Real Talk With Rachael Podcast



Real Talk with Rachael is a podcast designed to bring topics out of the darkness and into the light. In each episode, we will discuss real topics about real life with real people. Let's get real so we can live free. #RealOverPerfect #bereallivefree


  • Talk Therapy: Behaviors Restored

    08/05/2023 Duración: 17min

    So far in the Retored Series, we have covered truth, temple, union, hope, family, heart, mind, and emotions. This week our theme is Behaviors Restored from chapter 9 of my book, Image Restored. Therapist Thoughts: "The diet industry puts a lot of effort into trying to help people change their habits through willpower and behavioral modifications. This top-down approach can be helpful for some people, but many people end up disillusioned, chasing one diet fad after another, because behavior modification alone is like trimming the top of a weed without getting all the roots. In contrast, a bottom-up approach addresses the root issues below the surface. With this approach, we switch directions, stop, take a deep breath, and invite God to show us His view of our bodies to make space for behaviors that come from our Creator’s core beliefs." - Adapted from Dr. Shannon Crawford Questions I get asked about body image include, but aren’t limited to, the following: What’s a healthy weight for my body type? Is it okay t

  • #166: Body Image & Bullying with Anne Watson

    03/05/2023 Duración: 50min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael my friend, Anne Watson, is sharing her personal story of body image and bullying. Anne is a business strategy coach and the host of the Swayology podcast. She helps coaches and communicators think like a business so they can inspire like a boss by getting crystal clear about their niche and creating a transformational offer that gets results. She currently lives in the Dallas, Texas area. Key Points from Our Conversation: After getting bullied about her nose, Anne had surgery but quickly realized that changing herself didn't stop all the bullying. Years later, she realized that what actually earned her the respect she was looking for was standing up for herself and defending her boundaries. Anne's core belief became that she needed to change herself for people to be kind to her instead of God's truth that we are valuable and loved as we are. A true change came when Anne changed her perspective to be grateful that her body had faithfully served her despite how poorly she

  • Talk Therapy: Emotions Restored

    01/05/2023 Duración: 16min

    So far in the Restored series, we have covered truth, temple, union, hope, family, heart, and mind restored. This week our theme is emotions restored from chapter 8 of my book, Image Restored. In this chapter, we discussed how emotions have a way of letting us know what’s happening in our hearts if we will stop long enough to listen. Emotions are not something we need to hide from, yet in order to stop and embrace them, we must normalize them. It’s all part of our divine design. We often avoid feeling out of fear that we can’t control our emotions. However, the more we practice feeling and expressing emotions, the more we give them an outlet to be expressed in a healthy way. Therapist Thoughts: When a client pinpoints an emotion she is experiencing, I often ask, “Where do you feel that emotion in your body?” Sit for a moment, take three deep breaths, scan your body from head to toe, and notice where you feel any emotion. Process: God, do I have an incorrect view of my emotions? What emotion am I feeling right

  • Talk Therapy: Mind Restored

    24/04/2023 Duración: 16min

    So far in the Restored series, we have covered truth, temple, union, hope, family, and heart. This week our theme is mind restored from chapter 7 of the book. In this chapter, we discussed the power of our thoughts and how they shape our lives. Where your mind goes, your life will follow. Learning to take my thoughts captive has been the single thing that has changed the trajectory of my life. I was in my 20s when I first learned I could choose what I meditate on. I began to “change the channel” of my thoughts and noticed every area of my life improved. As a counselor, I often use CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help people reframe negative thoughts. I shared those same tools in Image Restored so I hope you utilize them in every area of your life. When confronted with a defeating thought, ask: 1. What would I do if this defeating thought weren’t true? 2. What would I do if I weren’t afraid? Any thought that disempowers you is not from the Lord. If you want a renewed and restored mind, starts by submitti

