Public Speaking With David Murray

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 16:42:09
  • Mas informaciones



Public Speaking with David Murray is a weekly podcast where I share tips and techniques to help you take your public speaking to the next level. Each week I will share a new tip or technique which you can apply to your next speech or presentation to help boost your publicspeaking skills.


  • Ways in which public speaking is good for your business – 108

    11/04/2022 Duración: 11min

    When you hear the words “public speaking”, I bet you imagine You or someone else, standing on a stage, maybe with a microphone, and delivering a talk or giving a presentation. If you do picture this, you are right, but this is only part of the story. Did you know the skills you develop in public speaking can also be useful in other situations? Including for your business. Public speaking skills will enable you to share your product and communicate the story that drives your business, in a way that resonates with your audience, your customers, and encourages them to want to buy from you. In today’s episode I'm speaking with an entrepreneur who talks about ways in which public speaking is good for your business. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now. Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subsc

  • Step 5 of 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success – 088

    22/03/2022 Duración: 07min

    Welcome to my 5 steps to public speaking success programme series. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: Public speaking skills will: ◦ Help you stand out and make you more visible in your organisation. ◦ Make you deliver a message with greater clarity, confidence and impact. ◦ Help you connect with people through what you say and how you say it. And much more... But it's not easy knowing where to begin. So what can happen is you end up putting off taking action today, to realising your potential as a confident public speaker. That’s why I wanted to show you my 5 tried and tested steps to public speaking success programme. And help you take steps towards YOUR Public Speaking Success today. During this programme series, I will show you my 5 tried and tested steps including; ◦ Applying techniques for coping with nerves. ◦ Recognising confident body language. ◦ Illustrati

  • Client question – Top tips for the best chance of success at a job interview? – 087

    08/03/2022 Duración: 04min

    A client of mine was preparing for a job interview and asked me this question. “What would be my top tip to give them the best chance of success at the job interview?” I actually had three tops tips that I could share with them. In today’s episode I answer this client question: “What are my top tips for the best chance of success at a job interview?”. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visiting me here at

  • A public speaking skill to help you connect with your audience – 086

    22/02/2022 Duración: 05min

    Imagine you're going to deliver a talk or presentation. You’re part of an event where there’s others speakers who are taking to the stage. And sharing their talk, their presentation before you get to share yours. So you’re not going to speak first, you're somewhere in the middle or at the end of the event. As you wait for your opportunity to take to the stage, what are you doing? Are you in your head, rehearsing what to say? Wondering if your words will connect with your audience? Or, if you want to guarantee you WILL connect with your audience, from your opening line, to your closing statement. I wonder if I can invite you to try this instead... In today’s episode I share a public speaking skill to help you connect with your audience. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with c

  • Step 4 of 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success – 085

    08/02/2022 Duración: 07min

    Welcome to my 5 steps to public speaking success programme series. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: Public speaking skills will: ◦ Help you stand out and make you more visible in your organisation. ◦ Make you deliver a message with greater clarity, confidence and impact. ◦ Help you connect with people through what you say and how you say it. And much more... But it's not easy knowing where to begin. So what can happen is you end up putting off taking action today, to realising your potential as a confident public speaker. That’s why I wanted to show you my 5 tried and tested steps to public speaking success programme. And help you take steps towards YOUR Public Speaking Success today. During this programme series, I will show you my 5 tried and tested steps including; ◦ Applying techniques for coping with nerves. ◦ Recognising confident body language. ◦ Illustrati

  • In focus! Developing listening skills to be a more effective communicator – 084

    25/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” It was none other than The Dalai Lama who shared this brilliant piece of wisdom. Think about that for a moment. If you’re always doing the talking, you’re never hearing a different perspective on things. Think about conversations you’ve had with friends or colleagues at work. Are you the one who always doing the talking? How often are you fully listening to what people are saying? The ability to listen and fully listen, is an important communication skill. In today's episode I'm speaking with a breast cancer surgeon who talks about developing listening skills to be a more effective communicator. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to

  • Public speaking resolutions for beginners – 083

    08/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    So it’s the start of another year. Have you set any public speaking goals that you want to achieve this year? Whether you’re starting out in your public speaking career or a seasoned professional. It’s good to set some speaking goals that you can aim for. To help you to become a more confident and compelling public speaker. If you’re looking to begin your public speaking journey this coming year. And you haven’t thought about what your public speaking goals could be, allow me to suggest some for you. In today’s episode I share three public speaking resolutions for beginners. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking a

