Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen

Episode 25 - How to Beat Being Overwhelmed and Sustain Motivation



Listener question for Bradley:  Could you explore keeping up momentum for change? How do I avoid feeling too satisfied too quickly, or getting overwhelmed and demotivated?Response:  Often when we have gained some form of momentum for change, it has been preceded by inspiration.  Something we’ve experienced has inspired us to create momentum.  However, momentum never lasts.  However, we can put systems into place that sustain our momentum, even when we aren’t feeling inspired.  One of the most powerful systems is scheduling.  I used to fight the advice to harness the power of my schedule because I was afraid I would become a slave to my schedule and lose my freedom.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.One of the more transformative pieces of scheduling that I appreciate is the intentionality it brings.  When I focus on what I value and I take action towards that, things in my life change… drastically.  Sometime