Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen



A weekly podcast with Bradley Grinnen to help you change your life in 10 minutes.


  • Episode 63 - Live Coaching: Special Edition

    13/06/2017 Duración: 53min

    -What Can You Learn From Fortune 100 CEO's--How to Move Past Infidelity--How to Gain Momentum--Dealing With Overwhelm--How to Handle Anxiety--How to Love Yourself More-Own Your Life podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in Itunes

  • Episode 62 - How To Know If Your Expectations Are Killing Your Work And Relationships

    03/05/2017 Duración: 10min

    Every day I have conversations with people who are running into the same pain over and over again. It is a pattern, that unless addressed, will cause pain and problems on a consistent basis. The tragedy is that this can be avoided.The quickest and most sure way to live in constant disappointment is to make someone or something else the source of your happiness.Most of our pain comes from the expectations that we place on other people, things, or events.Whenever we expect someone else or something else to be the source of our happiness, we have already lost.  Listen in to learn why we engage in this pattern and how to change it.Own Your Life podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these principles and move forward, I am here for you!  Click the button below, follow the simple instructions and book your Life Appraisal today. This is at

  • Episode 61 - Ches Weeks Interview: A Normal Man Does Extraordinary Things By Changing The Way He Thinks, Acts, And Believes

    29/03/2017 Duración: 01h02min

    It's such a pleasure to introduce you to Ches Weeks.  Ches is an engineer, father of 2, husband, and an inspiration.  Ches has been on a weight loss journey and has shed 190 pounds using sustainable methods of healthy eating and an active lifestyle.  After a motorcycle injury that left him bedridden for 2 months, Ches decided to make a complete lifestyle change in order to raise his overall energy levels.  Ches started at 448 pounds and has shred himself to 258 pounds.This interview is about so much more than weight loss.  We dive deep into how Ches changed the way he thinks, the way he acts, and so many of his beliefs about himself.This is a story about inspiration.  How a normal person can do extraordinary things.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!

  • Episode 60 - How To Stop Being A Victim Of Your Own Goals

    16/03/2017 Duración: 13min

    Do you hate setting goals?  I used to.Setting goals was like making an official checklist of all the ways I could fail.Ask anyone who has ever achieved something big or made a huge change in their life.  Going through a proper goal exercise and taking the appropriate actions were crucial to their success.In this episode, I share with you a SIMPLE and PAINLESS 3 step process for setting and achieving your goals.Walk through these steps and you will be on your way to mastering the process of goal setting and you will begin to reap the rewards of one of the cornerstones to success.Own Your Life podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!  Click the button below, follow the simple instructions and book your Life Appraisal today. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next le

  • Episode 59 - That Time I Had Shingles, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Divorce, And $18,000 A Year

    07/03/2017 Duración: 15min

    You always hear about 'rags to riches' stories.  People who turned it around and made the most of their challenge.In this episode, I'm going to share with you what those people rarely share and pull back the curtain so you can see behind the scenes. Success Stories all sounds so romantic, but They're not.  The journey is bloody and muddy, and messy... and worth it.Own Your Life podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!  Click the button below, follow the simple instructions and book your Life Appraisal today. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next level.  Book Your Free Life Appraisal

  • Episode 58 - What Having A Powerful 'WHY' Will Do For You

    28/02/2017 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever tried to make a huge change or achieve something big, but constantly find yourself getting stuck, unable to get that result you're looking for?You've gotten really clear on what you wanted, but are wondering if you will ever be able to see it through to the end. (Episode 57 - The Best Success Advice You're Not Taking)In this episode we dig deep into the power of having a powerful 'WHY'.It is in the 'WHY' that we find the ability to press on during the difficult times and reap the rewards of our hard work and effort.Own Your Life podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these principles and move forward, I am here for you!  Click the button below, follow the simple instructions and book your Life Appraisal today. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next level.  book your free life

  • Episode 57 - The Best Success Advice You're Not Taking

    16/02/2017 Duración: 13min

    Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and wondered... 'What the hell happened today?'Maybe you started the day with the best intentions, hoping that everything would work out well, only to find yourself completely derailed as the events of the day unfolded.This episode will guide you through 3 steps that will dramatically reduce these kinds of days.It isn't enough to simply hope that you have a good day.  You have to define exactly what a good day looks like and determine what actions you have to take to make it happen.If you don't know your desired outcome, the odds of getting a desirable outcome are slim to none.  Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these principles and move forward, I am here for you!  Click the button below, follow the simple instructions and book your Life Appraisal today. This is at

