Hard Way Mba



Hard Way MBA - Empowering ambitious corporate professionals to learn, grow and achieve.


  • Healthcare Disruption | Future of Healthcare | Joy of Practicing Medicine | Situational Awareness

    07/04/2017 Duración: 43min

    Balaji Ramadoss: Future of Healthcare Balaji is the Founder and CEO, Edgility, where he is enabling a cognitive Healthcare disruption. Before launching Edgility he earned a PhD and worked in Healthcare for last 15 years as CRO for Tampa General and VP of Technology Experience for Stanford Healthcare Palo Alto. Prior to leading large teams, Balaji was in Public Health and responded to Hurricane Katrina, Deploying as tech consultant where he developed the first command center based on healthcare needs. Healthcare Disruption / Transformation Healthcare is ripe for disruption, where do start looking at this big system to create disruption? Healthcare is inefficient; Inefficiency is unethical Clinicians are the most important aspect of the equation Healthcare lacks situational awareness Joy in Practicing Medicine: Physicians, Nurses and Care Providers got into medicine the patients and the joy of practicing medicine, yet we hear a lot about physician's being very dissatisfied with their careers. What do you

  • Kristen Hadeed: Your Purpose, Your Why

    30/03/2017 Duración: 37min

    Understanding your own why, or purpose, is a tangible advantage

  • Jordan Harbinger: Art of Charm for business success

    08/05/2016 Duración: 44min

    Who are you in a sentence or two? * I teach advanced social skill and personal magnetism. * Art of Charm. High Performers looking to go to the next level. * Seal Team 6. The Art of Charm sounds like a pick up artist training but that's not at all what you do. What does 'Charm' have to do with business success? * "Networking" * Charisma. Like & trust factors. * It's the secret game happening around you. People who are good at any job at all have this soft skill on lock. * "I know I'm going to be a cubical robot for my career unless I get this down..." * It becomes real obvious who's leader Listening, reading and studying your material it seems there are a few fundamental skills that everyone needs to master. Perhaps we can dive into each of these ideas in the context of a standard business networking event. Let's assume it's a happy hour / cocktails with good attendance and a variety of attendees, including some fairly heavy hitters. Most people do this wrong... Hey 'Jason Thomas nice to meet

  • Scott McNabb: Marketing Must Get Closer to Top Line Revenue

    06/05/2016 Duración: 36min

    Scott McNabb Vice President, Sales, Enterprise South Oracle Marketing Cloud Newest and fastest growing SaaS Executive confidence in marketing? * 77% of Marketers use awareness as their measure of effectiveness, * Marketers mistake Engagement for Conversion * Engagement metrics: open rates, page visits, tweets, impressions, Likes * Revenue targets... How do marketers position themselves as close to revenue as possible? * The further away you get from Revenue the larger the target on your back becomes. * Conversion metrics and being able to track from engagement through funnel entry and then through lead to opportunity conversion noting engagement all along the way. * Attribution vs. influence becomes a “Possible” discussion. * marketers are drowning in a sea of activity. Combining data sets & creating models to reach the bigger audience that act like best customers? * The world has changed from list builds and 1 st party CRM data, to now the need to combine first party with 2nd and 3rd par

  • Bob Stolzberg: Being a Technical Evangelist

    29/04/2016 Duración: 39min


  • Dustin McKissen: LinkedIn an Active Value Creation Mechanism

    10/04/2016 Duración: 39min

    How do some get so much more from LinkedIn than others? About Dustin Writer on LinkedIn. 20K+ followers 2MM views of blogs Columnist Most salient points for professionals The way you think about LinkedIn is important. You can use it as a passive platform or active. Active is much better. A good profile... Have a photo, a professional one. For some, that means a suit and tie, others it's at your desk Position descriptions are complete. Don't treat them like a chance to recite everything you did. Treat it like a chance describe how you bring value. Ask for recommendations. Easiest to give them first. Complete the profile and give people a nice way to understand who you are and what you do. Order of content areas. Highlight what's most valuable first. Using the bloging platform, Pulse, on LinkedIn. Good distribution Wrote first post in July 2014 about second employee in a startup. Received 900 views. Second article 4-5 days later about getting an MBA was written for an audience of people who need the M

  • Chris Hawkins: M&A, Career Mobility, In house vs. Consulting

    03/04/2016 Duración: 31min

    Introduction: I’ll ask you to tell us what you do in a sentence or two. * Director Corp Dev at SunEdison * Integration of acquired companies in NA * Setting up global shared services center. You’ve worked as a consultant at one of the large global consulting firms and ‘in-house’ on M&A with a very fast moving corporate player. Can you compare the two environments? * 8 - 9 years on PwC on audit side. * Exposure into non-account work and he saw that he couldn't 'speak the language' of other parts of the business. * swimming pool - swims the whole pool. Consulting vs. in-house? * Mind set is very different. Serving in a client service role objectives are a little different. At the end of the day in house you'll still be here. As a consultant, that might not be the case. Your companies name is attached to it, not your own. * There's a higher level of accountability building the house that you have to live in. * Drive of the people in consulting is different. In corporate, you'll see different motivat

  • David Chapman - Change Management Framwork

    28/03/2016 Duración: 15min

    Change Mgt in a real project: Hardwaymba.com/changemethodology * Walk through the change framework * Have a methodology to follow. * 4 quadrant. * Discuss the communications plan * How is that plan executed? * Who’s involved in executing it? (Leaders & Champions) Leaders & Champions (two different posts) * What is a change champion? * How important are they to the change process * How do we get them engaged? * What would we like to see them doing throughout a project?

