Anita's Musings



Sharing to brighten a day. A wide variety of topics will be covered. Hoping you find the offerings uplifting and return often.



    28/05/2018 Duración: 06min

    The message and supporting scriptures are at this link Message given to Julie 5/24/2018.

  • Episode 13 Pray for His Soldiers

    13/11/2016 Duración: 02min

  • 'IF' by Rudyard Kipling

    05/05/2010 Duración: 02min

    Poem read by Anita Weld

  • Three Red Marbles

    02/02/2010 Duración: 06min

    This is the life legacy I would hope everyone would want to have! I know I do! I was blessed to get this in an email today from a wonderful, caring friend. I have to share it with you. I know your heart will be touched as mine was!   I have no idea who to attribute it to so, if you know, please leave a comment with that information. I would like to give them credit for their wonderful work.

  • America: What Are We Doing?!!!

    29/01/2010 Duración: 09min

    Update: New relevant story from holocaust survivor. I cannot believe people are denying the holocaust happened! Here is a true story by a Jewish man in a concentration camp and an American GI that couldn't believe what they saw when they arrived there.   I read a disturbing article in The Washington Post . To say I am outraged would be a gross understatement. The article is ‘Taking Anne Frank Off Shelves: Indefensible‘ and I was horrified as I read it. There was no reason to do this and it is indefensible!  This is a very historically poignant week. That is the reason for this podcast. It is Holocaust Remembrance Week and I will not ever forget! Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana "Evil Triumphs When Good People Do Nothing." – unkno

  • Who is Anita?!!

    27/01/2010 Duración: 06min

    I took a few personality tests recently. What was the result? I am an INFP personality and an ‘Idealist Champion.’ I read the descriptions and find them to be mostly true. As with most of these tests I have taken over the years, I always fall ‘betwixt and between’ an extrovert and an introvert. I am usually 50-50 so it really does depend on the circumstance I find myself in at any given moment. That is why, though I equally test into INFP and ENFP, the INFP is a more comfortable fit. First, let me share the definitions of each with you. Then I will try to explain how all of this relates to me so you can know me better.   If you want to find out what your personality type is, I recommend the following: My Personality Personality Test (on Facebook) Who are you? Who do you want to be? Who are you attracted to 

  • Character: Who We Are When No One Is Looking

    22/01/2010 Duración: 03min

    I have always heard that character is the person we are when no one is looking. That is a very interesting concept! A general rule of thumb is that people act one way in public and another in private. This is a learned activity as we grow and are exposed to different social arenas. In the ‘real world,’ there is the benefit of ‘body language’ to help us determine if someone is being truthful or true to himself or herself. You may not have a complete picture of the person, depending on the extent of your interaction, but at least you have a chance of determining who they really are. 

  • Social Media and Cycling in the Classroom

    20/01/2010 Duración: 06min

    Twitter and the sport of Cycling are and would make great classroom tools! The idea started with a tweet I sent out last week about benefits of the sport of Cycling in the classroom. Then, this morning, I found a great article that went even further, including twitter as a learning tool. Pro-cycling fans have been eagerly anticipating this week! How do I know? The UCI Schedule is in cyberspace for 2010 races and everyone is tweeting about it. Are you wondering yet 'What does this have to do with Education?'I hope you are. I want to make you think. We live in a world very different than the one I grew up in. I am sure that is true of many of you, no matter your age. Knowledge is growing exponentially and the educational system is trying to keep up. One of the problems I see is traditional ways of learning can't encompass all the different areas where subjects and knowledge are on the cutting edge. If we truly want to teach and train our children, more 'hands on' needs to be applied. Students need tra

  • Friends: Near & Far

    11/01/2010 Duración: 04min

    I got an email the other day with a nice picture inserted. It said, "I love my computer because my friends live in it!" How true that statement is! I have friends in real life, but also friends within my 'social media network.' I do not view my computer friends as lesser in value than my real life friends!