Intercepted Imperial Transmissions



I'm just a Star Wars Fanatic with a dollar and a dream. Stand by for my musings on Star Wars, Sci fi and living in a place called "Shaolin".


  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E42

    19/11/2021 Duración: 01h21min

    Black Panther 2 and Rogue Squadron delayed? A "new" Star Wars standalone film on the horizon? In today's episode, the Chrasamatic Trio presents a potluck of interesting topics.  With no real Star Wars rumors or Marvel movies to break down, we circle the globe of various topics.  From Aaron Rogers and Covid to Knuckletown, USA, and Alec Baldwin, we pick apart the most current news available to us.  Oh, the Sith Librarian gives his impression of the new Dune film versus the old, and whether it's worth the 2 1/2 hours for the first half of a duology. So grab a can of Tiger Lyte and meet us in the square circle...if you don't get it, get down to Knuckletown, USA.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3.E41

    28/10/2021 Duración: 01h18min

    In today's episode, All Bond, All the Way! The Charismatic Trio discusses the final film in the Daniel Craig Era. There are MAJOR spoilers for the latest James Bond flick, "No Time to Die" Be warned, lest you find out things that are best seen first, analyzed later. So grab yourself a martini...shaken, not stirred, and enjoy!  

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E40

    01/10/2021 Duración: 01h29min

    In today's episode, we poke fun at James Bond! Marcia Lucas goes "Full Palpatine" on Disney! aka "The Trouble with Forgetting an Academy Award Winning ex-wife" What? George Lucas is worth how much? Neo 4 or Neo bore? The Matrix has a hardware issue. In the Main Event, "What If? Episodes 4 & 5 What we'd do for love....oh, and zombies! So grab your Quantum penicillin and we'll see on the other side.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E39

    15/09/2021 Duración: 01h30min

    In today's episode, the Adjudicator goes off the deep end. Kenobi rumors and @thatstarwarsgirl77 has an interesting theory to explain a Vader/Ben clash. ThatStarWarsGirl77 Theory The Sith Sex Line, "Tatooine after Dark"? We return to the question of how could Vader possibly NOT know about Tatooine! Doogie Howser "Hawaii Edition", can a 16-year old REALLY be a Dr.? In the Main Event, "What If?.... Sylvester Stallone was swapped with Tony Danza? Why is Hope Pym/van Dyne given no love, and will the Watcher ever violate his Prime Directive? Schnapp dir ein Bier und eine Brezel und feier weiter, es ist Oktoberfest!

  • Star Wars: Star Cruiser Resort Bonus Episode

    26/08/2021 Duración: 27min

    Hey all, it’s the Sith Librarian. Ever wonder what happens when one of us, and by that I mean me, goes off a tangent that takes us lightyears from our original topic? Recently, while talking about the ScarJo Disney fight I led us into a discussion about the new Disney Star Cruiser Resort opening up in 2022. It was so far from what we’d intended to discuss that we cut the entire conversation from the episode. Well, after listening to it we decided to release the conversation as a bonus episode for you guys. So sit back, grab a Dole Whip and enjoy…..

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3.E38

    19/08/2021 Duración: 01h22min

    In today's episode, we talk Muppets! Bob Dylan won't get stoned and is there a statute of limitations on "Me Too"? "Cosmo", Staten Island Royalty? Star Wars: Bad Batch Season 2 is confirmed, and we have Star Wars Anime on the horizon! Should Anime be watched in Japanese or English, and Disney makes the move from Anime to Novelization. What is "Parody"? Happenings on Shaolin, and our 7-11 memories. So grab a Big Gulp, or a 72oz Slurpee and enjoy! Star Wars Visions Official Trailer

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E37

    15/08/2021 Duración: 01h05min

    In today's episode, James Bond returns to the small screen before his return to the silver screen. ScarJo and the Mouse continue to wail at each other in the courtroom. Marvel & DC do the artists/authors wrong! Disney starts actively casting for a "live-action" Sabine Wren! The Admiral and Librarian butt heads over a TV show, what else is new.  :) In the main event, "Marvel 'What if?'", a show that is well drawn, well animated, and well voiced.  Hayley Atwell and Sebastian Stan reprise their roles. Captain Carter...Hydra killer extraordinaire!  Does this "What if?" remove Sharon Carter from that multiverse? and WHY didn't Steve Rogers not send a postcard to himself with a message to not kiss Sharon? So grab some a chair and hold on to your seat, the multiverse will never be the same.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E36