  • Step 3 of 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success – 082

    30/11/2021 Duración: 07min

    Welcome to my 5 steps to public speaking success programme series. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: Public speaking skills will: ◦ Help you stand out and make you more visible in your organisation. ◦ Make you deliver a message with greater clarity, confidence and impact. ◦ Help you connect with people through what you say and how you say it. And much more... But it's not easy knowing where to begin. So what can happen is, you end up putting off taking action today, to realising your potential as a confident public speaker. That’s why I wanted to show you my 5 tried and tested steps to public speaking success programme. And help you take steps towards YOUR Public Speaking Success today. During this programme series, I will show you my 5 tried and tested steps including; ◦ Applying techniques for coping with nerves. ◦ Recognising confident body language. ◦ Illustrat

  • A technique for dealing with last minute nerves before speaking – 081

    16/11/2021 Duración: 08min

    Before presenting at work, sharing a talk on stage or communicating an important message, it’s natural to feel nervous. However, if we allow our nerves to go unchecked, they can build up and lead to tension in the body. In those moments just before we want to communicate with confidence. This can have the effect of making us feel even more anxious. So that we find ourselves becoming overwhelmed with nerves and feel unprepared or even cause us to panic. Right at the last minute before speaking. That why in today’s episode I share a technique for dealing with last minute nerves before speaking. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this

  • In focus! Top tips for running effective meetings – 080

    02/11/2021 Duración: 07min

    How many meetings have you organised, or participated in where you see people who aren’t engaged? And they’re being distracted by their laptops or phones! It’s almost as if they aren’t even in the meeting. Even though you can see them, right there… sat on the chair. Distracted by whatever is on their laptop or phone screen. How many meetings have you been in that start late and end even later? Or didn’t feel it was worthwhile, and you will never get that time back, will you! Imagine how much time and money your business wastes each year, by having meetings that aren’t worthwhile, attended by people who aren’t engaged? But what can you do about it? Well, if you ever need to run or attend meetings in your day to day job, today’s podcast is for you, because In today’s episode I'm speaking with an emotional intelligence expert who shares her top tips for running effective meetings. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: www.davidalanmurr

  • Step 2 of 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success – 079

    19/10/2021 Duración: 06min

    Welcome to my 5 steps to public speaking success programme series. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: Public speaking skills will: ◦ Help you stand out and make you more visible in your organisation. ◦ Make you deliver a message with greater clarity, confidence and impact. ◦ Help you connect with people through what you say and how you say it. And much more... But it's not easy knowing where to begin. So what can happen is, you end up putting off taking action today, to realising your potential as a confident public speaker. That’s why I wanted to show you my 5 tried and tested steps to public speaking success programme. And help you take steps towards YOUR Public Speaking Success today. During this programme series, I will show you my 5 tried and tested steps including; ◦ Applying techniques for coping with nerves. ◦ Recognising confident body language. ◦ Illustrat

  • Client question – What should I do if I feel nervous before public speaking and presenting? – 078

    05/10/2021 Duración: 11min

    Lots of clients I have worked with have built up a great arsenal of tools and skills in public speaking and presenting. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: However, sometimes they find themselves so overwhelmed with nerves, anxiety or pressure before they are going to deliver an important speech or presentation, that they forget all the good things they know. This means they rush through their speech or presentation and don’t feel they did a good enough job. Some of my clients were asking me, “What can they do about it?” So in response to that, I have made this guided mindfulness exercise. If you find yourself getting a little worked up before sharing a message with lots of people Or just when you are communicating with a few and ask yourself, "What can I do about it?", Try this mindfulness exercise before delivering your next speech or presentation. In today’s epis

  • Three techniques to help you communicate with confidence during online events – 077

    21/09/2021 Duración: 09min

    When you are on a video conference call, attending virtual events, or connecting with people online. It can be difficult to get your point across in the same way as you would be able to if you were meeting in person. Looking into the camera or the screen on your computer. Can make you feel detached from your audience, your listeners. The people with whom you want to connect. I wonder if you’ll agree it’s difficult to feel the same sense of connection over video conference calls. That you would feel when you are seeing people in person. When you think about all the confident communication skills you would use, when you're meeting face to face. Like eye contact, having an open posture and speaking clearly and confidently. These can feel more challenging for you to do, when you don’t feel that same sense of connection. As you can feel somewhat detached when you are sat at your computer. Looking into the camera and at the faces you see on your computer screen. Which means it can be more of a challenge to get

