The Vedic World View



Join philosopher, educator and celebrated speaker on the cognitive sciences Thom Knoles for conversations with leaders, teachers, authors and professors designed to inspire and provoke deeper insight. Thom is an renowned expert on the relationship between quantum physics and human consciousness, and on the 5,000 year-old body of wisdom known as the Veda. For over 40 years, he has personally taught meditation to tens of thousands of students and consulted to governments and private corporations.


  • My Time in Prison

    09/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    Most people are surprised to hear that Thom Knoles has spent time in prison. And not just one prison. Several in fact.And not just in one country. He’s spent time in multiple prisons in Australia and the United States of America.Listen in as Thom shares the tale of how he took control of his own destiny, and changed the destiny of hundreds of others in the process. NB - See here for The Light Inside project that Thom mentions on the podcast.Episode Highlights[00:45] A Deep Conviction[03:01] The Starry World[05:08] Jyotish - Vedic Astrology[06:47] Prison is in Your Future.[08:27] "Go to Prison."[09:47] Freedom Behind Bars[12:53] Multiple Prison Stays[14:24] Meditation in Prison[18:01] The Light Inside Useful LinksThe Light Inside - 

  • The Vedic Perspective on the New Year

    02/01/2023 Duración: 14min

    Happy New Year! Or is it? While large parts of the world celebrate the start of a new calendar year on January 1st, much of the world celebrates the New Year at other times. Many cultures base their New Year on events in Nature, astronomical events, or a combination of both.In this episode, Thom explains the basis for the Vedic New Year and the rationale behind it. While it isn’t celebrated as ‘enthusiastically’ as New Year is in the West, it marks a significant stage in the rhythm of life and is worthy of our attention each time it comes around, even if we have another New Year celebration that’s more significant to us.Episode Highlights:[00:45] The Gregorian Calendar[01:41] Cues From Nature[03:24] Solstices and Equinoxes[04:46] Yuletide[05:51] Gap Week[07:39] Vernal Equinox[09:01] Spring - When We See the Fecundity of the Earth[10:47] Creating Additional JoyUseful

  • Vedic and Australian Aboriginal Connections. Evolution and Devolution

    26/12/2022 Duración: 36min

    This Ask Thom Anything episode explores ancient cultures, the process of evolution and the possibility of devolution.Thom shares an anecdote about a journey to outback Australia as an envoy for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to seek the blessing of Aboriginal Elders, where he discovered an unexpected, though not surprising, connection between the ancient people of Australia and those of India.And in answers to two totally separate questions, he explains the evolutionary leap that made us the ‘smartest’ species on the planet, though potentially too smart for our own good. It’s a salient reminder that we all need to be vigilant with our Vedic Meditation practice and to share the benefits widely if we want the human species to continue to be part of Nature’s evolutionary process.Episode Highlights:[00:45] Q - What's the Connection Between Australian Aboriginal and Vedic Culture[01:29] Indigenous People who Possessed Knowledge of Transcending[02:38] "You Want to Talk to the Old Fellas?"[04:28] Making Arrangements to See t

  • Trust vs Certainty

    19/12/2022 Duración: 36min

    How much trust did you have that the sun would rise this morning? And even if it was hidden by clouds, did you still trust that it was there?Unless you live near one of the polar caps, where you can go for months without seeing the sun, no doubt you had enough certainty that you didn’t need to apply any trust at all. You were certain it was going to rise and can be certain it will rise again tomorrow.Much of the stress in our lives is caused by uncertainty, which we smooth over by applying trust or faith to a situation or to a person, but that’s an approach that leaves us exposed to outside influences.In this episode, Thom shares a sure-fire approach to dial up the certainty in our lives and to make us resilient to the uncertainty that we need to keep life interesting.We are certain you’ll enjoy this episode :-). Episode Highlights[01:02] Object-referral Way of Looking at the World[03:31] Problem Means Problem Consciousness[05:10] No More Problem[06:01] Self-referral Consciousness Commences with Vedic Meditat