  • #165: Life Lessons from Ecclesiastes with Michelle Meyers

    19/04/2023 Duración: 42min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael in talking with author Michelle Myers. Michelle is the co-founder of She Works His Way. She is the author of Conversational Commentary on Acts: Gospel Mission Then and Now, Conversational Commentary on Ecclesiastes: Wisdom to Live for Heaven While on Earth, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get-Things-Done World, and Famous in Heaven and at Home. You can listen to Michelle weekly with her best friend and ministry partner on the She Works His Way podcast. She and her husband, James, live with their three children in Asheville, North Carolina, where James is the central discipleship pastor at Biltmore Church. Key Points from Our Conversation: Anything we think will satisfy us outside of Jesus will disappoint us 100% of the time. Our sole purpose is to fear God and keep His commandments. The emptiest feeling isn't not getting what you think you need to be happy, it's getting what you wanted and realizing that the Lord is all you need. If yo

  • Talk Therapy: Heart Restored

    17/04/2023 Duración: 11min

    So far in the Restored Series we have covered truth, temple, union, hope, and family. This week our theme is family from chapter 6 of the book. In this chapter, we discussed how trauma affects our body image. It was never God’s original design for His children to suffer the level of pain we endure today. That’s exactly why He sent Jesus to bear our pain and shame on the cross. One thing I know for certain is that pain and suffering leave a mark on our hearts. But it doesn’t have to get the final word. Today, I feel God saying He wants to restore wounded hearts. When He restores something, it’s even better than it was before. It goes back to His original design, which is a heart both shaped and loved by Him. Process: Lord, what area of my heart do you want to restore today? This chapter’s Therapist Thoughts: “EMDR acts like a reset button for clients to reconnect to memories that once harbored intense feelings of shame, fear, and sorrow. The once-held belief that vulnerability is a weakness is replaced with gr

  • Talk Therapy: Family Restored

    10/04/2023 Duración: 14min

    So far in the Restored Series we have covered truth, temple, union, and hope. This week our theme is family from chapter 5 of the book. In this chapter, we discussed how our family of origin impacted our body image. The purpose of looking at our family is not to cast blame, but rather, to get healing and look for anything we do or don’t want to pass along to the next generations. This chapter’s Therapist Thoughts: An inner vow is often a promise we make to ourselves after being hurt or losing trust in someone. Though it feels like protection, it often brings more harm and barriers in relationships. Watch for words like never in your vocabulary to detect an inner vow. As I prepared for today’s episode, I felt the Lord say there are two areas He wants to heal: 1. Family relationships 2. Inner vows you’ve believed or spoken. Even if your family doesn’t change, you have the power to draw a line in the sand and reclaim territory the enemy has wreaked havoc in for generations. Scripture: Isaiah 61:4, “The Lord rebu

  • #164: Do the Thing with Rebecca George

    05/04/2023 Duración: 37min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm chatting with author Rebecca George about her new book, Do the Thing. Rebecca is also a speaker and host of the popular podcast Radical Radiance. Her greatest joy is helping women pursue their passions in a way that builds God’s kingdom. In her free time, she loves running outside or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks playing in the background. Key Points from Our Conversation: Rebecca felt called to write Do the Thing as an encouragement and tool to help women who feel their hearts stirred by God, but also find themselves held back by fear and point them to the truth - our job is obedience. God is in charge of the outcome. A calling is that thread you find running through different seasons of your life. It's the thing that stirs you to use your unique set of talents to impact the kingdom.  When God prompts us to quit something sooner than we anticipated, we can experience shame or guilt. But there is no condemnation in Him. The assignment may change, but your call

  • Talk Therapy: Hope Restored

    03/04/2023 Duración: 13min

    So far in the series we have covered Truth, Temple, and Union Restored. This week our theme is Hope Restored from chapter 4 of the book. The title of this chapter is “Structural Stories.” Here we discussed stories that have shaped our core beliefs and how we view ourselves and the world. Many of you listening today have stories you could share about the pain and heartache you’ve experienced that was not your fault. I am so sorry. As I prepared for today’s episode I sensed God wants to restore your hope. Scripture: Psalm 34:4-5 Therapist Thoughts: Journaling is a great way to process emotions and events. This practice can also help you notice themes in your life. If you find it hard to write long journal entries, try using bullet points instead. Process: What story in your life brings fear, doubt, or shame? Journal about it. Look to God for help.