    02/08/2021 Duración: 01h24min

    **BONUS EPISODE** In today's special episode, Olympic Hijinx, and Scarlett Johanson -vs. Disney...The Black Widow goes up against the Mouse! We look at some Disney/Marvel films "By the Numbers" and note that Scarlett Johanson has some impressive Box Office cred. Will the fight brought to the Black Widows door wind up bitting the Mouse in the butt when it gets the Feds to re-examine the 1948 Supreme Court case, United States -vs. Paramount?  Anti-Trust anyone? So grab some popcorn, the courts in session.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E35

    29/07/2021 Duración: 01h24min

    In today's episode, we talk "art", and Tesla kills again! Will the rumors of Gina Carano's return to Star Wars finally end?  Apparently not... He-Man, Birth of a Heroine?  And we introduce a new disclaimer! Possible Masters of the Universe Spoilers, you have been warned. The action figure vs. "dolls" debate rears its head. Marvel will soon unveil "What if?" and HOW many Spider-Men? In the main event, Loki...The Man With the Horny Helm! Check out "DC Titans" on HBO Max. The Librarian talks about Heavy Metal, and the Adjudicator collects vinyl. Here are some links for your perusing pleasure: Iron Maiden: Senjutsu Iron Maiden- The Writing On The Wall (Offical Video)

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:34

    09/07/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    In today's episode, the Adjudicator comes up with a brand new toy. The Amityville Horror of New Jersey, and poltergeist real estate. The haunted law school is in session! Loki-Floki-Sylvie?  What the hell is going on, and how does this connect to Wanda and Dr. Strange?  A case of variable variants. Superman leads to ultimate disappointment. The Bad Batch is a bad bunch of Mofos! Omega may need a good lawyer, CSI: Clone War Edition! So grab some "Ka-Blooie Gum" and a TemPad and enjoy our newest jaunt to the ruins of Asgard.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3.E33

    11/06/2021 Duración: 01h13min

    In today's episode, Bare Knuckle Boxing? Let's talk vaccines, and why IG-11 and Valkyrie, Queen of Asgard, maybe hooking up. [|87 The "Amber" Heard around the World. The Adjudicator lays down the law. A new unverified MCU rumor! The Librarian has an interesting Post Snap theory. Bezos...Jeff Bezos.  Amazon takes on and possibly takes down 007. And we discuss the new Dave Filoni Star Wars extravaganza, The Bad Batch. So come along quietly, the Adjudicator has his phonograph set for smooth jazz.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E32

    06/05/2021 Duración: 01h22min

    In today's episode, the Librarian is vaccinated, and The Child joins us during our recording session! The Mandolarian is up for a BAFTA?  And who is Lester Hargrove? Scott dislikes a movie, and Frank fixes every horror movie. Will Kennedy get the Lucy Liu treatment, and more Shaolin shade! In the Main Event!  Race in comic books, and is America ready for a black Captain America? Will the Winter Soldier ever be James "Bucky" Barnes again? Shields are not frisbees! John Walker got the "Super" Super-Soldier serum! The Librarian bitches about GOT...again, and the Adjudicator gets a "new" piece of technology. So grab a piece of Juicy Fruit, cause this episode's gonna move ya!

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E31

    16/04/2021 Duración: 01h18min

    In today's episode, The Adjudicator is fully vaccinated, and Scott Ackbar has a "senior" moment! Does 1980s humor last the test of time, and we touch on ANOTHER movie that Scott hasn't seen. A reboot of Agents of Shield, and the return of Dr. Henry Jones Jr. What Neo's "new" Matrix should look like, and will it mean that Daft Punk is getting back together? In the Main Event, we discuss the Snyder cut of Justice League and the last couple of episodes of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Has the ghost of Steve Jobs spoiled the Winter Soldier Big Baddie, and Murder Man trends on YouTube. For your watching pleasure...if the "goodies" drive Aston Martins and wear Omega, what do the "baddies" drive? Baddies Take to the Road So grab a handful of Turkish Delight, a vial of Super Serum, and enjoy!