  • The Three Gunas

    12/12/2022 Duración: 39min

    Evolution is the only thing that’s ever happening, but what’s the mechanism behind evolution? The Vedic perspective tells us that everything that happens in ‘the relative’ is governed by the three ‘gunas.’In this episode Thom describes the three gunas as balancing agents, engaged in a constant interplay of intention, action and inaction, ensuring that everything is created in perfect harmony, and remains relevant for just as long as it needs to be, and no more. He also explains how Vedic Meditation, the art of transcending the three gunas, can be our most powerful weapon, even in the toughest of life’s battles.Episode Highlights[00:56] Bhagavad Gita - Song of the Supreme Consciousness Field[03:20] Cousins Go to War[05:30] Arjuna Deeply Conflicted[07:57] "You Could Have Avoided All of This"[09:45] "Your Cousins will Destroy the Entire Culture of India"[11:53] Nistraigunyo Bhavarjuna[13:51] Yogastha Kuru Karmani[15:56] Evolutionary Force is Causing Ever More Elegant and Sophisticated Forms[18:13] Humans - Relat

  • Mata, Pita, Guru

    05/12/2022 Duración: 24min

    We could be forgiven for thinking that Mata, Pita and Guru, Mother, Father, and ‘Teacher,’ refer to specific people in our life. But as we’ve come to expect from Vedic wisdom, there is much more to these words than meets the eye.In this episode Thom explains the connotative meaning of this triumvirate and the role that they play, moment to moment, in our lives. While most of us see life as a series of events happening to us, those who view life through the lens of Mata, Pita and Guru, see it as a series of events happening for us. No points for guessing which approach leads to the least suffering.Episode Highlights[00:56] The Three-Part Body of Knowledge[02:36] Mata - The Gestator[03:56] Matrix[05:21] The Source of All New Moments[06:45] Purification Takes Place[07:46] Pita; The Instigator of Change[08:41] Source and Cause[09:47] Thought - A Stream of Energy and Intelligence[12:03] A Thing Stimulates You to Have a Thought[13:50] The Third Element - Guru[15:29] "We Can Make Money Out of This."[17:04] Truth of

  • Memory and Dementia

    28/11/2022 Duración: 51min

    According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three seniors in the USA dies with some form of dementia*. And with the rapidly-aging population, numbers are expected to double within the next thirty years.These are sobering statistics but in this episode, Thom puts forward the Vedic perspective on the subject and a simple solution, which, ironically, lies in reviving our lost ability to forget.With so many cognitive demands placed on us each day, and our obsessive need to remember, Thom reminds us that our twice-daily dose of Vedic Meditation gives our brain the much-needed respite from the demands of the day, and the chance to avoid the forced shut-down that dementia often provides in later life. It’s a hopeful message that could help many better understand the condition they fear more than any other.*Alzheimer’s Association.Episode Highlights[00:45] The Value of Memory[03:19] Fight/Flight Response[05:30] Structural and Material Changes that Pertain to Fighting or Fleeing[07:07] The Stress of Stress[08:31]

  • My Time in Australia

    24/11/2022 Duración: 35min

    With a father as a high-ranking officer in the US Air Force, Thom Knoles has been traveling internationally from a very young age. Under the wing of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Thom traveled even more, visiting countries with him on almost every continent.But the country Thom has spent the most time in, outside of the USA, is his home away from home, Australia. As a fresh-faced teenager, his keen interest in surfing led him to choose Australia as his destination of choice to set himself up as his meditation teaching career got under way.Thom reminisces on his time spent there and the legacy of tens of thousands of meditators still active in Australia, and growing each day.Episode Highlights[00:45] Early Contact with Australians[02:51] The Art and Sport of Surfing[05:13] One-Way Airfare[07:08] 10 Jobs for Every One Person[08:56] An Immigrant in Australia[10:47] "What Do You Do for a Crust Mate?"[12:30] Rhyming Slang of Outback Australians[14:30] Yoga and Meditation Studio in Sylvania[16:09] Maharishi Domicile in Sw

