Ahmad Ashkanani Will DESTROY YOU! Be AFRAID!



Ahmad Ashkanani won the Arnold Classic 2017! Ahmad Ashkanani is an instant celebrity after winning the Arnold Classic in 2017. Standing at 5ft 3 inches tall, he is officially the king of short man syndrome, also known as Napoleon Complex! Can you imagine being 5ft 3 inches driving around in a Lamborghini full of steroids? Well my friends, Ahmad Ashkanani can! Ahmad Ashkanani is a little dwarf that trains at Oxygen Gym in Kuwait. This gym is very popular now, after it's appearance in Generation Iron 2. It will be even more popular now after training Brandon Curry, and now hosting the worlds strongest midget. He competed at the Arnold Classic weighing in at 212 lbs. Now that is a little short monster if I ever seen one! This guy is one scary midget. Read Full Article On Ahmad Ashkanani on! --- Support this podcast: