Strong Fathers Radio



Strong Fathers Radio is a program focused on strengthening children by strengthening fathers and families. The program's goal is to improve the educational environment in order that men may become more involved in the lives of their children. The show provides insights, advice and resources specifically for fathers.


  • Discipline Tips For Strong Fathers

    19/08/2010 Duración: 10min

    Dr. Leman is very clear in his guidance for fathers on how to provide positive discipline. Leman reminds us that our job is not to be their friend, or their source of endless praise, but to prepare them for the real world. Tune is and get specific tips on how to come along side your child and provide strong positive discipline..

  • Sharing Your Interests with Your Kid

    17/07/2010 Duración: 10min

    Building and maintaining a close relationship with your kids is one of the aims of being a stronger father. But finding ways to connect can be difficult. One solution is to find ways to share your interests with your children. Tune in and find out how to get started.

  • Lessons From a Father's Journey With an Autistic Child

    09/07/2010 Duración: 10min

    A special needs child places significant demands and stresses on a family. Fathers can find the reality of dealing with an autistic child especially difficult to handle. Our guest in this segment opens up his life and shares with us his personal struggles, trials, triumphs and lessons.

  • What the Latest Research Tells Us About Fathers

    09/07/2010 Duración: 10min

    The research is clear. Fathers bring something unique and very important to a child's development. Tune in as our guest explains what the latest studies have now confirmed about the impact of fathers in a child's life.

  • Hey Dad! Here's How You Can Make a Difference

    23/04/2010 Duración: 09min

    How can we get more dads involved in the education of their children? What practical ways can dads be engage with their children to make a significant difference. This segment offers practical tips and advice from a father of five and first make president of the National PTA.

  • Five keys to Helping Your Daughter Navigate The Sexual Minefield

    23/04/2010 Duración: 10min

    Yes, we all survived the sexual revolution and turned out okay. News flash: The sexual landscape for teenagers today is exponentially more dangerous than what most fathers experienced in the 60's and 70s. Meeker shares solid, practical, advice for fathers on everything from helping your daughter set sexual boundaries, helping her delay sexual activity and teaching her how to respect and protect her mind, body and heart.

  • 3 Things Every Dad Needs to Know To Raise Strong Daughters

    23/04/2010 Duración: 10min

    Girls development and experience of the world is very different than boys and fathers have a very special role to play. Adolescence is an especially critical time and Kelly provides guidelines on how to affirm their daughters, value them and show them that you are there. Kelly speaks to sensitive issues including why touching your daughter is critical and what appropriate touch looks like.

  • Fathering is Like Sports: Start Early, Don't Quit

    23/04/2010 Duración: 09min

    The scientific research is now pretty clear. The earlier fathers get very involved in a chid's life, the more significant the impact on the child. Scientist have confirmed significant positive behavioral outcomes, emotional outcomes and academic outcomes in everything from reading, to math. In this segment Dr. Pruett talks about how accommodating father involvement is changing the way we support and educate children.

  • Why ADHD is a Gift and How Dads are Especially Equipped to Nurture the ADHD Child

    10/03/2010 Duración: 09min

    We often speak about ADHD as a learning disability and a challenge for children but Dr. Randell Turner says that ADHD is actually a gift that can be developed into exceptional talents and career options. Further Turner who has ADHD himself , whose daughter has ADHD and who has been treating children with ADHD for two decades says that the parenting style of most dads is well suited to bringing out the best in ADHD children.