Right Start Radio With Pastor Jim Custer

That Which Costs Me Nothing - Part 2 of 2



The Almighty wants David's opinion ...on how David should be punished! The late Adrian Rogers said, "Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory capacity." Many of us have wanted to give Omniscience the benefit of our keen insight, at one time or another. But we wouldn't want to be in the position of David, when God let him make a deadly decision. The lessons, and the symbolism, are rich in Part 2 of, That Which Costs Me Nothing. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS10152024_1.mp3Scripture References: 2 Samuel 24