Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio



Respect The Grind with Stefan Aarnio is a podcast for high achievers and real world grinders. Listen to award winning real estate investor, Stefan Aarnio, discuss success with people who have achieved mastery and freedom through discipline. Stefan interviews entrepreneurs, athletes, authors, artists, real estate investors, or anyone who has achieved mastery and examines exactly what it takes to get there. If you want to learn how peak performers operate and dominate, then tune in every Monday and Thursday at 9:00am CST to hear Respect The Grind!


  • Money People Deal: Chapter 27

    16/08/2021 Duración: 06min

    It doesn’t matter who you are and what your job is, every single human being wakes up to chase value. The real question is, what is really value and what is actually valuable? When it comes to real estate, most people will consider their properties their biggest asset, but the truth is, all real estate is actually worth zero dollars.  In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan Aarnio will teach you an important lesson regarding value. From irrational buyers to intrinsic value, learn how to make a profit in any market. What kind of value will you be chasing, of even better, offering today? “The key for profit is to buy with an intrinsic value, pump the value, and sell to an emotional, irrational buyer.”

  • Self Made: Confession 29

    09/08/2021 Duración: 04min

    In real estate, there is no inherent profit in any property. People who have mastered the art of negotiation can build profit into any deal. Spending time and money to become a better negotiator will have a huge impact on your business and the money you make.  In this episode, you’ll learn why you must get rid of your scarcity mentality and be smart about how you spend your money. When you pay people, they will do the work for you so you can focus on building a better machine. When you’re an entrepreneur, you should never be cheap! “Money is infinite and it flows through the hands of the people who have mastered it.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: What does it take to become a self-made millionaire? What are the steps you have to take today to achieve this dream? Is it possible for you? Many have wondered, fe

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 30

    02/08/2021 Duración: 17min

    Strength and being a strong man come from use. When you don’t use your body, it weakens, when you don’t use your mind, it weakens, and when you don’t use your spirit, it weakens. In today’s world men and women have become practically equals, we have women running around doing the same jobs as men. Women have become men themselves, so they don’t need men at all. Success in real life is about having the best man for the job, and sometimes that doesn’t include women. Today, men are no longer the backbone of the families, they are no longer important in the workplace and have basically become an inconvenient afterthought. Men are no longer needed, strictly optional. Society has made sure to repress young men and treat them like girls, and lynch the few strong men that remain out there. Men are obsolete now, especially strong men, who have “fallen on the wrong side of history.”

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 26

    26/07/2021 Duración: 11min

    Stefan Arnio often hears people complain about deals: “You can’t do that here”, “There aren’t any deals where I live”. The truth is that deals are everywhere if you are trained to see them. Yes, it is true, the opportunities change but the truth remains: deals are made- not found! In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will find Stefan’s staple formula for a great deal. Remember, the money wants you more than you want it, so  there is always money to be made. Learn all about creativity and deal engineering to see the hidden opportunities where no one else can see them! “Get a mismarketed opportunity, create value, and reap the rewards. The formula is simple.”

  • Self Made: Confession 28

    19/07/2021 Duración: 05min

    What’s the lifeblood of any business? Errr, wrong, not money! Leads! So many businesses struggle or go bankrupt because they don’t have enough leads walking in the door or the phone doesn’t ring enough. If you have leads, you have customers and money; if you don’t have leads, then you will eventually go broke. Walk with Stefan Aarnio as he learns important lessons regarding marketing, lead selling and the hideous WE BUY HOUSES signs. It takes money to make money, why wouldn’t you pay people to bring in leads through the main door? “Sometimes there is more money in the services related to real estate than there is in real estate itself. If you want to be rich, you have to think outside the box.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: What does it take to become a self-made millionaire? What are the steps you have to t

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 29

    12/07/2021 Duración: 13min

    Societies are born out of intolerance, and they die when they become too tolerant to function. America was born as an intolerant nation but has become an over tolerant one. Tolerance leads to weakness and weakness leads to hard times. What is next for our weakened nation? Every single glorious empire has been taken down by strong, violent and hungry invaders seeking the luxuries they lack. People who are poor, the have-nots, the frustrated youth of history have always attempted to rise up for a better life. The world and the future belong to warrior societies, because good times create weak men, who will ultimately be destroyed by the strong men outside the gates.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 25

    05/07/2021 Duración: 05min

    While some people believe in luck, Stefan Aarnio believes in the law of certainty: certain things done in a certain way will achieve certain results certainly! In order to raise money for a real estate joint venture, the game must be played in a certain way. In this chapter you will find Stefan’s twenty-one steps list, which he uses to put the Money, the People and the Deal together in a sustainable way. Nobody said it would be easy, and getting to the top requires a certain amount of effort. Take a deep breath and get ready, there’s still a long way ahead! “If the game is played in a certain order, then certain results are certain to occur.”

