Startups For the Rest of Us

Episode 502 | Accelerating Growth and a Failed Product Hunt Launch



In his second appearance on the show (he first appeared on Episode 367), we chat with Benedikt Deicke from Userlist. Along with his co-founder, Jane Portman, they are building an easy to use customer messaging tool catered specifically towards SaaS companies. In this show, we talk about some of the challenges in building a product while working full-time, finding the ideal SaaS pricing model, their underwhelming Product Hunt launch, as well as their recent purchase of the domain name. Jane & Benedikt are also part of Tinyseed batch #2, and we explore Benedikt's experience so far in the program, and the lessons he's learned. What we discuss with Benedikt Deicke 1:37 The story & motivation behind 4:30 Userlist and slow growth in the early days 5:30 Challenges with building a SaaS while not full-time 7:50 What has helped with recent Userlist growth 9:00 Navigating SaaS pricing 12:30 An underwhelming Product Hunt launch 15:30 Acquiring the userl