Kali Muscle Six Pack, GUNS, DRUGS, AND JAIL!



Kali Muscle! What A Story This Guy Has! Kali Muscle actually discloses how you can get abs in ONE WEEK! You may be be asking yourself, how in the world can I get a six pack in one week? This has to be a major fat burning discovery right? Well it's simple, all you have to do is follow the Kali Muscle six pack diet , and you will be able to wash clothes on your abs!  And this is NO STARVATION DIET! The diets that are out there on the internet and youtube videos are all bullshit. Kali Muscle has the answer to all of your troubles. The best part is, you will be able to eat whatever YOU WANT! Eating lettuce and grilled chicken is just a big waste of time. It doesn't work. Kali Muscle says that is the number one mistake that everyone makes. Eating like a runway model will get you nowhere! Look at it like this, Kali Muscle left prison with a six pack! They do not have grilled chicken, sweet potatoes, salmon, and all the other healthy crap you are told to eat in order to get a six pack. So how did he