  • Protest - Enhancing Vedic Meditation - Japa Meditation

    21/11/2022 Duración: 26min

    We’re turning over the content of the podcast to our listeners once again, with another Ask Thom Anything episode, this time with a recurring theme of ‘effectiveness.’Protest has become fashionable in recent years but Mary from Australia wonders how effective it is, especially in the absence of ‘worthy inquiry.’Saskia, also from Australia, asks about the effectiveness of Nadi Shodana and the correct use of ‘Rounding’ to support our Vedic Meditation practice.And Sophia in the USA wants to know if Japa Meditation has the same effect as, or could be considered to be a type of, Vedic Meditation.Episode Highlights[00:45] Is Protest Effective?[01:44] A - Less Outrage[03:13] Change Naturally and Spontaneously Occurs[05:07] Thought Police[06:59] Large-Scale Social Backlash[08:46] Raise our Own Consciousness[09:45] Q - What Are the Benefits of Nadi Shodana and How Many Rounds Are Ideal Before Meditation?[10:03] A - Pranayama[11:59] Rounding[13:24] At-Home Program[14:53] Industrial-Strength Meditation[16:08] Q -  Is Ja

  • My Maharishi - No Problem

    14/11/2022 Duración: 16min

    “No problem.” We’ve all said it on many occasions, and most of us say it, or a variation on it, on a pretty regular basis.But do we really mean it? And do we know for sure if ‘no problem’ fits the occasion?In this My Maharishi episode, Thom recounts an interaction where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi held Thom to his word after setting him what seemed to be a relatively simple task. Thom sums the lesson up nicely at the end and, if nothing else, will get you thinking twice before saying “No problem” again.Episode Highlights[00:45] A Force-Five Hurricane of Happiness[01:48] Night of the Waxing Full Moon in Switzerland[03:27] Flotillas on the Lake[05:12] Morning of the Full Moon[06:32] Roads Blocked Off[08:02] "Maharishi, There's a Problem."[09:43] "Thom, Stop Talking."[12:51] Head of State[11:02] Find the Highest Principle[14:20] Problem is a Consciousness StateUseful

  • The Holy Tradition and The Role of Gurus in Modern Times

    07/11/2022 Duración: 41min

    Word of mouth is an unreliable means of communicating even at the best of times. And while the written word should theoretically be more accurate and more trustworthy than the spoken word, history has shown that that’s not the case. Words can be so easily misunderstood and misinterpreted that they can’t be relied upon to convey wisdom accurately over time.So what’s the most reliable way to preserve ancient truths and keep them relevant to the times?In this episode Thom explores the limitations of the intellect and the role of consciousness in creating a ‘direct line’ when it comes to accessing the wisdom needed for evolutionary progress to be made.He also explains the role of a Guru in ensuring that they develop successors with the consciousness and capability to adapt teachings to meet the need of the time, and from generation to generation, without diluting the purity of the original teaching.In short, it’s an explanation that it’s not what you know that’s important, it’s ‘how’ you know.Jai Guru Deva. Episo

  • My Maharishi - My Exemplar

    30/10/2022 Duración: 35min

    The impact that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had on the world is inestimable. With millions of people practicing the meditation technique that he popularized around the world, and many thousands more learning each year, the ripple effect of his work will last for centuries to come.And not just here on earth. It’s fitting that Maharishi’s three favorite words, Jai Guru Deva, inspired lyrics within the famous Beatles song, Across the Universe, which, in 2008, became the first song beamed by NASA into deep space.But what was it like being up close with Maharishi? In this episode Thom shares some of his observations from his 25 plus years of direct contact with Maharishi in India and throughout the world, often around the clock and for weeks and months on end.He describes Maharishi’s most endearing characteristics and the impact they had on him personally, declaring that Maharishi shaped him to become the man he is today.And for bonus value, he also shares the origins of another song from The Beatles that can be attribu