  • Episode 56 - When You Don't Feel Like Doing What You Need To

    24/01/2017 Duración: 10min

    There are times when I just don't 'feel' like putting in the work, doing the project, fixing the 'thing', or ______ the _______ (you fill in the blank).  You know exactly what I'm talking about don't you?I don't always wake up and feel like being productive.  I don't always feel like taking care of myself.  But never the less......some things must be done, and I'm the only one responsible for them.In this episode, we take a raw look at those times and give straight-forward, hard-nosed solutions.Solutions to these questions:How do I find inspiration when I don't feel like it?How do I get into 'the zone', where things flow naturally?How do I make my work not feel like work?What do the truly successful people do when they feel like this?Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for

  • Episode 55 - Bryan Reeves Interview: Understanding The Masculine and Feminine Cores

    11/01/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    Let me introduce you to Bryan Reeves.  Bryan is a Transformational Life and Relationship Coach. He received his Masters Degree in Human Relations and Organizational Dynamics from the University of Oklahoma.  He is a regular contributor to The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, Raw Attraction Magazine, and Sexy Conscious Awake.  He has also authored two books, The Sex, Flirting, Dating, Hunting and Hoping Diet as well as Tell the Truth, Let The Peace Fall Where It May.Bryan was gracious enough to spend an hour with us answering all kinds of questions in regards to masculine and feminine polarity in relationships.In this interview we cover...What does a mature, healthy, masculine life look like?What is Polarity and how does it affect my relationships?Why do men feel threatened by women?The single most important relationship you have and why you need to master it.When 2 good people come together and create 'hell' for eac

  • Episode 54 - 4 Simple Steps To Massive Change In 2017

    22/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.  For years you’ve known that there are some specific changes that you’ve wanted to make.  You told yourself repeatedly that you were definitely going to take action once the new year rolled around.  For good reason.  There is something undeniably powerful about new starts.  That’s why every morning is brimming with a potent sense of mystery and potential.  It’s a daily reminder that all things can be made new.  But year after year, those changes, that you know are necessary to a higher quality of life, last for only a few days.  It’s happened for so many years that by now you get tired of listening to podcast episodes like this one.  Your eyes role when you see another link about change in the new year, reminding you of the past failures.  Yet here you are, looking for something that will make a difference and give

  • Episode 53 - How To Crush Bad Habits And Destructive Behaviors

    07/12/2016 Duración: 08min

    How often do you make a mistake? A bad decision.  One you are almost immediately ashamed of?How many of those bad decisions have turned into a bad habit or destructive behavior?It can be depressing how heavy the gravitational pull of a bad decision can become.What if you could break that cycle?What if you could find freedom in your next choice... in your next moment?You can!  Listen in on this episode and find the freedom you are looking for with a couple simple realizations.  Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and I will contact you today to set up that conversation. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next level. Book Your free strategy session

  • Episode 52 - The Morning After The Presidential Election

    09/11/2016 Duración: 08min

    Regardless of who you voted for... this episode is for you!This isn't about politics.This is about your quality of life.Who do you want to be?How do you want to live?What do you want to grow in your life?There are things to hold onto and things to let go.What will you cultivate in your life?Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes PS.  If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these steps and how to move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and easily book your session. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next level. Book Your Free Strategy Session

  • Episode 51 - 4 Reasons Why You Need To Stop Pretending To Be Perfect

    02/11/2016 Duración: 10min

    There's this temptation that I face every day.It's powerful and strong when it pulls me.My life purpose, which aligns with the work I do, often times makes it even more difficult not to give into this temptation.  It's the temptation to have it all together.To project a version of myself that looks like I have it all together.  Maybe you're familiar with this seductress.  It's not really complicated.You want your friends to think you have it all together so that they think more highly of you. You want your partner to think you have it all together so that he/she finds you more desirable. You want your kids to think you have it all together so that they admire you more. You want your clients, customers, or co-workers to think you have it all together so that they are confident in your work.  But you don't have it all together.I don't have it all together.Nobody does.  Not one person on this planet including Oprah and the D

