Grace Baptist Woodbridge Va Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 47:48:59
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Weekly sermons from Grace Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA


  • Episode 401: Agony In The Garden

    09/09/2024 Duración: 32min

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 32-42 but the weekly reading covers verses 32-50. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.Scripture Outline (Mark 14:32-42)   1. Jesus and the disciples enter the garden called Gethsemane (vs. 17-21).      a.   Jesus instructs Peter, James, and John to pray.         i.    Jesus goes a little farther and prays alone.      b.   Jesus finds the three sleeping.         i.    Jesus implores them to watch and pray.      c.   Jesus prays again.         i.    Jesus finds the three sleeping again.      d.   Jesus comes to them a third time.

  • Episode 400: The Last Supper

    03/09/2024 Duración: 30min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:12-31)1. Jesus Shares the Passover Meal with His Disciples (vs. 17-21).   a. Jesus predicts His betrayal.      i. The disciples ask which of them it might be.      ii. Jesus clarifies it is one of the twelve.   b. Jesus is not caught by surprise.2. Institution of the Lord’s Supper (vs. 22-25).   a. Jesus has them take the bread as His body.   b. Jesus has them drink the cup as His blood.

  • Episode 399: Beginning of Betrayal

    26/08/2024 Duración: 33min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:1-11)1.   Chief Priests and Scribes are Plotting to Kill Jesus. (Vs. 1-2)2.   Jesus is Anointed at Bethany. (Vs. 3-9)     a.   A woman anoints Jesus with perfume.     b.   Some of the disciples are upset at her wastefulness.     c.   Jesus rebukes the disciples, who are upset with her.          i.    Jesus honors her act of extravagance.          ii.   Jesus interprets her act to relate to his impending death.3.   Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus. (vs. 10-11)

  • Episode 398: Stay Awake

    19/08/2024 Duración: 47min

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 32-37 but the weekly reading covers verses 28-37. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.Scripture Outline (Mark 13:32-37)1.  Jesus Reveals Only The Father Knows the Day of the Hour (vs. 32)2.  Jesus Implores His Audience to Be on Guard. (vs. 33-37)     a.  Jesus uses a parable to describe his instructions.     b.  Jesus reminds his audience to remain awake.

  • Episode 397: The End of the Age

    12/08/2024 Duración: 36min

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 1-13 but the weekly reading covers verses 1-27. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.Scripture Outline (Mark 13:1-13)1.  Leaving the Temple (vs. 1-2)        a.  A disciple remarks about the beauty of the temple.        b.  Jesus pronounces final judgment on the temple.2.  Jesus speaks with some disciples on the Mount of Olives (vs. 3-13)        a.  They ask Jesus for specific signs of the end.                  i.    Jesus tells them of the early signs.                  ii.   Jesus speaks of troubles for those who follow Him.                  iii.  Jesus encourages them to endure. 

  • Episode 396: Love The Lord, Your God

    06/08/2024 Duración: 38min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 12:28-34) Grace Baptist Church August 3 & 4 *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 28-34 but the weekly reading covers verses 28-44. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse. 1.   A Scribe Asks Jesus a Question About the Law (vs. 28).     a.   “Which Commandment is the most important of all?” 2.   Jesus Responds to the Scribe’s Question (vs. 29-31).      a.   The first command is a quote from Deuteronomy 6.      b.   The second command is from Leviticus 19:18. 3.   The Scribe Recognizes the Truth in Jesus’ teaching (vs. 32-34).      a.   Jesus tells the scribe he is not far from the kingdom of God.

  • Episode 395: The Way of Jesus (Mark 12:13-17)

    29/07/2024 Duración: 40min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 12:13-17)1. Pharisees and Herodians attempt to trap Jesus (vs. 13-14)     a. They ask Jesus a question they hope he can’t answer2. Jesus recognizes their hypocrisy and answers with a lesson (vs. 15-17)     a. Jesus uses a denarius as an object lesson     b. Jesus recognizes the authority of Caesar and God correctly     c. People marvel at Jesus*Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 13-17 but the weekly reading covers verses 1-27. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

  • Episode 394: Jesus Cleanses The Temple - Mark 11:15-19

    22/07/2024 Duración: 33min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 12:15-19)1. Jesus & Disciples Enter the Temple     a. Jesus halts the temple commerce     b. Jesus teaches those in the temple court          i. The chief priests and scribes are angry at him          ii. The crowd is astonished at his teaching     c.  Jesus and the disciples leave Jerusalem

  • Episode 393: The Triumphal Entry

    15/07/2024 Duración: 35min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 11:1-14)1. Jesus and his followers draw near to Jerusalem. (Vs.1-7)     a. Jesus sends out two disciples to retrieve a colt.     b. The disciples find the colt just as Jesus told them they would.     c. Disciples return with the colt.2.  Jesus enters the village to shouts of praise and admiration. (Vs. 8-10)     a.  The crowd welcomes and honors Jesus.3.  Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem. (Vs. 11)

  • Episode 392: Spiritual Accuracy - Mark 10:46-52 - July 7, 2024

    08/07/2024 Duración: 40min

    Scripture Outline (Mark 10:46-52) 1.   Jesus continues his journey toward Jerusalem (vs. 47-48)      a.    A blind beggar cries out to Jesus.      b.    Bartimaeus is rebuked for crying out to Jesus. 2.   Jesus Responds to the blind beggar. (vs. 49-52)      a.    Jesus calls Bartimaeus to himself.      b.    The request of Bartimaeus.      c.    The healing of Bartimaeus. 

  • Episode 391: 2024-6-31 - Spiritual Blindness - Mark 10:35-45

    01/07/2024 Duración: 36min

    ONLINE 2024Spiritual BlindnessMark 10:35-45Ben KnisleyJune 30, 20241.   The Request of James and John (v. 35-38)      a.   The brothers ask Jesus to sit at his right and left hand in glory.      b.   Jesus asks if they are able to endure what he will endure. 2.   Jesus speaks to their place in the Kingdom (v. 39-40) 3.   Jesus expounds on the nature of the Kingdom (v. 41-45)     a.   The ten become indignant with James & John.      b.   Jesus explains the way to be great in the Kingdom.      c.    Jesus proclaims he will give his life as a ransom for many. 

  • Episode 390: ONLINE 2024: Receiving the Kingdom Like a Child - Mark 10:1-16 - Ben Knisley - June 23, 2024

    24/06/2024 Duración: 37min

    ONLINE 2024Receiving the Kingdom Like a ChildMark 10:1-16Ben KnisleyJune 23, 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 10:1-16)  Jesus Teaches about Divorce (v. 1-12). Pharisees test Jesus.Jesus appeals to the Law of Moses. Jesus teaches about the true meaning of marriage. Jesus clarifies for the disciples.Jesus’ high view of marriage. Jesus Blesses the Little Children (v. 13-16) People are bringing children to Jesus. The disciples rebuke them. Jesus teaches about receiving the Kingdom.Jesus blesses the children.

  • Episode 389: ONLINE 2024: Sustaining Spiritual Momentum - Matthew 17:1-5 and Hebrews 12:1-2 - Bryan Jones, Ex Dir Northstar Church Network - June 16, 2024

    17/06/2024 Duración: 34min

    ONLINE 2024Sustaining Spiritual MomentumMatthew 17:1-5 and Hebrews 12:1-2Bryan Jones, Ex Dir Northstar Church NetworkJune 16, 2024Scripture Outline (Matthew 17:1-5; Hebrews 12:1-2)) If you could have been around for any single event in the life of Jesus, what would you choose?Five Things I Can Do to Sustain Spiritual Momentum and Persevere… 1. I will find strength from those who have ________________________. (v. 1)• What person of faith and godliness can help strengthen my walk? I will take off that which _______________________ me up. (v. 1)• In order to finish well, I need to let go of what? I will choose to ________________________. (v. 1)• God, what do you want me to keep doing? I will keep a ____________________ __________________ focus. (v. 2)• In order to stay single-minded (focused on Christ) I will…? I will endure the suffering to see the ____________________. (v. 2)• I am able to endure the present because I know when I get to heaven…?

  • Episode 388: ONLINE 2024: The Foretelling - Mark 9:30-37 - Ethan Young - June 09, 2024

    10/06/2024 Duración: 37min

    ONLINE 2024The ForetellingMark 9:30-37Ethan YoungJune 09, 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 9:30-37)  Jesus foretells his death and resurrection (vs. 30-32). Disciples are questioned by Jesus (vs. 33-34). Jesus explains true greatness (vs. 35-37).

  • Episode 387: ONLINE 2024: The Transfiguration: A Great Unveiling - Mark 9:2-13 - Ben Knisley - June 02, 2024

    03/06/2024 Duración: 44min

    ONLINE 2024The Transfiguration: A Great UnveilingMark 9:2-13Ben KnisleyJune 02, 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 9:2-13)   Jesus, Peter, James, and John ascend the mountain together (vs. 2-8).     a.    Jesus is transfigured before them.     b.    Elijah & Moses talking with Jesus.            i.    Peter’s response.     c.    God the Father speaks. 2.   Jesus converses with Peter, James, and John (vs. 9-13).     a.    Jesus charges not to tell anyone what they have seen.     b.    They ask Jesus about Elijah.            i.    Jesus explains that Elijah has already come.

  • Episode 386: ONLINE 2024: Following the King - Mark 8:27-38 - Ben Knisley - May 26, 2024

    27/05/2024 Duración: 33min

    ONLINE 2024Following the KingMark 8:27-38Ben KnisleyMay 26, 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 8:27-38)  Exegetical Outline of Mark 8:27-38 1.        Jesus and the Disciples travel to Caesarea Philippi (vs. 27-30)      a.        Jesus asks His Disciples, “Who do people say that I am?”      b.        Jesus asks His Disciples, “But who do you say that I am?”                        i.         Peter confesses, “You are the Christ.” 2.        Jesus begins to teach His Disciples (vs. 31-33)      a.        Jesus foretells His suffering, rejection, death & resurrection.      b.        Peter pulls Jesus aside to Rebuke Him.      c.        Jesus publicly rebukes Peter and the Disciples. 3.        Jesus teaches the crowd and His Disciples (vs. 34-38)      a.        Jesus teaches the way of a disciple.      b.        Jesus illustrates the cost of discipleship.      c.        Jesus tells of the final judgement.

  • Episode 385: ONLINE 2024: Remember What the KING Has Done - Mark 8:11-21 - Ben Knisley - May 19 2024

    20/05/2024 Duración: 40min

    ONLINE 2024Remember What the KING Has DoneMark 8:11-21Ben KnisleyMay 19 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 8:11-21)  The Pharisees Demand a Sign (vs. 11-13) Jesus tells them that no sign will be given to them. Jesus and the disciples leave in a boat. Jesus and the Disciples in the Boat (vs. 14-21) Jesus warns his disciples. The Disciples are focused on the wrong thing. Jesus rebukes the Disciples. Jesus questions their ability to see, hear & remember. Jesus reminds the disciples of the bread miracles. Jesus is exasperated at their lack of understanding.

  • Episode 384: ONLINE 2024: The Restoration of the KING - Mark 7:31-37 - Ben Knisley - May 12 2024

    13/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    ONLINE 2024The Restoration of the KINGMark 7:31-37Ben KnisleyMay 12 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 7:31-37) Jesus and the Disciples Return to the Decapolis Region. (v. 31-37) A deaf man with a speech impediment is brought before Jesus. Jesus heals the man. Jesus charges them to tell no one.Their astonishment at the power of Jesus cannot be contained.

  • Episode 383: ONLINE 2024: Do Not Be Afraid - Mark 6:45-52 - Rob Guilliams - April 28 2024

    29/04/2024 Duración: 31min

    ONLINE 2024Do Not Be AfraidMark 6:45-52Rob GuilliamsApril 28 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 6:45-56)      Jesus separates from the disciples (v. 45-47)   a.     Disciples go ahead of Jesus in a boat   b.     Jesus dismisses the crowd   c.     Jesus goes up the mountain alone       2.     Jesus comes to them in their distress (48-49)            a.     Jesus sees the Disciples struggling            b.     Jesus walks on the water            c.     The disciples don’t recognize Jesus        3.     Jesus calms the storm (v. 50-52)             a.     Jesus speaks to the disciples to calm their fears             b.     Jesus enters the boat and calms the wind             c.     The disciples misunderstand 

  • Episode 382: ONLINE 2024: The Provision of the KING - Mark 6:30-44 - Ben Knisley - April 21 2024

    22/04/2024 Duración: 34min

    ONLINE 2024The Provision of the KINGMark 6:30-44Ben KnisleyApril 21 2024Scripture Outline (Mark 6:30-44)  The Apostles Return to Jesus (vs. 30-32). They recount their activities to Jesus. Jesus and the disciples set out for a secluded area to rest. Jesus and the Crowd (vs. 33-34). The crowd follows Jesus & the apostles. Jesus has compassion on the crowd & teaches them. Jesus Discusses with the Apostles (vs. 35-40). Apostles want to send the crowd away to eat. Jesus tells them to give them food. Apostles find 5 loaves and 2 fish. The crowd sits in groups of hundreds and fifties. Jesus Blesses and provides (vs. 41-44). Jesus commands the disciples to serve the crowd. Everyone eats and is satisfied. 12 baskets full of leftovers are collected.

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