  • Omnisexuality

    26/10/2022 Duración: 10min

    What’s the Vedic worldview on sexuality?Gender expression and sexual identity have been hot topics in recent years as more and more people choose to abandon gender and sexual stereotypes.And while Vedic civilization was way ahead of its time in terms of accepting gender diversity, it turns out that sexuality may not be as important as it's made out to be.In this bonus episode, Thom proposes a viewpoint whereby we can all look at sexuality from a different perspective and focus on a more reliable source of identity.And if you’d like to dive a little deeper into the subject, Thom has a new course on Omnisexuality, available for people who have learned Vedic Meditation from a qualified and endorsed (by Thom) Vedic Meditation Teacher. - This episode was recorded in front of a live audience at a public event so please forgive the slightly less-the-perfect audio quality.Episode Highlights[00:45] Q - What’s the Vedic World View on Sexuality?[01:23] Why Stop at Five?[03:03] Doing

  • Law of Attraction, Time Travel, Influences on the Body

    23/10/2022 Duración: 30min

    More listener questions on the podcast this episode, with the focus on the metaphysical.Thom puts a surprising twist in his answer to a question on time travel and gives us clues as to how we can sense the future in the making.He has an emphatic response to a question about the Law of Attraction, one that will help you make your mind up if you’re in doubt about whether it’s real or not.And he gives us some advice as to how we can use external influences to our benefit when it comes to our health and wellbeing (Spoiler alert: It’s an inside job!).Episode Highlights[00:45] Q - Is Time Travel Possible?[00:49] A - What Does Now Mean?[02:20] Deva[04:53] Capturing Past and Future[06:35] You Sense the Future in the Making[08:33] Constructing the Future[10:28] That's Time Travel[12:03] Q - Is the Law of Attraction a Myth?[12:07] A - "Don't Be a Defeatist."[13:46] Individuality is on a Mission[15:32] The Universe is Not Your Sugar Daddy[17:26] Attraction Has Nothing to Do With Anything[19:40] Q - Is the Body Influence

  • Upanishad: The General and the Sergeant

    16/10/2022 Duración: 29min

    Vedic mythos, or storytelling, is often laced with humor to get a point across. In this episode of the podcast, Thom recounts a tale from the Katha Upanishad, of a Sergeant and a General. It’s a scenario that wouldn’t look out of place in an episode of “The Office” or any other workplace sitcom. Having a character take credit for someone else’s idea and then retelling it back to them is a pretty common gag, but in the Upanishad, it’s much more than just a tool for a cheap laugh. It’s a profound lesson which, once learned, can be a source of empowerment and a tool for living a more deliberate life.Episode Highlights[00:56] Katha Upanishad[03:19] A Friend in the Sky[05:27] The Breaking of Unity[07:31] "You see that hill there?"[09:57] An Amazing Idea[11:44] A Source of Thoughts Deep Inside of Us[14:11] A Wave is Nothing but Ocean[16:44] Desire[19:12] I Am Totality[21:28] A Parody on Praying to God[22:39] An Unnecessary Step[23:52] We Just Say Yes[26:53] Permitted to Act Useful  https://

  • The Age of Enlightenment

    09/10/2022 Duración: 40min

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was ahead of his time in 1975, when he predicted an end to The Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall, among many other changes that he foresaw as arising from the dawning of the ‘Age of Enlightenment.’With The Cold War showing no signs of thawing at the time, most people saw it as a fanciful notion at best. Yet Maharishi, the great seer, saw it as an inevitable outcome of the shift in consciousness that was growing in pace at the time. Following on from our recent episode, The Yugas and the Importance of Understanding Them Correctly, in this episode Thom discusses Kali Yuga, the age of ignorance, in more detail. He explains the role of consciousness and how enlightenment and ignorance can coexist, just as the moon can bring light to the night. Most importantly, he explains that the age of ignorance doesn’t place limits on our experience, individually or collectively.Episode Highlights[00:55] Kali Yuga—The Age of Ignorance[02:48] The Dawning of the Age of Enlightenment[04:44] Seven Day

