing presence of wind turbines throughout Colorado, the Midwest and beyond. But what impact are they really having in the energy world? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: ISM Numbers & Inflation

    08/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss the recent ISM (Institute of Supply Management) numbers. The numbers indicate slowing in the U.S. manufacturing sector. Is the rest of the U.S. economy starting to contract as well? What affect does all of this have on worker’s wages? We are now starting to see how tariffs are beginning to impact the U.S. consumer. Will the tariffs have an effect on inflation too? Tune in to find out the answers to these questions and more!

  • Inside the Economy with SH&J: Debt & European Growth

    24/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy, we discuss current debt levels around the world. What is the projected budget deficit for the U.S. government this year and how does it compare to years past? The European manufacturing sector is most likely in a recession. Is there another sector that is showing signs of expansion? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: PMI Numbers & Household Debt

    10/09/2019 Duración: 11min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the recent Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) numbers. The manufacturing numbers have been in a downward trend for about a year now. How close are we to seeing these numbers signal a contraction in manufacturing? Has the change in interest rates had any effect on the U.S. dollar? The total household debt in the U.S. is about 100% of net disposable income. How does this compare to other countries around the world? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Dollar Strength & Corporate Earnings

    28/08/2019 Duración: 15min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the strength of the U.S. dollar and its correlation with changing interest rates. Since the Fed started raising rates, the U.S. dollar has strengthened. Will that trend continue now that the Fed is reversing course? Even with the recent volatility, the U.S. Stock market is still near all-time highs. Have corporate earnings kept up with the increase in stock prices this year? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Housing Prices & Corporate Earnings

    13/08/2019 Duración: 16min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the effects of lower mortgage rates on the housing market. Which region in the U.S. is seeing home prices increase at the fastest rates? The answer may surprise you. Corporate earnings have seen robust growth since 2017. What are most corporations choosing to do with the excess profits? Tune in to find out these answers, and more!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Lower Interest Rates & Negative Yields

    30/07/2019 Duración: 09min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the Federal Reserve meeting happening this week. It looks like the market is already assuming the Fed will cut interest rates, but how much lower could interest rates go in the future and what affect would that have on the economy? Speaking of low interest rates, there is now around $14 trillion in negative yielding debt around the world. What countries currently have the lowest interest rates and why are their citizens buying negative yielding bonds? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Unemployment & Fed Decision

    16/07/2019 Duración: 11min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss unemployment numbers. Job openings in May exceeded the number of people unemployed for the 15th straight month. Could there be a new natural rate of unemployment in a robust economy? Short term interest rates have already priced in an interest rate cut for July. What are the possible implications of the Fed’s decision at the upcoming meeting? Media bias aside, what is really going on with state and federal debt? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Manufacturing Slowing & Emerging Trade Partners

    03/07/2019 Duración: 12min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss a slight slowdown in the manufacturing sector of the economy. Inventories and job cuts are increasing, but how important is manufacturing to the health of the overall US economy compared to service jobs? Could this play a role in whether or not the Fed decides to adjust rates? With the talk of tariffs affecting US trade with China, what other country in Asia has seen exports to the US increase? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Trade Uncertainty & The Importance of Bond Exposure

    19/06/2019 Duración: 10min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss how this week’s Fed decision could determine the future of inflation and bond prices. In a news-driven market, how will talks of trade negotiation and the upcoming election affect the S&P 500 in 2019? The U.S. stock market has been one of the best performing investments over the last 10 years; so why is it important to continue holding bonds in your portfolio? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy with SH&J: Bond Rally & Midwest Flooding

    04/06/2019 Duración: 13min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the recent bond rally that have sent yields downward. What has been the cause of this rally and do the recent tariff talks have anything to do with it? The Midwest is experiencing near record flooding; what kind of impact will this have on agriculture in the area? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy w/ SH&J: Tariff Implications & California

    22/05/2019 Duración: 17min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the ongoing tariff negotiations that have been dominating the news cycle. How much of an impact would tariffs have on Chinese-imported goods and is it likely to cause inflation? The state of California is single-handedly one of the largest economies in the world. Has job growth there been increasing or declining, and does the expensive real estate market in the state have anything to do with it? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy w/ SH&J: Fed Holds & Social Security

    08/05/2019 Duración: 09min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the Federal Reserve’s decision to leave interest rates unchanged at last week’s meeting. What are some of the reasons for the Fed’s decision? There’s been a lot of media coverage about Social Security being depleted in the next few decades. How much of a surplus is there currently in the Social Security trust fund and how soon will social security have to make changes? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy w/ SH&J: U.S. Economic Expansion & Water

    24/04/2019 Duración: 10min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we take a look at the current economic expansion in the U.S. since the Great Recession. How does this compare to historical expansions and is there an end in sight? The lack of water supply in the western U.S. is causing farmers to leave in large numbers. Where are these farmers moving their operations? Tune in to find out!

  • Inside The Economy w/ SH&J: Global Debt & U.S. Trading Partners

    10/04/2019 Duración: 11min

    On this week’s Inside the Economy with SH&J, we discuss the rising debt balance in the global economy. How does the total debt in the U.S. economy compare to debt in other parts of the world? The U.S. has imported less from China over the past year and a half due to the change in tariffs. Which country has picked up the slack and increased its exports to the U.S.? Tune in to find out!

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