We Here At Muscle Roast Don't Hold Back A Thing Whether Its Lemello Ball's Crap Sneaks or CT Fletchers IQ Test, We Got It All From Hot Sexy Babes Pumping The Iron And Finding Out If Santa Clause Is A Natural Bodybuilder To The Butt Lift You Did Not Know Your Chick Had Until Now. Come On In And Prepare To Be Roasted!
17/06/2019 Duración: 03minStarting Bodybuilding At 20 Years Of Age, Might Be The Best Time To Start! Start bodybuilding at the age of 20, is a great decision. It is not too early and it most certainly not too late. At this age, you are fully grown and fully developed. Bodybuilding is not like other sports, we are talking about many different factors here. There are genetics, there is bone growth and structure, and also stress on your body. What are the chances of a person becoming a professional basketball player, if they never even tried to score a basket before they turned 25? The chances are very slim, if we are going to be honest. Maybe even non-existent. Bodybuilding is a whole different ball game. All other sports are about developing a skill, and bodybuilding is about developing muscle. Consider Your Genetics When Starting Bodybuilding If you are born with very good genetics for bodybuilding, you are going to be muscular. Read the full article on Starting Bodybuilding on! --- Support this podcast:
Jen Selter Workout, The Inventor Of BOOTY BELFIES!
05/06/2019 Duración: 10minJen Selter Workout Program, And Full Bio For Stalkers! If you are a girl and into fitness or a guy who likes attractive women you have most certainly heard of Jen Selter. Jen, also known as The Queen of Booty, is an American internet celebrity. Her Instagram workout videos attract wide audiences. Jen Selter is famous for her gluteus and her perfectly toned abs. She was born on August 8, 1993, in New York. Jen is the daughter of Jill and Todd, and she has an older sister named Stephanie who is also her manager. Her stepbrothers name is Jacob, and her stepfather is Rob. Jen Selter Early Life She is one of the leading female figures in the fitness industry, inspiring millions of people every day to eat healthily and exercise. Read Full Article On Jen Selter on --- Support this podcast:
Dangers Of STEROIDS, And Why BRADLEY MARTYN Takes Them!
01/06/2019 Duración: 23minSo What Is Winstrol? Frequently called Winny, Winstrol is a freaking steroid that people take in order to get shredded. That is it for the most part. You can definitely build muscle with winstrol. It's a freaking steroid! You can build muscle with any steroid, but how you want the muscle to look is a different story. As previously mentioned, using winstrol will make you look hard and ripped. "One thing you would definitely need to do in order to grow muscle with winstrol, is to work out! You have to hit the gym, and eat properly." Is Winstrol Illegal? YES. Your ass is going to jail if you get caught with it. There are chances that you won't actually get locked up, but they are slim. The Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 categorizes winstrol as a Schedule III drug. Because of this, it enforces federal penalties for both selling it and possessing it for personal use. --- Support this podcast:
Natural Bodybuilding NO STEROIDS TIPS!
01/06/2019 Duración: 10minNatural Bodybuilding Workout For Mass And Diet, NON STEROID USERS! If you are interested in gaining muscle naturally, you came to the right place! Getting bigger muscles naturally is a totally different ball game when you are not using steroids. Trust me, this is a better road to take in the long run. Steroid users might get results quicker, but those results go away just as quickly! Not to mention the side effects that come with it. Just take a look at what winstrol can do to your body! It has also been proven, that bodybuilding can kill you! This is a sport that involves the most drugs than any other, so be vey careful. Here are some long researched tips on how to gain muscle naturally as a natural bodybuilder, or just weight lifter. Read Full Article On Natural Bodybuilding Tips on --- Support this podcast:
Vlad Yudin Biography, RICH KID? Clueless ABOUT STEROIDS!
07/05/2019 Duración: 07minWho Is Vlad Yudin And What Is His Net Worth? Vlad Yudin is a movie director and a screenwriter whose net worth is estimated at about $13M today! He was born in Central Russia and grew up on the streets of Moscow. Since his net worth is so high, there is good chance he grew up in a rich family, but who knows. When he was very young he was a big fan of action heroes and was really impressed by a well-developed physique. He wasn’t simply a fan of bodybuilding, he was also interested in other sports. One thing that he found interesting was the functionality of the human body and what is an athlete capable of. Vlad Yudin Bio And Life Vlad originally wanted to, but never became a serious sportsman himself in his early life. He admired others and wanted to share his admiration with the world. His passion did not lye in science, nor did he want to become a scientist and study human anatomy. Read The Full Article On Vlad Yudin On! --- Support this podcast:
Trae Young HAIR Lands HIM $300M Hair Modeling Deal!