  • The Meaning of Non-Attachment

    02/10/2022 Duración: 25min

    As Eastern philosophies have spread in popularity throughout the world in the past thirty years or so, ‘detachment’ has become somewhat of a buzzword. It has become a spiritual scorecard of sorts, the theory being that the more detached one is, the more enlightened one is. Or not…In this episode Thom sets the record straight, explaining the distinction between detachment, which implies attachment in the first place, and non attachment, which negates any attachment at all.It’s a subtle distinction but it’s much more than just a semantic argument. While one can fake detachment, thus creating another form of attachment, one can’t fake non attachment. As usual, Thom also shows us how to become non attached, without the strain of having to fake it till we make it. Episode Highlights[00:54] Maharishi Patanjali and Yoga Sutra[03:19] That's Not What Yoga Is[05:21] Asana, Pranayama, Dhyan[07:38] Yoga Sutra[10:24] Not Just Any Old Meditation[12:46] Vairagya is Not Detachment[14:56] Detachment Isn't Possible[16:47] Non-

  • Affairs of the Heart

    25/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    It’s time for another Ask Me Anything episode, with this one focused on affairs of the heart.Thom answers a listener’s question about the desirability of a ‘heart awakening’ and explains why being ‘grounded in the unbounded’ is a more preferable state to aim for.He takes on the question of whether partners in a relationship should ‘be on the same path’ or not, and how to manage the dynamic when they aren’t.And he gives sage advice for a listener asking about the importance of following through on commitments when our heart is no longer committed to them.   As always, another round of practical suggestions for everyday situations that we find ourselves in.[00:45] Q - Should I be Hoping for a Heart Awakening?[00:58] A - Experiencing Empathy[02:37] Empathy Can Be an Overshadowing Feeling[04:39] Spontaneous Ideal Interaction[06:37] A Completely Useless State to Be In[08:05] Grounded in the Unbounded[10:00] Q - Can a Relationship Flourish if We Are On Different Paths?[10:15] A - Why We're in a Relationship[12:12]

  • My Maharishi - Reviving Ayurveda and The Big Bang

    18/09/2022 Duración: 21min

    Courage under fire is seen as an admirable quality, but grace under fire even much more so.In this amusing anecdote, Thom shares an example of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s equanimity amidst a timely mishap. Though the mishap itself was relatively minor, the event itself was not; a conference which was pivotal in the revival of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and practices, and their subsequent spread throughout the world.[00:55] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Revives Ayurveda[02:46] Balancing Agents[04:49] Three Masters of Ayurveda[06:33] Masterful Pulse Diagnosis[07:48] Master of Minerals[08:36] Marker of the Plant World[10:13] Amrit Kalash[11:23] Maharishi Nagar[12:45] Learning from the Masters[13:51] Bright Lights[15:08] Where the Big Bang Comes From[17:22] Where the Little Bang Comes From[19:07] Perpetual Big BangUseful

  • Releasing Stress in New York City

    11/09/2022 Duración: 22min

    9/11/2001 is a date that’s been imprinted in our memories worldwide. New York City, at the epicenter of the terror attacks, was shaken to its core, literally and figuratively. Visiting New York City very soon after, Thom witnessed a distinct shift in the way New Yorkers were relating to each other. Thom shares his reflections on that visit in the episode, noting in particular how the 9/11 tragedy brought New Yorkers together for a brief period, and how it seeded what has since become a very large community of Vedic Meditators in the city.But with over 18 million people living in the metro area, a lot more meditators are needed to address the collective stress that stands in the way of New York becoming even more of an iconic city than she already is.Thom will be visiting New York City from October 9th to 20th to teach Vedic Meditation and give various talks. To find out more and to register for any of these events, please visit Jai Guru Deva.[00:00:45] No Appointments[00:02:42] Retirin

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