  • Talk Therapy: Union Restored

    27/03/2023 Duración: 11min

    We started the series with Truth Restored, then Temple Restored. This week our theme is Union Restored from chapter 3 of my new book, Image Restored. There are two areas of a restored union to address today: you and your body and you and God. A restored body starts with a restored union with God. Scripture: Genesis 3:7-9 2 Corinthians 6:16 Therapist Thoughts: Learn to listen to the messages your body sends through both pain and pleasure. Make a list of things that feel kind to your body, and implement them in your self-care routine. Process: What is your relationship with God? Is it time to restore union with Him? What is your relationship with your body? Would you call her a distant acquaintance, an enemy, or your best friend?

  • #163: Therapist Thoughts with Dr. Linda Hoover

    22/03/2023 Duración: 39min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael, I'm speaking with one of my mentors, Dr. Linda Hoover. Linda serves as the Executive Dean of Academics at The King’s University. As a licensed psychologist and ordained minister, she has a heart for empowering others to realize their God-given potential and purpose. Linda enjoys sushi dates with her husband, Jared, long walks, and cooking with her grandchildren. Key Points from Our Conversation: If you struggle to receive grace, ask God to allow you to see yourself as He sees you. If you can't absorb grace, it's difficult to be satisfied with who and where you are or reach your potential.  Rejoice in the good and give yourself space to make mistakes.  When God brings something before us, it's because He knows we're capable of dealing with it. We may not know what we're doing, but we can trust Him to know what He's doing. Developing trust in relationships is incremental, even in our relationship with God. You have to trust to trust; risk is required to experience something

  • Talk Therapy: Temple Restored

    20/03/2023 Duración: 13min

    My book, Image Restored, was released last week and I felt led to start a series about restoration. When I completed writing the book, God showed me that each of the chapter's themes applies to so much more than body image. While this series can be used to address body image struggles, I am going to share it in a way that you can apply it to ANY area of your life. You do not need a copy of Image Restored to follow along with this series but of course, I recommend it.  Last week, we started the series with Truth Restored. This week our theme is Temple Restored. Therapist Thoughts: Have you ever considered how the original sin involved food? Unlike other addictions, food cannot simply be avoided. Not if we hope to live! What a vicious hijack by the enemy to take something God intended to be a blessing and turn it into a source of struggle and shame. - Dr. Linda Hoover Scripture: Matthew 27:51 The temple restoration starts in our hearts. Our hearts within these bodies house the spirit of God wherever we go. We d

  • Talk Therapy: Truth Restored

    13/03/2023 Duración: 15min

    My book, Image Restored, was released last week and I felt led to start a series about restoration. When I completed writing the book, God showed me that each of the chapter's themes applies to so much more than body image. While this series can be used to address body image struggles, I am going to share it in a way that you can apply it to ANY area of your life. You do not need a copy of Image Restored to follow along with this series but of course, I recommend it. Let’s get started in chapter one, Truth Restored. Therapist Thoughts: Core beliefs are an individual’s central ideas about herself, others, and the world. These beliefs act like a lens through which every situation is seen, and they shape how a person sees the world. Harmful core beliefs lead to negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, whereas rational core beliefs lead to positive reactions. Scripture: Matthew 7:24–27 To stop ourselves from sinking, we must take the time to build our body image on a spiritual foundation of solid rock. Process

  • #162: Run Unhindered with Alisa Keeton

    08/03/2023 Duración: 47min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm chatting with my friend and the founder of Revelation Wellness, Alisa Keeton. Alisa is a leading certified wellness professional with more than 20 years of experience. She is a wholehearted pursuer of God’s love and is dedicated to educating and inspiring people to live healthy and whole lives in Christ. After more than twenty-five years as a fitness professional, Alisa felt God leading her to bring fresh meaning to the world of health and fitness. At first, she resisted but eventually, she got on her knees, rolled up her sleeves, and followed His call. In 2011, Alisa launched Revelation Wellness, a nonprofit ministry that uses fitness to spread the gospel message and invites participants to become their whole selves, designed by God. The Revelation Wellness instructor training program equips and sends out “fitness missionaries” throughout the United States and around the world. At the same time, RevWell TV brings faith-based online workouts and resources to anyone with

  • Talk Therapy: Finish What You Started

    06/03/2023 Duración: 12min

    Tomorrow marks the release day of my first book, Image Restored so in the episode of Talk Therapy, I'm talking about finishing what you start when you've already quietly quit.  This week, process these questions: What is God nudging me to finish? What is getting in the way of me finishing? Don't forget to grab my book and see the fruit of finishing what we started at!

