Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly

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Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • The Other Side of Bipolar ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What is the other side of bipolar?  Is there another side of all diagnoses?  How can one summon the strength, gain the information and empower themselves to move to beyond the labels they are given?  Are there gifts hidden in the signs and symptoms?  And, if so, how do you discover, cultivate and use them to your advantage? Lauren’s book, “The Other Side of Bipolar,” which explores all of this and more is launching October 3rd!  Join her as she shares discoveries on harnessing your strengths to move to the other side of any diagnosis, reconnecting to the beauty that you truly are and creating a life that you love beyond limitations. Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like mysel

  • Being a Conduit for Creation with Author Maryann Russo


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you a conduit?  Is there great work and creation desiring to be birthed through you?  Where does this inspiration come from?  How can you harness it?  Are there practicalities to the creative process you can employ or ways to unlock your own unique gifts? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest author Maryann Russo as they share discoveries on being a conduit, opening to something greater and allowing creation to come to the world through you. Maryann Russo is a lyric voice in American poetry. Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications. One of her poems was nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize. She has published two books of poetry: Wild and Still (2013) and I Wait for the River (2016). Maryann is a psychotherapist who lives and works in Southern California.

  • Chaotic Creation with guest Emily Russell


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you fight against the chaos of life by instilling order, balance and structure?  Are you looking for predictability and a sense of control by tamping down the energies that surround you?  Have you bought that chaos is bad and order is good?  We have many, many, many judgments of chaos and just as many ways of cutting it out of our lives.  What results?  Tension, rigidity and a loss of true creation. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Emily Russell as they share discoveries on how riding the waves of chaos can lead to more creativity, possibilities and a relaxation into your true being. Emily Evans Russell is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator & Body Process Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, Social Media Maven, Speaker, Mama of 2 little girls, and Lover of Having Fun.  She integrates over 15 years experience studying, teaching, and working with people and their bodies to create more ease and

  • Global Business Explosion: Guest, Pratima Nagaraj


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you wondering how to explode your business globally?  Do you have an idea, perspective and/or presence that you would love to get out into the world in a big way?  Would you love to have that reach but are unsure of what your business truly is?  Do you already have a business and are looking for some tips on what’s required to substantiate and sustain a bigger reach?  What if what’s required to create all of that is different than you think? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Pratima Nagaraj as they share discoveries on the energetics, pragmatics and creation potential for allowing your business to explode globally.  How big do you want to go? Pratima Nagaraj is an author, speaker, hypnotherapist, transformational coach and an internationally known facilitator with the dynamic body of energy transformational work called Access Consciousness®.  She is a lifestyle entrepreneur with a Master’s degr

  • Balancing Act ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you seeking balance in your life?  A happy combination of your profession, relationships and me time?  Is it easy to achieve or do you feel like you spend more time and energy in one place then others?  Are you spreading yourself thin and/or stopping yourself from delving into a creation possibility with this seeking of balance?  Is there a way to have and be it all – easefully?  And what if being unbalanced wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but one that may be used at times to create greater possibilities? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on the delicate balancing act of having and being it all. Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I jus

  • Seeking Beauty ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you a seeker of the beauty or of the ugly of the world?  Do you allow that which will light you up, make you sing and expand your world to find you?  Or do you allow the angst, upset and judgment that others function from filter out the beauty of life?  Is there a way to be present with all of it – the beauty the ugly and everything in between – without losing a sense of yourself? Join Beyond Speech Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on being present with all energies while allowing the beauty of life to shine through.  Who do you truly be and how do you chose to live? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some of the thi

  • Releasing Your Dragon – Guest, Heather Nichols


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you a dragon?  Do you allow yourself to breath fire and melt the walls of limitation in your life?  Do you allow yourself to soar above this reality with mobility and agility?  What if releasing your dragon was the key to having more fun, ease and creative capacities in the world? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Heather Nichols as they share discoveries of how to release your inner dragon and claim the potency you naturally be. About our guest Heather Nichols: Born and raised in California, Heather Nichols is a creator of magnitude, never taking ‘no’ for an answer. She has a capacity to see what she can add, create, tweak, change, and expand to make her life– and the lives of those around her– greater than imaginable. In 1996, Heather started a journey of studying and facilitating Somatic Psychotherapy, Tantra, Feminine Leadership, Nia (a mind-body movement practice), Kundalini yoga, and a wi