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E30

    25/03/2021 Duración: 01h17min

    In today's episode, Frank complains about leaves? The "Real" Rise of Skywalker. Holy Cow, an Agent Carter spoiler?? The Sith Librarian reviews a book. In the Main Event, "Falcon and the Winter Soldier"! What do Peter Parker, Falcon, and Wayne Campbell have in common?  They're not worthy! Who's funding the Avengers now that Tony Stark is pushing up daisies? (Too early?) Did King T'Challa give Sam Vibranium wings? So grab a mop and bucket, 'cause Hulk may have "unsnapped" people at 45,000 feet! Enjoy!

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E29

    12/03/2021 Duración: 01h32min

    In today's episode, Cookie Monster makes everything better! Is there a possible replacement for Cara Dune on the horizon?  Is Winter coming? More Star Wars Paternity Issues on the Death Star's "only" broadcast of, "The Imperial's Court". Is The Batman to "Twightey"? Too many Spiderman origins stories and Bat gadgets! In the Main Event...WandaVision!  Is this "really" the end? How to successfully retcon Wanda's backstory. Will Marvel do the Multi-Verse the right way? A plethora of new Marvel movies and TV shows just over the rainbow! Witches? And the Sith Librarian pitches the next big Marvel series, "Darcy and the Woo", an X-Files meets Marvel mashup. So grab a stick of Juicy Fruit, 'cause this episode is gonna move you.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E28

    27/02/2021 Duración: 01h33min

    We're back!  Hibernation Sickness can be a real drag! We're happy to introduce a new podcast member, The Imperial Apprentice! Let's talk about the Rebel Ranger who's leaving the party, Gina Carano.  :( The "Carano Effect" spread far and wide across the Disney multiverse. In the main event, Go..Go..WandaVision, the House of Mouse meets the House of "M"!  Are the X-Men and F4 far behind? The Snapped -vs.- The Unsnapped, who got the wrong end of the stick? So, grab a witches brew, a brownie, or two, and enjoy!

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E27

    01/01/2021 Duración: 01h27min

    In today's episode, The Mandalorian Season Finale, "The Rescue"! Are Filoni and Favreau playing baseball, 'cause they knock it out of the park. Was Luke a badass all along, or did he take lessons? Do Dark Troopers have a fatal design flaw? The Rebels are FINALLY referred to as "terrorists". Why bother using a key when Jedi can rip the door off the hinges? The "Is Boba really a Mandalorian?" question is finally answered. Space: Above and Beyond?  WTF? How did a Fox get into the podcast? Some alternative Mando endings. Where was Grogu during the period of the First Order?

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: 2020 Holiday Special

    25/12/2020 Duración: 54min

    Merry Christmas from the Charismatic Trio!  In keeping with our holiday tradition, we present to you, an uncut recording of Frank, Scott, and Matt, Group Watching "The Star Wars Lego Holiday Special. From all of us to all of you, our loyal listeners both far and near, may your holidays be filled with light, love, and a little Sithmas cheer. --Matt, The Sith Librarian --Frank, The Imperial Adjudicator --Admiral "Scott" Ackbar

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:26

    18/12/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    In today's episode, "Die Hard", is it really a Christmas movie? Mando Episode 15! Why is Disney flooding the market, is Walt the new Noah? Lock S-Foils in attack position!  The director of Wonder Woman gives us "Rogue Squadron". What has George been up to since selling Star Wars...Willow anyone? We named the dog Indiana...Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. comes back for a fifth installment. Is Star Wars the "Framework" from Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."? The Sith Librarian comes up with a cunning plan and answers a question. What was Boba thinking? How do YOU think The Mandolarian Season 2 going to end?  The Charismatic Trio gives their predictions. So grab some warm apple cider, and a peppermint stick, and enjoy.

  • Intercepted Imperial Transmissions: S3:E25

    11/12/2020 Duración: 01h05min

    In today's episode, The Mandalorian, Episode 14, "The Tragedy". Is there a Thrawn Front Coming, and what do Sherlock Holmes and Star Wars have in common? Is Greedo an immortal Highlander?  Maclunkey? Grogu goes Yoga, Lotus Position anyone? The next installment of "Worst Jedi Ever"...Seriously, are there any Jedi out there? Are Grogu's species strong in the Force as a defensive mechanism? So grabs some glue for Din and enjoy our latest foray into the Outer Rim Territories.

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