EFT/Tapping Q and A with Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques




  • Day 5 – Musanze Prison


    Today we spent the bulk of the day at Musanze Prison. The prison houses both men and women, in separate sections. The area that we had access to was the main courtyard, which has a volleyball net in the middle, a large covered area for gatherings, open access to the kitchen (where all meals for […]

  • The Best Of 2014


    There are a number of books and movies that I revisit at least once a year. I do this because even though the stories and information are the same, I have changed and therefore they impact me in a new way. It might be the sixth time I have re-read a particular book, but it […]

  • The First Tool I Teach After I Teach The EFT Basics


    Good Morning! Every day I receive emails from all over the world asking me questions about tapping and how to best use to use it. As I talked about last week (last week’s newsletter) I love getting these questions. To help manage my time better I set aside a couple of hours every few days […]

  • TapAlong: Feeling Bad For Taking Care Of Ourselves


    We know that we have to be healthy in order to be helpful to other people, but sometimes it can be really hard to make time to care for ourselves. We feel like we already have so much that it is hard care for ourselves. Today we have a great little tap along to help you be OK with tapping for ourselves. (AND if there is a part of you that felt like you shouldn't do this, then it is telling you to do it now.)

  • TapAlong: Feeling Bad Because We Started Tapping So Late


    When we first learn to tap we feel very empowered. All of a sudden we have a great tool that we can use anytime and anywhere. As good as this feels, that good feeling can pass. At a certain point in the healing process it is very common to feel like we have wasted lots […]

  • TapAlong: I Can’t Believe It! I Should Have Known Better – Forgiving Myself


    More than once I have thought, "I should have known better." There are times when we make mistakes and bad choices where we did the best we could. In hindsight we recognize that we could have done better. There are other times when we knew better. As we were making choices we knew how it would turn out. We knew we were not making the choices of creating our better self. These times are particularly hard. It is very easy to not forgive ourselves in these moments. But we need to be able to heal and move forward. Here is a great little tap along to help with this.

  • TapAlong: Feeling Like You Need To Learn A Lesson Before Moving On – Forgiving Self


    I have found myself stuck in this thought: "I can't move on until I learn some great lesson from the past. " It is true that we need to learn from our experiences. That is what growth and evolution is all about. Often we will keep ourselves trapped in some past event until we really feel like we have learned the great lesson we need to learn. There isn't always a lesson to be learned from the past. Something the only thing we learn is that we don't want to be stuck in this place any more. It is ok to move on with feeling like we have to learn so great lesson. Here is tap along audio that will help you do just that.

  • TapAlong: Feeling Like I Need To Suffer – Forgiving Self


    On more than one occasion I have thought, "I made a mistake and deserve to suffer for it." Culturally we believe that there needs to be punishment when someone has done something wrong. Even if we don't personally believe this to be the case it is such a pervasive cultural value it is easy to see how it can creep into our beliefs as well. When we do something wrong a part of us often feels that we need to be punished. AND, because we hold ourselves to such high standards we are going to inflict a punishment on ourselves that is huge and we are often not willing to let it go...forever. It is ok to recognize that we don't need to suffer for our past choices. We can learn from them and move forward. Here is a tap along audio to help you do just that.

  • TapAlong: It Doesn’t Always Have To Be Hard


    There is a very American ethic that says that if something is worth having it is worth working for. There is great honor in working hard so that you are able to say you "deserve" what you received. I have nothing against hard work, but it doesn’t have to be hard. I take flights because it is much easier than getting there in a covered wagon. I use my stove because it is easier than cooking over a campfire. I shop for food because it is easier than farming. We often feel bad about taking the easy way out. There is nothing wrong with having things come to us easily. We are worthy of things being easy. Here is a great little tap along to help you to be easy with your self.

  • TapAlong: Being Judgmental Of Others


    Wayne Dyer said, “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” I am much more judgment of others than I would like to admit. I think I am a kind person. I think I give others the benefit of the doubt. But there are time that I quickly judge others. I don’t do this because of who they are, but because of who I am. Often when I am judging others it is because they are reminding of something in myself that I don’t like about myself. I don’t like to be judged and I am going to work to not judge. Here is a short tap along to help us to be less judgmental of other.

  • TapAlong # 29A: I Don’t Have To Be Perfect


    It is great that we spend time naming what we want our life to look like. It is wonderful that we create plans for how we are going to get it. But it is not going to happen the way we planned. It’s just not. There are unexpected things coming. There are details we are going to miss. There are going to be days where we just choose to watch TV instead of doing what we need to do to move forward. And that is ok. I am not saying we don’t need to try, but it is okay if we are not perfect. It is good for us to be easy with ourselves when it comes to not being perfect. If we beat ourselves up too much about not being perfect we will make it so we don’t even want to try. Be easy with yourself. This short tap along audio with help you do just that...Be easy with yourself.

  • TapAlong: Being Brave When Overwhelmed Or Tired


    There are times when we just don’t want to step up. It could be because we have nothing left or it could be because we don’t think we can. Woody Allen is famously quoted as saying "Ninety percent of life is just showing up." Often times all it takes is up getting moving and started. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Most of the time it doesn’t even have to be good. Just starting is enough. It gets the ball rolling, it get the juices flowing, and it gets us heading in the right direction. Here is a short tap along audio when you are feeling stuck and can't move forward.

  • TapAlong: Being Who You Are – AKA Not Needing To Fit In


    There are times where it is very hard to be who we want to be because it goes against what others are doing or what others say they expect of us. Here is a short tap along audio to help you feel comfortable inside your own skin and your choices.

  • TapAlong: Saying “I am sorry.”


    Saying "I'm sorry" is one of the hardest things to do. We have to admit that we have been wrong. We have to admit that we let others down. As hard as saying "I'm sorry" is needs to be done. For our own healing, for those we have hurt, and to help repair our relationships. Here is a quick TapAlong audio to help you be able to say "I'm sorry".

  • TapAlong: Please See How Much I Am Putting Myself Last!


    Sometimes we can spend so much time and energy taking care of others that we can lose ourselves in the effort. When can get to the place where our identity gets wrapped up in taking care of others. This can be a dangerous way to define ourselves. Here is a short tap along audio to help you see yourself for who you are, not for what you do for others.

  • Tap Along #23A: You Are Worth A Better/Easier Life


    Often times we don't feel comfortable making our own life easier. We think: Others have it so hard. We should have to work for a good life. It is only worth something if we struggle for it. I have wasted good chances before I would I get easy now? When we are able to recognize that we are worthy of a better life then we can move to a place where we can start working towards a better life. As long as we think it is something we are not worthy of then we are never going to move forward.

  • TapAlong #21A: Mediocrity and Greatness


    Mediocrity asks "Why?" with hesitation. Greatness asks "Why not?" with expectation. - @TheSingleWoman One of the biggest (and most important) shifts we can make is moving from asking "why?" to asking "why not?" When we do this we are moving from thinking about the place we are stuck and moving to what we can become. This is a powerful transformation. Even when we are not moving towards something that is new and better by simply looking at what is possible we feel like we are moving forward.

  • TapAlong #17A: What would you choose for today?


    Sometimes all we need to do is know what we want to get. By naming it we start to see the path to what we want. It is a great way to start the day or the week by knowing what you want. If we tap while naming what we want, we can start to clear the resistance to those things.