  • Happy Body, Happy You ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  A Happy Body leads to a Happy You. When your body feels good, your relationship to it is healthy and you are comfortable in your own skin life becomes magical and fun. A vibrant state of health is created from the inside out. Inner confidence and true body love ignite the creative spark of life, increase your healing potential and become the basis for the joy of embodiment. Imagine what you could invite into your life from that space? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on creating a relationship between your body and being that is symbiotic, harmonious and HAPPY! Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some

  • Are you Willing to be Demanded? Guest, Julia Sotas


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Being demanded is about helping you create the future you would really like to have.  How often do you back down from your greatness in order not to be demanded of?  Does your desire for an easy, quiet life keep you living and creating smaller then you would truly like?  If you were willing to be demanded how big would you have to go? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Julia Sotas as they share discoveries on the willingness to be demanded and living your greatness. About our guest Julia Sotas: “Five years ago, when I first heard about Access Consciousness I used to scour this website for hours wondering, "What is it like to be conscious?" What type of bliss are these people experiencing? Is Access Consciousness going to get me there? Five years later I can safely say that Access has provided me with more tools, awareness, happiness and possibilities than I could have ever imagined.  The tools have

  • The Angel, The Devil and You ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Ever heard the saying “Are you listening to the angel on your right or the devil on your left?”  Do you hear those inner voices that seem to creep in and influence your choices – positive at times and self-hating at others?  Which do you listen to?  And can you find your own voice in the midst of it? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on being clear with the influences in your life – the angels, the devils and most importantly your inner knowing. Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some of the things she hears every day. What follows are stories of how the communication breakdown led to undesirable resul

  • Your Difference is Your Greatest Gift ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you always felt odd, out of place or different then everyone around you?  Have you been told that you march to your own drummer, have your heads in the clouds or are a relentless seeker?  Have you been labeled with a disability or made yourself wrong because of this?  What if this difference was actually your greatest strength to play with and offer the world? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to explore your difference as your greatest gift and the possibilities for happiness that abound with that point of view. Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some of the things she hears every day. Wha

  • Asking for Money ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you find it easy to ask for money?  Or do you cringe and shrink when telling people your business prices, requesting a salary or asking for money that is due?  Do you have clarity with the amount you request and your willingness to receive it?  Is your wonkiness in asking for payment hindering your business and financial reality? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares tools, processes and discoveries on asking for money with ease and developing the willingness to receive it. How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? What if communication was FUN and EASEFUL for you? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases t

  • Stopping the Negative Thinking Loop ~ Guest, Dr. Adriana Popescu


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you ever found yourself stuck in a negative thinking loop and can't seem to get out of it? Perhaps something along the lines of, “This sucks, I'm an idiot. I never get it right, everything's always a struggle. I'll never get over this situation...” etc. etc., ad-nauseum. I come across this issue a lot in my work with clients. A negative thinking loop can create feelings of anxiety, dread, shame, anger...basically it can make you feel like crap about yourself and your life. And when you feel like crap, what do you end up creating? More crap!  What else is possible?  And how do you stop this loop? Join Beyond Speech with host Lauren Polly and guest Dr. Adriana Popescu as they share discoveries on breaking this loop once and for all! About our guest ~ My name is Adriana Popescu and I'm a licensed clinical psychologist who has been facilitating people to overcome their challenges and lead happier lives for over 20 years.  All the tools I u

  • Communication as a Business Skill ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What advantage can you have by mastering the art of communication in business?  Ever heard ‘it’s not what you say but how you make people feel that they remember’?  What if communicating with this as a target in business allowed you to cultivate client, co-worker and partner relationships that thrive?  How can you use your character development and likability factor to create more connections, broader networking and lots of client referrals? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on the rarely acknowledged and valued art of communication as a business skill. How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? What if communication was FUN and EASEFUL for you? Lauren Polly has been working with folks wi

