Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen

Episode 54 - 4 Simple Steps To Massive Change In 2017



Stop me if you’ve heard this one before.  For years you’ve known that there are some specific changes that you’ve wanted to make.  You told yourself repeatedly that you were definitely going to take action once the new year rolled around.  For good reason.  There is something undeniably powerful about new starts.  That’s why every morning is brimming with a potent sense of mystery and potential.  It’s a daily reminder that all things can be made new.  But year after year, those changes, that you know are necessary to a higher quality of life, last for only a few days.  It’s happened for so many years that by now you get tired of listening to podcast episodes like this one.  Your eyes role when you see another link about change in the new year, reminding you of the past failures.  Yet here you are, looking for something that will make a difference and give