Thomas And The Bible



One man, one year, one book so ridiculous you'll have to hear to believe.


  • T and the B Wrap Up, Part 2!


    I was joined by around 10 amazing listeners to reminisce about the show! Thank you guys so much for participating! I’ll be away for a few weeks, next week at Mythinformation con 3 and after that, I’ll need time to make a new intro and ready the next book. But then I’ll be back! This … Continue reading T and the B Wrap Up, Part 2! →

  • T and the B Wrap Up, Part 1!


    I was joined by around 10 amazing listeners to reminisce about the show! Thank you guys so much for participating! I’ll be away for a few weeks, next week at Mythinformation con 3 and after that, I’ll need time to make a new intro and ready the next book. But then I’ll be back! This … Continue reading T and the B Wrap Up, Part 1! →

  • Revelation 19-22


    Guys, this is it. The last one. We’re done with the bible after this. Done. I’m already done since I had to record this before you listen to it. So I’m way ahead of you and quite emotional right now. Please come to my hangout on Thursday 10/13 6 pm Pacific. I’ll send out the … Continue reading Revelation 19-22 →

  • Revelation 12-18


    Jeeeeeeez last two episodes left!!!! This one sucks. Sorry. This book is still crap. Guess what, a bunch of gross stuff is going to happen to us. Bugs and fire and stuff and whatever. Yeah we’re all dead. Nice job god you’re so awesome. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: iTunes | Android … Continue reading Revelation 12-18 →

  • Revelation 6-11


    Some more Revelacion! But first, a SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL guest!!!! Oh my god it was a total surprise to me and it was the best ever!!!!!!!!!!! Also god is totally going to reign. He’s going to rule the crap out of heaven, since that’s what gods do.

  • Revelation 1-5


    REVELATIONNNNNNN! It’s here! The end of the world is at hand! This reading was actually pretty fun. I’m going out with a bang! And hopefully the world ends right when I finish Revelation and then we’ll know for sure all this shit was true. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: iTunes | Android … Continue reading Revelation 1-5 →

  • 1 John 5-Jude 1


    We use the John a couple more times and then it’s hey Jude.

  • 1 John 1-4


    We’re really getting close to finishing this thing, but first we have to hit a few Johns. Did you know that god is love and love is god and you are love if you are god and we are all together?

  • 1 Peter 3-2 Peter 3


    We’re finishing an epistle allegedly written by Peter and moving onto another epistle even more allegedly written by Peter Showbox APK. In it, he emphasizes how this is definitely not his first rodeo OR epistle, and that people are idiots for thinking the world isn’t ending any minute. Signed, 1900 years ago. Podcast: Play … Continue reading 1 Peter 3-2 Peter 3 →

  • James 2-1 Peter 2


    Oh cool some more boring letters to and from people we don’t know or care about. Kevin is back with a vengeance. His intro is killer. Several thousand dollars worth of studio magic went into his Showbox APK 40 second intro this week. He took out a second mortgage for this one. The least you … Continue reading James 2-1 Peter 2 →

  • Hebrews 11-James 1


    We finish up with those dirty Hebrews and then move onto a “general epistle.” Always interesting are those letters people just write in “general.” Hi I’m just writing to whomever about whatmever.

  • Hebrews 5-10


    More Hebrews. I’m up to my ass in Hebrews and they aren’t interesting either. If they were maybe the slightly interesting kind of Hebrews, that would be ok. They’re not. They’re actually the mega-boring Hebrews you’ve heard about in the news.

  • Philemon-Hebrews 4


    We’ve got a nice quickie in Philemon, a slave owner to whom Paul is trying to return a slave he found… And then we move onto Hebrews, which is an incredibly boring book about trying to make Jesus sound cool to Jews and stuff. Make sure to go to to choose the future of … Continue reading Philemon-Hebrews 4 →

  • 2 Timothy 1-Titus 3


    It’s more Psaul or is it? We’re not sure. Someone wrote these craps and we’re now forced to read them. That’s pretty much all there is to it. I don’t think we’re meant to be reading other people’s mail. It’s terribly dull and pretty meaningless seeing as how it’s 2,000 years later and I don’t … Continue reading 2 Timothy 1-Titus 3 →

  • 1 Timothy 1-6


    It’s Psaul with another letter except it’s not Psaul it’s some dude who was such a colossal loser that he had nothing better to do than pretend he was Psaul in order to write MORE boring letters. So that’s even worse than Psaul.

  • 1 Thessalonians-2 Thessalonians


    We’re reading the crap out of Thessalonians today. We’ve got 1 Thessalonians, we’ve got 2 Thessalonians. All the Thessalonians you could want! Oh most importantly, go to to vote for the next book that I’ll do!

  • Colossians 1-4


    SLAVES OBEY YOUR MASTERS! That’s Psaul’s godly advice! Everyone be good and fair, especially you slaves over there. I’ve got my eye on you. Slaves. You make sure to be very nice your poor masters. They have a lot on their minds. You think it’s easy being a slave master? Well it’s not, ok?

  • Philippians 1-4


    This time Psaul is writing to the fallopians! This time it’s more of a positive letter since apparently the fallopians have decided to do what Psaul wants so they stop receiving bitchy epistles. Oh also, Psaul is doin’ time. He’s such a badass.

  • Ephesians 1-6


    So according to Psaul all we have to do is believe in Jesus and we’re good! Forget all those commandments and stuff! That said, he’s got a bunch of…. not commandments but let’s say “guidelines” that you still need to follow because he says so. Despite the fact that it contradicts what he just said. … Continue reading Ephesians 1-6 →

  • Galatians 1-6

    10/06/2016 Duración: 32min

    Psaul is back to ruining our life, one city at a time. The city in question no doubt making constant jack off motions in the air while reading Psaul’s pathetic letters is Galatia? Or something like that. Some people REALLY want to chop off their foreskins despite Psaul telling them like you really don’t need … Continue reading Galatians 1-6 →

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