  • Episode 50 - How To Live The Life Your Heroes Live

    12/10/2016 Duración: 09min

    Just like you, I have many heroes.  People I look up to, admire, and strive to learn from.  I used to wish that I could be just like them.  Do you ever look around at the people that you admire and wish that you could live the kind of life they live?  I'm not just talking about having the things they have or gaining the kind of respect that they've gained.I'm talking about living with the kind of passion, fulfillment, and courage that your heroes do.In today's episode we dive deep into the mental state heroes maintain, the decisions heroes make and the actions that heroes take.  While there is not formula that instantly gives you the life you want, the people you look up to have all done these three things that are explained in this episode.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these steps and how to move forward, I am h

  • Episode 49 - Mike McHargue Interview 2: 'Finding God In The Waves'

    19/09/2016 Duración: 01h05min

    It's with great pleasure that I am able to bring a second interview with Mike McHargue to your ears and minds.  Mike's book 'Finding God In The Waves: How I Lost My Faith And Found It Again Through Science' has just released and it is the perfect time for another conversation with our leading scientific expert.In this interview we cover...The science behind having a fuller lifeHow Mike turned his learning disability into a super human memoryHow you can turn your perceived weaknesses into strengthsSome of the best advice on writing a book or blog and how to become a great writerWhy you need someone in your life that absolutely believes in youWhy nothing you see or experience is real and how to hack your brain to take advantage of this scientific phenomena And much more...Finding God In The WavesMike on TwitterAsk Science MikeThe LiturgistsOwn Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes  

  • Episode 48 - How To Resolve Your Problems... Even If You See No Solution

    15/09/2016 Duración: 11min

    Do you ever find yourself in a situation where it seems like there are only two answers... and neither one of them is desirable?  Me Too.  The problem is, that is rarely the reality.It's so simple to think in an 'either/or' framework.  Our brains are wired this way because our brain is always trying to simplify everything in front of us.  But the world doesn't actually WORK that way... and neither should we.  In today's episode we learn how to train our brains to find more solutions than we currently see so that we can experience a life that isn't 'boxed in' by black and white.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these steps and how to move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and easily book your session. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to ge

  • Episode 47 - The Truth About Lying To Yourself And How To Stop

    06/09/2016 Duración: 09min

    Are you ready to Stop tearing your inner life apart?Just imagine if you could gain total peace of mind, what would you do?  How would that instantly change your life and relationships for the better?Nothing will tear your inner life apart more than cognitive dissonance.  That's because if you are participating in cognitive dissonance you are not only lying to yourself, but your actions are eroding your own sense of value and worth.  Often times people are unaware that they are lying to themselves, or worse, doing their best to ignore it... which only prolongs the pain and self-sabotage.Within this episode are two proven methods for achieving more awareness and gaining more peace of mind while putting and end to the self-sabotage within moments.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these steps and how to move forward, I am here for

  • Episode 46 - Why You Need To Make A Huge Investment In Yourself

    27/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    Are you stuck, unable to find the motivation to move forward?Are you dealing with the need to value yourself more, but don't know the action to get you where you want to go?When I was at some of my lowest points I made a clear decision to invest in myself and it made all of the difference.Episode 46 will help you quickly learn how to value yourself more, raise your level of self-worth, and move forward in any situation... by kickstarting a massive amount of motivation.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these steps and how to move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and easily book your session. This is at no cost to you and will give you the edge you need to get to that next level. book my free strategy session

  • Episode 45 - The Number One Myth About Fear And How To Use It

    19/08/2016 Duración: 11min

    How many times have you been paralyzed because you were afraid of a fear you were feeling about a situation in your life?  Do you invest loads of energy and time into trying to 'overcome' your fear, only to find yourself exhausted?Fear doesn't have an ass to kick and it isn't something to be conquered.  Fear is a feeling and as soon as we can accept that and embrace our fear in order to understand it, the sooner we can use fear to move forward.In this episode we explore what fear is, how it serves us, and how we can use it to be empowered around difficult circumstances that we are facing.  Don't fear the fear... embrace it.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and I will contact you today to set up that conversation. This is at

  • Episode 44 - How To Make Permanent Change That Gets Powerful Results

    26/07/2016 Duración: 11min

    How often have you tried to make a big change in your life, only to face resistance and obstacles that returned you to where you started?  Are there changes that you want to make right now but the tape that plays in your mind keep telling you that it's useless?  That it won't work for you? That you don't have what it takes?The road that has gotten us to where we currently are won't be the road that takes us to where we want to go.Change is possible and lasting results are yours if you are willing to let go of what you've done in the past, and do the work in the present.  Find out how in this episode.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am here for you!  Click below, fill out your name and email address, and I will contact you today to set up that conversation. This is at no cost to you and will

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