  • David Chapman - Change Management Communication Plan

    20/03/2016 Duración: 09min

    What: Now that I have the why what do I do with it? Communications. Please define for us in this context? * Guides the course of what we'll do this program. Layout for us a simple communications plan? * Segmented audiences by role and disposition. * Must iterate assessment and communications over the project. * Repetition matters. 7 times over 3 mediums * What message are we sending? What format does it take? Audience to receive? When? Do we learn and adapt the communications as we go? * Communication plans adapt from building awareness in the beginning to taking action at the end. * Beginning: You need to know what's up. * End: You need to take action. * Peaks and valleys of a project will address changing conditions of the program. Who does this typically play out in a real project? (We’ll save that for next time)

  • David Chapman - Change Management (2 of 4) It's all about the why

    12/03/2016 Duración: 09min

    Last time we talked about an ROI for change. I’m sure that got some attention. Now, it I want to start thinking about managing change, where do I look first? * Often we think about communication and training. * That's good and is a portion of the change effort. * First thing you need to determine is 'Why'. * Change happens 1 person at a time. * Must hook people early. How do you uncover the ‘why’ for end users / stakeholders? * Small minority of people like to change. * We like what we know. * Change equation for each person is different. * Most projects have a mission / vision. Often the 'why' for the business but not WIIFM? * What's the case for change for the audience members. * Iterative discipline. Audiences themselves change so your plans must change with them. * Must do the stakeholder assessment / analysis. Impact on them? Their impact on program? Their current disposition and future state disposition? Once I have the ‘why’ what do I do with it? (I’ll ask but we’ll have to save tha

  • David Chapman: Change Management - Soft or Tangible ROI

    05/03/2016 Duración: 09min

    Change Management: Soft side / tangible ROI. Can you quickly define change management for us? * Tech implementation are often all about getting tech right. No Defects. However, that does not define success. * Projects are about creating outcomes and that is often about the people. * Need to ensure people are ready, willing and able to function effectively. I’ve heard many people refer to change as an overhead cost or say that it’s difficult to put a tangible ROI together for it. How do you address this? * Are we ONLY protecting an asset, like insurance? B/C I’m not a fan of insurance, I prefer the risk. * If you're investing $1M in a system and expect $3M in return. What if no one uses the system? * Typically there's 70-80% of the value is dependent on people using the system. * Projects that deploy change are 6x more likely succeed. * IBM GBS study: 2/3 of projects are not successful because we don't address change correctly.

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #8

    29/02/2016 Duración: 01min

    Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #8 by Jason Thomas

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #9

    29/02/2016 Duración: 59s

    Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #9 by Jason Thomas

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #9

    29/02/2016 Duración: 59s

    Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #9 by Jason Thomas

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #10

    29/02/2016 Duración: 42s

    Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #10 by Jason Thomas

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the day Episode #11

    29/02/2016 Duración: 01min

    Hard Way MBA Question of the day Episode #11 by Jason Thomas

  • Question of the Day Episode #4: How are you tracking on your goals?

    28/02/2016 Duración: 53s

    We're 50 days into 2016, how are you tracking on your goals? Breakdown the objectives into roughly 52 sub blocks of activity. Schedule time once a week to get real with yourself. Improving and getting the results requires doing the work. It should hurt some - it should stretch you to #grow and #achieve.

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #3

    28/02/2016 Duración: 45s

    Do you have a morning routine that makes you more effective? If your answer to this question is 'No.' or 'I don't know, should it?' you must pick up a copy of The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

  • Rob Scott: Break up with the Truth, Make Change Immediate, Fundamental Shift

    28/02/2016 Duración: 28min

    Humanity has a core problem: the limit of our current identity. Can you unpack that for us? * identify is just a story you're telling yourself. it changes over time * The core human problem may be delusion itself.. Direct relatioshipw ith our inturpretation of truth. * Lenses share, color the way we see the world. Built to be invisible. to be looked through, not looked at. Republican / Democrate, Vegan / Pale, * Some of the lenses we put on are terribly limiting. How do we see the lenses that we have? * Shift in awareness is about a fundamental shift. * We've all had the moment Breaking up with the truth. * When we take the limits as truth we have to change what's going on * Need to determine if that's limiting... Are you thinking, that sucks. * End up seeing it in our emotional state, which comes from the meaning making in our head. * Evidence in the past is not relevant to the future * Think in terms of useful over true. Subconscious mind sees familiarity as safe. Three steps to t

  • Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #5

    28/02/2016 Duración: 01min

    Hard Way MBA Question of the Day Episode #5 by Jason Thomas

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