Sarah Mane



CONSCIOUS CONFIDENCE RADIO - A TIMELESS WISDOM with Sarah ManeTune-in each month and join Sarah on an adventurous journey to the deeper level of meaning to move beyond today's world of constant change, confusion, and uncertainty beyond the shadow of fear.This hit show explores key concepts such as confidence, values, and attitude in a dynamic way.Learn to dispell the fear shadow as Sarah provides essential knowledge about embracing change and the power of transformation. Get ready for Conscious Confidence!


  • Power is Love with Special Guest Sarah Mane!


    Pure Universal Love is ever-present and powerful. Remembering this and connecting with the love within, means we see the uniting factors which bring us all together. Join Dr Pat and Sarah Mane as they discuss the healing power of Prema, Pure Universal Love, and what the Conscious Confidence message is for our time.

  • Finding the Patience and Inner Strength to Handle Anything !


    Real Patience is a true, beautiful and mighty power, perfectly designed to help us face lifes challenges. Often our experience of patience is one of gritting our teeth and putting up with things. Join Sarah as she talks about how to get the strength, calm and peace of real patience.

  • Love – the Not-so-Secret Sauce!


    Pure Universal Love is ever-present whether we are feeling it or not. Love can be covered over just like clouds appear to conceal the sun. Join Sarah as she talks about letting pure universal love flow to all which includes you, and shell answer listener questions in The Mailbag Ask Me Anything.

  • Snake or Rope? Overcoming Fear!


    The one word Fear is used to explain two situations where we basically experience the same feelings or sensations. The catch here is that there are two different causes one is rational, and one is irrational. Join Sarah as she talks about coming out from under the shadow of fear to reveal your true courageous and confident nature!

  • Stepping Free of Imaginary Bondage!


    All too often, the inner limits that we experience and feel, seem to be fixed and beyond our control. When we awaken to these imaginary limits, we can step free from them and discover our greater potential. Join Sarah as she talks about practical ways to discover freedom from these imaginary limits and shell answer listener questions in The Mailbag Time for Your Questions, Ask Me Anything.

  • Gaining Control of the Mind & Calming Your Heart!


    An active chatty mind plagues pretty much everyone these days, and the wisdom traditions have been guiding people over the millennia on exactly what to do. When the mind is still, the heart is naturally calm, open and happy. Join Sarah as she talks about how to gain control over the active discursive mind, and she will answer listener questions in The Mailbag Time for Your Questions, Ask Me Anything.

  • The Creative Power of Words – speaking your world into existence!


    The words we speak, the language we use in speech and in our thoughts are powerfully creative. Through our thoughts and words, we generate our feelings and they, in turn govern our actions. We can however, harness this power for positive change, and Sarah will explore practical ways to do this, and she will answer listener questions in The Mailbag Your Questions, Ask Me Anything.

  • Getting Aligned and Finding Balance!


    Does your mind say one thing, your heart feel something else, and your body gets pulled along for the ride? We need balance, and Sanskrits timeless wisdom gives us a clear and practical way to find that balance, and the alignment we crave. Join Sarah as she reveals how to apply this wisdom and find a natural ease, and happiness, and she answers listener questions in The Mailbag Your Questions, Ask Me Anything.

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