19/04/2019 Duración: 03minTrae Young's Hair is one of a kind! What an awesome haircut Ice Trae has right? It just so happens that Trae's hair got the attention of Rogaine, and that attention was worth about $300M! That's right, Trae is going to get paid that much money in order to be a hair model. Trae Young is following the foot steps of people who refuse to shave their head. Therefore they have a scalp with pubic hair looking strings of hair hanging on for dear life. Trae Young is taking full advantage of this hair modeling deal and laughing all the way to the bank! Read The Full Article on Trae Young's Hair And Contract on! --- Support this podcast:
CT Fletcher, Heart Surgery And INSANE MOTIVATION!
19/04/2019 Duración: 14minCT Fletcher had some serious heart surgeries, and a lot of heart problems. He is known all over the world, as one of the most motivational and intense fitness personalities. CT Fletchers current net worth is somewhere around $1M, but that might be a lot higher now. CT Fletcher has a son by the name of Samson, who is also into powerlifting currently. CT Fletcher holds many world records, and was at one point the strongest man in the world. One of the exercises that gave him that title, was the strict curl of 225 pounds. Read The FULL ARTICLE On CT Fletchers Heart Attack and Crazy Motivation on! --- Support this podcast:
How To Become An Instagram Fitness INFLUENCER OVER NIGHT!
17/04/2019 Duración: 13minIf you want to become an Instagram Fitness Influencer, you came to the RIGHT PLACE! This podcast breaks down how to become well known on instagram, and how to make money with sponsorships! What this podcast also tells you, is how to become an Instagram Fitness Influencer VERY QUICKLY! There are certain tips you can try that have worked for many other people on Instagram! Especially women if you know what I mean! Read the FULL ARTICLE on How To Become An Instagram Fitness Influencer On! --- Support this podcast:
Hodgetwins Are A MILLON DOLLAR Youtube MYSTERY!
17/04/2019 Duración: 09minWho are the Hodgetwins? If you don't know, just turn on Youtube and look for TWO JACKED TWINS! The Hodgetwins are one of the most famous FITNESS INFLUENCERS on social media today, and they have been on Youtube for a DECADE! This podcasts covers how they got started and MADE MILLIONS, and also if they are on STEROIDS! The Hodgetwins decided to go vegan a long time ago, but that might just be a cover up for them getting off the steroid CYCLE! Their current NET WORTH is about $4M, and they are heavily involved in stand up comedy. Read The Full Article On The Hodgetwins Bio, Marriage and Net Worth on! --- Support this podcast:
16/04/2019 Duración: 10minYou want to drop pounds, NOW! And you want to do it safely. But how? First, keep in mind that many experts say it’s best to lose weight gradually. It’s more likely to stay off. If you shed pounds too fast, you’ll lose muscle, bone, and water instead of fat, says the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The academy’s advice: Aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week, and avoid fad diets or products that make promises that sound too good to be true. It’s best to base your weight loss on changes you can stick with over time. For faster results, you’ll need to work with a doctor, to make sure that you stay healthy and get the nutrients that you need. If you want to lose five actual pounds by next weekend, listen up: Losing weight fast is almost always unhealthy. That's because it can set you up for binge-eating and fluctuations that interfere with long-lasting results, which basically defeats the whole point, right? --- Support this podcast:
Roelly Winklaar Fat STOMACH TAPES, And Predictions!
16/04/2019 Duración: 13minRoelly Winklaar is a very special character in bodybuilding. Starting as a very talented amateur, he managed to become one of the best bodybuilders in the world. 2018 was an especially successful year for Roelly. He became third best sportsman of the 2018 Olympia contest. The sportsman impressed everyone with his great physique and showed that he is worth being Mr. Olympia in the future. This year is a very stressful time for Roelly Winklaar. His fans expect his result to be at least as great as it was a year before. Sports experts are guessing whether Roelly will manage to improve his records and get any great victory that may become a special point in his sports career. Roelly works hard to get an impressive physique. He had to change a lot in his training routine and dieting. The sportsman who has always been a hard-working person told that this year he had spent even more time in the gym than ever before in his life. Read FULL ARTICLE On Roelly Winklaar On --- Support this p
Girl Push-Ups For A JACKED CHEST, Like ARNOLD!
16/04/2019 Duración: 16minGet a bigger chest by doing something YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF DOING! Yes, I am talking about GIRL PUSH UPS! There’s a reason pushups have been around forever: They require no equipment other than your body, they are easy to modify for your fitness level and man, oh man, are they effective. When performed correctly, pushups will work not only your arms, but also the core, chest, and back. But for the pushup to be as effective as possible, you have to do it with good form. And that goes for modified pushups as well as the full version. Read The Full Article On Chest Workout's With Girl Pushups On! --- Support this podcast:
William Bonac INTERESTING DIET And Workout, OMG!
