Get Off My Lawn Podcast W/ Gavin Mcinnes



We tried their way. We tried apologies, capitulation, and shame. Now it's time for them to try something: GET OFF MY LAWN.


  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #24 | Valentine's Day is for the Boys

    12/02/2018 Duración: 34min

    Today, I talk about that awkward age for boys when girls go from having cooties to being goddesses. It’s fun reliving all these various stages with my own kids but I’m constantly amazed how much of parenting today is about keeping them away from screens. My dad had no money and his childhood sounded like heaven. My kids have all they need and I’m constantly trying to drag them back to - if not my dad’s era  - the 1970s so they can experience some danger and excitement.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #23 | I Can Make an Atheist Argument for the Existence of God

    09/02/2018 Duración: 29min

    Atheists, you can believe in God, too. Just call it “nature.” This episode proves God exists and makes the case for a supreme being who pushed the first domino 14 billion years ago and has not sweat the small stuff since.

  • Get Off My Lawn #22 | I Used to Live in a Yuppie Building

    06/02/2018 Duración: 33min

    To whine about gentrification and call it genocide is to be a giant cry baby that turns crime and degradation into some kind of sacred culture that must be preserved. That being said, living with yuppies is extremely irritating. They are spoiled brats who would rather watch a black handicapped woman die, than be seen as racist.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #21 | On The Inside, I’m a Four

    02/02/2018 Duración: 44min

    Outside of murder, mental illness, and drug addiction, family is forever. Friends however, renew their contract about once a year which is usually how often you have a really big fight. I just said a permanent goodbye to my pal of 35 years, Steve. You will do the same with your closest friends. Sometimes you cancel your friend plan after the first year. Sometimes you renew the contract for decades. It will eventually end, especially if one of you has a family and the other doesn’t. If it’s permanence you’re looking for (and you are) start a family. 

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #20 | My gay uncle just died

    30/01/2018 Duración: 47min

    He was in his late 60s but he died in the closet last week and it breaks my heart. He was a great man who had a rough life and the idea of never openly being yourself just sounds like infinite torture to me. Poor bastard. May he rest in peace.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #19 | Good Day I’m Winston Churchill

    26/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    Very excited to have dead Prime Minister Winston Churchill guest host this week’s podcast. He’s been awoken from the slumber of death by all this recent Hollywood attention but it’s not making the egomaniac more proud. It’s actually making him doubt his legacy. Churchill goes back to the Boer War of 1900 to re-examine his life and consider the possibility that he wasn’t, in fact, a hero who saved millions of lives. He may have been the opposite.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #18 | I don't like conservative events

    23/01/2018 Duración: 44min

    Though “A Night For Freedom” and the insanity that surrounded it was covered in great detail on Monday’s “Get Off My Lawn,” I wanted a freebie for the masses so everyone could see how completely unhinged the Alt-Left have become. To have basically the same beliefs as your dad is considered “Alt-Left” in 2018 and we all need to die, especially if we dare congregate in private to hear each other speak. We have officially entered the realm of the unwell.  

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #17 | We jumped a guy the other night

    19/01/2018 Duración: 01h27s

    This isn’t going to happen again but this episode is just about my week. It gets its own show because it involved: knife fights, spies, cocaine, heroin, prison, guns, Anthony Cumia, James O’Keefe, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Artie Lang, Stefan Molyneaux, Mike Cernovich, antifa, Proud Boys, and police. It’s been the most insane time of my life and the week isn’t even over yet.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #16 | Did you ever see someone go crazy?

    13/01/2018 Duración: 01h13min

    One of the great things about old as hell is you’ve seen a lot of people change over the years. A good 94% of them stay the same but 5% go on to be wildly successful and then 1% completely lose their minds. The takeaway here is not trying to change these stats but just give thanks that we didn’t get sucked into that tiny vortex of total insanity.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #15 | I've met a lot of celebrities over the years

    05/01/2018 Duración: 58min

    I’ve met tons of celebrities, not because I’m fabulous, but because that’s working in media for a quarter century. Like being a hairdresser or doing makeup. You get to know some. This episode grazes stories about Kimberly Guilfoyle, Jennifer Aniston, Jimmy Kimmel, Steve Coogan, Tommy Lee, and Curtis Mayfield. The takeaway is celebrities aren’t special and being famous sucks.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #14 | Tell me something that's true that almost nobody agrees with you on

    30/12/2017 Duración: 01h23min

    PayPal founder Peter Thiel says this is the ideal question for job interviews, but it's also a great question for hanging out with your buddies in a bar. While playing this game over the holidays we learned: Mentors leave you worse off, teamwork doesn’t work, 95% of education is a complete waste of time, America is racist toward white people, our idea of domestic abuse is deeply flawed, and no food is bad food if you simply burn more than you take in.  