  • Playing with Creations ~ Guest: Blossom Benedict


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you know that creations have their own life form and force?  Their own energy that generates, creates and contributes itself to the world and to you?  How do you go about discovering and playing with these energies?  What are the pragmatics and action steps you can take throughout the creative process to assist these life forms?  And what if PLAY was the primary energy for engaging with them? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and special guest host Blossom Benedict for a lively conversation on playing with all forms of creation!  What energies are beckoning you to join them in the creative process?  Are you ready to play? Blossom Benedict is an international speaker and transformational coach who has touched thousands of lives with the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness®. She spreads the message that anything you desire can be changed – and that it can actually be done with ease, joy, lightness, and –

  • Taking Care of YOU ~ with Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you living in and from a relaxed state? Or are you on hyper drive?  Do you take time for yourself every day? Or are you at the bottom of your ‘to-gift-to’ list?  Are you creating the life that brings you joy? Or are you stuck in people-pleasing?  What do these things have in common? A lack of self-caring… If you were willing to take care of yourself above all else what would change in your life?  There is a different way of living. One where self-caring is the basis for a sustainable life and key ingredient for happiness and easeful living. AND is readily accessible in each moment. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on developing, implementing and super-charging your self-care tool kit! Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark?How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations and interpersonal relations that seem

  • The Discovery Tree of Love with Author Yorit Tal


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Love is in the air . . . . At least when couples first get engaged, married or decide to live together. But do they make their love last? Do most couples truly know how to build a happy, joyous and harmonious relationship, one that stays strong for decades and allows them to create and build the amazing life they have dream of having? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest, author Yorit Tal as they explore Tal’s Book ‘The Discovery Tree of Love’ and it’s fundamentals to build a happy relationship; deep empathic understanding; authentic, loving communication; mutual unconditional respect; trusting non-judgment; non-compromising compromise; loving, lasting passion; and learning how to create a vision together for a fulfilling life. Yorit Tal was born in Israel. She believes she was born an artist. From a young age, she pursued dancing, and at 14, she was approached by the most well-known choreographer in

  • The Evolution of Healing with Author Jay D. Allen


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  The Evolution of Healing offers a new perspective that will forever shift the way you see dis-ease.... Are you ready to go deeper? This show will explore the purpose and source of all dis-ease and how it serves our highest good. Author Jay D. Allen explores spiritual SOULutions to remove blockage so we may experience the ease and lightness of our body as a divine temple for connection and consciousness. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Jay D. Allen as they shares discoveries on accelerating the healing process wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Jay D. Allen is a teacher and author whose journey to self-realization accelerated at the age of eighteen when he collapsed and was taken to hospital where he remained unconscious for three days before undergoing emergency brain surgery.  He survived, without brain damage and with a life expectancy of only fifteen months. Armed with a fresh perspec

  • Living from the Past, Present or Future


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you living from the reference of the past or the possibilities of the future? What are you choosing in the present moment?  How much of your experience of the past colors your perception of the present and the possibilities of the future?  What if you could utilize the information of the past, the gift of your presence in the moment and the whispers of the future to create a life beyond your dreams? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on utilizing the past, present and future to create more and more and more…

  • Going Beyond Anxiety, Bipolar and “Mental Illness” ~ Guest Peggy Sealfon


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  In this show, Lauren Polly and Guest Peggy Sealfon explore the deeper truths about mental illness which may surprise you.  If you're concerned that you or a loved is on the edge, you'll want to listen to these two experts break through myths and open the flood gates to new understandings about emotions, energy and consciousness.   Both authors Lauren & Peggy will shed light on more expansive viewpoints that may stretch your belief system. Peggy Sealfon is a Personal Development Coach, Author, Motivational Speaker and foremost expert on dealing with stress and anxiety.  Certified in a variety of life-changing modalities,  Peggy develops effective protocols for individuals dealing with issues from health to relationships, work, finances and life purpose.  Her book Escape From Anxiety—Supercharge Your Life With Powerful Strategies From A to Z is a compilation of effective, transformational techniques. She is also co-author of The Change, one o

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