Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 77:46:47
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These are my thoughts on everything from Spiritual Kung Fu to Sales to Relationships to Recovery and Pop Culture


  • Redefining the way you see Legacy... and it’s not something I thought about much until now EP 119

    20/02/2021 Duración: 07min

    Until a few days ago, if you asked me what I thought about Legacy, I would’ve told you, who cares! It’s not something I’ve put much thought into. I remember my dad talking about Legacy before he passed, which makes sense because it seems like an older, more mature, and late in life type conversation. I also have an aversion to conversations around, where do you see yourself in five years or what do you want people to remember you by when you die. I don't like the pressure and honestly I don't love the accountablity, lol. However, we had a conversation in an MKP men’s group I’ve been attending and it shifted my perspective. I like the way they looked at it and I liked the realization I came to. Two things came up for me. 1. I can't believe I get paid to do this and 2. I'm already doing it. Find out what I mean in this episode. Also, what do you thin about Legacy? have you ever put any thought into it? What about, where do you see yourself in five years? How do these questions make you feel? If you know anyone

  • What’s your number? I’m a 9 EP 118

    08/02/2021 Duración: 11min

    This just might explain everything! I finally took the Enneagram personality test and oh does it make some sense. I feel like I’ve been doing so much work around fear, anger, and the things that make me tick... or not. And sometimes it creates more questions than answers. I am a number nine, the peacemaker. Most of my problems derive out of an overwhelming desire to avoid conflict. Procrastination, indecision, saying yes to things I don’t really want to do, hidden resentment and the propensity to do nothing i.e. sloth are all symptoms of a nine. Some of the attributes, I can get along with anyone, I often feel at peace, I’m good at bridging the gap between different points of view, I love inclusivity and often have a strong sense of purpose. Have you ever thought about taking an enneagram test? Do you know what number you are? I’d love to hear from you. Check us out over on the Facebook group. Love you! K Preston Moore Instagram: @kprestonmoore Facebook: Facebook Group

  • Do you have a dysfunctional relationship with your goals, dreams, and desires? EP 117

    30/01/2021 Duración: 14min

    I admit it, I have an unhealthy relationship with my goals, dreams, and desires. I have always loved ideas like the Law of Attraction, SMART goals, and “if you can see it you can achieve it.” These are all good strategies and they work. I’ve just never been able to embrace them enough where they feel authentic. Some of the discomfort I feel around goalsetting and visualization is, I often feel unworthy or selfish for wanting amazing things to happen to me. My altruistic desires seem to be grappling with selfishnes, self-worth, and ego. I fantasize about, if "this" happens to me or if I get "this", THEN, everything will be OKKKKKK. Or, if I had these "things" or was "this" successful then you would like me and I would be enough. So, you can imagine why I have a hard time getting started with visualization and goalsetting tools. Even when I'm able to get into a visualization process, it doesn't last. The real funky thing is, even when it works and I get exactly what I want, it never feels as good as I thought i

  • Are you as selfless as you think you are? My answer surprised me! EP 116

    25/01/2021 Duración: 10min

    Have you ever wondered if you are praying for the right thing? In the right way? Have you ever found yourself checking the boxes and saying the right things but you know something is off? On this episode I share the answers to some of these questions and they may surprise you.

  • Do you ever try & blame someone else for your behavior? What about for your shortcomings? EP 115

    18/01/2021 Duración: 05min

    One of the biggest shockers for me getting sober was realizing how many things I blamed on drinking and using that were actually part of my personality or personal short comings. For example, the thing I pray about the most is, asking God to help me be responsible and productive... yet it’s the area in which I struggle the most. Often, I’m a huge procrastinator, I avoid responsibility, and love to blame others or the situation to justify my behavior. Then, I beat myself up for being irresponsible and unproductive. On this episode, I share the intricacies of being human... with assets and defects in all. I talk about the tendency to compare, justify and explain away one’s challenges. But don’t worry, as my sponsor says, there’s never a situation you can’t come back from. Today, I’m going to continue to seek. I love you. Remember To share this with a friend do you think this might help and we have a Facebook group. The high cost of anonymity Facebook group.

  • I'm back... I think! The willingness to be willing EP 114

    11/01/2021 Duración: 13min

    Willingness!  Willingness seems to be the answer to all things.  Because willingness hasn't been coming so easily for me lately, I've been praying for the willingness to be willing.  This was a piece of advice given to me in my early sobriety to combat resistance.  Often, I experience boatloads of resistance around that which I say I desire. In other words, even though I say I want something, my actions often don’t reflect it. For example, I want to feel calmer, more trusting of the process, and embrace the moment, good and bad.  So I tell myself, in order to feel that way I'll need to pray, meditate, make meetings, work out, and eat healthier.  Do I do any of it?  Maybe some, maybe not at all, maybe even for a substantial length of time like 3 to 6 months.  However, do the habits stick?  Hell no!  The insidious thing about it all is, I have the skills to make you think I'm doing all the right things to live in the moment, yet I'm really just trying to self-will what I want to happen. I'm trying to think my w

  • How does resistance show up in your life? Perfectionism, procrastination, chaos, overachieving EP113

    30/11/2020 Duración: 07min

    The journey to self-actualization is an interesting one. Quite frankly, it’s F’ing hard. Life is hard. As far back as I can remember I’ve wanted things to be easy... I wanted everything to come naturally. I didn’t want to work at it, I didn’t want it to be difficult, I wanted it to be a breeze. And when it wasn’t, I’d quit, give up, or chalk it up to, maybe I’m just not interested enough. Afterwards, I’d find something or someone to blame it on or I would say something profound like, it wasn’t meant to be, my HP has other plans, or I really need to focus on what I’m passionate about. Because everyone knows, if you’re passionate about something, it doesn’t feel like work, it’s easy! Oh how naïve I can be, LOL!! Of course, I would never admit to any of this. I would make sure I save face by giving the perception that I was totally owning the failure or by positioning the fact that I gave up, that it was to hard, or that I was doing it for all the wrong reasons in a way that people would co-sign my decision or f

  • When is a good time to start sharing about your sobriety? The Christina Kimbrough story EP 112

    15/11/2020 Duración: 57min

    If you have been wondering what it would be like to get sober during COVID-19, well Cristina‘s story will shed some light on it for us. She was barely into her new sobriety when everything started shutting down. The other thing I found interesting was how early in Christina’s recovery she started telling people. I have had a personal bias towards when someone should start disclosing their sobriety. Or when people should start posting on social media about sobriety. Christina helped me get a new perspective. She has found social media extremely helpful, especially when we weren’t able to meet in person for meetings. She also shared that being open about her recovery early has helped her with an added level of accountability. I found our conversation very interesting and today Christina has over nine months sober. Christina is from the Cleveland OH area. She currently lives in Norfolk VA with her husband that just re-enlisted in the NAVY. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE! Christina Kimbrough is a Mental health and rec

  • How do you handle anger? EP 111

    02/11/2020 Duración: 09min

    Anger is something I have struggled with my entire life. Not in the sense of losing my temper, it's actually quite the opposite. I’ve worked extremely hard to not feel anger. What I have always touted as a great asset, the ability to stay calm and not lose my temper, was actually a dysfunctional way to handle my emotions... which was by not feeling them. What makes this arena confusing for me is I also believe that when I feel angry, frustrated, or annoyed with someone or something, there’s something going on within me that is causing that emotion. Often, it revolves around the fear that I’m not going to get what I want, the fear I’m going to lose what I have or some form of insecurity. However, I've also learned that in my effort to not feel anger, frustration, sadness, and grief, I have also lost my ability to feel the good emotions like happiness, joy, and freedom. On this episode, I share about my relationship with anger, judgment, frustration, and victimhood and how I’m navigating it at the moment. Let m

  • How to find a coach to work with. Or a counselor, or a therapist or a mentor or a support group with Amy Guerrero EP 110

    25/10/2020 Duración: 01h29min

    On this episode, I share a great conversation with Amy Guerrero of Thrive in Recovery with Amy.  Amy helps people discover their purpose to create the life they desire, to go beyond surviving, to thriving in all areas of life.  There are so many things to like about Amy. Biasedly, the fact that she is from Texas is high up on my list!  Amy talks about her tough childhood, intergenerational trauma, and family abuse.  She was raised mostly by her grandmother and was super intuitive from a very young age.  She shares about her experience with mental health, drug, and alcohol recovery, and the path she's taken to help people thrive.  I like her perspective on choosing someone to work with, whether that's a coach, mentor, therapist, or counselor.  The number one thing for someone when choosing someone to work with is, to feel safe.  If the nervous system doesn’t feel safe, they can’t get the healing they need.  If someone doesn’t feel safe in their body or with who