  • Self Made: Confession 27

    28/06/2021 Duración: 11min

    There are 5 stages to becoming a fully developed entrepreneur, but most people think they can handle the jungle without proper training and polished skills. If you are stuck in your business, it means that you lack some critical skills. Stefan Aarnio had leaped from Stage 1 to Stage 4 of entrepreneurship and was now facing the consequences of his rush. In this episode, you’ll understand why Stefan, and maybe even yourself, was so deeply stuck in his own real estate nightmare. By changing his thinking and letting go of his limiting beliefs about capitalism and money, Aarnio was about to be placed on the right track by his teacher. Building a strong skill set in the right order will help you build your business! “I didn’t bother to learn the skills of marketing, negotiation, sales, production, finance, or even how to buy cash-flowing assets properly. I just jumped right in and now I’m stuck and feeling the pain.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of th

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 28

    21/06/2021 Duración: 32min

    Zoologists have deeply studied numerous ape societies to draw parallels between their behavior in comparison to humans’. We’ll be interested in the following ape societies: chimpanzees and bonobos. The first are patriarchal, while the second are female dominated. While there is nothing wrong with any of those models, it is important to point out the contrasting factors of both when compared. The amount of resources, free time and specific interests of each tribe will dictate their behavior, and all of these are closely connected to our own behaviors as humans. Are female-driven human tribes able to persist and survive over time? The answer is “no.” Eventually, a group of strong men will invade and dominate them. As long as men exist, there will be war, and today, war is much needed to bring the strong men back. We are on the verge of bouncing back to hard times, as history dictates the closure of yet another cycle. We are about to witness a violent war between strong men, and we must stay on the victorious si

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 24

    14/06/2021 Duración: 12min

    There’s a hidden attribute in failure that only leaders know how to take advantage of. Learning from failure is way more valuable than succeeding after the first attempt. When life gives you lemons, you should learn to squeeze out glasses of lemonade. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you’ll learn about the importance of managing failure and using it to your benefit. Most people give up when they fail, but you must learn to push through failures and turn them into successes. Walk with Aarnio through his life experiences, his Olympics metaphor and the classic story that best describes his life so far. Are you prepared for the failing scenario? “They say that the formula for failure is to try to please everyone. In contrast, the formula for success is to take your current rate of failure and double it.”

  • Self Made: Confession 26

    07/06/2021 Duración: 05min

    There are two types of deals in real estate: sexy deals and profitable deals. Everyone wants to do sexy deals but they really don’t make much money. These deals do make money when executed by professionals, but even then, it can be difficult for them.  Going too big too early can ruin your career. In this episode, you’ll learn about a valuable analogy of singles versus home runs. With good management and smart math, a small budget team can win the world series! Go for profitable, not sexy, it rarely pays to be sexy. “Investing is like baseball and everyone wants to hit a home run because home runs are sexy. But in reality, a home run is statistically the most difficult feat to accomplish in all of sports.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: What does it take to become a self-made millionaire? What are the steps y

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 27

    31/05/2021 Duración: 09min

    In today’s society, men are forced to go with the masses like brainless sheep. Today, men are judged and oppressed for questioning things. If he questions people of the same sex getting married, he’s a homofobe, if he questions a woman, he’s sexist and if he supports barriers separating nations, he is a xenofobe. What most people don’t realize is that going with the flow and not questioning things is how America has been digging its own grave.  In this episode, Stefan Aarnio explains why democracies are the true silent killers in nations, and why they shouldn’t last forever. America is weaker every day, and today’s now celebrated tolerance will be our future regret. Sure, politicians love democracy, because poor people won’t ask much for their votes. Are you willing to start questioning things, or conform with bread and circus?

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 23

    24/05/2021 Duración: 06min

    We all want success to be easy, but in reality success never is. What if we could increase our probability for success by focusing on one certain personality trait? If you had the chance to pick a specific personality trait, trust Stefan Aarnio, you should choose grit, it is directly correlated to success. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will learn why slow but steady is the right way to achieve anything you want in life. When you don’t give up easily there’s nothing left for you rather than a promised success. Be the tortoise, not the hare. “A person with a high level of grit will move from failure to failure and keep their eyes on the prize.”

