Jewel Lake Parish Sermon Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Teaching from Pastor Luke at Jewel Lake Parish (Methodist/Presbyterian) Church in Anchorage, Alaska.


  • Hope and Glory


    How can we have hope? Hope is good - modern science agrees with Christianity about that. But how can we have it? Pastor Luke teaches from Romans 15:1-13 in "Hope and Glory," the concluding message in his series, "Romans."

  • Constructive


    Sometimes, people do things that annoy us. Other times, it's more serious than just being annoyed. Is it possible to get along with people we disagree with? Even for Christians? If so, how? Pastor Luke teaches from Romans 14:1,13-23 in "Constructive," part 12 of his 13-part series, "Romans."

  • First Light


    In Christ, God has made it possible for us to spend eternity with him. Should we? What if we get there and don't like it? The Apostle Paul says that we can try it out now to find out. Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 13:8-14 in "First Light," part 11 of his 13-part series, "Romans."

  • Transformed


    The bulk of Paul's letter to the church in Rome describes how it is that people are brought from death to life, spiritually. How should people live if they are now truly alive? Pastor Luke teaches from Romans 12:1-8 in "Transformed," part 10 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Ask Me Anything


    In this installment of "Ask Me Anything," Pastor Luke addressed two questions. {1:02} If someone has been saved, is sin a voluntary decision? {6:34} It has been suggested that mystical experiences in Ancient Israel were mediated by psychoactive substances? Could those substances be used to bring about spiritual experiences today? {22:06} Revising and clarifying remarks Pastor Luke looks at Romans 6:1-5 in "Ask Me Anything."

  • Kindness and Severity


    In Paul's letter to the Roman church, there is a section directed specifically at people who aren't Jewish -- people like most Christians in churches today. He says that they were grafted into a different tree. What does he mean by that? Pastor Luke teaches from Romans 11:17-24 in "Kindness and Severity," part 9 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Saved From What?


    Christians often talk about being saved. What do they mean? What are they saved from? Pastor Luke looks at Romans 10:8-15 in "Saved From What?," part 8 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Spirit Led


    Jesus gives us new birth by his Spirit, making us new creatures. But who, Paul asks, will deliver us from the old body of sin? Paul says the answer is the Spirit, who Jesus sent to help us. How does that work? What does it look like? Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 8:9-17 in "Spirit Led," part 7 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Miserable


    If Jesus has set us free from sin, why do we still sin? What is it that makes sin feel so irresistible sometimes? Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 7:14-25 in "Miserable," part 6 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Sin City


    Is the Grace of God a "Get Out of Jail Free" card? Is the gospel a blank check for sinning? The New Testament says that Christ died for everyone who has faith in him. Does that mean we can sin as much as we want to? Pastor Luke teaches from Romans 6:1-14 in "Sin City," part 5 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Character Building


    Because we have peace with God through Christ, we might expect our lives to be smooth sailing. And when they aren't, we might wonder if we really do have peace with God. The Apostle Paul, however, says that problems help us develop our character, so we can endure and even boast about our problems. Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 5:1-11 in "Character Building," part 4 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Righteous


    People can be distinguished according to race, politics, age, sex, and countless other factors. Sometimes these harden into divisions, and that seems to be taking place increasingly today. Is it possible for people to get along? Should we even try? Why? In the first century, the Apostle Paul said we can and we should. Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 3:21-30 in "Righteous," part 3 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Another Helper


    Jesus told his followers that when he left, he would send them another helper, and sure enough, the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. But what did Jesus mean by 'helper?' What does the Holy Spirit help people do, and how does he help us? Pastor Luke teaches from John 14:8-27 in "Another Helper."

  • Sickness


    What should we think about sickness? Thinking about sickness is necessary because we all get sick, and so do the people we care about. But thinking about sickness is hard to do well. An ancient document called the Book of Job can give us a different perspective that can help us as we think about sickness. Pastor Luke looks at Job 2:3-13 in "Sickness."

  • Just Judgment


    In the beginning of his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul says the message of Jesus is good news for all kinds of people. People who've done wrong would welcome forgiveness. But does everyone need forgiveness? What about people who do right? Pastor Luke preaches from Romans 2:1-11 in "Just Judgment," part 2 of his 11-part series, "Romans."

  • Spreading Hope


    The Hebrew Scriptures include some troublesome passages where God authorizes or even commands acts of terrible violence. But any conversation about those passages shouldn't ignore the passages where God prevents violence from taking place. Especially since God may use people for that good purpose. Pastor Luke teaches from 2 Kings 7:1-16 in "Spreading Hope."

  • The Empty Tomb


    The women who went to the tomb on Easter Sunday found some men there who asked them what must have seemed like a dumb question. They soon learned it was actually profound, not only then, but still today. What is the question? "Why are you looking for the living among the dead?" Pastor Luke looks at Luke 24:1-12 in "The Empty Tomb."

  • The Last Mile


    It's easy to see when something has gone wrong and needs to be fixed. But fixing it can be difficult, especially when we are the problem, or part of it. God promised to provide a king who would rule forever and repair all the things that had gone wrong with creation. But what happens if the people reject God's solution? Pastor Luke preaches from Luke 19:28-40 in "The Last Mile."

  • Arrival


    From ancient times, followers of Jesus have affirmed that Jesus will someday return, and when he does, he will judge "the living and the dead." But nobody wants to be judged. Is there a better way to understand what that means? Is there some way to look forward to the coming judgment? Pastor Luke looks at Matthew 24:21-31 in "Arrival," the concluding message in his series, "Creed II."

  • Ascended


    The ancient Christian document called the Apostles’ Creed affirms many mysteries, in which the full truth lies beyond human capacity to understand fully. But one of the least mysterious things the Creed states about Jesus may still be the least understood. What is the Ascension, and why is it so misunderstood? Pastor Luke teaches from Acts 1:4-11 in "Ascended," part 5 of his 6-part series, "Creed II."

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