Grace Baptist Woodbridge Va Podcast

Episode 396: Love The Lord, Your God



Scripture Outline (Mark 12:28-34) Grace Baptist Church August 3 & 4 *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 28-34 but the weekly reading covers verses 28-44. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse. 1.   A Scribe Asks Jesus a Question About the Law (vs. 28).     a.   “Which Commandment is the most important of all?” 2.   Jesus Responds to the Scribe’s Question (vs. 29-31).      a.   The first command is a quote from Deuteronomy 6.      b.   The second command is from Leviticus 19:18. 3.   The Scribe Recognizes the Truth in Jesus’ teaching (vs. 32-34).      a.   Jesus tells the scribe he is not far from the kingdom of God.