  • Self Made: Confession 25

    17/05/2021 Duración: 05min

    The key to wealth in real estate is very simple: earn income and invest earned income into passive income. Money is all about speed, and you can’t expect your investors to wait until the next deal. Stefan Aarnio sat down with his mentor at a pizza restaurant as they both revised Stefan’s complicated real estate plan and expectations. Aarnio was about to be shown a business model that would change his career. In today’s episode you’ll learn about the two-step process for building wealth in real estate, why flipping properties is such a demanded practice for investors and how to truly manage your money in real estate. Get ready to restructure the way you think about money, cash flow and wealth. “I had become obsessed with the bricks, stick, and dirt of real estate and had failed to see where the real money was made. Managing money was the game I needed to play.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in musi

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 26

    10/05/2021 Duración: 53min

    In the modern world, the rejection and denial of deities is normalized and well accepted. In America, educational institutions have stopped inculcating the previously dominant judeo-christian values, which has resulted in a society where religions are “outdated” and atheism is a popular practice among young people. This “liberal” trend is actually making men weaker, and crushing all the values that served as pillars for our now crumbling society.  By avoiding religion, men are denying themselves access to the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm provides men with infinite intelligence, creativity and the ability to unleash their true power. Without religion or anything to believe in, a man is vulnerable and weak both in mind and body. Cut out the distractions, avoid sin and master your mind. Connect with the spiritual realm and see what you truly need to see.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 22

    03/05/2021 Duración: 10min

    Life is not easy when you are on top… Everybody wants a piece of you. In business or in life there are three types of people: professionals, amateurs and traitors. Stefan Aarnio is no stranger to each type and knows exactly what kind of treatment each one deserves. In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, you will find an incredibly valuable lesson that Robert Kiyosaki first passed on to Stefan, and who’s now passing it on to you. Surrounding yourself with the right people is relevant not only in business, but in your personal life too. Be ready to evaluate all your relationships and spot the ones who are dragging you down. “Your life sucks when you are hanging out with amateurs and traitors; you give them money and you don’t get results.” Robert Kiyosaki.

  • Self Made: Confession 23

    26/04/2021 Duración: 15min

    For Stefan Aarnio the small monthly income he made on his cash-flowing real estate was simply not enough, he had an appetite for adventure. As time went by, and due to the nature of real estate, his credit cards started to get maxed again and he was basically burning out. In desperation, he looked for a mentor who would be willing to share his expertise. The good news is this mentor existed, the bad news is his fee was crazy high.  In this chapter you’ll learn why you shouldn’t quit your job if you’re not a proficient seller, the importance of a mentor's tough love and why you should never back out of your agreements. If you only had $500 left, would you spend them or invest them? “Suddenly, I hit a magic number. I now had more than 10 rental units and self-management was becoming a nightmare.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: https://s

  • Hard Times Create Strong Men: Chapter 25

    19/04/2021 Duración: 14min

    All the systems that exist in today’s world are broken and obsolete. The education system is no exception and it may even be the worst of the bunch. Outdated teachings, useless degrees and a model that enslaves everyone that enters the system makes education a corrupt and rotten place.  The world has changed and evolved at an exponential pace in the last couple of decades, yet we’re still glorifying the education models that were relevant around 1930. Entire generations are still being sent to buildings to kill their creativity and prime and train them to become brain-dead slaves. Mentors, coaching and self-learning are not the future, but the present of education.

  • Money People Deal: Chapter 21

    12/04/2021 Duración: 08min

    In every market, with no exceptions, there are lions and there are gazelles. Lions represent the leaders of the market, while the gazelles symbolize the average players. As an entrepreneur, which one would you rather be? In this chapter of Money, People, Deal, Stefan Aarnio will provide you with a hard to swallow pill to determine if you’re just following the herd or evolving into a lion. To be a gazelle is to be average, to be a lion is to be a champion.  “Every morning when you wake up, you must make the choice between running the field as a lion or a gazelle. No matter which one you choose,you are going to be running anyways.”

  • Self Made: Confession 22

    05/04/2021 Duración: 09min

    Stefan Aarnio got more than a check from his 4-plex nightmare deal. After bouncing back from financial hell, he became a local real estate mogul, which led him to do a lot of public speaking. With a solid reputation, it didn’t take people long to approach him and pinpoint the properties he could potentially flip. Aarnio didn’t even have to look for properties now!   In this chapter you’ll find Stefan’s redemption story of flipping a house with leadership and determination. You’ll learn about the importance of public speaking and why a fishy looking guy could lead you to your next big deal. Never get intimidated by stinky houses, because in reality stinky is the smell of money.  “With the profits from this deal, I wiped out all of my credit cards and became debt free. Finally, I had no debt and no job. It was time to do more deals!” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the

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