Donna Devane On Principles Of Creation



Giving people the motivation and tools to claim their power and create the life of their dreams.Law of attraction, energy healing, meditation, spiritual insights for living.Be sure to subscribe to my podcasts through iTunes.


  • Healing the Gulf of Mexico and Ourselves

    19/06/2010 Duración: 18min

    We have all co created a mess.  We see the contrast. We realize this isn't what we want. Now what? We create again, this time with consciousness, with awareness of what we do want to experience.  As an energy healer I was asking this morning what I could do to help restore balance to the Earth Mother and to our family of birds, fish and other wild life.This is what I was told and my creation in regards to the question I asked.Visit my website to read about it and join the forum to share your thoughts and experiences. We CAN create something else. Use stones, crystals, energy, thought and actions to Be Well Being.

  • Give your dreams wings or how to create what you really want

    14/06/2010 Duración: 12min

    We talk and talk about how we'd like to create something different, be different. It's time to BE then Do the different. smile We see how the world all around us is changing and we are being swept up in the energy of it. You don't have to get swept away. You can come into alignment with who you are and move with the energy that leads to your desires rather than reacting to what others are creating. I have a special invitation to the inner healer.. that's you.. use the link to discover how to BE the Change.. starting today! A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

  • Are you consciously creating?

    14/06/2010 Duración: 20min

    How aware are you?  Are you consciously creating or just going with the energy flow of thoughts, feelings, and reacting to what others are bringing forth? Being a reactionary isn't the most enjoyable way to bring forth what you want to experience.  It's like a piggy back ride.  Rather than taking your own journey you are just being pushed and pulled by the energy of others. Let's talk about how to create with consciousness, to follow the joy from place to place.  Line up with I AM and flow from there.   A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

  • The ugly reflection of oil in the gulf What does it say about us?

    07/06/2010 Duración: 17min

    The outer always reflects the inner, so what is the oil in the gulf saying about us? It's time for change.. Big Change. It's time for us to change one at the time. The oil is about us. It's about how we don't stand firm for change. What we need now is a mind set change. Millions of us shifting to thinking about cleaner energy, more corporation between man all over the planet, more responsibility of corporations with the best interest of the ONE. We are the ONES we've been waiting for.. it's time to shift our thinking. A Journey Back To Self The Road of Healing and Self Awareness.

  • Ride the Wave of Change Stop Resisting Life

    07/04/2010 Duración: 25min

    Look around, change is everywhere. It's a natural process of life always seeking to expand and experience more of itself. When you get excited about life and grab hold of change working with it.. the ride is a lot of fun. When you resist it's miserable. Discover how to let go of fear and grab hold of joy, embracing the vibration, the energy of change to transform you, your life, and the world. Visit for more information on this topic

  • Living in abundance, that's all there really is

    02/04/2010 Duración: 22min

    Abundance already is. As a matter of fact abundance is all there really is. Are you lining up with the type of abundance you desire to experience is really the question. Through simple shifts of thinking you change what you are experiencing and what you are attracting into your life. The law of attraction, or creative principles is always working on your behalf.. what instructions are you giving to the delivery man? Creative living, experience of true abundance is the topic of discussion. Visit

  • I Am Awareness Meditation

    28/03/2010 Duración: 06min

    Start your day by being aware of who you are. Guided meditation to enhance your I AM awareness. Knowing who you indeed really are lines you up for a powerful, creative, prosperity and joy filled day.

  • Conflict & Chaos Herald Change

    27/03/2010 Duración: 29min

    What do you do with change? Do you embrace it or resist it? Change is the natural way of things, one season giving way for another. Here in America we are seeing lots of conflict.. the good news is.. Change is happening. We don't have to create these big challenges in order to bring about change, but that tends to be the way we do it. Now understanding the way we create, the way of change will empower you to embrace changes and live more joyfully. Let's have a party.. change is on the way.. good things are coming. There is more than enough good for all of us.. visit for more information on changing your life

  • You gotta be solution minded if you want to change the world

    26/03/2010 Duración: 09min

    How do you change the world? How do you change your life? You gotta be solution minded, stay focused only on what your goal is. Move forwards, always forwards to towards the goal. Today we need healing in America. We need healing in our own lives. Join me as I ask all women, mothers and grandmothers to come together and apply love, healing and kindness to the problems we face as a nation and as individuals. Visit

  • How we're going to change the world; shifting from fear to love

    25/03/2010 Duración: 19min

    There's lots of fear going around today.  Fear of the economy, government coruption, corporate greed, genicide, out of work, health care reform and so much more.  This fear is NOT who we are. We are love, the very energy of love itself.  How do we shift fear into an understanding of being love one person at a time.  What can you do? What will you do to bring about this shift? You are the messenger of love, light and joy.  When you observe darkness you have only to Be light.. that's all.  There is no need to resist, struggle, fight against the dark, just flip on the light switch and let the light more into that space. Will you be the light in today's world? Will you be the change? More tools to inspire