  • Talk Therapy: Attachment Series - Secure in God's Beauty

    27/02/2023 Duración: 12min

    This month, we're in a series about attachments. We’ve already examined a few attachment types and why I addressed this topic in the introduction of my book, Image Restored. Then we discussed secure attachment to Christ and our call. Last week and this week, I felt led to give you a glimpse of the private Image Restored podcast, available to those who preorder the book. While the whole book aims to deepen your secure attachment to our Creator, I’ve selected a few chapters that I feel will encourage you to grow in your relationship with Him in a new way. This week we're digging into chapter 13 which discusses body image and finding security in God's beauty. As a bonus, we are giving downloads of the chapter coloring pages that line up with these episodes. To grab those, head to, preorder the book, then input your receipt for access to all the goodies so you can use the therapeutic coloring sheet with today’s episode.

  • #161: Christian Counselors Chat about Anxiety with Holley Gerth

    22/02/2023 Duración: 46min

    This week on Real Talk with Rachael I'm chatting once again with my friend, Holley Gerth. Holley is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of several books, including The Powerful Purpose of Introverts and What your Mind Needs for Anxious Moments. She's also the cohost of the More than Small Talk podcast, which recently passed one million downloads. Holley is married to Mark, a Mama to Lovelle, and Nana to Eula and Clem. Key Points from Our Conversation: It is not a sin to experience anxiety whether it's biological or Biblical. Philippians 4:6 which instructs us to "be anxious for nothing" is meant as a reassurance, not a judgment. God is our ally in helping us understand the root cause of our anxieties.   When experiencing anxiety, start by doing something physical to regulate your brain. Then instead of asking, "What's wrong with me?" reframe and consider what you can do now, at the moment like take deep breaths, get a drink, or walk away.  If you struggle with an inner critic, it's important to be gentl

  • Pastor Robert Morris Shares Why the Church Needs This Message

    21/02/2023 Duración: 05min

    It was an honor for Pastor Robert Morris to endorse my new book, Image Restored. Tune into this short episode as he reads the foreword he wrote on why the church needs this message and what he loves about the book.   Preorder Image Restored and access all the bonus gifts at

  • Talk Therapy: Attachment Series - Secure in Emotions

    20/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    This month, we're in a series about attachments. We’ve already examined a few attachment types and why I addressed this topic in the introduction of my book, Image Restored. Then we discussed secure attachment to Christ and our call. This week and next, I felt led to give you a glimpse of the private Image Restored podcast, available to those who preorder the book. While the whole book aims to deepen your secure attachment to our Creator, I’ve selected a few chapters that I feel will encourage you to grow in your relationship with Him in a new way. This week we're digging into chapter 8 which deals with emotions. As a bonus, we are giving downloads of the chapter coloring pages that line up with these episodes. To grab those, head to, preorder the book, then input your receipt for access to all the goodies so you can use the therapeutic coloring sheet with today’s episode.

  • Talk Therapy: Attachment Series - Secure in Call

    13/02/2023 Duración: 18min

    This month we're in a series about attachments. Last week, we examined a few of the different types of attachments and why I addressed this topic in the introduction of my book, Image Restored. If you missed that episode, please go back and listen to see the foundation upon which this series is built. For this episode, I felt the Holy Spirit ask me to share a prophetic word He gave me in worship last week and how it applies to our secure attachment to Christ and our call. PROCESS: What area of my life feels heavy? Is it due to wearing armor that’s not mine to wear? MY STONE: Today’s episode is brought to you by my book, Image Restored, which releases next month on March 7th, but you can preorder now and get the special price on Amazon of $13.99 (which is 30% off retail price). When you preorder, you automatically get the lowest price it dips to on Amazon. PLUS, you can access the private Image Restored podcast. To learn more and access preorder bonuses, visit

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