  • Step 1 of 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success – 076

    10/09/2021 Duración: 09min

    Welcome to my 5 Steps to public speaking success programme series. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: Public speaking skills will: ◦ Help you stand out and make you more visible in your organisation. ◦ Make you deliver a message with greater clarity, confidence and impact. ◦ Help you connect with people through what you say and how you say it. And much more... But it's not easy knowing where to begin. So what can happen is you end up putting off taking action today, to realising your potential as a confident public speaker. That’s why I wanted to show you my 5 tried and tested steps to public speaking success programme. And help you take steps towards YOUR Public Speaking Success today. During this programme series, I will show you my 5 tried and tested steps including; ◦ Applying techniques for coping with nerves. ◦ Recognising confident body language. ◦ Illustra

  • Two techniques to help you to communicate with confidence – 075

    29/09/2020 Duración: 08min

    Whenever you communicate, are you just using your words to get your point across? Whether you are having a conversation with one person, or sharing a message with many. So much of what you say isn’t just through your words, but also how you are saying it. Through your non verbal communication skills, or in other words... your body language. That’s why in today's episode I share with you two techniques to help you to communicate with confidence, using your non-verbal communication skills.  *  The first technique is ‘How to make eye contact even if you don’t like doing it’.*  The second technique is ‘Communicate with confidence using your body language’. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite

  • Client Question – What should I do if public speaking makes me feel nervous – 074

    22/09/2020 Duración: 06min

    A client of mine said that they noticed, while they were public speaking. Their voice would start shaking a couple of minutes into their talk. They said this only happened when they were speaking to a large group of people. And was due to them feeling nervous about having to do this. They asked me this question, “What can I do about this?" In today’s episode I answer this client question: “What should I do if public speaking makes me feel nervous?” If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visiting me here at Connect: Connect with David Murray on Twitter: htt

  • Running successful virtual events – how to avoid these two problems – 073

    15/09/2020 Duración: 08min

    No doubt over the past few months you've been running more and more virtual events. And I bet you’ve seen the benefits of connecting with people online. You don’t need to rush across the office to get to a meeting room. You don’t need to commute into the office itself. You can reach more people across many timezones and geographies. And you can do this from the comfort of your home if you want to. Although there’s lots of benefits to connecting with people online, I wonder if you can agree that... Running virtual events can present you with some unique challenges over meeting face to face. Whether you’re running workshops, meetings for small groups or large, I’m sure you want to give yourself the best chance of success. And ensure your virtual events are as effective as you want them to be... In today's episode I'm going to show you how to avoid two problems that get in the way of you running successful virtual events. Running successful virtual events - how to avoid these two problems. If you would li

  • In focus! Ways in which public speaking is good for your business – 072

    18/08/2020 Duración: 11min

    When you hear the words "public speaking", I bet you imagine... You or someone else, standing on a stage. Maybe with a microphone, and delivering a talk or giving a presentation. And if you do picture this, you are right. But this is only part of the story. Did you know that the skills you develop in public speaking can also be useful in other situations? Including for your business. Public speaking skills will enable you to share your product and communicate the story that drives your business, in a way that resonates with your audience (your customers), and encourages them to want to buy from you. In today's episode I speak with an entrepreneur who uses public speaking to effectively promote her business. Who talks about ways in which public speaking is good for your business. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here If you

  • Client Question – What should I do if I forget what to say next when I’m public speaking? – 071

    14/07/2020 Duración: 05min

    A client of mine was starting out on their public speaking journey. Their first event was coming up and though they were practicing their talk ahead of the big day, they were concerned about this happening... On the day itself, as they are delivering their talk. They get to a point and they forget what they had planned to say next. They get flustered and then struggle to find a way to continue. In today’s episode I answer this client question: "What should I do if I'm delivering a talk, all is going well and then I forget what to say next?" If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visitin

  • Two essential tips for public speaking and presenting beginners – 070

    07/07/2020 Duración: 07min

    When you’re new to public speaking and presenting, it can seem like there’s a lot to take in. And sometimes it can feel difficult to know where to begin. That’s why in today's episode I share with you two essential tips for public speaking and presenting beginners. I talk about ‘The power of saying yes to speaking opportunities’ and  ‘The greatest gift you can receive as a speaker, is feedback’. If you would like to discover more tips and techniques to help you speak and communicate with confidence, you can subscribe to my newsletter and access my free confident communication top tips here: If you like this public speaking and confident communication coaching podcast, please subscribe and add a 5 star review on your favourite podcast app. You can find out more about my one to one coaching, workshops, events and get in touch, by visiting me here at Links: Connect with David Murray on Twitter:
 Check out my latest coac

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