Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors TESTED POSITIVE For Party Drugs And Not Steroids!



Arnold Classic 2018 competitors got a surprise drug test that nobody expected... Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors are the usual suspects. We will list all of the Arnold Classic 2018 Competitors below, and what each of them tested positive for during their surprise drug test. As you know, the Arnold Classic is not a "tested" contest, which basically mean these meatheads can shoot steroids in their eyeballs, and nobody will care. However, they do state that "random testing" is a possibility, just to sound like there is some sort of policing of drug use. Well this year, the Arnold Classic 2018 committee decided to test all of the bodybuilders just for shits and giggles, but they found out more than they bargained for.  The bodybuilders tested positive for random party drugs, and not steroids. So it turns out, that these meatheads are all natural and steroids free, but what is actually building their muscles, are nothing but simple party drugs. Here is a list of all the Arnold Classic 2018 competitors an