  • How to be in the moment and live in acceptance EP 109

    21/10/2020 Duración: 07min

    I have this tendency to live everywhere else but in the moment.  I am either in the past or in the future.  In other words, I naturally gravitate towards fearing the future or looking to the future for something to change the way I feel like.  For example, I have a new pair of Jordan's showing up today.  Oh, how great I'm going to feel when I have them in my hands and get my first complement, lol! Or when this Corona thing is all over, "then" I'll feel better.  When this money comes in, "then" I'll feel so much more secure.  When I get this new job, "then" I'll be back on track.  And one of my favorites, if my wife would just get off my back, "then" I'll be happier!   The reverse is also true.  Regretting or idealizing the past. For example, I'm such a loser, why did I say that or eat that or not do that. Why did I not work out again today! Or, I was so much happier in my 20's, if I could just get back to that time in my life, "then" everything would be OK... Or, I was so much happier when I was single with n

  • I am not that person anymore, I am different, that's the old me... or is it? EP 108

    14/10/2020 Duración: 12min

    I'm on the second round of listening to Rob Bell's new book, Everything is Spiritual.  I literally finished it and immediately started over.   I've never done that before. In chapter 5 he talks about how we can be at odds with our past; we can be at war with our history... and how do we resolve those parts of our lives we may be trying to forget about or move on from?  What about those parts of us we don't like or are trying to change? I always wondered why it never sat right when someone refers to "the new me" or "the old me" or "I'm not that person anymore."  I get what they're saying... I have changed, I don't act like that anymore, I don't think like that anymore, I'm different than I used to be.   But isn't our past still a part of us whether we like it or not?  Doesn't our life experiences make us who we are?  Rob uses the example of seeing a picture of someone and getting a knot in our stomach or someone tells a story or mentions a place and we cringe.  

  • Behind The Music: Boss Scrilla and Dolla Green talking about their new song - Say Her Name - EP 107

    10/10/2020 Duración: 33min

    This was a great conversation about story, music, parenting, humanity, advocacy, and one of the biggest challenges our communities face today, how to address and move forward after years of systemic racism.  Although there has been new information released about the Breonna Taylor case since this recording, the overarching takeaway for me is, how do we use our strengths and differences to bring our communities together instead of tearing them apart?  Today's episode is a Behind the Music look at the Boss Scrilla and Dolla Green song, Say Her Name, about the death of Breonna Taylor in Louisville Kentucky.  The two artists made this song for Breonna's mother, Tanika Palmer, to commemorate her loss.  Regardless of one's outlook on highly charged, controversial, and deep-rooted issues like racism, most everyone can sympathize with the sorrow of losing a loved one.   Be sure to check out and support Boss Scrilla and Dolla Green of Spotify, Facebook, and Instagram.  Help them make a positive impact on our community

  • I hid my alcohol & mental health challenges... Kim Bolton LaMontagne: Speaker, Trainer, Author and Recovery Advocate EP 106

    03/10/2020 Duración: 01h17min

    The thing I enjoyed about my conversation with Kim is, she's a great example of a large majority of people struggling with addiction or mental health challenges... they are functioning, often professional, and masters at hiding in plain sight.  They may not even know that the way they feel or the amount of substances they are using is abnormal.    Kim has always been a high achiever and with high achieving comes perfectionism... this underlying air of nothing ever being good enough.  However, this did not stop Kim from climbing the ranks in multiple organizations and always qualifying as a top-ranked performer.  One of the most profound things she said was, I was doing extremely well at work as one of their top salespeople and I was sitting behind my keyboards wanting it all to end. With the help of an empathetic Nurse Practitioner, therapy, and support groups Kim got sober and started helping others that were struggling as well.  Although getting sober changed Kim's life, it sti

  • With Sadness... EP 105

    29/09/2020 Duración: 21min

    If you have not heard already, one of our community's biggest advocates, Dax Shepard, is starting over.  He relapsed on opiates after 16 years of sobriety.  There was a time in my life when I would get mad at people that went back out.  I thought it looked bad on our community when people relapsed, especially those that had a more public image.  I didn't realize it at the time but my anger was rooted in fear.  Fear for them, for me, and the fear that 12 step recovery may not work.  This relapse has hit me particularly hard.  I don't feel any anger, frustration, or disappointment... only sadness.  I've cried a number of times since I listened to Dax's coming clean episode, Day 7 - the Armchair Expert.  It just shines a spotlight on how easily we can slip, jump, or take a tumble off the wagon.   I've often fantasized about pulling everything down around me.  Starting all over.  The funny thing about starting over is, its an easy way out.  Quitting is easy, starting over is easy, new relationships are easy, new

  • Brad McLeod: Founder of Sober Motivation and Marketer for Entrepreneurs shares his story EP 104

    27/09/2020 Duración: 01h24min

    Brad McLeod shares his story about how he went from a comfortable life in Canada living with his grandparents to being uprooted and moved to Waco TX then North Carolina and eventually being banished from the U.S... For real!  What I like about Brad's story is how the thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and behaviors were present long before his addiction to drugs.  He shares his struggles as a teen, criminal behavior, being locked away in rehab at 17 having never used drugs, and mental health challenges.  Also, how his pill use lead heroin, then methadone, and how he was set up by a friend and arrested 3 years later!  Today Brad continues to make a huge impact on the recovery community through multiple sober communities like Sober Motivation.  He is also active with a recovery app called Your Sober Buddy.  Make sure you show Brad and his community some love by following them on Instagram and Facebook. Brad McLeod @brad_mcleod Sober Motivation @sobermotivation Your Sober Buddy @yoursob

  • Is Everything Spiritual? EP 103

    25/09/2020 Duración: 20min

    I've been on a path of personal development for a very long time and my view of what I think I "know" changes... a lot!  Sometimes I'm seeking knowledge to be a better husband, father, and human and sometimes I'm searching for some sort of spiritual enlightenment.  Lately, I have been headed down this path of wanting to know more about the Bible.  Not that I want to become a Christian but because I want to know what this book is all about.  Who is this guy that so many people are convinced "rose from the dead" and is the "son of God"?  Is it real or a bunch of stories?  What's the difference between those that take the word literally and those that see it more as a metaphor?  Where in the book are the universal principals that mirror so many other religious and spiritual teachings? The talk around organized religion is so charged most of the time it makes it hard to talk about.  Growing up in Texas, I don't remember knowing anyone that didn't consider themselves at leas

  • You might be looking in the wrong place... let me explain EP 102

    21/09/2020 Duración: 10min

    As I journaled this morning I wrote about a topic that consistently comes up for me. Why is it that I have this vision of who I want to be when I grow up, the kind of father and husband I want to be, how I want my life to be and yet, when I get the opportunity to move in that direction or to do something productive for that vision, I’ll watch Netflix instead!? Usually, I’ll subconsciously follow up that behavior with talking smack to myself, beating myself up or even calling it self-care (insert a strong “bull$h*t cough)! Our personal development peeps would call it, negative self-talk. I find that my negative beliefs and insecurities are so deep, they often go misdiagnosed. When this happens, its easy for me to distract myself with another video on “3 ways to combat procrastination” or “how to manifest millions in 30 days.” The truth is, most people, including me, don’t need another course, strategy or game plan. What they really need is to do the deep inner work that focuses on fear, insecurity, self-worth,

  • The Story Behind the Music: WHY by Dolla Green

    14/09/2020 Duración: 25min

    Have you ever wondered why something happened the way it happened? Why did my family member pass away? Why did that relationship end? Why did I grow up the way I did? Why did they let that happen to me? One of the things I love most is haring the story behind the art, the story behind the person, where are they from, how did they get there. and what's that song about? On this episode Ricky tells us about the lyrics to a single WHY. And if you’re anything like me, you’re going ti be surprised about the meaning. Hope you enjoy! Also, follow Dolla Green on Spotify, Facebook and Instagram. That’s how we can help people hear a positive message about addiction, recovery, mental health, and life challenges. Spotify Dolla Green Instagram @dollagreentv Facebook @dollagreentv

  • The Best Way to Get Someone to Take You In When You're Strung Out on Drugs... Convince Them You Have Cancer! This is Peter G's Story: EP 100

    10/09/2020 Duración: 01h55min

    I met Peter 19 years ago in an NA meeting and as he remembers it, I didn't care for him too much.  Really, it was because he talked too much... and that's not something I needed help with!   I went from being someone who was forced to go to 12 step meetings, to realizing I had a drug and alcohol problem but couldn't imaging my life without them, to wanting to be there and needing all the help I could get. Peter became my first sponsor and would go on to have the biggest impact on my adult life.  He showed me how to have fun without drug and alcohol, he introduced me to a Higher Power, he took me through the steps, showed me how to be of service and what it was like to live with integrity.  He also showed me plenty of things NOT to do as he navigated his own path through life, lol!  On the 100th episode of the Podcast, Peter shares his harrowing story of growing up in Texas in a poor farming community.  He was 1 of 7 kids born to immigrant parents and had to navigate being a minor

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