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #13 | How To Pick up Chicks

    22/12/2017 Duración: 55min

    Amidst all of this sexual harassment, we are starting to see young men completely give up. The cons are outweighing the pros, and the whole idea of courtship and romance is being replaced with porn and loneliness. In this crucial sex guide, I tell guys how to avoid the friend zone without coming across as a rapist. This war on sex and all things fun is rooted in communism and hatred for traditionalism, so getting laid is no trivial matter. It’s imperative to our survival as a species. Note: The name of the Antifa kid I was trying to remember in this episode is Nathan Andrew Hose. He killed himself on August 15th, 2017.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #12 | I Had A House in Costa Rica

    15/12/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    Pura Vida! Today’s episode is all about my place in Costa Rica and the twisted culture that goes on in “Montefuma.” Not only are there endless mountains of cocaine, but murder and death are rampant. One guy even died of a hangover. I just sold the house, and I’m glad. Screw living abroad.  

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #11 | As a cop, I've seen things that would make you crap a book on how to puke

    08/12/2017 Duración: 01h19min

    As an entrepreneur, I’ve done very well for myself but as anyone who makes money will tell you, it’s one big win for every dozen or so failures. I made tons of money in real estate but lost tons of money to the restaurant business. I made great money in media but also lost money in media. I had a successful career writing TV pilots but, at the same time, I consider my TV career a complete failure. This episode documents my 15-years in TV making great money failing.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #1 | I Slept In The Car Last Night

    06/12/2017 Duración: 01h28min

    In this, debut episode Gavin discusses having to sleep in his car with a shotgun because the Alt-Left is out to get him. He talks about the dangers of being right wing in liberal New York and how this new version of McCarthyism is affecting his marriage. NOTE: This show is an extra freebie with all new content and it’s based on Gavin’s TV show of the same name which can be found on Use promo code GAVIN if you’re getting a whole year. Membership includes all their shows including “Louder With Crowder,” “Michelle Malkin Investigates,” and “Levin TV."

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #3 | I Screwed Up

    06/12/2017 Duración: 01h30min

    Gavin begins the show lamenting the Weinstein victim he lost as a guest. He then uses Harvey’s crimes as an example of what happens when we pretend women and men are exactly the same. Finally, we discuss the left’s war on America and how it’s really just dads vs. spoiled brats.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #10 | A Lot Of People Are Trying To Get Me Fired

    01/12/2017 Duración: 01h31min

    I don’t necessarily want to talk about politics. I like talking about Beyoncé’s stupid hair or how men shouldn’t be riding on the back of motorbikes but the left has gone full “crazy ex-girlfriend” and is willfully ignoring real bigotry in a vapid attempt to root it out where it isn’t. Illegal aliens murdering people is irrelevant but using a racial epithet is a capital offense. If a Muslim rapes a girl he needs education but if a man thinks a woman would be much happier at home, he’s a rapist. We’re forced to talk about these subjects and fight for the West because the left has lost it. They are willfully ignoring what is right in front of them out of some bizarre revenge quest. Ok, fine, we’ll bite. Let’s fight.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #9 | How To Be Funny

    24/11/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Being funny is a delicate art form. One stutter or misplaced word and the joke is lost. I’s like a Fabregé Egg. The Thought Police are trying to tell us how we can joke around with each other and their rules are cracking our eggs. This podcast attempts to tape up these cracks by giving you a basic funny kit you can use with family, friends, and the people who serve you booze.  

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #8 | It Sucks Being Famous

    17/11/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Gavin talks about why fame is really overrated. He tells a story about Justin Theroux's experience with paparazzi on his motorbike. After that he talks about a recent story from the New York Post about him and his former company. The podcast then turns into an autobiography about his life after leaving his former company in 2008.

  • Get Off My Lawn Podcast #7 | I Had A Funny Night Last Night

    10/11/2017 Duración: 01h39min

    If you were to write a book on How to Ruin America it would read like a playbook for the left. They trivialize math so they can spout platitudes with no real data to back it up. They tell women to give up on being a mom and they tell men their masculinity is “toxic.” The scoff at the American family while i importing millions of other families to replace them. They disrespect Christianity and Judaism while treating Islam like it created the Western world. Then, just as the West is being stripped of all its history and self-worth, they drown their citizens in a mountain of debt so they are permanently chained to the state. The best way to fight back against these saboteurs is to ignore their rhetoric and just be normal. Get a job. Start a family. Live within your means. And be free.

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