15/04/2019 Duración: 09minWilliam Bonac Workout routine The William Bonac Workout routine is all about bringing in front a multitude of exercises. He doesn’t work on the same muscles every time. And that’s maybe for the best. It really helps him get the results he needs and the return on investment is huge in that regard. That being said, he does a multitude of workout types. When it comes to modern day bodybuilder athletes, William Bonac has it all. From his grueling workout schedule he’s got the mass, the aesthetics, the cuts and the symmetry. Where he really excels is his huge legs and imposing arms. The Ghanaian IFBB Pro regularly graces the stage at 225 lbs, and is often compared to greats like Kai Green. See Full Article on William Bonac Workout And Diet on! --- Support this podcast:
15/04/2019 Duración: 14minMore strength is more muscle. The heavier the weights you lift, the stronger your body becomes, and the bigger your muscles grow. Your muscles increase in size so they can lift heavier weights. This is why strength is size – lift heavy weights and you’ll gain muscle mass naturally. Most people try to build muscle by doing high rep isolation exercises until pumped and sore. But this rarely works because you can’t lift heavy enough to trigger muscle growth. Only lifters who are already strong or use drugs can build muscle by doing mostly isolation exercises like curls and flies. Read Full Article on Building Muscle Fast on! --- Support this podcast:
Bodybuilding Tips For BEGINNERS! REAL TALK!
12/04/2019 Duración: 10minBodybuilding tips for BEGINNERS can be VERY misleading! There are a lot of bodybuilders out there who are on steroids, who are giving tips to younger people who are just starting to work out. A fully grown adult how is using performance enhancing drugs, should not be doing the same workout, or even dieting like someone that is just starting to work out. Bodybuilding tips for beginners are very simple. Follow these workout tips to get the best results, and the maximum muscle gain as fast as possible. Check out the Full Article On Bodybuilding Tips For Beginners On! --- Support this podcast:
Diet Pill Side Effects, And How A Man LOST HIS LEG!
06/04/2019 Duración: 11minDiet Pills side effects are ALIVE AND WELL! People usually take diet pills because they are looking to lose weight fast, without putting in any work. What is better than POPPING a pill and having the body you always wanted? Well think twice because there are a few things to consider. The first would be the fact that diet pills increase your heart rate, to a very dangerous level. People have died because of taking diet pills, people have had kidney failure, and a man has even lost his leg. Read Full Article on Diet Pills on! --- Support this podcast:
Working Out But Not Losing WEIGHT? THIS IS WHY!
01/04/2019 Duración: 15minIf you are working out and not losing weight, DON'T WORRY! There are several reasons why this is happening! Muscle is HEAVIER than water, but the fact is, water retention is a HUGE reason why a lot of people don't think they are losing fat while working out! Your body needs water, it needs vitamins, it needs fiber, it needs healthy nutrients, or it can just come to a halt and be the reason why you are working out but not losing weight. Eat your fruits and vegetables, and you should start seeing that weight drop. As long as you are burning more calories than you take in, and eating a good variety of foods. Here are some of the main reasons you are working out but not losing weight! Read the FULL ARTICLE on Working Out And Not Losing Weight on! --- Support this podcast:
Pre-Workout Side Effects, ADDICTION And DEPRESSION!
01/04/2019 Duración: 14minPre-workout side effects come in many different FORMS! Yes, DEPRESSION is a part of it! They are so popular for one specific reason, they WORK! You dink one of these things, you will be bouncing on the walls and getting a crazy workout. The amount of caffeine in some of these drinks is INSANE. In some cases, equal to 5 cups of COFFEE! Listen to why you SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL when taking this supplement, and all the side effects that come with it! Read the FULL ARTICLE on Pre-Workout Side Effects on! --- Support this podcast:
29/03/2019 Duración: 09minRonnie Coleman's supplements are TAKING OFF, and he is making GOOD MONEY! He has made everything from pre-workouts, to protein, to supplements to HELP YOU SLEEP and RECOVER! This podcast is a review of ALL of the supplements he has on the market, so you can decide if you want to try them or not! Ronnie Coleman is the greatest bodybuilder of all time, so I'm pretty confident he knows a thing or two about this stuff! Read FULL ARTICLE on Ronnie Coleman Supplements Review on! --- Support this podcast:
Blessing Awodibu WORKOUT INSANITY, And Bio!
28/03/2019 Duración: 09minBlessing Awodibu has a VERY FUNNY Workout Program, but is also known as the funniest bodybuilder online today! Check out Blessing's diet strategy, bio, and what makes him one of the biggest up and coming SUPERSTARS! As a skinny kid growing up, Blessing Awodibu never planned on becoming a bodybuilding pro. Check out the podcast here, and read the FULL ARTICLE on Blessing Awodibu Workout Program on! --- Support this podcast:

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